Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Pay attention to your dreams. Messages from your unconscious mind are sent to you while you sleep and they can be quite revealing. They can sometimes be prophetic. Keep a note pad and pen next to your bed and before you open your eyes in the morning, jot down notes that will help you remember. Were you flying? Who was there and what do they represent to you? Where were you and what did you notice about your surroundings? How did it feel?

I had a dream about a year ago. It was during a time of emotional upheaval and I was struggling with my equilibrium, spiritually speaking. I found it difficult to meditate or concentrate on anything for more than a few seconds. I felt like I was in a tiny boat on a giant churing ocean, up and over the giant waves of anger and then thrown down into sorrow and despair. It's that way with emotional trauma. I was fragmented and fragile. And, as with all things, time and determination brought me safely home.

Here's the dream I had during that time. I was in a dark space. It felt dirty and dank. I was standing on some steps that lead down to my garage. I looked down and beside me was a large black dog. I didn't own a dog at the time but in my dream I knew she was mine. I pushed a button on the wall and the large garage door opened and the sunlight came in. I looked back at the dog and knew that she was a guardian, a protector. I knew she would lead me out of my emotional storm and bring balance back into my life.

Months later, as I was still licking my wounds, my daughter said, "Mom, you need a dog." She gave me Maggie. The other day I stepped into my dark garage and reached up to push the button that opens the large garage door and I looked down and there, by my side, was the large black dog from my dream.

Last night, in my dream, I was told to warn a freind not to take a trip. I should call him and tell him not to go. I don't know if he's planning a trip or not. We haven't spoken since June. Is it just a silly dream? or....

Two hours have passed since I wrote that. In that time I spoke to one of our mutual friends. As it turns out there is discussion of a trip to Central America in November. Could that be the trip I was told about? Or is there a shorter weekend trip in the planning stages? Hmmm. We shall see.

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