Marlie Elizabeth has an infection in her incision. Danny, her father, Veronica, her grandmother, Carlos, her grandfather, Michael, her brother, and I, all have colds. She can't come home from the hospital until her infection is cleared up and we are all well. Ain't that a bitch? The whole family is on antibiotics. I don't think they're working.
Marlie's surgeon thought he may have to open her up again to clean out the infection but this morning it looked a little better so we're back to the 'wait and see' game. At least she's out of the intensive care unit.
Feels a bit strange being in my daughter's home all alone. It's such a big house. Well, I'm not all alone. I have Maggie with me. I let her out onto the front courtyard when a door to door salesman came by. It freaked him out a bit. She can look quite intimidating, which in some cases is a good thing.
Gerald Ford is dead. James Brown is dead. Saddam Hussien is dead. Darcy's step-father is dead, My nephew, Alex, was in a car accident yesterday and totaled his car. A huge chunk of ice, the size of Manhattan, broke off from northern Canada in the middle of winter. Dare I ask? What's next?
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Our Christmas Miracle
There's much said about how great it was growing up in the fifties and sixties, and it was. But, there is much to be said about our modern technologies that are allowing babies to live today that wouldn't have survived fifty or sixty years ago.
Marlie was born on December 18th as planned. Her father isn't very steady on his feet in an operating room so my daughter asked me to be there with her during her surgery, just as I had been during the last one, when Michael was born. We had set our alarm clocks for 4 am and headed to Arrowhead Hospital at 5. I was dressed in the blue paper booties with the lovely matching bonnet by 7:30 and entered the operating room after Shanon had been prepped and drapped.
Her OB is a tall and handsome man with a wonderful sense of humor. While he was working behind the drape, he was chatting up a storm. He's a SNL fan, as is Shanon, so even though he had her belly cut open from hip to hip, she still laughed at his jokes. I learned that he loves the Rolling Stones and The Doors and I also learned, unexpectedly, the middle name for Marlie. He was trying to pull her out as the nurse was pushing down on Shanon's upper belly and he said, "Come on Marlie Elizabeth. It's time." "Marlie Elizabeth?" I asked and he said..."Ooops. Did I let the cat out of the bag?" He did, but it was perfectly timed because just then he lifted her up and held her so that Shanon could see her baby girl. I said immediately that she looks just like her brother. Shanon and Danny make beautiful babies. She was 8 pounds, born on the 18th at 8 am.
When we were all cleaned up and back in the family room Shanon was able to nurse, which she wasn't able to do with her first. Michael had been taken right away to the neo-natal ICU because he had a problem that I can't spell. Pneumo-thorax? He had to wait a week to nurse but he got the hang of it and Marlie did too.
Monday afternoon Marlie Elizabeth met her other grandparents and her big brother,Michael. He didn't seem to be all that impressed with the bundle of joy we were all goo-goo over. He just wanted to sit in my lap and play. He's three and a half now so we didn't expect much more than that.
Tuesday the nurse came in to tell Shanon that the baby had a heart murmer. We didn't worry too much about that because Shanon had one when she was growing up and it never caused a problem. But, the nurse seemed concerned. Overly concerned. Marlie continued to nurse that day but by Wednesday it was obvious she had a problem.
I got the call from Shanon at 11 pm Wednesday. She was sobbing. Marlie was in trouble. A helicopter was flying her to another hospital, St. Joseph's. She had a very serious and life threatening heart defect. Her aorta was closing up causing her lower body and organs to be starved for blood. The blood was backing up into her heart and lungs. This condition also has a name but I don't remember it...all I remember is flying down the freeway to St. Josephs Hospital in Phoenix. Shanon and Danny arrived a few minutes after I did and they looked like you would expect, red and swollen eyes, Shanon moving slowly because of her recent surgery and Danny right by her side. It was heartbreaking.
My mother taught me to be a positive thinker. "Think the best and the best will be." That can sometimes sound the same as being in denial or wearing rose colored glasses but you see I had an edge. I had seen Marlie in a 'reading' and she was grown and tall and beautiful so I knew this would be fine...but....
Marlie was kept in the NICU Wednesday night and Thursday night. They put in all kinds of tubes and wires. She had one in her head, one in her chest, several in her belly button, one or two in her hands and feet. She was on several medications to keep the other artery open until they could operate. Poor little thing was breathing fast and hard. The doctors decided to cut her open on her back to reach the artery. They explained that they would cut out the part that was narrowing and then sew the two ends together. The surgery was scheduled for Friday afternoon. We made calls to all of our friends and family to ask for their prayers. Shanon and Danny have many friends in Anthem, their new neighborhood. The young mothers walk together, share recipies, go to each others parties and so Thursday night at 10, we all prayed together. Seven of us sat in a circle and held hands around the candles and sent our love to Baby Marlie Elizabeth. Shanon had requested her aunties, cousins and friends in California get together at noon on Friday to do the same.
Michael stayed with his grandfather on Friday so that I could be with Shanon. I'm a very strong woman when there is a situation or an emergency. I'm a rock. I'm steady and firm in my faith. I'm the one you want when there is serious work to be done. But, when I turned the corner and entered the NICU, there was a Santa Clause standing over one of the babies, a two pounder. He was the most authentic Santa I've ever seen. His full, white beard was real. His red suit was made by elves, I'm quite certain. His head was bent over this tiny baby while a photographer snapped a picture. This Santa is a nurse in his other life, but every year, for many years now, he grows out his beard, brushes up his bushy eyebrows and walks the halls of the NICU and PICU for all the children who can't be home, just as his father before him did. The sight of this particular Santa, standing over that tiny baby, as if he was praying, caught me off guard. I lost it. That was the moment The Rock became The Puddle. It's funny the things that will set you off. The good news is it's different for Shanon and I. What sets her off doesn't affect me and what sends me off....she's tough.
After Santa left and all the punch and cookies had been replenished the nurse came in and told us it was time. She covered Marlie with a big plastic dome and put all her machines and monitors on top. Her IVs rolled right along with us as we left the NICU and took the elevator to the OR. Shanon marked an X on Marlie's left side as requested by the surgical nurse and off they went.
Shanon and I sat together in the family room and waited. The surgery itself doesn't take more than an hour or so but the prep work takes some time. They had to lower her tempurature to 32 C. among other things. It's a long two hours...the longest two hours.
The surgery was successful and Marlie was sent to PICU, (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). A team of doctors and nurses stood around her clear plastic bed all working to set her up for recovery. They spoke in hushed whispers and each of them had a job to do. They worked in perfect, synchronistic movements. It seemed to me that they added a few tubes, wires and machines but it also seemed that little Marlie Elizabeth was breathing was a little better.
Her tempurature was raised very slowly and she slept for a few days. Her other complication was turning her very yellow, almost orange. Poor thing. I've taken pictures but I don't think I'll post them quite yet. She slept Friday, Saturday and Sunday. She was unable to be fed other than with an IV. We spent Christmas Eve eating cold cuts and opening a few presents at Danny's parents house. Christmas morning we tried to keep as normal as possible for Michael. I cooked breakfast and stayed home while everyone went to the hospital. Michael and I had a great time with all of his new toys, computer, cars, bike, train set, and Power Rangers. I cooked up a ham and yams for our Christmas dinner. Everyone slept in their own beds that night. I slept on the couch.
Between Danny, his parents, Shanon and I, we split shifts of visiting with Marlie and taking care of Michael. Oh, yeah,...I forgot to mention. Michael got sick and was taken to the doctor on Thursday. He has been on anti-biotics once before and wouldn't you know, he needed them again, the night before Marlie's surgery. He has a sinus infection. So, my schedule has been very crazy. I have Michael half of the time. I'm keeping the house clean doing laundry, cooking, driving the hour to and from the hospital, twice today, and trying to stay healthy myself. Poor Maggie, the dog, has been neglected. She has a big yard here but no walks except for one on Christmas Day and no dog park either. She'll be glad to get home.
It's four a.m. Shanon is sleeping in the hospital tonight so she can start nursing. She's been pumping her breasts for a week and has stocked up on a gallon or two of breast milk. She's my Dairy Queen! Marlie has been getting breast milk through her feeding tube for a couple of days now. They started her on two CC's an hour. That's no more than half an eye dropper full. They increased it one CC every six hours. She's done so well that tonight she gets her mommy's breast, as God intended. Danny worked yesterday and sleeps at the Ronald McDonald House near the hospital. They've had a room there since all of this started. Michael is asleep but just called out to me, "Grandma?"
The worst is over. Shanon and Danny have to take an infant CPR class in the morning and have Marlie's car seat checked to make sure her condition won't be compromised by an ill-fitting seat.
If the day go well, we may have our baby home on December 28th. That was her original due date and the date of my father's birthday.
I'm going back to bed now. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. The New Year should be splendid.
Marlie was born on December 18th as planned. Her father isn't very steady on his feet in an operating room so my daughter asked me to be there with her during her surgery, just as I had been during the last one, when Michael was born. We had set our alarm clocks for 4 am and headed to Arrowhead Hospital at 5. I was dressed in the blue paper booties with the lovely matching bonnet by 7:30 and entered the operating room after Shanon had been prepped and drapped.
Her OB is a tall and handsome man with a wonderful sense of humor. While he was working behind the drape, he was chatting up a storm. He's a SNL fan, as is Shanon, so even though he had her belly cut open from hip to hip, she still laughed at his jokes. I learned that he loves the Rolling Stones and The Doors and I also learned, unexpectedly, the middle name for Marlie. He was trying to pull her out as the nurse was pushing down on Shanon's upper belly and he said, "Come on Marlie Elizabeth. It's time." "Marlie Elizabeth?" I asked and he said..."Ooops. Did I let the cat out of the bag?" He did, but it was perfectly timed because just then he lifted her up and held her so that Shanon could see her baby girl. I said immediately that she looks just like her brother. Shanon and Danny make beautiful babies. She was 8 pounds, born on the 18th at 8 am.
When we were all cleaned up and back in the family room Shanon was able to nurse, which she wasn't able to do with her first. Michael had been taken right away to the neo-natal ICU because he had a problem that I can't spell. Pneumo-thorax? He had to wait a week to nurse but he got the hang of it and Marlie did too.
Monday afternoon Marlie Elizabeth met her other grandparents and her big brother,Michael. He didn't seem to be all that impressed with the bundle of joy we were all goo-goo over. He just wanted to sit in my lap and play. He's three and a half now so we didn't expect much more than that.
Tuesday the nurse came in to tell Shanon that the baby had a heart murmer. We didn't worry too much about that because Shanon had one when she was growing up and it never caused a problem. But, the nurse seemed concerned. Overly concerned. Marlie continued to nurse that day but by Wednesday it was obvious she had a problem.
I got the call from Shanon at 11 pm Wednesday. She was sobbing. Marlie was in trouble. A helicopter was flying her to another hospital, St. Joseph's. She had a very serious and life threatening heart defect. Her aorta was closing up causing her lower body and organs to be starved for blood. The blood was backing up into her heart and lungs. This condition also has a name but I don't remember it...all I remember is flying down the freeway to St. Josephs Hospital in Phoenix. Shanon and Danny arrived a few minutes after I did and they looked like you would expect, red and swollen eyes, Shanon moving slowly because of her recent surgery and Danny right by her side. It was heartbreaking.
My mother taught me to be a positive thinker. "Think the best and the best will be." That can sometimes sound the same as being in denial or wearing rose colored glasses but you see I had an edge. I had seen Marlie in a 'reading' and she was grown and tall and beautiful so I knew this would be fine...but....
Marlie was kept in the NICU Wednesday night and Thursday night. They put in all kinds of tubes and wires. She had one in her head, one in her chest, several in her belly button, one or two in her hands and feet. She was on several medications to keep the other artery open until they could operate. Poor little thing was breathing fast and hard. The doctors decided to cut her open on her back to reach the artery. They explained that they would cut out the part that was narrowing and then sew the two ends together. The surgery was scheduled for Friday afternoon. We made calls to all of our friends and family to ask for their prayers. Shanon and Danny have many friends in Anthem, their new neighborhood. The young mothers walk together, share recipies, go to each others parties and so Thursday night at 10, we all prayed together. Seven of us sat in a circle and held hands around the candles and sent our love to Baby Marlie Elizabeth. Shanon had requested her aunties, cousins and friends in California get together at noon on Friday to do the same.
Michael stayed with his grandfather on Friday so that I could be with Shanon. I'm a very strong woman when there is a situation or an emergency. I'm a rock. I'm steady and firm in my faith. I'm the one you want when there is serious work to be done. But, when I turned the corner and entered the NICU, there was a Santa Clause standing over one of the babies, a two pounder. He was the most authentic Santa I've ever seen. His full, white beard was real. His red suit was made by elves, I'm quite certain. His head was bent over this tiny baby while a photographer snapped a picture. This Santa is a nurse in his other life, but every year, for many years now, he grows out his beard, brushes up his bushy eyebrows and walks the halls of the NICU and PICU for all the children who can't be home, just as his father before him did. The sight of this particular Santa, standing over that tiny baby, as if he was praying, caught me off guard. I lost it. That was the moment The Rock became The Puddle. It's funny the things that will set you off. The good news is it's different for Shanon and I. What sets her off doesn't affect me and what sends me off....she's tough.
After Santa left and all the punch and cookies had been replenished the nurse came in and told us it was time. She covered Marlie with a big plastic dome and put all her machines and monitors on top. Her IVs rolled right along with us as we left the NICU and took the elevator to the OR. Shanon marked an X on Marlie's left side as requested by the surgical nurse and off they went.
Shanon and I sat together in the family room and waited. The surgery itself doesn't take more than an hour or so but the prep work takes some time. They had to lower her tempurature to 32 C. among other things. It's a long two hours...the longest two hours.
The surgery was successful and Marlie was sent to PICU, (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). A team of doctors and nurses stood around her clear plastic bed all working to set her up for recovery. They spoke in hushed whispers and each of them had a job to do. They worked in perfect, synchronistic movements. It seemed to me that they added a few tubes, wires and machines but it also seemed that little Marlie Elizabeth was breathing was a little better.
Her tempurature was raised very slowly and she slept for a few days. Her other complication was turning her very yellow, almost orange. Poor thing. I've taken pictures but I don't think I'll post them quite yet. She slept Friday, Saturday and Sunday. She was unable to be fed other than with an IV. We spent Christmas Eve eating cold cuts and opening a few presents at Danny's parents house. Christmas morning we tried to keep as normal as possible for Michael. I cooked breakfast and stayed home while everyone went to the hospital. Michael and I had a great time with all of his new toys, computer, cars, bike, train set, and Power Rangers. I cooked up a ham and yams for our Christmas dinner. Everyone slept in their own beds that night. I slept on the couch.
Between Danny, his parents, Shanon and I, we split shifts of visiting with Marlie and taking care of Michael. Oh, yeah,...I forgot to mention. Michael got sick and was taken to the doctor on Thursday. He has been on anti-biotics once before and wouldn't you know, he needed them again, the night before Marlie's surgery. He has a sinus infection. So, my schedule has been very crazy. I have Michael half of the time. I'm keeping the house clean doing laundry, cooking, driving the hour to and from the hospital, twice today, and trying to stay healthy myself. Poor Maggie, the dog, has been neglected. She has a big yard here but no walks except for one on Christmas Day and no dog park either. She'll be glad to get home.
