Friday, September 15, 2006

The Law of Attraction

"If you are against a thing, be for its opposite."

If you are against war, be for peace.
If you are against violence, be for kindness.
If you are against lies and deceit, be for honesty and integrity.

Instead of raging about what is wrong with the world, with our country, with your family, be for its opposite.

Instead of participating in an angry anti-war rally, practice a silent peace demonstration.
Instead of being angry about the homeless, jobless dispair of the Katrina survivors, be for the systems that will support their recovery.

The Law of Attraction brings to you that which you put your attention and energy towards. If you see lack around you and focus on will create more lack. If disease and pain have captured you will create more of the same. See the other possibilities. Feel what it would feel like to be living the other possibilities. Turn your dreams into intentions! Everyday in everyway live as if they have already been created and they will.

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