It's four a.m. Shanon is sleeping in the hospital tonight so she can start nursing. She's been pumping her breasts for a week and has stocked up on a gallon or two of breast milk. She's my Dairy Queen! Marlie has been getting breast milk through her feeding tube for a couple of days now. They started her on two CC's an hour. That's no more than half an eye dropper full. They increased it one CC every six hours. She's done so well that tonight she gets her mommy's breast, as God intended. Danny worked yesterday and sleeps at the Ronald McDonald House near the hospital. They've had a room there since all of this started. Michael is asleep but just called out to me, "Grandma?"
The worst is over. Shanon and Danny have to take an infant CPR class in the morning and have Marlie's car seat checked to make sure her condition won't be compromised by an ill-fitting seat.
If the day go well, we may have our baby home on December 28th. That was her original due date and the date of my father's birthday.
I'm going back to bed now. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. The New Year should be splendid.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Love According to Shinn
Every woman on this planet is taking her initiation in love. "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another." Ouspensky states, in Tertium Organum, that "love is a cosmic phenomenon" and opens the fourth dimensional world. "The World of the Wondrous."
Real love is selfless and free from fear. Real love pours itself out upon the object of its affection without demanding any return. Its joy is in the joy of giving. Love is God in manifestation and the strongest magnetic force in the Universe.
Pure, unselfish love draws to itself its own; it does not need to seek or demand. Scarcely anyone has the faintest conception of real love. When people are selfish, tyrannical, or fearful in their affections, they lose the thing they love. Jealousy is the worst enemy of love, for the imagination runs riot, seeing the loved one attracted to another, and invariably these fears objectify if they are not neutralized.
With love usually comes terrific fear. Nearly every woman comes into the world with a mythical woman in the back of her mind who seems to rob her of her love.
She has been called "the other woman". Of course, it comes from a woman's belief in duality. So long as shevisualizesinterference, it will come.
With these thoughts, it is usually very difficult for a woman to see herself loved by someone. These affirmations are to impress the truth of the situation upon her subconscious mind for in reality there is only oneness.
As I am one with God, the Undivided One, I am one with my undivided love and undivided happiness.
The Light of the Christ within now wipes out all fear, doubt, anger, and resentment. God's love pours through me, an irresistible magnetic current. I see only perfection and draw to me my own.
Devine Love, through me, now dissolves all seeming obstacles and makes clear, easy, and successful my way.
I love everyone and everyone loves me. My apparent enemy becomes my friend, a golden link in the chain of my good.
I am at peace with myself and with the whole world. I love everyone and everyone loves me. The floodgates of my good now open.
Real love is selfless and free from fear. Real love pours itself out upon the object of its affection without demanding any return. Its joy is in the joy of giving. Love is God in manifestation and the strongest magnetic force in the Universe.
Pure, unselfish love draws to itself its own; it does not need to seek or demand. Scarcely anyone has the faintest conception of real love. When people are selfish, tyrannical, or fearful in their affections, they lose the thing they love. Jealousy is the worst enemy of love, for the imagination runs riot, seeing the loved one attracted to another, and invariably these fears objectify if they are not neutralized.
With love usually comes terrific fear. Nearly every woman comes into the world with a mythical woman in the back of her mind who seems to rob her of her love.
She has been called "the other woman". Of course, it comes from a woman's belief in duality. So long as shevisualizesinterference, it will come.
With these thoughts, it is usually very difficult for a woman to see herself loved by someone. These affirmations are to impress the truth of the situation upon her subconscious mind for in reality there is only oneness.
As I am one with God, the Undivided One, I am one with my undivided love and undivided happiness.
The Light of the Christ within now wipes out all fear, doubt, anger, and resentment. God's love pours through me, an irresistible magnetic current. I see only perfection and draw to me my own.
Devine Love, through me, now dissolves all seeming obstacles and makes clear, easy, and successful my way.
I love everyone and everyone loves me. My apparent enemy becomes my friend, a golden link in the chain of my good.
I am at peace with myself and with the whole world. I love everyone and everyone loves me. The floodgates of my good now open.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Your Spoken Word
The power of the spoken word! My, my, my....we do make a mess of things when we aren't paying attention to our thoughts, words and deeds.
A woman friend of mine had a habit of saying, "I'm sick and tired of ....(fill in the blank)." She was "sick and tired" of her husband making all the decisions. She was "sick and tired" of her maid who was always showing up late. She was "sick and tired" of her family. She was "sick and tired" of having to take care of her estate. She was "sick and tired" of having to shop for clothes because nobody ever carries her size. "Sick and tired" became her unconscious mantra.
After years of repeating to God, to the Universe and her subconscious mind that she was "sick and tired" her body began to give out. She has been diagnosed with several diseases. Heart disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, ulcers, Sjogrens Disease, arthritis, depression and who knows what else, because she convinced God and the universe and her subconscious that that is what she wanted. "Ask and ye shall receive!"
All power is given to each woman to bring "her heaven" upon "her Earth" through right thinking. This is the goal of the Game of Life.
"Death and Life are in the power of the tongue" PROV. 18:21
"There is peace on Earth for the woman who sends goodwill to all!
"Whatsoever a woman soweth that shall she also reap."
If a women gives hate, she will receive hate; if she gives love she will receive love; if she gives criticism, she will receive criticism; if she lies, she will be lied to; if she cheats, she will be cheated.
Be diligent with your mind and imagination. Don't let your little mind wander off to play in dangerous neighborhoods. Keep her clean, safe and positive and she will bring you wondrous experiences.
Say is out loud! "I am Love. I am Joy. I am Peace. I am Grace."
A woman friend of mine had a habit of saying, "I'm sick and tired of ....(fill in the blank)." She was "sick and tired" of her husband making all the decisions. She was "sick and tired" of her maid who was always showing up late. She was "sick and tired" of her family. She was "sick and tired" of having to take care of her estate. She was "sick and tired" of having to shop for clothes because nobody ever carries her size. "Sick and tired" became her unconscious mantra.
After years of repeating to God, to the Universe and her subconscious mind that she was "sick and tired" her body began to give out. She has been diagnosed with several diseases. Heart disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, ulcers, Sjogrens Disease, arthritis, depression and who knows what else, because she convinced God and the universe and her subconscious that that is what she wanted. "Ask and ye shall receive!"
All power is given to each woman to bring "her heaven" upon "her Earth" through right thinking. This is the goal of the Game of Life.
"Death and Life are in the power of the tongue" PROV. 18:21
"There is peace on Earth for the woman who sends goodwill to all!
"Whatsoever a woman soweth that shall she also reap."
If a women gives hate, she will receive hate; if she gives love she will receive love; if she gives criticism, she will receive criticism; if she lies, she will be lied to; if she cheats, she will be cheated.
Be diligent with your mind and imagination. Don't let your little mind wander off to play in dangerous neighborhoods. Keep her clean, safe and positive and she will bring you wondrous experiences.
Say is out loud! "I am Love. I am Joy. I am Peace. I am Grace."
A Letter From Jesus (I guess he uses the internet)
Dear Children:
It has come to my attention that many of you are upset that folks are taking My name out of the season. Maybe you've forgotten that I wasn't actually born during this time of the year and that it was some of your predecessors who decided to celebrate My birthday on what was actually a time of pagan festival, although I do appreciate being remembered anytime.
How I personally feel about this celebration can probably be most easily understood by those of you who have been blessed with children of your own. I don't care what you call the day. If you want to celebrate My birth just, GET ALONG AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Now, having said that, let Me go on. If it bothers you that the town in which you live doesn't allow a scene depicting My birth, then just get rid of a couple of Santas and snowmen and put in a small Nativity scene on your own front lawn. If all My followers did that there wouldn't be any need for such a scene on the town square because there would be many of them all around town.
Stop worrying about the fact that people are calling the tree a holiday tree, instead of a Christmas tree. It was I who made all trees. You can and may remember Me anytime you see any tree. Decorate a grapevine if you wish...
If you want to give Me a present in remembrance of My birth, here is my wish list. Choose something from it.
1. Instead of writing protest letters objecting to the way My birthday is being celebrated, write letters of love and hope to soldiers away from home. They are terribly afraid and lonely this time of year. I know; they tell Me all the time.
2. Visit someone in a nursing home. You don't have to know them personally. They just need to know that someone cares about them.
3. Instead of writing George, your president, complaining about the wording on the cards his staff sent out this year, why don't you write and tell him that you'll be praying for him and his family this year. Then follow up. It will be nice hearing from you again.
4. Instead of giving your children a lot of gifts you can't afford and they don't need, spend time with them. Tell them the story of My birth, and why I came to live with you down here. Hold them in your arms and remind them that I love them.
5. Pick someone that has hurt you in the past and forgive him or her.
6. Did you know that someone in your town will attempt to take their own life this season because they feel so alone and hopeless? Since you don't know who that person is, try giving everyone you meet a warm smile. It could make the difference. Also, you might consider supporting the local Hotline: they talk with people like that every day.
7. Instead of nit picking about what the retailer in your town calls the holiday, be patient with the people who work there. Give them a warm smile and a kind word. Even if they aren't allowed to wish you a "Merry Christmas," that doesn't keep you from wishing them one. Then stop shopping there on Sunday. If the store didn't make so much money on that day they'd close and let their employees spend the day at home with their families.
8. If you really want to make a difference, support a missionary, especially one who takes My love & Good News to those who have never heard My name. You may already know someone like that.
9. Here's a good one. There are individuals and whole families in your town who not only will have no "Christmas" tree, nor will they have any presents to give or receive. If you don't know them (and I suspect you don't) buy some food and a few gifts and give them to the Marines, the
Salvation Army or some other charity which believes in Me and they will make the delivery for you.
10. Finally if you want to make a statement about your belief in, and loyalty to Me, then behave like a Christian. Don't do things in secret that you wouldn't do in My presence. Let people know by your actions that you are one of mine.
Check out the list above and get to work; time is short. I'll help you, but the ball is now in your court. And do have a most blessed Christmas with all those whom you love and remember.
It has come to my attention that many of you are upset that folks are taking My name out of the season. Maybe you've forgotten that I wasn't actually born during this time of the year and that it was some of your predecessors who decided to celebrate My birthday on what was actually a time of pagan festival, although I do appreciate being remembered anytime.
How I personally feel about this celebration can probably be most easily understood by those of you who have been blessed with children of your own. I don't care what you call the day. If you want to celebrate My birth just, GET ALONG AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Now, having said that, let Me go on. If it bothers you that the town in which you live doesn't allow a scene depicting My birth, then just get rid of a couple of Santas and snowmen and put in a small Nativity scene on your own front lawn. If all My followers did that there wouldn't be any need for such a scene on the town square because there would be many of them all around town.
Stop worrying about the fact that people are calling the tree a holiday tree, instead of a Christmas tree. It was I who made all trees. You can and may remember Me anytime you see any tree. Decorate a grapevine if you wish...
If you want to give Me a present in remembrance of My birth, here is my wish list. Choose something from it.
1. Instead of writing protest letters objecting to the way My birthday is being celebrated, write letters of love and hope to soldiers away from home. They are terribly afraid and lonely this time of year. I know; they tell Me all the time.
2. Visit someone in a nursing home. You don't have to know them personally. They just need to know that someone cares about them.
3. Instead of writing George, your president, complaining about the wording on the cards his staff sent out this year, why don't you write and tell him that you'll be praying for him and his family this year. Then follow up. It will be nice hearing from you again.
4. Instead of giving your children a lot of gifts you can't afford and they don't need, spend time with them. Tell them the story of My birth, and why I came to live with you down here. Hold them in your arms and remind them that I love them.
5. Pick someone that has hurt you in the past and forgive him or her.
6. Did you know that someone in your town will attempt to take their own life this season because they feel so alone and hopeless? Since you don't know who that person is, try giving everyone you meet a warm smile. It could make the difference. Also, you might consider supporting the local Hotline: they talk with people like that every day.
7. Instead of nit picking about what the retailer in your town calls the holiday, be patient with the people who work there. Give them a warm smile and a kind word. Even if they aren't allowed to wish you a "Merry Christmas," that doesn't keep you from wishing them one. Then stop shopping there on Sunday. If the store didn't make so much money on that day they'd close and let their employees spend the day at home with their families.
8. If you really want to make a difference, support a missionary, especially one who takes My love & Good News to those who have never heard My name. You may already know someone like that.
9. Here's a good one. There are individuals and whole families in your town who not only will have no "Christmas" tree, nor will they have any presents to give or receive. If you don't know them (and I suspect you don't) buy some food and a few gifts and give them to the Marines, the
Salvation Army or some other charity which believes in Me and they will make the delivery for you.
10. Finally if you want to make a statement about your belief in, and loyalty to Me, then behave like a Christian. Don't do things in secret that you wouldn't do in My presence. Let people know by your actions that you are one of mine.
Check out the list above and get to work; time is short. I'll help you, but the ball is now in your court. And do have a most blessed Christmas with all those whom you love and remember.
Friday, December 08, 2006
In Greek the word psychic means, "of the soul". When we use our psychic ability, which we all have, we are tuning into the energy of the soul, or the natural life force that permeates every living creature and every inanimate object. How many times have you thought of someone and minutes later have them call you on the phone? Or you think of a song and within a minute or two it's playing on the radio or in the doctors office? Have you ever walked into an empty room only to feel the energy of people who had been there in the past? We all were born with this ability to connect with the energy around us and receive the messages, warnings, directions.
Psychic energy is at play in the plant and animal world, as well. My friend Donald used to talk to his plants and play music for them. He swore he could hear them calling for water when he was neglecting their needs. I used to have a book about communicating with plants....I'll have to find that. I think it was called, "The Secret Life of Plants".
Animals, as I've come to experience with my new dog, Maggie, have the ability to communicate with energy. The Dog Whisperer says a dog can feel energy being transmitted through a leash. If the dog walker is tense or afraid the dog will respond. He says over and over..."Stay calm and assertive." Dogs, cats, birds have the ability to feel an approaching natural disaster. Many people have reported that their pets were acting nervous or hiding when an earthquake hit or just before a tornado blew by. How did they know? They didn't hear it on the radio or get it from Eyewitness News.
I did a reading for a man last week. He asked me about his relationship with his girlfriend. He wanted to know what the future held for them. I saw a baby. I thought, "Oh dear...." I wondered if this was going to be good news or not. As always, that is not for me to decide. So, I told him. "I see a baby." He said they've been discussing having children. Well, then....Are you ready for the rest of the story as I see it? I should ask people before I begin a reading, if they want to hear everything. As it turned out the reading clarified all the questions he had in his head but couldn't put into words. All the information came to ease his mind and put him in touch with the reality of his beliefs and explained the feelings he was having about the future with her. These little answers, little messages from the other side, have a powerful impact on people. So, I've decided to offer 15 minute sessions. Sometimes people just have one question. One burning desire to understand something or hear from someone. Not everyone needs the marathon readings I've been doing lately. Three and four hours of dialog with spirits and guides isn't always necessary.
Psychic energy is at play in the plant and animal world, as well. My friend Donald used to talk to his plants and play music for them. He swore he could hear them calling for water when he was neglecting their needs. I used to have a book about communicating with plants....I'll have to find that. I think it was called, "The Secret Life of Plants".
Animals, as I've come to experience with my new dog, Maggie, have the ability to communicate with energy. The Dog Whisperer says a dog can feel energy being transmitted through a leash. If the dog walker is tense or afraid the dog will respond. He says over and over..."Stay calm and assertive." Dogs, cats, birds have the ability to feel an approaching natural disaster. Many people have reported that their pets were acting nervous or hiding when an earthquake hit or just before a tornado blew by. How did they know? They didn't hear it on the radio or get it from Eyewitness News.
I did a reading for a man last week. He asked me about his relationship with his girlfriend. He wanted to know what the future held for them. I saw a baby. I thought, "Oh dear...." I wondered if this was going to be good news or not. As always, that is not for me to decide. So, I told him. "I see a baby." He said they've been discussing having children. Well, then....Are you ready for the rest of the story as I see it? I should ask people before I begin a reading, if they want to hear everything. As it turned out the reading clarified all the questions he had in his head but couldn't put into words. All the information came to ease his mind and put him in touch with the reality of his beliefs and explained the feelings he was having about the future with her. These little answers, little messages from the other side, have a powerful impact on people. So, I've decided to offer 15 minute sessions. Sometimes people just have one question. One burning desire to understand something or hear from someone. Not everyone needs the marathon readings I've been doing lately. Three and four hours of dialog with spirits and guides isn't always necessary.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Holidays have arrived....holy mole.
Busy, busy, busy.
It's becoming more challenging to stay on top of this blog as business and personal demands have grown and multiplied. There are parties to attend, classes that are on-going, an out-of-town guest to entertain and a family to care for. Oh yes....and a dog. Not so little a task, this dog. Anyway, I'm here for the moment to touch bases with my loyal readers. You! I love you guys.
My website is going to be outstanding as I've finally decided on a web mistress of the highest quality. Her name is Mae and she's a local California girl. Her website is
I just fell in love with her. She has the kind of experience I need and ideas I never would have thought of. She thinks BIG! Ya gotta love it.
2006 has been a magical year of change and transformation. 2007 is launching all the changes into the stratosphere. There will be book deals (finally!) a television show, international travel, and who knows what else! What a wonderful creation!
That's all the time I have for now. But, I will be writing again soon and often. This blog address will have a link on the website. It's all good!
It's becoming more challenging to stay on top of this blog as business and personal demands have grown and multiplied. There are parties to attend, classes that are on-going, an out-of-town guest to entertain and a family to care for. Oh yes....and a dog. Not so little a task, this dog. Anyway, I'm here for the moment to touch bases with my loyal readers. You! I love you guys.
My website is going to be outstanding as I've finally decided on a web mistress of the highest quality. Her name is Mae and she's a local California girl. Her website is
I just fell in love with her. She has the kind of experience I need and ideas I never would have thought of. She thinks BIG! Ya gotta love it.
2006 has been a magical year of change and transformation. 2007 is launching all the changes into the stratosphere. There will be book deals (finally!) a television show, international travel, and who knows what else! What a wonderful creation!
That's all the time I have for now. But, I will be writing again soon and often. This blog address will have a link on the website. It's all good!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
As discussed on C-SPAN2 THIS EVENING!
Here's a book to give yourself... 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out
Some brilliant men were on the television tonight discussing the unanswered questions regarding the events on 9/11. I'm so glad that so many people are willing to come out in the open, risking their jobs and in some cases, losing them, to tell America and the world, what many of us already suspect to be the truth.
Some brilliant men were on the television tonight discussing the unanswered questions regarding the events on 9/11. I'm so glad that so many people are willing to come out in the open, risking their jobs and in some cases, losing them, to tell America and the world, what many of us already suspect to be the truth.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Ah Thanksgiving....

We have so much for which to be grateful. Vicky is cancer free! Shanon is having a healthy baby girl in a few weeks. The Peace Movement is gaining strength and Light Workers are coming out of the woodwork. Psychics, mediums, clairvoyants and channelers are becoming mainstream. Miracles are happening everywhere! It's a good time to be alive.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
A Return To Love, Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our Light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
About your mind...
Your thoughts and feelings are not who you are. The purpose of your mind, your ego mind, is to keep you safe. Change, is perceived by the mind, as a threat. When you start getting healthier or moving in the direction of enlightenment, your ego/mind will throw thoughts up on your internal movie screen to keep you afraid, to keep you stuck, to keep you from change.... Change is very disturbing to the little mind. Fear will keep you stuck in familiar patterns so your ego can feel comfortable. It doesn't matter that it isn't at all comfortable to your Higher Self, to your more aware self. When a limiting, fear-based thought jumps up to grab your attention away from your new, more empowering way of being....just say to it...."thank you for sharing"....and go on with the focus of your intention.... You are not your are not your feelings. You are spirit... pure, light, love..... You are God. The Light in you is the Light of God. Think with your heart, not your head. Your mind is not your friend. It is a programmed computer that is running old and out-moded programs that are corrupting your primary intention....your primary program. Your spiritual purpose and intention can only be realized when you stop paying attention to your limiting, fear-based programs. Think with your heart. You are on a mission from God. Start acting like it.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Books, Books, Books
"Peace Is The Way" by Depak Chopra
"Living In The Light" by Shakti Gawain
"The Power of Intention" by Wayne Dyer
"Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain
"A Return To Love" by Marianne Williamson
"You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay
"You Can Heal Your Body" by Louise Hay
"Handbook To Higher Consciousness" by Ken Keyes
"The Spontaneous Fullfillment of Desire:Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence" Depak Chopra
"Life After Death" Depak Chopra
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
"Living In The Light" by Shakti Gawain
"The Power of Intention" by Wayne Dyer
"Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain
"A Return To Love" by Marianne Williamson
"You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay
"You Can Heal Your Body" by Louise Hay
"Handbook To Higher Consciousness" by Ken Keyes
"The Spontaneous Fullfillment of Desire:Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence" Depak Chopra
"Life After Death" Depak Chopra
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I'm Home!
I do so love to travel. But, it's always good to be home, at the beach, walking along the water's edge and watching the early morning surfers play with the dolphins. Sandra joined me this morning at 6:30. She is one of the young healers from the Progressive Healers Network. She and her man, Steve (also a healer) live on the north end of town. They have turned me on to a wonderful company, Melaleuca. ( ) They make non-toxic, enviromentally safe, concentrated products from laundry detergent (Tide is a very toxic and earth polluting product), vitamins, skin and hair care products (love how my hair is feeling and looking) to bathroom cleaners and pet vitamins. I love this company. They're really doing their part to save the planet and humanity by offering a healthy and convenient alternative to the poisonous cleaning products most of us use in our homes, that seep into the earth, and get onto and into our bodies.
This is an easy way to make a difference for a better, healthier planet and a healthier home environment for you and your family. Check it out!
So, this year has been awesome, as some of you know. New Year's Eve I, as I do every year, meditated and released the previous years energies and asked for a new year of travel, prosperity, and to be a clear channel of healing energy. I asked for a new adventure and to take my private practice out beyond my quiet, little office and make it bigger. I've never advertized or promoted myself before. Marketing was never my thing. My practice, for the past 30 years, has always been a 'word-of-mouth' venture. Well, you know how it works, "ask and you will receive". Within a week I was told I would be channeling, something I never thought I wanted to do. It's one thing to see and communicate with spirits, it's a whole other ballgame to allow them to use your body to speak for themselves. Two weeks later I took a spontaneous road trip to Colorado with a friend in need. I met Carm and Karl and did a three or four hour reading that began a process that has now been accepted as my new way of working with spirits. I've traveled and worked in Denver, Castle Rock, Idyllwild, Phoenix and more is being revealed. I'm not afraid of channeling anymore. It's remarkable. Like sitting in the backseat of your car while someone else is driving, knowing all along that you can take the controls at any time. The information that has been coming through is most uplilfting and rewarding. Enlightening. Yesterday I asked to use this gift to find a missing child. I want to help the thousands of families who have lost children to abductions from strangers or other, non-custodial parents. I'm very drawn to work with children.
I've noticed that mainstream Americans are more open to psychic/medium/clairvoyant work. There are a dozen or so shows on television now that show how it works. I watched a documentary on A&E about people like me. I'm so glad we are all coming out of the closet about our gifts. Lots to do....
This is an easy way to make a difference for a better, healthier planet and a healthier home environment for you and your family. Check it out!
So, this year has been awesome, as some of you know. New Year's Eve I, as I do every year, meditated and released the previous years energies and asked for a new year of travel, prosperity, and to be a clear channel of healing energy. I asked for a new adventure and to take my private practice out beyond my quiet, little office and make it bigger. I've never advertized or promoted myself before. Marketing was never my thing. My practice, for the past 30 years, has always been a 'word-of-mouth' venture. Well, you know how it works, "ask and you will receive". Within a week I was told I would be channeling, something I never thought I wanted to do. It's one thing to see and communicate with spirits, it's a whole other ballgame to allow them to use your body to speak for themselves. Two weeks later I took a spontaneous road trip to Colorado with a friend in need. I met Carm and Karl and did a three or four hour reading that began a process that has now been accepted as my new way of working with spirits. I've traveled and worked in Denver, Castle Rock, Idyllwild, Phoenix and more is being revealed. I'm not afraid of channeling anymore. It's remarkable. Like sitting in the backseat of your car while someone else is driving, knowing all along that you can take the controls at any time. The information that has been coming through is most uplilfting and rewarding. Enlightening. Yesterday I asked to use this gift to find a missing child. I want to help the thousands of families who have lost children to abductions from strangers or other, non-custodial parents. I'm very drawn to work with children.
I've noticed that mainstream Americans are more open to psychic/medium/clairvoyant work. There are a dozen or so shows on television now that show how it works. I watched a documentary on A&E about people like me. I'm so glad we are all coming out of the closet about our gifts. Lots to do....
Monday, November 06, 2006
Denver Sista's
I met some wonderful women in Denver. The class, "Women, Wisdom and Power" turned into an open channel reading, which was a surprise to me. I had lesson plans and reading lists all prepared and a tight schedule to follow but after spending five days doing private readings it was clear to me that an open channel session was the way to go. The perfect venue was provided the day before and all our needs appeared just as if it was planned all along. Funny how it works when you get out of the way.
Seven women, seven eager, incredible, powerful women came together and the information that came through was just what everyone needed. I can't wait to go back and do it again. So, in February, I hope to be flying back to facilitate the spiritual ceremony at the birth of a baby girl named May. Steven said he will join me and we will also take a training in Castle Rock for Psych-K. I'll do more readings and perhaps a full-day class before coming back to Los Angeles.
Shanon's baby girl, Marlie, will arrive on December 18th. So, I'll be traveling every month from now on. Next weekend I'll be in Idyllwild for the Progressive Healers Network, then to Palm Springs for Thanksgiving, home for three weeks, then to Phoenix for the arrival of my new grandaughter. I'll stay in Phoenix for a few weeks then back to L.A. for three weeks then back to Denver, Castle Rock and Boulder. I'm creating a class in Chicago for May. Last January I decided I wanted to travel more so here it is. Ask and you will receive. Next year there will be classes in New York, Washington D.C., San Antonio, TX, and Idaho. Whew! Careful what you ask for. Gotta dash....I'm booked today.
Seven women, seven eager, incredible, powerful women came together and the information that came through was just what everyone needed. I can't wait to go back and do it again. So, in February, I hope to be flying back to facilitate the spiritual ceremony at the birth of a baby girl named May. Steven said he will join me and we will also take a training in Castle Rock for Psych-K. I'll do more readings and perhaps a full-day class before coming back to Los Angeles.
Shanon's baby girl, Marlie, will arrive on December 18th. So, I'll be traveling every month from now on. Next weekend I'll be in Idyllwild for the Progressive Healers Network, then to Palm Springs for Thanksgiving, home for three weeks, then to Phoenix for the arrival of my new grandaughter. I'll stay in Phoenix for a few weeks then back to L.A. for three weeks then back to Denver, Castle Rock and Boulder. I'm creating a class in Chicago for May. Last January I decided I wanted to travel more so here it is. Ask and you will receive. Next year there will be classes in New York, Washington D.C., San Antonio, TX, and Idaho. Whew! Careful what you ask for. Gotta dash....I'm booked today.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Oh dear...still having problems. I managed to have Dell's tech support talk me through the other problem that prevented me from getting online but now that I am on, I have found that I can't retrieve any emails. I can open my inbox at Gmail but not the individual emails. There are hundreds of them from clients, friends, and familly, but they will go unanswered for a few more days. I am sorry to those of you who are waiting for a response. I know, those of you in Denver, who have either received your first reading or attended the Women, Wisdom and Power open channel on Saturday are eager for dialog. I ask for your patience while this is resolved. I trust it will be fixed before the weekend is over.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Oh My Computer Nightmare.
Hello Everybody. Did you miss me? LOL. I've been traveling and got a computer got a bug. It has now been resolved and I will return shortly with the stories of my travels. L.A. to Phoenix to Denver to Phoenix back to L.A. My oh my.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Los Angeles to Phoenix in 5.5 hours.
When the phone rang last Monday I had been looking at my schedule and planning out my week. I had clients to see, a class to plan, papers to write, and a sick dog to heal. My week was going to be a busy one. All of that changed with one conversation. My daughter's voice was on the other end. "Mom?"
In July she called right after I got back from a visit to her home in Arizona. She was in tears. Her doctors office called with the results of a blood test she had taken early in her pregnancy. It was positive for Downs Syndrome. Before I had a chance to even think about it I said, "Well that's not true." I knew it wasn't true. I could feel it. She asked if I was just saying that to make her feel better or did I 'see' it. I didn't even have to look. I just knew. She calmed down and told me that the doctor had said these test sometimes result in false positve readings. They intended to give her an ultra-sound but not for a few weeks. I couldn't let her sit out there and worry about it so I got back into my car and drove back to Phoenix to give her some support. I stayed a week and played with Michael, my grandson, and cooked her favorite soups and stews and salads. She was fine when I left. After the ultra-sound it was clear that the baby does not have Downs. Three weeks of waiting, three weeks of worry, three weeks of fear take a toll on a woman and her fetus. It turns out that the blood test gives false positives more often than not. Why do they do that? Beats me.
Her voice last Monday night had a tone I recognized. It was tainted with worry. "I think I might be in labor." WHAT? Two and a half months early? She was in bed but in pain and it was low and somewhat constant. Danny was home and Michael was already in bed asleep. After we talked for a few minutes she decided to go to the hospital. I decided to pack.
Tuesday morning she called to tell me that she was home but still in pain. They had examined her and determined she was not dialated and not in labor. The baby was fine and so they sent her home. However, when she spoke to her doctor the next morning he sent her back to the hospital. I was in my car and driving within an hour. My schedule for the week was thrown out the window. Appointments were re-scheduled and plans put on hold. I made the drive in 5.5 hours. Not bad.
It turns out that she was dehydrated and the prescription for that is bed rest and lots of fluids. So, I took care of Michael and her laundry and shopping and cooking while constantly checking her fluids. The baby's room is painted and her closet is full of clothes. I mean FULL. She has five bathing suits, four pairs of shoes, a dozen pairs of socks and booties and loads of pj's. She has more outfits than I do. This little baby will be styling for sure.
Michael and I played for hours everyday. We read books and told stories and took the dog for a walk. He caught a grasshopper. and held it in his hand for the longest time. He put in on his finger, on is arm, on his shirt and decided he loved it and wanted to take it home. He petted it and whispered to it. "I'm so proud of myself for holding this grasshopper."
I had a great visit and Shanon got some much needed rest. I stayed until Sunday morning when Danny's father, Papu, was back in town. He's great with Michael.
So, all is well in Phoenix now and I'm catching up with clients and class plans. I drive back to Phoenix on Friday then fly to Denver for a week of readings and the "Women, Power and Wisdom" class. I'll be back in Phoenix for Halloween. I wouldn't miss him in his lions costume for nothin'.
Oh yeah...the baby names. On top of the list of favorites was Sophia but Danny used his veto on that one. Next was Isabella but it turns out that it's too trendy. Now the favorite is Marlie. Still looking for a middle name to go with it.
In July she called right after I got back from a visit to her home in Arizona. She was in tears. Her doctors office called with the results of a blood test she had taken early in her pregnancy. It was positive for Downs Syndrome. Before I had a chance to even think about it I said, "Well that's not true." I knew it wasn't true. I could feel it. She asked if I was just saying that to make her feel better or did I 'see' it. I didn't even have to look. I just knew. She calmed down and told me that the doctor had said these test sometimes result in false positve readings. They intended to give her an ultra-sound but not for a few weeks. I couldn't let her sit out there and worry about it so I got back into my car and drove back to Phoenix to give her some support. I stayed a week and played with Michael, my grandson, and cooked her favorite soups and stews and salads. She was fine when I left. After the ultra-sound it was clear that the baby does not have Downs. Three weeks of waiting, three weeks of worry, three weeks of fear take a toll on a woman and her fetus. It turns out that the blood test gives false positives more often than not. Why do they do that? Beats me.
Her voice last Monday night had a tone I recognized. It was tainted with worry. "I think I might be in labor." WHAT? Two and a half months early? She was in bed but in pain and it was low and somewhat constant. Danny was home and Michael was already in bed asleep. After we talked for a few minutes she decided to go to the hospital. I decided to pack.
Tuesday morning she called to tell me that she was home but still in pain. They had examined her and determined she was not dialated and not in labor. The baby was fine and so they sent her home. However, when she spoke to her doctor the next morning he sent her back to the hospital. I was in my car and driving within an hour. My schedule for the week was thrown out the window. Appointments were re-scheduled and plans put on hold. I made the drive in 5.5 hours. Not bad.
It turns out that she was dehydrated and the prescription for that is bed rest and lots of fluids. So, I took care of Michael and her laundry and shopping and cooking while constantly checking her fluids. The baby's room is painted and her closet is full of clothes. I mean FULL. She has five bathing suits, four pairs of shoes, a dozen pairs of socks and booties and loads of pj's. She has more outfits than I do. This little baby will be styling for sure.
Michael and I played for hours everyday. We read books and told stories and took the dog for a walk. He caught a grasshopper. and held it in his hand for the longest time. He put in on his finger, on is arm, on his shirt and decided he loved it and wanted to take it home. He petted it and whispered to it. "I'm so proud of myself for holding this grasshopper."
I had a great visit and Shanon got some much needed rest. I stayed until Sunday morning when Danny's father, Papu, was back in town. He's great with Michael.
So, all is well in Phoenix now and I'm catching up with clients and class plans. I drive back to Phoenix on Friday then fly to Denver for a week of readings and the "Women, Power and Wisdom" class. I'll be back in Phoenix for Halloween. I wouldn't miss him in his lions costume for nothin'.
Oh yeah...the baby names. On top of the list of favorites was Sophia but Danny used his veto on that one. Next was Isabella but it turns out that it's too trendy. Now the favorite is Marlie. Still looking for a middle name to go with it.
Friday, October 06, 2006
We sealed the deal with a hug...
It's official. I am a part-time resident of Idyllwild, California, the favorite spot for campers, hikers, rock climbers and spiritual seekers. It's a great place for antique shopping, art shopping and shopping in general. It has some of the best restaurants I've ever been to, some of the most wonderful people I have ever met, and an energy that cannot be described, it must be experienced. And now it has me! Well, two or three days a week it has me... I'll be working at a new place I can't tell you about just yet. Before it opens I'll be working at Sky Night doing readings, Reiki and Deep Meditation Massages. I may even teach a class or two. It's all so wonderful!
My new home away from home sits on 8 acres of forest and granite boulders at an altitude of 6000 ft. It's on the market for $1.2 million but we're hoping it doesn't sell anytime soon because as long as it's still for sell, I have a home....a beautiful mountain retreat. I feel like I've won the lottery! The owner, Joyce, travels on the days I'll be there so she's thrilled to have someone looking after things while she's gone. It's one of those 'win-win's'. She made an offer, I accepted and we hugged. It's done!
And, oh yeah! I got a facial while I was there this week and let me tell you....I've been getting facials for 30 years. I've been to some famous spas and some not so famous spas. The hour and a half facial I got yesterday from Wendiene was the best I've experienced, hands down. She rocks!
Gotta go....
My new home away from home sits on 8 acres of forest and granite boulders at an altitude of 6000 ft. It's on the market for $1.2 million but we're hoping it doesn't sell anytime soon because as long as it's still for sell, I have a home....a beautiful mountain retreat. I feel like I've won the lottery! The owner, Joyce, travels on the days I'll be there so she's thrilled to have someone looking after things while she's gone. It's one of those 'win-win's'. She made an offer, I accepted and we hugged. It's done!
And, oh yeah! I got a facial while I was there this week and let me tell you....I've been getting facials for 30 years. I've been to some famous spas and some not so famous spas. The hour and a half facial I got yesterday from Wendiene was the best I've experienced, hands down. She rocks!
Gotta go....
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
He rode on the back of his motorcycle....
He left Boston on August 28th and arrived at my door on September 30th having zig-zagged his way across the United States on the back of his motorcycle. He slept in parks, in motels, and in the beds of friendly ladies. He looked a little crusty but his smile was genuine. It was apparently a great adventure, one that was prompted by a memorial service for his uncle.
Uncle Sal never stayed in one place for very long and had a lifetime of glorious experiences from South America to Alaska. He told wonderful stories about the people he met and the close calls he escaped. His favorite nephew followed his route. He left his job, his freinds and his comfortable bed for a trip that has changed his perspective on his country, his beliefs and his ability to soar above the mundane.
You did good, Buddy.
Uncle Sal never stayed in one place for very long and had a lifetime of glorious experiences from South America to Alaska. He told wonderful stories about the people he met and the close calls he escaped. His favorite nephew followed his route. He left his job, his freinds and his comfortable bed for a trip that has changed his perspective on his country, his beliefs and his ability to soar above the mundane.
You did good, Buddy.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Horse Totem for Sandra
My sixth grade teacher, Miss McLaughlin, gave our class a writing assignment, one I will never forget. She asked us to suspend our doubt and to consider the idea that reincarnation is real and that we can choose to come back to life in the form of an animal. We were instructed to write a short essay about the animal we would like to return as, and give all the reason why. I chose the horse. Why? Because they are beautiful, graceful, powerful and they represent freedom. Now, I may not have used those exact words....but that is the gist of it.
If horse is your totem.
"Stealing horses is stealing power" was a statement made frequently in historical Native America and a reference to the esteemed role which Horse played in the Native cultures.
Horse is physical power and unearthly power. In shamanic practices throughout the world, Horse enables shamans to fly through the air and reach heaven.
Humanity made a great leap forward when Horse was domesticated, a discovery akin to that of fire. Before Horse, humans were earthbound, heavy-laden, and slow creatures indeed. Once humans climbed on Horse's back, they were as free and fleet as the wind. They could carry burdens for great distances with ease. Through their special relationship with Horse, humans altered their self-concept beyond measure. Horse was the first animal medicine of civilization. Humanity owes an incalculable debt to Horse and to the new medicine it brought. It would be a long walk to see one's brother or sister if Horse had not welcomed the two-legged rider upon its back. Today we measure the capacity of engines with the term "horsepower" a reminder of the days when Horse was an honored and highly-prized partner with humanity.
Dreamwalker, a medicine man, was walking across the plains to visit the Arapaho Nation. He carried with him his pipe. The feather tied into his long black hair pointed to the ground, marking him as a man of peace. Over the rise of a hill, Dreamwalker saw a herd of wild mustangs running toward him.
Black Stallion approached him and asked if he was seeking an answer on his journey. Black Stallion said, "I am from the Void where Answer lives. Ride on my back and know the power of entering the Darkness and finding the Light." Dreamwalker thanked Black Stallion and agreed to visit him when his medicine was needed in the Dreamtime.
Yellow Stallion approached Dreamwalker next and offered to take him to the East, where illumination lives. Dreamwalker could share the answers he found there to teach and illuminate others. Once again, Dreamwalker thanked Yellow Stallion and said he would use these gifts of power on his journey.
Red Stallion approached, rearing playfully. he told Dreamwalker of the joys of balancing work and heavy medicine with the joys of balancing work and heavy medicine with the joyful experiences of play. He reminded Dreamwalker that he could better hold the attention of those he taught when humor was integrated with the lesson. Dreamwalker thanked him and promised to remember the gift of joy.
Dreamwalker was nearing his destination. The Arapaho Nation was close at hand. White Stallion came to the front of the herd. Dreamwalker mounted White Stallion's back. White Stallion was the message carrier for all the other horses, and represented wisdom in power. This magnificent horse was the embodiment of the balanced medicine shield. "No abuse of power will ever lead to wisdom," said White Stallion. "You, Dreamwalker, have made this journey to heal a brother in need, to share the sacred pipe, and to heal the Mother Earth. You have the knowledge through humility that you are an instrument of Great Spirit. As I carry you upon my back, you carry the needs of the people on yours. In wisdom, you understand that power is not given lightly but awarded to those who are willing to carry responsibility in a balanced manner."
Dreamwalker, the shaman, had been healed by the visit of the wild horses, and knew tht his purpose in coming to the Arapaho was to share these gifts with them.
In understanding the power of Horse, you may see how to strive for a balanced medicine shield. True power is wisdom found in remembering your total journey. Wisdom comes from remembering pathways you have walked in another person's moccasins. Compassion, caring, teaching, loving, and sharing your gifts, talents, and abilities are the gateways to power.
If horse is your totem.
"Stealing horses is stealing power" was a statement made frequently in historical Native America and a reference to the esteemed role which Horse played in the Native cultures.
Horse is physical power and unearthly power. In shamanic practices throughout the world, Horse enables shamans to fly through the air and reach heaven.
Humanity made a great leap forward when Horse was domesticated, a discovery akin to that of fire. Before Horse, humans were earthbound, heavy-laden, and slow creatures indeed. Once humans climbed on Horse's back, they were as free and fleet as the wind. They could carry burdens for great distances with ease. Through their special relationship with Horse, humans altered their self-concept beyond measure. Horse was the first animal medicine of civilization. Humanity owes an incalculable debt to Horse and to the new medicine it brought. It would be a long walk to see one's brother or sister if Horse had not welcomed the two-legged rider upon its back. Today we measure the capacity of engines with the term "horsepower" a reminder of the days when Horse was an honored and highly-prized partner with humanity.
Dreamwalker, a medicine man, was walking across the plains to visit the Arapaho Nation. He carried with him his pipe. The feather tied into his long black hair pointed to the ground, marking him as a man of peace. Over the rise of a hill, Dreamwalker saw a herd of wild mustangs running toward him.
Black Stallion approached him and asked if he was seeking an answer on his journey. Black Stallion said, "I am from the Void where Answer lives. Ride on my back and know the power of entering the Darkness and finding the Light." Dreamwalker thanked Black Stallion and agreed to visit him when his medicine was needed in the Dreamtime.
Yellow Stallion approached Dreamwalker next and offered to take him to the East, where illumination lives. Dreamwalker could share the answers he found there to teach and illuminate others. Once again, Dreamwalker thanked Yellow Stallion and said he would use these gifts of power on his journey.
Red Stallion approached, rearing playfully. he told Dreamwalker of the joys of balancing work and heavy medicine with the joys of balancing work and heavy medicine with the joyful experiences of play. He reminded Dreamwalker that he could better hold the attention of those he taught when humor was integrated with the lesson. Dreamwalker thanked him and promised to remember the gift of joy.
Dreamwalker was nearing his destination. The Arapaho Nation was close at hand. White Stallion came to the front of the herd. Dreamwalker mounted White Stallion's back. White Stallion was the message carrier for all the other horses, and represented wisdom in power. This magnificent horse was the embodiment of the balanced medicine shield. "No abuse of power will ever lead to wisdom," said White Stallion. "You, Dreamwalker, have made this journey to heal a brother in need, to share the sacred pipe, and to heal the Mother Earth. You have the knowledge through humility that you are an instrument of Great Spirit. As I carry you upon my back, you carry the needs of the people on yours. In wisdom, you understand that power is not given lightly but awarded to those who are willing to carry responsibility in a balanced manner."
Dreamwalker, the shaman, had been healed by the visit of the wild horses, and knew tht his purpose in coming to the Arapaho was to share these gifts with them.
In understanding the power of Horse, you may see how to strive for a balanced medicine shield. True power is wisdom found in remembering your total journey. Wisdom comes from remembering pathways you have walked in another person's moccasins. Compassion, caring, teaching, loving, and sharing your gifts, talents, and abilities are the gateways to power.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Idyllwild Town Crier, September 28, 2006
By Marshall Smith
Staff Reporter
Editor's note: Staff Reporter Marshall Smith attended both the Saturday seminar and two healing sessions, and is writing this article from his experience.
Licensed psychotherapist and recently arrived full-time Hill resident Steven Morrison brought a quartet of healing practitioners to the Caine Learning Center on Sept. 16 and 17 for a group presentation about certain alternative healing modalities, with emphasis on the healing of chronic physical or emotional illnesses, to be followed by individual healing sessions for interested attendees.
Appointments for the lightly advertised Progressive Healers Network were sold out in advance of the Saturday start date. Because of increased interest and demand for individual sessions, extra appointments were added on Sunday, Sept. 17 to accommodate demand.
Morrison's goal was to book 25 private appointments, a full schedule for this first foray, and thereby gauge demand for future workshops. By end of day Sunday, 34 people had booked individual sessions, each seeing two practitioners for a total of 68 sessions. Morrison plans a future encore of the four healers.
I attended two of the added sessions on Sunday. Sessions cost $25 for 20 minutes with each of two healers.
Morrison facilitated the Saturday introductory session where about 40 attendees listened to each presenter discuss what healing modalities each practiced, what exactly is meant by "alternative medicine" and how they arrived at their present vocations.
A word about what comes up when one thinks of "alternative healing." Noted author and lecturer Depak Chopra stresses that the mind/body/spirit connection is essential to effective healing. The individual in need of healing can and should be an active participant in their own healing process, and that, through suggestions and positive mental healing images a patient sends to their own disease-challenged body, lasting and effective curing is enhanced.
Each of Morrison's practitioners echoed that position ~ that they themselves did not "do" the healing. They created the space, the permission for the individual to let go of or surrender the illness or emotional weight at the root of the illness. But they emphasized that healing requires partnership ~ first and most importantly, the patient in partnership with his or her own body, and with a healing practitioner. Partnerships assist patients in taking responsibility to embrace their health potential and let go of their attachment ~ sometimes anger, judgment and fear-based attachment ~ to being ill.
Morrison and his group told the audience that abandoning one's healing to a doctor and taking no role or responsibility in the process, can be a recipe for less than optimum healing.
The four healers ~Steve Vorel, Sandra Acosta, Jasmine Dickens, and Elizabeth Aleccia ~ each arrived at their present vocations from very different paths.
Vorel, formerly a fast-paced executive at a young age, developed chronic fatigue syndrome, passing out without warning, losing memory and reading comprehension. Frightened and troubled both about his career loss, and medical condition in which doctors could provide little assistance, he returned to his family home in New York.
Out of frustration, he started swinging away with an ax on an old dead tree. As he swung, anger, screams, frustration grew and he continued, as he recounts, "for almost eight hours." When he had exhausted his rage at his medical condition, (his)"chronic fatigue syndrome was gone in one day." He realized that "the further aprt one's preception of how the world should be, and how it is, the more stress a person will have." And, as with the other practitioners, Vorel admonishes that stress creates illness.
After his eight-hour chopping purge, he began an investigative journey with Shamans in Ecuador and Peru, and other alternative teachers, and now practices as a certified regression therapist, master teacher of a trademarked practice called Zenith Omega ~ a healing technique "using light and colour to release energy blocks from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body, thus restoring each individual to a higher state of potential and beingness, leading to a deeper experience of love," according to the Web site
Acosta, an El Salvador native, studied a form of body work with Maori natives (indigenous people of New Zealand), that like many tribal and eastern approaches, restores energetic healing impulses by removing physical blocks that can build up in muscular/skeletal and lymph and fluid systems that can impede free circulation of those electrical (chi) healing impulses.
I had consultations with the two remaining healers ~ one with Dickens, a practitioner of spiritual alchemy, pranic healing and reiki whose vocation is devoted, like her compatriots, to removing blockages of the free flow of vial life enchancing "chi" that promotes healing.
Dickens rebalanced my body's system of energetic flow, and worked, as she told me, to remove blocks between several of my chakras (body areas, from Hindu and other oriental cultures, that ascend from the base of the spine to the top of the head). Dickens said my strongest chakra ~ anahata or heart/lung ~ is related to love, equilibrium and well-being, and I should use it to integrate other chakra areas that don't function as well, positioning the light of that "devotion, love, compassion and healing" chakra throughout other areas of my body.
I also saw Aleccia, a self-described clairvoyant ans psychic who sees energies and spirits, feels their presence and communicates with them telepathically. She was my first choice, since, when I attended the Saturday presentation, I was accompanied by a scientist/engineer friend who, although not skeptical of healing practitioners per se, stiffened when he heard Aleccia describe her particular practice. I, on the other hand, felt she was very down to earth, and since I had never seen a clairvoyant, thought she would be interesting.
And, as it turns out, from Aleccia I heard what I feel I needed to hear in order to move myself forward at this point in my life. Without detailing who and what she saw (my spirit companions), suffice it to say that I came away feeling strong and protected, that what Aleccia told me resonated strongly with deliberations I have had for several years about my particular path from this point forward, with whatever duties I may have for the remainder of my life and to whom, and even a timetable suggested by my "guides" for accomplishing these various projects and responsibilities ~ all this without my having described to Aleccia my dilemmas, possible projects or deliberations.
Renate Caine, one of the owners of the Caine Center that studies brain functionality, commented, "I thought they (the healing practitioners) were exceptional young people. I know the real article when I see it. They were so right about the need for each of us to take responsibility for his own life, and healing. It's not something another, a doctor, gives you. As each of them said, healing is our own process for which we must take responsibility. A healer doesn't do it for you ~ he or she creates or holds a space of permission in which we, the individuals, initiate our own healing processes."
Morrison commenced Monday, Sept 25 with weekly "Spiritual Workouts" at Skye at Night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Morrison anticipates the Workouts will be "a time and a place to practice how contemporary, nonreligious, religion-friendly, universally spiritual concepts apply to our day-to-day lives."
Marshall Smith can be reached at
Staff Reporter
Editor's note: Staff Reporter Marshall Smith attended both the Saturday seminar and two healing sessions, and is writing this article from his experience.
Licensed psychotherapist and recently arrived full-time Hill resident Steven Morrison brought a quartet of healing practitioners to the Caine Learning Center on Sept. 16 and 17 for a group presentation about certain alternative healing modalities, with emphasis on the healing of chronic physical or emotional illnesses, to be followed by individual healing sessions for interested attendees.
Appointments for the lightly advertised Progressive Healers Network were sold out in advance of the Saturday start date. Because of increased interest and demand for individual sessions, extra appointments were added on Sunday, Sept. 17 to accommodate demand.
Morrison's goal was to book 25 private appointments, a full schedule for this first foray, and thereby gauge demand for future workshops. By end of day Sunday, 34 people had booked individual sessions, each seeing two practitioners for a total of 68 sessions. Morrison plans a future encore of the four healers.
I attended two of the added sessions on Sunday. Sessions cost $25 for 20 minutes with each of two healers.
Morrison facilitated the Saturday introductory session where about 40 attendees listened to each presenter discuss what healing modalities each practiced, what exactly is meant by "alternative medicine" and how they arrived at their present vocations.
A word about what comes up when one thinks of "alternative healing." Noted author and lecturer Depak Chopra stresses that the mind/body/spirit connection is essential to effective healing. The individual in need of healing can and should be an active participant in their own healing process, and that, through suggestions and positive mental healing images a patient sends to their own disease-challenged body, lasting and effective curing is enhanced.
Each of Morrison's practitioners echoed that position ~ that they themselves did not "do" the healing. They created the space, the permission for the individual to let go of or surrender the illness or emotional weight at the root of the illness. But they emphasized that healing requires partnership ~ first and most importantly, the patient in partnership with his or her own body, and with a healing practitioner. Partnerships assist patients in taking responsibility to embrace their health potential and let go of their attachment ~ sometimes anger, judgment and fear-based attachment ~ to being ill.
Morrison and his group told the audience that abandoning one's healing to a doctor and taking no role or responsibility in the process, can be a recipe for less than optimum healing.
The four healers ~Steve Vorel, Sandra Acosta, Jasmine Dickens, and Elizabeth Aleccia ~ each arrived at their present vocations from very different paths.
Vorel, formerly a fast-paced executive at a young age, developed chronic fatigue syndrome, passing out without warning, losing memory and reading comprehension. Frightened and troubled both about his career loss, and medical condition in which doctors could provide little assistance, he returned to his family home in New York.
Out of frustration, he started swinging away with an ax on an old dead tree. As he swung, anger, screams, frustration grew and he continued, as he recounts, "for almost eight hours." When he had exhausted his rage at his medical condition, (his)"chronic fatigue syndrome was gone in one day." He realized that "the further aprt one's preception of how the world should be, and how it is, the more stress a person will have." And, as with the other practitioners, Vorel admonishes that stress creates illness.
After his eight-hour chopping purge, he began an investigative journey with Shamans in Ecuador and Peru, and other alternative teachers, and now practices as a certified regression therapist, master teacher of a trademarked practice called Zenith Omega ~ a healing technique "using light and colour to release energy blocks from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body, thus restoring each individual to a higher state of potential and beingness, leading to a deeper experience of love," according to the Web site
Acosta, an El Salvador native, studied a form of body work with Maori natives (indigenous people of New Zealand), that like many tribal and eastern approaches, restores energetic healing impulses by removing physical blocks that can build up in muscular/skeletal and lymph and fluid systems that can impede free circulation of those electrical (chi) healing impulses.
I had consultations with the two remaining healers ~ one with Dickens, a practitioner of spiritual alchemy, pranic healing and reiki whose vocation is devoted, like her compatriots, to removing blockages of the free flow of vial life enchancing "chi" that promotes healing.
Dickens rebalanced my body's system of energetic flow, and worked, as she told me, to remove blocks between several of my chakras (body areas, from Hindu and other oriental cultures, that ascend from the base of the spine to the top of the head). Dickens said my strongest chakra ~ anahata or heart/lung ~ is related to love, equilibrium and well-being, and I should use it to integrate other chakra areas that don't function as well, positioning the light of that "devotion, love, compassion and healing" chakra throughout other areas of my body.
I also saw Aleccia, a self-described clairvoyant ans psychic who sees energies and spirits, feels their presence and communicates with them telepathically. She was my first choice, since, when I attended the Saturday presentation, I was accompanied by a scientist/engineer friend who, although not skeptical of healing practitioners per se, stiffened when he heard Aleccia describe her particular practice. I, on the other hand, felt she was very down to earth, and since I had never seen a clairvoyant, thought she would be interesting.
And, as it turns out, from Aleccia I heard what I feel I needed to hear in order to move myself forward at this point in my life. Without detailing who and what she saw (my spirit companions), suffice it to say that I came away feeling strong and protected, that what Aleccia told me resonated strongly with deliberations I have had for several years about my particular path from this point forward, with whatever duties I may have for the remainder of my life and to whom, and even a timetable suggested by my "guides" for accomplishing these various projects and responsibilities ~ all this without my having described to Aleccia my dilemmas, possible projects or deliberations.
Renate Caine, one of the owners of the Caine Center that studies brain functionality, commented, "I thought they (the healing practitioners) were exceptional young people. I know the real article when I see it. They were so right about the need for each of us to take responsibility for his own life, and healing. It's not something another, a doctor, gives you. As each of them said, healing is our own process for which we must take responsibility. A healer doesn't do it for you ~ he or she creates or holds a space of permission in which we, the individuals, initiate our own healing processes."
Morrison commenced Monday, Sept 25 with weekly "Spiritual Workouts" at Skye at Night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Morrison anticipates the Workouts will be "a time and a place to practice how contemporary, nonreligious, religion-friendly, universally spiritual concepts apply to our day-to-day lives."
Marshall Smith can be reached at
Friday, September 29, 2006
The Marching Bands
There are three high schools within a half a mile from my house. Redondo Beach High School is west of here, West Torrance High is east of me and Bishop Montgomery is to the south. I can walk to any one of them in a matter of a few minutes.
Friday mornings, in preparation for the big football games, the marching bands are out on their respective fields practing. I can hear the drummers pounding, the horns blarring and the cymbals 7 o'clock in the morning. It actually makes me smile. I've always loved the sound of a well practiced marching band. My favorite part of our hometown parades every summer was the music. It vibrated through my body like nothing else I had known.
It's a beautiful day here, in Redondo Beach. The skies are blue, the ocean breeze is gentle and the birds haven't left for winter yet. All of this peace will be broken soon when the day workers arrive with their saws, hammers and electric staple guns. We're having all the old wood removed from the outside of our house and replaced with good, strong, fresh wood. Next Wednesday we are having the building fumigated for termites.....I guess the music hasn't effected their ability to multiply.
Friday mornings, in preparation for the big football games, the marching bands are out on their respective fields practing. I can hear the drummers pounding, the horns blarring and the cymbals 7 o'clock in the morning. It actually makes me smile. I've always loved the sound of a well practiced marching band. My favorite part of our hometown parades every summer was the music. It vibrated through my body like nothing else I had known.
It's a beautiful day here, in Redondo Beach. The skies are blue, the ocean breeze is gentle and the birds haven't left for winter yet. All of this peace will be broken soon when the day workers arrive with their saws, hammers and electric staple guns. We're having all the old wood removed from the outside of our house and replaced with good, strong, fresh wood. Next Wednesday we are having the building fumigated for termites.....I guess the music hasn't effected their ability to multiply.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Quotes from the Masters
It's what we all wanted when we were children~to be loved and accepted exactly as we were then, not when we got taller or thinner or prettier...and we still want it...but we aren't going to get it from other people until we can get it from ourselves.
~Louise Hay
True healing is found in the memory of wholeness.
~Deepak Chopra
Nothing is worth more than this day.
Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God.
~Teilhard de Chardin
Everything in life is apt to be very interesting when the sacred comes to call.
~Caroline Myers
~Louise Hay
True healing is found in the memory of wholeness.
~Deepak Chopra
Nothing is worth more than this day.
Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God.
~Teilhard de Chardin
Everything in life is apt to be very interesting when the sacred comes to call.
~Caroline Myers
Prayer for Forgiveness
All that we ought to have thought and have not thought,
All that we ought to have said and not said,
All that we ought to have done and have not done,
All that we ought not to have thought and yet have thought,
All that we ought not to have spoken and yet have spoken,
All that we ought not to have done and yet have done,
For thoughts, words and works, pray we, O God, for forgiveness,
And repent with penance.
~Ascribed to Zoroaster
(c. 628-c. 551 B.C.)
All that we ought to have said and not said,
All that we ought to have done and have not done,
All that we ought not to have thought and yet have thought,
All that we ought not to have spoken and yet have spoken,
All that we ought not to have done and yet have done,
For thoughts, words and works, pray we, O God, for forgiveness,
And repent with penance.
~Ascribed to Zoroaster
(c. 628-c. 551 B.C.)
Update on my sister, Vicky
Dr. Victoria Luz Estrada. Amazingly determined woman is she. Last year, one week before Thanksgiving, she was diagnosed with cancer. She was scheduled for surgery for the following month. What the doctors discovered was a large growth on her cervix and another kind of cancer in her uterus. Her treatment was very aggressive, as was the cancer. Last January she started her first chemo treatments. For three months she struggled with pain, weakness, nausea and baldness. She then endured three months of daily radiation, which weakened her more. Finally, three more months of chemo, which ended two weeks ago. The final report is in. She is cancer free! She beat it! We are having a party Friday to celebrate her freedom, her renewed health and a bright and beautiful future! Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts. Vicky Estrada is healed!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
For Linda
A question was posed at our panel discussion on Saturday morning. “What is a healing?” My answer to that question was this, “Anything that creates a shift in the vibration of your body, your mind or your spirit, from a lower, dense, negative energy to a higher, lighter vibration is a healing. It can be as seemingly insignificant as a smile or as mind blowing as the disappearance of a tumor or the shift from rage to love. What heals me, heals you. When I am uplifted, you are uplifted. When one person is uplifted, or healed, it counter-balances the negative energy of many, many others. We are each others mirrors.”
Here is a message for your healing.
This is the Rune of opening, renewed clarity, dispelling the darkness that has been shrouding some part of your life. You are free now to receive, and to know the joy of non-attached giving.
Kano is the Rune for the morning of activities, for seriousness, clear intent and concentration, all of which are essential at the beginning of work. The protection offered by Kano is this: The more Light you have, the better you can see what is trivial and outmoded in your conditioning.
In relationships, there can now be a mutual opening up. You may serve as the trigger, the timekeeper, through your awareness that the Light of understanding is once again available to you both.
Recognize that while on the one hand you are limited and dependent, on the other you exist at the perfect center where the harmonious and beneficent forces of the universe merge and radiate. You are that center.
Simply put, if you have been operating in the dark, there is now enough light to see that the patient on the operating table is yourself.
Here is a message for your healing.
This is the Rune of opening, renewed clarity, dispelling the darkness that has been shrouding some part of your life. You are free now to receive, and to know the joy of non-attached giving.
Kano is the Rune for the morning of activities, for seriousness, clear intent and concentration, all of which are essential at the beginning of work. The protection offered by Kano is this: The more Light you have, the better you can see what is trivial and outmoded in your conditioning.
In relationships, there can now be a mutual opening up. You may serve as the trigger, the timekeeper, through your awareness that the Light of understanding is once again available to you both.
Recognize that while on the one hand you are limited and dependent, on the other you exist at the perfect center where the harmonious and beneficent forces of the universe merge and radiate. You are that center.
Simply put, if you have been operating in the dark, there is now enough light to see that the patient on the operating table is yourself.
I said it last week..... the Progressive Healers Network. Something as simple as a smile can be healing. I got this email today. Thank you Kelley.
"Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."~ Mother Teresa
Researchers have discovered that smiling increases our feelings of happiness and well-being whether we are the benefactor or the recipient, and even whether the smile is genuine or fake. Highly contagious, smiling serves to build a bridge between us and those around us and is the accepted and universal language of love and kindness and peace. So it appears that when you smile, your world really does smile with you. As Mother Teresa said, it truly is "a beautiful thing."
"Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."~ Mother Teresa
Researchers have discovered that smiling increases our feelings of happiness and well-being whether we are the benefactor or the recipient, and even whether the smile is genuine or fake. Highly contagious, smiling serves to build a bridge between us and those around us and is the accepted and universal language of love and kindness and peace. So it appears that when you smile, your world really does smile with you. As Mother Teresa said, it truly is "a beautiful thing."
Sunday, September 24, 2006
When I was a child....
......a half a century ago....(yikes!) four sisters and I were not allowed to go outside to play on Saturdays until we had finished our chores. The first thing was to remove our linens off of our beds and start a load of laundry. Then we would write down the names of all the rooms in the house, living room, bathrooms, kitchen, bedroom and we would put them in a bowl and each pick one. I always wanted the living room. It's the easiest to clean. I mean, come on. You dust, you vacuum and straighten things and you're out the door. The kitchen and bathrooms were always the worst. Those two rooms required scrubbing, polishing, mopping, washing, and garbage....yuck. As soon as we had our assigned rooms we would put some records on the stereo....yes, the turntable. Our favorites were the soundtrack to The Westside Story, Julie London's Greatest Hits, Johnny Mathis, Dionne Warwick, and Roger Williams, the pianist, "Falling Leaves" being one of his best, and some Doo Wop tunes. Sometimes we would dance and sing for an hour before beginning the work. That part was the best. I can still see us standing in a line, like The Supremes, singing Baby Love.
Fifty years later, I'm still in the habit of cleaning house and doing laundry before going outside It's Sunday morning and my linens are in the wash, my bedroom has been vacuumed, dusted and the windows cleaned. I even cleaned the carpet. I just wouldn't feel right if I left the house without at least straightening things. Of course, there have been many times that I have done exactly that. But, when I come home to a dirty house I just don't feel right. I'm listening to Cat Stevens Tea For The Tillerman. All the windows are open, all the rooms are clean, all my clothes have been folded or hung and now it's time for a walk on the beach.
Life is good.
Fifty years later, I'm still in the habit of cleaning house and doing laundry before going outside It's Sunday morning and my linens are in the wash, my bedroom has been vacuumed, dusted and the windows cleaned. I even cleaned the carpet. I just wouldn't feel right if I left the house without at least straightening things. Of course, there have been many times that I have done exactly that. But, when I come home to a dirty house I just don't feel right. I'm listening to Cat Stevens Tea For The Tillerman. All the windows are open, all the rooms are clean, all my clothes have been folded or hung and now it's time for a walk on the beach.
Life is good.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Reflections on Death
When you love, give it everything you've got
And when you have reached your limit~
give it more.
And forget the pain of it,
because as you face your death
it is only the love you have given
and received that will count.
And all the rest~
the accomplishments, the struggles, the fights~
will be forgotten in your reflections.
If you have loved well
then it will have been worth it.
The joy of it will last through the end;
but if you have not,
death will always come too soon.....
~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
And when you have reached your limit~
give it more.
And forget the pain of it,
because as you face your death
it is only the love you have given
and received that will count.
And all the rest~
the accomplishments, the struggles, the fights~
will be forgotten in your reflections.
If you have loved well
then it will have been worth it.
The joy of it will last through the end;
but if you have not,
death will always come too soon.....
~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Evoking the Soul
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one that would otherwise never have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of incidents and meetings and material assistance which no person would have believed would have come their way. Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.
All sorts of things occur to help one that would otherwise never have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of incidents and meetings and material assistance which no person would have believed would have come their way. Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.
The Healing Runes
by Thomas Moore
It is the human condition to be in need of healing, for we are not, not any of us, fully sound, fit and hale in body and soul. So, an essential part of our lives must be dedicated to some kind of "medicine," in the best sense of the word. The trouble in modern times is that we pursue healing piecemeal and incompletely. We separate, each from the other, the sicknesses of body, emotion, meaning and connectedness. We have a tendency to trust both the mind and machinery too much, thinking that if we could only understand the basis of our distress, we might make it right, or if we could find the best expert having the newest technologies, then we might possess the elusive elixir of physical and emotional health.
People who live or have lived outside the bubble of modern sensibilites look upon illness and healing differently. The ancient Greeks would make a sacrifice at the temple of the healing god Aesculapius and spend the night in hope of a cure. Some communities today consult a diviner or a shamanic medicine person who knows herbs and dreams. Modern people sometimes try to borow folk techniques and medicines, but we know that we can't just suddenly go primitive and pretend that modern medicine and therapy never happened. Our challenge is to become aware of sesrious holes in our approach to healing ourselves, learn fromas many sources as possible how we might re-vision or methods and atitudes, and then develop newly animated ways of healing.
We realize that we need insight, especially in distrubances of the soul~addictions, depressions, emotional upheaval, relationship breakdowns, all kinds of acting out~and so we flock to therapists and buy books that tell us what we're doing wrong and how to get back on track. But I suspect that our quest for insight doesn't go nearly deep enough. It isn't sufficient to cling to a new theory or therapy that promises salvation from soul distress. We have to live daily from a deeper place, thereby healing many of the divisions in vision and philosophy that lie at the heart of our wounds.
We need nothing less than a revolution in our ways of knowing and understanding. In modern life we tend to turn everything into a mental issue. In sports we like to discuss statistics, instead of enjoying athletics. In education we stuff the brain with facts, instead of addressing ways of understanding things we cannot quantify. In psychotherapy we look for causes and explanations, instead of seeking ways to heal the individual soul. to ease the anziety and distress of modern times we need to depen our knowledge to a point beyond mere explanation, to a place where the soul is moved and therefore touched and healed.
I used to think that intuition was the answer, and that we could somehow squeeze brilliant ideas from this neglected organ of the mind. Now, I've leaned that intuition is not a mental activity at root but a posture in the world and a method of knowing that offers guidance to the soul, even as it fails to satisfy the mind's longing for clear and unambiguous explanations.
I've learned that real intuition requires skills and attitudes that are more demanding than those of the mind; it demands some concrete object, image or ritual procedure, and it doesn't act in a vacuum. It presents no sure knowledge, but rather offers information that is poetic in nature, and often ambiguous, ambivalent, paradoxical and elusive. Its answers to our problems are neither immediate nor fully conclusive, but rather take time to unfold and may never stand fully revealed.
Because the knowledge that rises out of the intuition ~and out of the oracular ~ is so deep-seated, it appears to belong more in the realm of religion than psychology, and so some people are hesitant to approach it lest they transgress their beliefs and theological convictions. We are all influenced, too, by Western religion's long suspicions about paganism, superstition and magical practices. Study after study has shown that the churches make careful distincitons about oracles. they seem to be most interested in protecting the notion of free will for humans, and divine freedom as well. They resist a kind of magical universe in which certain actions automatically and necessarily produce effects, and they warn against any individual's taking personal advantage of that magic.
Yet, the oracular is an integral part of all religions, from the Greeks consulting the oracle at Delphi, to the Priests of the Old Testament dedicated to reading the signs of nature, to St. Augustine. In his Confessions, Augustine asserts his love of he oracular and tells the moving story of how, in the midst of his agony over the disastrous way his life had gone, he heard a child's voice telling him to read. So he picked up a Bible and read the first words that presented themselves to him. He describes this as a technique~divining the passage that will set a meaningful life course. The words he read advised him against a wasted life, and talking them to heart, he embraced an altogether new direction, becoming a bishop, theologian and saint.
As oracular tools, the Runes provide a way of deepening reflection and stirring the soul where it counts, where meaning coalesces and emotions find their place. This is indeed the edge of religion, but think of what the Runes do in the medieval view of philosophy, as servants to theology. there need be no conflict, but rather, the one can ground the other.
I am convinced that all healing ultimately comes from a shift in deep imagination, and this is what the Runes do when read sensitively, as in this edition: They ground the interpretations of our own lives and anchor our decisions in the very quick of the heart.
If we suffer from any universal disease, it is shallowness of imagination. The Healing Runes offers a remedy for that malady. In so doing, it promises not just relief from anxiety, but profound gifts that signal the presence of soul~intimacy, pleasure , beauty, piety and love.
by Thomas Moore
It is the human condition to be in need of healing, for we are not, not any of us, fully sound, fit and hale in body and soul. So, an essential part of our lives must be dedicated to some kind of "medicine," in the best sense of the word. The trouble in modern times is that we pursue healing piecemeal and incompletely. We separate, each from the other, the sicknesses of body, emotion, meaning and connectedness. We have a tendency to trust both the mind and machinery too much, thinking that if we could only understand the basis of our distress, we might make it right, or if we could find the best expert having the newest technologies, then we might possess the elusive elixir of physical and emotional health.
People who live or have lived outside the bubble of modern sensibilites look upon illness and healing differently. The ancient Greeks would make a sacrifice at the temple of the healing god Aesculapius and spend the night in hope of a cure. Some communities today consult a diviner or a shamanic medicine person who knows herbs and dreams. Modern people sometimes try to borow folk techniques and medicines, but we know that we can't just suddenly go primitive and pretend that modern medicine and therapy never happened. Our challenge is to become aware of sesrious holes in our approach to healing ourselves, learn fromas many sources as possible how we might re-vision or methods and atitudes, and then develop newly animated ways of healing.
We realize that we need insight, especially in distrubances of the soul~addictions, depressions, emotional upheaval, relationship breakdowns, all kinds of acting out~and so we flock to therapists and buy books that tell us what we're doing wrong and how to get back on track. But I suspect that our quest for insight doesn't go nearly deep enough. It isn't sufficient to cling to a new theory or therapy that promises salvation from soul distress. We have to live daily from a deeper place, thereby healing many of the divisions in vision and philosophy that lie at the heart of our wounds.
We need nothing less than a revolution in our ways of knowing and understanding. In modern life we tend to turn everything into a mental issue. In sports we like to discuss statistics, instead of enjoying athletics. In education we stuff the brain with facts, instead of addressing ways of understanding things we cannot quantify. In psychotherapy we look for causes and explanations, instead of seeking ways to heal the individual soul. to ease the anziety and distress of modern times we need to depen our knowledge to a point beyond mere explanation, to a place where the soul is moved and therefore touched and healed.
I used to think that intuition was the answer, and that we could somehow squeeze brilliant ideas from this neglected organ of the mind. Now, I've leaned that intuition is not a mental activity at root but a posture in the world and a method of knowing that offers guidance to the soul, even as it fails to satisfy the mind's longing for clear and unambiguous explanations.
I've learned that real intuition requires skills and attitudes that are more demanding than those of the mind; it demands some concrete object, image or ritual procedure, and it doesn't act in a vacuum. It presents no sure knowledge, but rather offers information that is poetic in nature, and often ambiguous, ambivalent, paradoxical and elusive. Its answers to our problems are neither immediate nor fully conclusive, but rather take time to unfold and may never stand fully revealed.
Because the knowledge that rises out of the intuition ~and out of the oracular ~ is so deep-seated, it appears to belong more in the realm of religion than psychology, and so some people are hesitant to approach it lest they transgress their beliefs and theological convictions. We are all influenced, too, by Western religion's long suspicions about paganism, superstition and magical practices. Study after study has shown that the churches make careful distincitons about oracles. they seem to be most interested in protecting the notion of free will for humans, and divine freedom as well. They resist a kind of magical universe in which certain actions automatically and necessarily produce effects, and they warn against any individual's taking personal advantage of that magic.
Yet, the oracular is an integral part of all religions, from the Greeks consulting the oracle at Delphi, to the Priests of the Old Testament dedicated to reading the signs of nature, to St. Augustine. In his Confessions, Augustine asserts his love of he oracular and tells the moving story of how, in the midst of his agony over the disastrous way his life had gone, he heard a child's voice telling him to read. So he picked up a Bible and read the first words that presented themselves to him. He describes this as a technique~divining the passage that will set a meaningful life course. The words he read advised him against a wasted life, and talking them to heart, he embraced an altogether new direction, becoming a bishop, theologian and saint.
As oracular tools, the Runes provide a way of deepening reflection and stirring the soul where it counts, where meaning coalesces and emotions find their place. This is indeed the edge of religion, but think of what the Runes do in the medieval view of philosophy, as servants to theology. there need be no conflict, but rather, the one can ground the other.
I am convinced that all healing ultimately comes from a shift in deep imagination, and this is what the Runes do when read sensitively, as in this edition: They ground the interpretations of our own lives and anchor our decisions in the very quick of the heart.
If we suffer from any universal disease, it is shallowness of imagination. The Healing Runes offers a remedy for that malady. In so doing, it promises not just relief from anxiety, but profound gifts that signal the presence of soul~intimacy, pleasure , beauty, piety and love.
"So how can anyone really say they're in love with a specific person? They're only in love with the anticipation of the emotions they are addicted to. The same person could fall out of favor the next week by not complying.
My goodness, doesn't that change the landscape of our emotional outlook on personal needs and identities?"
My goodness, doesn't that change the landscape of our emotional outlook on personal needs and identities?"
"How can any man or woman sin against such a greatness of mind? How can any one little carbon unit on Earth, in the backwaters of the Milky Way, indeed, the boondocks, betray God Almighty?
That is impossible."
That is impossible."
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Oh My Godness!
The Idyllwild healing weekend was amazing! When I got home last night I was still on fire from all of the incredible energy we created in the center where we worked. There were five of us, a team of healers, joined together for a clear and holy intention to assist and teach. Each of us has our own specialties and they were woven together perfectly. It was magical.
Sept 17th marks the birth of a new movement in Idyllwild. Idyllwild Healing Arts. I guess I'm going to be spending more time in the mountains. That's funny. I saw myself in the mountains for years and thought it would be near the Grand Canyon. Then I thought I was going to be in Denver. Now I's right here in my backyard.
I've been reading the feedback emails from some of the 35 or so participants. All I can say is, I am humbled. We changed lives this weekend. God! I love what I do.
Sept 17th marks the birth of a new movement in Idyllwild. Idyllwild Healing Arts. I guess I'm going to be spending more time in the mountains. That's funny. I saw myself in the mountains for years and thought it would be near the Grand Canyon. Then I thought I was going to be in Denver. Now I's right here in my backyard.
I've been reading the feedback emails from some of the 35 or so participants. All I can say is, I am humbled. We changed lives this weekend. God! I love what I do.
Friday, September 15, 2006
The Law of Attraction
"If you are against a thing, be for its opposite."
If you are against war, be for peace.
If you are against violence, be for kindness.
If you are against lies and deceit, be for honesty and integrity.
Instead of raging about what is wrong with the world, with our country, with your family, be for its opposite.
Instead of participating in an angry anti-war rally, practice a silent peace demonstration.
Instead of being angry about the homeless, jobless dispair of the Katrina survivors, be for the systems that will support their recovery.
The Law of Attraction brings to you that which you put your attention and energy towards. If you see lack around you and focus on will create more lack. If disease and pain have captured you will create more of the same. See the other possibilities. Feel what it would feel like to be living the other possibilities. Turn your dreams into intentions! Everyday in everyway live as if they have already been created and they will.
If you are against war, be for peace.
If you are against violence, be for kindness.
If you are against lies and deceit, be for honesty and integrity.
Instead of raging about what is wrong with the world, with our country, with your family, be for its opposite.
Instead of participating in an angry anti-war rally, practice a silent peace demonstration.
Instead of being angry about the homeless, jobless dispair of the Katrina survivors, be for the systems that will support their recovery.
The Law of Attraction brings to you that which you put your attention and energy towards. If you see lack around you and focus on will create more lack. If disease and pain have captured you will create more of the same. See the other possibilities. Feel what it would feel like to be living the other possibilities. Turn your dreams into intentions! Everyday in everyway live as if they have already been created and they will.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Thank you, Michelle
Young Anger Foments Jihad
By David IgnatiusWednesday,
September 13, 2006; Page A17
During Monday's commemorations of the fifth anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, I found myself wondering what the world will look like on the 10th anniversary, or the 20th. Will the catastrophe that began five years ago become a permanent feature of life -- a "long war" that won't end for many decades? Or will it gradually wane with time?
President Bush made an emphatic case for the long war in his speech to the nation Monday night. In his account, America is locked not simply in a war but in a meta-conflict, "the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century and the calling of our generation." He described a global enemy of Muslim fanatics that imprisons women in their homes, beats impious men and attacks Americans at will. I admire Bush's toughness, but I disagree with his analysis.
As it happened, I spent the hours before Bush's speech moderating a discussion of the meaning of Sept. 11, which was hosted by the World Affairs Council here. One of the panelists was Marc Sageman, a man who comes to these issues with an unusual background -- he was a CIA case officer in Pakistan and then became a psychiatrist. I found in his comments a similarly unusual clarity.
Sageman argues in his book, "Understanding Terror Networks," that we are facing something closer to a cult network than an organized global adversary. Like many cults through history, the Muslim terrorists thrive by channeling and perverting the idealism of young people. As a forensic psychiatrist, he analyzed data on about 400 jihadists. He found that they weren't poor, desperate sociopaths but restless young men who found identity by joining the terrorist underground. Ninety percent came from intact families; 63 percent had gone to college; 75 percent were professionals or semi-professionals; 73 percent were
What transformed these young Sunni Muslim men was the fellowship of the jihad and the militant role models they found in people such as Osama bin Laden. The terrorist training camps in Afghanistan were a kind of elite finishing school --
Sageman likened it to getting into Harvard. The Sept. 11 hijackers weren't psychotic killers; none of the 19 had criminal records. In terms of their psychological profiles, says Sageman, they were as healthy as the general population.
The implication of Sageman's analysis is that the Sunni jihadism of al-Qaeda and its spinoff groups is a generational phenomenon. Unless new grievances spawn new recruits, it will gradually ebb over time. In other words, this is a fire that will gradually burn itself out unless we keep pumping in more oxygen. Nothing in Sageman's analysis implies that America should be any less aggressive in defending itself against terrorism. But he does argue that we should choose our offensive battles wisely and avoid glamorizing the jihadist network further through our rhetoric or actions.
Sageman's focus on the generational arc of violence got me thinking about my recent trip to Iran. The revolutionary intensity hasn't disappeared there, but it is certainly further down the curve than is the Sunni world. When I attended Friday prayers at Tehran University, I was struck by how old the people shouting "death to America" were. I would guess the average age was well over 40. The generation of the Iranian revolution is getting long in the tooth. The only sure way to ignite revolutionary zealotry in the younger generation would be for America to go to war with Iran -- something I dearly hope we can avoid.
There's another small detail about Iran that strikes me as relevant, now that I'm back home. As I explained in an earlier column, Tehran is a city of crazy drivers who nearly collide at every intersection. But the police are quite strict about requiring seat belts -- something I don't often see in the Muslim world. Even fatalistic taxi drivers buckle up. Another surprise: When I was traveling last week from Tehran to the holy city of Qom, there were actually police on the highway with radar guns, stopping pilgrims who might be tempted to speed. And I'm told the new mayor of Tehran, Mohammad Qalibaf, who succeeded the rabble-rousing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has created a special hotline so people can call and get potholes filled and trash collected.
Now I submit to you: A nation that is wearing seat belts is probably not a mortal enemy of the United States.
This is a week when we remember, with horror, that there are dangerous killers in the Muslim world. But unless we make big mistakes, we should not find ourselves condemned to a permanent war, much less a clash of civilizations.
Young Anger Foments Jihad
By David IgnatiusWednesday,
September 13, 2006; Page A17
During Monday's commemorations of the fifth anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, I found myself wondering what the world will look like on the 10th anniversary, or the 20th. Will the catastrophe that began five years ago become a permanent feature of life -- a "long war" that won't end for many decades? Or will it gradually wane with time?
President Bush made an emphatic case for the long war in his speech to the nation Monday night. In his account, America is locked not simply in a war but in a meta-conflict, "the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century and the calling of our generation." He described a global enemy of Muslim fanatics that imprisons women in their homes, beats impious men and attacks Americans at will. I admire Bush's toughness, but I disagree with his analysis.
As it happened, I spent the hours before Bush's speech moderating a discussion of the meaning of Sept. 11, which was hosted by the World Affairs Council here. One of the panelists was Marc Sageman, a man who comes to these issues with an unusual background -- he was a CIA case officer in Pakistan and then became a psychiatrist. I found in his comments a similarly unusual clarity.
Sageman argues in his book, "Understanding Terror Networks," that we are facing something closer to a cult network than an organized global adversary. Like many cults through history, the Muslim terrorists thrive by channeling and perverting the idealism of young people. As a forensic psychiatrist, he analyzed data on about 400 jihadists. He found that they weren't poor, desperate sociopaths but restless young men who found identity by joining the terrorist underground. Ninety percent came from intact families; 63 percent had gone to college; 75 percent were professionals or semi-professionals; 73 percent were
What transformed these young Sunni Muslim men was the fellowship of the jihad and the militant role models they found in people such as Osama bin Laden. The terrorist training camps in Afghanistan were a kind of elite finishing school --
Sageman likened it to getting into Harvard. The Sept. 11 hijackers weren't psychotic killers; none of the 19 had criminal records. In terms of their psychological profiles, says Sageman, they were as healthy as the general population.
The implication of Sageman's analysis is that the Sunni jihadism of al-Qaeda and its spinoff groups is a generational phenomenon. Unless new grievances spawn new recruits, it will gradually ebb over time. In other words, this is a fire that will gradually burn itself out unless we keep pumping in more oxygen. Nothing in Sageman's analysis implies that America should be any less aggressive in defending itself against terrorism. But he does argue that we should choose our offensive battles wisely and avoid glamorizing the jihadist network further through our rhetoric or actions.
Sageman's focus on the generational arc of violence got me thinking about my recent trip to Iran. The revolutionary intensity hasn't disappeared there, but it is certainly further down the curve than is the Sunni world. When I attended Friday prayers at Tehran University, I was struck by how old the people shouting "death to America" were. I would guess the average age was well over 40. The generation of the Iranian revolution is getting long in the tooth. The only sure way to ignite revolutionary zealotry in the younger generation would be for America to go to war with Iran -- something I dearly hope we can avoid.
There's another small detail about Iran that strikes me as relevant, now that I'm back home. As I explained in an earlier column, Tehran is a city of crazy drivers who nearly collide at every intersection. But the police are quite strict about requiring seat belts -- something I don't often see in the Muslim world. Even fatalistic taxi drivers buckle up. Another surprise: When I was traveling last week from Tehran to the holy city of Qom, there were actually police on the highway with radar guns, stopping pilgrims who might be tempted to speed. And I'm told the new mayor of Tehran, Mohammad Qalibaf, who succeeded the rabble-rousing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has created a special hotline so people can call and get potholes filled and trash collected.
Now I submit to you: A nation that is wearing seat belts is probably not a mortal enemy of the United States.
This is a week when we remember, with horror, that there are dangerous killers in the Muslim world. But unless we make big mistakes, we should not find ourselves condemned to a permanent war, much less a clash of civilizations.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Pay attention to your dreams. Messages from your unconscious mind are sent to you while you sleep and they can be quite revealing. They can sometimes be prophetic. Keep a note pad and pen next to your bed and before you open your eyes in the morning, jot down notes that will help you remember. Were you flying? Who was there and what do they represent to you? Where were you and what did you notice about your surroundings? How did it feel?
I had a dream about a year ago. It was during a time of emotional upheaval and I was struggling with my equilibrium, spiritually speaking. I found it difficult to meditate or concentrate on anything for more than a few seconds. I felt like I was in a tiny boat on a giant churing ocean, up and over the giant waves of anger and then thrown down into sorrow and despair. It's that way with emotional trauma. I was fragmented and fragile. And, as with all things, time and determination brought me safely home.
Here's the dream I had during that time. I was in a dark space. It felt dirty and dank. I was standing on some steps that lead down to my garage. I looked down and beside me was a large black dog. I didn't own a dog at the time but in my dream I knew she was mine. I pushed a button on the wall and the large garage door opened and the sunlight came in. I looked back at the dog and knew that she was a guardian, a protector. I knew she would lead me out of my emotional storm and bring balance back into my life.
Months later, as I was still licking my wounds, my daughter said, "Mom, you need a dog." She gave me Maggie. The other day I stepped into my dark garage and reached up to push the button that opens the large garage door and I looked down and there, by my side, was the large black dog from my dream.
Last night, in my dream, I was told to warn a freind not to take a trip. I should call him and tell him not to go. I don't know if he's planning a trip or not. We haven't spoken since June. Is it just a silly dream? or....
Two hours have passed since I wrote that. In that time I spoke to one of our mutual friends. As it turns out there is discussion of a trip to Central America in November. Could that be the trip I was told about? Or is there a shorter weekend trip in the planning stages? Hmmm. We shall see.
I had a dream about a year ago. It was during a time of emotional upheaval and I was struggling with my equilibrium, spiritually speaking. I found it difficult to meditate or concentrate on anything for more than a few seconds. I felt like I was in a tiny boat on a giant churing ocean, up and over the giant waves of anger and then thrown down into sorrow and despair. It's that way with emotional trauma. I was fragmented and fragile. And, as with all things, time and determination brought me safely home.
Here's the dream I had during that time. I was in a dark space. It felt dirty and dank. I was standing on some steps that lead down to my garage. I looked down and beside me was a large black dog. I didn't own a dog at the time but in my dream I knew she was mine. I pushed a button on the wall and the large garage door opened and the sunlight came in. I looked back at the dog and knew that she was a guardian, a protector. I knew she would lead me out of my emotional storm and bring balance back into my life.
Months later, as I was still licking my wounds, my daughter said, "Mom, you need a dog." She gave me Maggie. The other day I stepped into my dark garage and reached up to push the button that opens the large garage door and I looked down and there, by my side, was the large black dog from my dream.
Last night, in my dream, I was told to warn a freind not to take a trip. I should call him and tell him not to go. I don't know if he's planning a trip or not. We haven't spoken since June. Is it just a silly dream? or....
Two hours have passed since I wrote that. In that time I spoke to one of our mutual friends. As it turns out there is discussion of a trip to Central America in November. Could that be the trip I was told about? Or is there a shorter weekend trip in the planning stages? Hmmm. We shall see.
Monday, September 11, 2006
September 11th
Today is the 100th anniversary of Ghandi's non violence movement.
"I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him. Will he gain anything by it? Will it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions?Then you will find your doubts and your self melt away."
Ghandi, 1948
"I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him. Will he gain anything by it? Will it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions?Then you will find your doubts and your self melt away."
Ghandi, 1948
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Even ultra-conservative, FOX News had to fess up.
Senate to Issue Iraq Intelligence Report
Thursday, September 07, 2006
By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON — The Senate intelligence committee on Friday will issue a report, two years in the making, that Democrats on the panel say will prove that misuse of intelligence played a role in the Bush administration's decision to go to war in Iraq.
"Ultimately, I think you will find that administration officials made repeated prewar statements that were not supported by underlying intelligence,"said Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., top Democrat on the committee.
The 400-page study to be released by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will examine how the intelligence community used information provided by the Iraqi National Congress, an anti-Saddam Hussein group that had financial backing from the United States.
It will also compare prewar assessments of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction program with what was discovered about that program after the war.
The report, expected to reiterate the overestimation of the threat posed by Iraq's WMD program and the questionable reliance of intelligence agencies on INC leader Ahmed Chalabi, comes out in the same week that President Bush is emphasizing the importance of the Iraq campaign to the war on terror.
There's more if you're interested.... THE TRUTH WILL SET US ALL FREE!
Senate to Issue Iraq Intelligence Report
Thursday, September 07, 2006
By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON — The Senate intelligence committee on Friday will issue a report, two years in the making, that Democrats on the panel say will prove that misuse of intelligence played a role in the Bush administration's decision to go to war in Iraq.
"Ultimately, I think you will find that administration officials made repeated prewar statements that were not supported by underlying intelligence,"said Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., top Democrat on the committee.
The 400-page study to be released by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will examine how the intelligence community used information provided by the Iraqi National Congress, an anti-Saddam Hussein group that had financial backing from the United States.
It will also compare prewar assessments of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction program with what was discovered about that program after the war.
The report, expected to reiterate the overestimation of the threat posed by Iraq's WMD program and the questionable reliance of intelligence agencies on INC leader Ahmed Chalabi, comes out in the same week that President Bush is emphasizing the importance of the Iraq campaign to the war on terror.
There's more if you're interested.... THE TRUTH WILL SET US ALL FREE!
It's time....
Over the years I've written and posted my opinions about what I believe our country and our leaders have done in their lust for war and profits. I heard them lie on national television about WMD's and 9/11 conspiracy notions. I knew they were lies just like I knew when Bill Clinton lied to us. I'm very sensitive to energies and I'm rarely wrong.
I practically screamed for a better plan, a plan of diplomacy and patience. I wanted more time for the training of our newly enlisted young men and women. I begged for more armor and more oversight. But, I wasn't heard. I'm nobody here in blogland and my letters to President Bush, I'm sure, were tossed aside. The form letters that were returned said as much. I felt so helpless. Nobody seemed to listen back then.
Well, it's a new day, a new year...five years later the truth is finally coming out. I hope everyone is listening. I pray everyone is learning.
It's time to impeach Bush and call for Rumsfelds resignation. I want the world to see what being an American really means. Take back America from the extremists and show the world how Democracy works.
I practically screamed for a better plan, a plan of diplomacy and patience. I wanted more time for the training of our newly enlisted young men and women. I begged for more armor and more oversight. But, I wasn't heard. I'm nobody here in blogland and my letters to President Bush, I'm sure, were tossed aside. The form letters that were returned said as much. I felt so helpless. Nobody seemed to listen back then.
Well, it's a new day, a new year...five years later the truth is finally coming out. I hope everyone is listening. I pray everyone is learning.
It's time to impeach Bush and call for Rumsfelds resignation. I want the world to see what being an American really means. Take back America from the extremists and show the world how Democracy works.
Email from Idyllwild
To Kill an American
You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American. So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American is . So they would know when they found one.
"An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish,Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, orArab, or Pakistani or Afghan.
An American may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho,Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.
An American is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan. The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.
An American is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.
An American lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world.The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.
An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!
As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan.
Americans welcome the best of everything...the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services. But they also welcome the least.
The national symbol of America, The Statue of Liberty , welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America. Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11, 2001 earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.
So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself. Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.
You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American. So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American is . So they would know when they found one.
"An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish,Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, orArab, or Pakistani or Afghan.
An American may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho,Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.
An American is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan. The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.
An American is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.
An American lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world.The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.
An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!
As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan.
Americans welcome the best of everything...the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services. But they also welcome the least.
The national symbol of America, The Statue of Liberty , welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America. Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11, 2001 earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.
So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself. Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.
Photo Album...
Shanon has posted photos from the engagement party, Sea World and other such vacation adventures....
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Postponing Denver Retreat.
Dear Colorado Clients and Friends,
I have to reschedule our Women, Wisdom and Power weekend due to a conflict of projects, as you'll see in the post below. I'll be coming to Denver in October and will be available for private readings. Barbara will have the details in a few days and I'll post more here as it becomes more concete. I know some of you are eager to get going with this and I'm sorry for the change, but as you know, it happens when it is supposed to. It's in the hands of our Higher Selves.
I love you! We're going to have so much fun with this!
I have to reschedule our Women, Wisdom and Power weekend due to a conflict of projects, as you'll see in the post below. I'll be coming to Denver in October and will be available for private readings. Barbara will have the details in a few days and I'll post more here as it becomes more concete. I know some of you are eager to get going with this and I'm sorry for the change, but as you know, it happens when it is supposed to. It's in the hands of our Higher Selves.
I love you! We're going to have so much fun with this!
Anyone Interested?
This email went out to 350 people. It is open to anyone in need of information, or healing of any kind. This is an opportunity to check out alternative healing modalities for a very reasonable cost. Come on up the mountain and Enlighten-Up!
Dear Fellow Idyllwild Green Member:
It is my great pleasure and privilege to bring the Progressive Healers Network to Idyllwild for the benefit of our community on September 16 & 17. It is perfect for you if you are dealing with any type of chronic physical or emotional issue and it is equally perfect for you if you are feeling great and are curious about innovative healing modalities.
For only $25 you can avail yourself of two 20-minute cutting-edge healing sessions, which will be held on Saturday afternoon, September 16 from 12:00 – 5:00. Additionally – and for no extra charge – there will be a panel discussion with the healers on Saturday morning from 9:30 – 11:00 and a follow-up session on Sunday morning, September 17, from 10:00 – 11:00 for any and all questions you may have after your healing sessions. All activities will take place at the Caine Learning Center on Pine Crest Avenue.
The healers are all people with whom I’ve worked before in a very similar situation and I vouch for them personally. As a group, our intention is to facilitate healing for those who may not otherwise have the opportunity to explore “alternative” modalities. (The marketing of our individual practices is a happy by-product.) Collectively, we work with a number of non-physical guides and deities who help to ground us in our intention and who make sure that our interactions with each and every participant serve the highest good.
When you come on Saturday, September 16, you will meet:
SANDRA ACOSTA. Sandra has studied directly with the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. In fact, she is one of the few non-Maori to practice Maori bodywork. The art of the work involves working with pressure points and meridian lines to stimulate the organs and release toxins to energize the body. This technique also involves working with energy to clear up any blocks, whether they are emotional, physical, or spiritual. This work is very transformative and can be intense.
ELIZABETH ALECCIA. Elizabeth has been a clairvoyant for most of her life. She is a strong conduit for valuable information from your non-physical ancestors, friends, spirit guides, angels, teachers, ascended masters, and archangels. With her strength she can juggle and sift through what is sometimes an abundance of information and with her loving manner and clear intention that the information be of value and benefit, just being in her presence will uplift you.
JASMINE DICKENS. Jasmine is a teacher and practitioner of Spiritual Alchemy, the process of shifting low frequency and low vibrations to higher serving frequencies and vibrations (the very definition of healing). The work shifts emotions, patterns of the critical mind, thought processes, cellular memory, blockages, mis-alignments in the chakra system, and bio-energetic fields. Jasmine accomplishes this work using a number of energy modalities (and she just returned from studying in Peru where she undoubtedly picked up a few new tricks)!
STEVEN MORRISON. That’s me. As a spiritual psychotherapist, I work with clients in this setting on understanding the connection between a physical issue and an emotional/spiritual one and how to work with it all in day-to-day life. Healers have sometimes told me they appreciate working on clients energetically and then sending them over to me to help ground the work they just did. Utilizing universally spiritual and non-religious concepts, sessions can also provide clients with “spiritual sight” with regard to current issues and concerns.
STEVE VOREL. When in his twenties, Steve healed himself of chronic fatigue syndrome after traditional medicine failed him. Today he is one of a very small number of Zenith master practitioners in the world that directs a specific set of color wavelengths in sacred geometrics (frequencies-energy) into the body to release energy blocks at the energetic level. He calls this work “your ticket to health and wellness.”
As a group, we recognize that healing is a voluntary act and so we invite you to join us with an intention to heal and to participate in what we know will be an uplifting experience. It is strongly recommended that you make a reservation – with me – right away to assure that you will be able to be seen as our limited spots are filling quickly. You will be asked to arrive on the hour and should plan to stay for about an hour. And, of course, please share this information with anyone you think might be interested.
P E A C E,
Steven Morrison
Dear Fellow Idyllwild Green Member:
It is my great pleasure and privilege to bring the Progressive Healers Network to Idyllwild for the benefit of our community on September 16 & 17. It is perfect for you if you are dealing with any type of chronic physical or emotional issue and it is equally perfect for you if you are feeling great and are curious about innovative healing modalities.
For only $25 you can avail yourself of two 20-minute cutting-edge healing sessions, which will be held on Saturday afternoon, September 16 from 12:00 – 5:00. Additionally – and for no extra charge – there will be a panel discussion with the healers on Saturday morning from 9:30 – 11:00 and a follow-up session on Sunday morning, September 17, from 10:00 – 11:00 for any and all questions you may have after your healing sessions. All activities will take place at the Caine Learning Center on Pine Crest Avenue.
The healers are all people with whom I’ve worked before in a very similar situation and I vouch for them personally. As a group, our intention is to facilitate healing for those who may not otherwise have the opportunity to explore “alternative” modalities. (The marketing of our individual practices is a happy by-product.) Collectively, we work with a number of non-physical guides and deities who help to ground us in our intention and who make sure that our interactions with each and every participant serve the highest good.
When you come on Saturday, September 16, you will meet:
SANDRA ACOSTA. Sandra has studied directly with the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. In fact, she is one of the few non-Maori to practice Maori bodywork. The art of the work involves working with pressure points and meridian lines to stimulate the organs and release toxins to energize the body. This technique also involves working with energy to clear up any blocks, whether they are emotional, physical, or spiritual. This work is very transformative and can be intense.
ELIZABETH ALECCIA. Elizabeth has been a clairvoyant for most of her life. She is a strong conduit for valuable information from your non-physical ancestors, friends, spirit guides, angels, teachers, ascended masters, and archangels. With her strength she can juggle and sift through what is sometimes an abundance of information and with her loving manner and clear intention that the information be of value and benefit, just being in her presence will uplift you.
JASMINE DICKENS. Jasmine is a teacher and practitioner of Spiritual Alchemy, the process of shifting low frequency and low vibrations to higher serving frequencies and vibrations (the very definition of healing). The work shifts emotions, patterns of the critical mind, thought processes, cellular memory, blockages, mis-alignments in the chakra system, and bio-energetic fields. Jasmine accomplishes this work using a number of energy modalities (and she just returned from studying in Peru where she undoubtedly picked up a few new tricks)!
STEVEN MORRISON. That’s me. As a spiritual psychotherapist, I work with clients in this setting on understanding the connection between a physical issue and an emotional/spiritual one and how to work with it all in day-to-day life. Healers have sometimes told me they appreciate working on clients energetically and then sending them over to me to help ground the work they just did. Utilizing universally spiritual and non-religious concepts, sessions can also provide clients with “spiritual sight” with regard to current issues and concerns.
STEVE VOREL. When in his twenties, Steve healed himself of chronic fatigue syndrome after traditional medicine failed him. Today he is one of a very small number of Zenith master practitioners in the world that directs a specific set of color wavelengths in sacred geometrics (frequencies-energy) into the body to release energy blocks at the energetic level. He calls this work “your ticket to health and wellness.”
As a group, we recognize that healing is a voluntary act and so we invite you to join us with an intention to heal and to participate in what we know will be an uplifting experience. It is strongly recommended that you make a reservation – with me – right away to assure that you will be able to be seen as our limited spots are filling quickly. You will be asked to arrive on the hour and should plan to stay for about an hour. And, of course, please share this information with anyone you think might be interested.
P E A C E,
Steven Morrison
Sunday, September 03, 2006
By the way....
They kissed me good-bye....
....and pulled out of the driveway. Shanon and Michael have been here for almost two weeks. It's been crazy busy since they got here. I moved my office just before they arrived and there was much to do to finish that job. My nephew's engagement party was this weekend and there was plenty to do before that was to take place, including re-upholstering a couple of chairs and stringing little white lights all over the garden, patio and decks. We had two barbecues with two different sets of family and a birthday party for cousin,Tyler. They took a trip to Sea World where Michael was able to pet a bat ray and a dolphin, and we read half a dozen books, half a dozen times. I've seen Madagascar eight times and Lady and the Tramp at least five times. I slept halfway off the bed with little feet in my back and carried more bags of groceries, toys and baby sister clothes than I've had to do in many moons. >Deep sigh< I miss them already.
I don't know what was the most fun. Shopping at Nordstrom for baby sister things was up there in the top five things we did. There's something about baby girl clothes that's way better than baby boy's. She'll have headbands with roses, ribbons and bows, booties with ruffles, hearts, and kitties. Her pajamas are pink and soft and I can't wait!
We went to Toys R Us and I bought Michael a dinosaur with eyes that light up. He roars and moves his big mouth and teeth. (Big hit) We bought books about being a big brother and we're trying to get him to stop calling her Putus the Buckethead. We don't know where that came from.
I think I need a nap.
I don't know what was the most fun. Shopping at Nordstrom for baby sister things was up there in the top five things we did. There's something about baby girl clothes that's way better than baby boy's. She'll have headbands with roses, ribbons and bows, booties with ruffles, hearts, and kitties. Her pajamas are pink and soft and I can't wait!
We went to Toys R Us and I bought Michael a dinosaur with eyes that light up. He roars and moves his big mouth and teeth. (Big hit) We bought books about being a big brother and we're trying to get him to stop calling her Putus the Buckethead. We don't know where that came from.
I think I need a nap.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Busy Busy Busy

Shanon and Michael are here! Hurray! They drove in from Phoenix last Tuesday and we've been on the run since.
Johnny Depp is here. He and his crew of pirates are filming Pirates of the Carribean III in the harbor below my house. The Black Pearl is anchored in front of The Portofino Hotel. The bars and restaurants are full of movie people and look-a-likes. Shanon and I were quite excited about the idea of seeing Johnny again. She was in one of his movies, "Don Juan De Marco", but I'm certain he wouldn't remember her among the hundreds of women in the cast. She kiddingly suggested we give him a pair of her undies to sign....her prego ones. LOL
Now that I have my computer up and running again (it's been down for a week) I have much work to do. I'll be back with a story you're gonna love.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
P.S. I'll wash the skunk spray off too.
On our late night stroll last night we ran into to three skunks! Not three skunks together, but three different skunks, in three different locations.
I was in my driveway, at midnight, with a gallon of tomato juice and some mint shampoo. Poor Maggie Mae. She didn't know what hit her.
In animal medicine, skunks represent reputation.
Read on...
Skunk medicine! Go ahead and laugh. this furry little animal has a reputation that contains a great deal of power. Due to its distinctive behavior, humans give this tiny, smelly creature a wide berth. The key word here is respect.
Unlike other predatory animals, Skunk does not threaten your life but threatens your senses. You know this to be true if you have ever been in the vicinity of its spray. In observing the habit patterns of Skunk, it is easy to notice the playfulness and nonchanlance of its natural behavior. The "I-dare-you" attitude of this four-legged creature commands you, as the observer, to respect its space by mere reputation alone.
Skunk is teaching you that by walking your talk and by respecting yourself, you will create a position of strength and honored reputation. The carriage of your body relates to others what you believe about yourself. There is no need to bully, aggravatae, torment, or overpower other beings when your sense of "self" is intact.
As with Skunk, the resonant field of energy around your body is relayed through the senses. Self-esteem permeaates the body's energy, and is instantly recognized on an extrasensory level by others.
Learn to assert, without ego, what you are. Respect follows. Your self-respectful attitude will repel those who are not of like mind, and yet will attract those who choose the same pathway. As the odor of Skunk attracts others of its kind, it repels those who will not respect its space.
Skunk medicine people have the ability to attract others, and they are very charismatic. At the same time, the other side of their natural power is to repel those who seek to take energy from them without recycling the gifts they have taken.
Skunk medicine people also know how to use the energy flows that will attract a lover. Some people call this sexual magic, as it is akin to the musk scent that animals excrete to attract a mate. It can be dangerous to leak sexual energy if you are not looking for a mate. It puts you into a games condition that may feed your ego but not how others feel about you. If you are attracting others who have an interest in you, you are in a sense saying, "I'm available." This can cause hard feelings when the truth comes out. It also leaks energy that you could have used in a more constructive way.
In Skunk medicine, it is good to learn how to handle energy flows. Modern psychologists call this body language. In tribal teachings, this is your personal medicine which you are showing to others. Use your medicine well, and know that you are known by your reputation. How you use your energy will attract either honor or disgrace. You may want to examine what energy you are putting out that creates your present situation.
If you have chosen this symbol, you are being asked to notice the kinds of people who are attracted to you. If they emulate favorable characteristics within yourself. Walk tall and be proud of the accomplishments you have made. Bear in mind that what you believe about yourself is your ultimate protection. Project self-respect!
I was in my driveway, at midnight, with a gallon of tomato juice and some mint shampoo. Poor Maggie Mae. She didn't know what hit her.
In animal medicine, skunks represent reputation.
Read on...
Skunk medicine! Go ahead and laugh. this furry little animal has a reputation that contains a great deal of power. Due to its distinctive behavior, humans give this tiny, smelly creature a wide berth. The key word here is respect.
Unlike other predatory animals, Skunk does not threaten your life but threatens your senses. You know this to be true if you have ever been in the vicinity of its spray. In observing the habit patterns of Skunk, it is easy to notice the playfulness and nonchanlance of its natural behavior. The "I-dare-you" attitude of this four-legged creature commands you, as the observer, to respect its space by mere reputation alone.
Skunk is teaching you that by walking your talk and by respecting yourself, you will create a position of strength and honored reputation. The carriage of your body relates to others what you believe about yourself. There is no need to bully, aggravatae, torment, or overpower other beings when your sense of "self" is intact.
As with Skunk, the resonant field of energy around your body is relayed through the senses. Self-esteem permeaates the body's energy, and is instantly recognized on an extrasensory level by others.
Learn to assert, without ego, what you are. Respect follows. Your self-respectful attitude will repel those who are not of like mind, and yet will attract those who choose the same pathway. As the odor of Skunk attracts others of its kind, it repels those who will not respect its space.
Skunk medicine people have the ability to attract others, and they are very charismatic. At the same time, the other side of their natural power is to repel those who seek to take energy from them without recycling the gifts they have taken.
Skunk medicine people also know how to use the energy flows that will attract a lover. Some people call this sexual magic, as it is akin to the musk scent that animals excrete to attract a mate. It can be dangerous to leak sexual energy if you are not looking for a mate. It puts you into a games condition that may feed your ego but not how others feel about you. If you are attracting others who have an interest in you, you are in a sense saying, "I'm available." This can cause hard feelings when the truth comes out. It also leaks energy that you could have used in a more constructive way.
In Skunk medicine, it is good to learn how to handle energy flows. Modern psychologists call this body language. In tribal teachings, this is your personal medicine which you are showing to others. Use your medicine well, and know that you are known by your reputation. How you use your energy will attract either honor or disgrace. You may want to examine what energy you are putting out that creates your present situation.
If you have chosen this symbol, you are being asked to notice the kinds of people who are attracted to you. If they emulate favorable characteristics within yourself. Walk tall and be proud of the accomplishments you have made. Bear in mind that what you believe about yourself is your ultimate protection. Project self-respect!
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