Friday, February 23, 2007

Two Wolves

I posted this a year is The Secret in a nutshell. Remember, energy flows where attention goes.

Jesus said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within." So are the ruins of Hell. Heaven and Hell are not places, they are a states of consciousness. Which one will you feed?

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. (Hell)

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." (I add, forgiveness and gratitude.....Heaven)
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "THE ONE YOU FEED"

Thursday, February 22, 2007

All of these pictures were taken from the same spot.

There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.

The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.

When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.

The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.

The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.

The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.

The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.

The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree's life.

He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are fulfilled.

If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall.

Moral of the Lesson

Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of the rest.

Don't judge life by one difficult season.

Persevere through the difficult patches knowing that better times are sure to come some time.

Aspire to Inspire Before You Expire!


Carm, my wonderful and beautiful friend from Castle Rock, CO, the one who is the Feng Shui Consultant, forwarded an email from Marianne Williamson, announcing a play to be performed at UCLA, The Gift of PEACE, written by Stacy Martino and directed by,Valentino Ferriera. There is a grassroots movement to create a Department Of Peace in The United States.
I noted the time and date (Feb. 28th) and made plans to attend.

Last night I went to one of the churches I occasionally attend, Agape International Spiritual Center. Surprisingly, Michael Beckwith announced a surprise speaker, Marianne Williamson. She was on fire! She was inspiring. The next surprise? The play! Sneak preview, so to speak.

Monday, February 19, 2007

From Carolyn Myss

ENTERING THE CASTLE: Exploring Your Mystical Experience of God

A mystical Renaissance is at work in our world, awaking in people a deep and increasingly familiar passion to pursue the mystical landscape of their lives. Mystics, contrary to what most people think, are not individuals who seek life in a monastery or ashram because they want to be isolated from the rest of the world. Mystics are individuals who have been "called" by the Divine to engage with life through inner vision, to understand the mysteries of the Divine, and to be of service in this world through the power of the soul. Most of the renowned mystics that so many people are familiar with, like Francis of Assisi and Teresa of Avila, had dynamic and powerful personalities. Heaven chooses rebels to be mystics because so much is expected of them. These great mystics changed their worlds, and many of them rarely left their monasteries. Their souls did the work for them. They knew what it was to develop a "soul with stamina" and to utilize that stamina within their lives.
Today there is a new archetype for the mystic that is emerging, a "mystic without a monastery". These mystics are individuals just like you - a person who has an ordinary (or somewhat ordinary) life, a family, a partner, a profession - and yet is simultaneously seeking to develop a mystical interior life and through that connection, find a path of service in this world.
ENTERING THE CASTLE: Exploring Your Mystical Experience of God, is an intensive year-long program centered around three weekend workshops. These workshops are based upon the material from my new book, ENTERING THE CASTLE, which will be released spring, 2007. My inspiration for this work came from the brilliant 16th century mystic, Teresa of Avila, who wrote in her masterpiece, THE INTERIOR CASTLE, that the soul was like a crystal that had seven mansions and each mansion had many rooms. I was struck by her description of seven mansions, as that is the universal template that drew me to write ANATOMY of the SPIRIT. As I studied her work, I realized that she was not following a chakra map, but rather a path of mystical illumination based on a journey of prayer that took the student through seven mansions on deep interior work. I realized that it would be a worthy task to bring her work into our contemporary lives and in the process, ENTERING THE CASTLE was written and this extraordinary workshop was created.
ENTERING THE CASTLE is an Institute for the soul. It is a guided excavation of the rooms of your soul, and instructions on what to do with the content of those rooms. This is a workshop in which spiritual direction and soul stamina as well as the fundamental skills of healing are emphasized because these are the essential tools for someone who is a "mystic without a monastery", as I believe many people to be these days. Spirituality through books is not enough and meditation alone is not a spiritual path. Heaven knows intuition and intuitive practices are hardly a spiritual practice... so how does one access the soul? How does one "enter the castle" without a guide?
I believe that to be a "mystic without a monastery" is a new "soul's calling", in the same way that people were once called to the new spiritual path of Buddhism and Christianity. We've had fifty years of exploring this new age human consciousness movement, and it's not new any more. It's middle-aged and needs to mature into a stronger and more dynamic spiritual and social force on this planet. Instead of making people withdraw from the world, to constantly seek their quiet little cabins in the woods and focus on their own healing endlessly, it's time for the generation of mature souls to emerge who can live in both worlds simultaneously - who can be of service to humanity and maintain their contemplative, private life.
The new age created any number of mythologies, not the least of which is that to follow one's highest potential, a person has to leave their home and their relationships and start a healing center or do some other such thing…and most of these people end up waiting and waiting and waiting for their highest potential to come to them - with a guarantee that it won't cost them any money and they won't be alone. All that is such nonsense. A person does not have to leave hearth and home to change this world nor do they have to do something dramatic in the outside world; a mystic never had to leave the monastery to draw his or her followers. Let your soul do the work for you. Learn how to channel grace; learn how to be still and let a healing force run through you to others; learn how to use silence to heal a room in chaos. These are among the true gifts of the spirit and are of more benefit to humanity than you can possibility measure.
ENTERING THE CASTLE is my way of leading you into this new soul calling, of becoming a "mystic without a monastery", of discovering what it means to live a fulfilling life exactly where you are, as who you are, and with the people who were born to walk this life with you. Too many people are in pain because they feel they need to leave their homes to be happy - nonsense. You need to learn how to channel grace into your home front. You need to learn how to "spiritually renovate" your life, all of which is a part of this upcoming Institute.

It's My Party and I'll Dance if I Want to....

Today is my birthday. I've decided to be 42 today. It fits me, that number. It feels sexy, fun, energetic and represents the prime of life! Yes, 42 it is.

I used to have a massage client back in the days when I worked at The Manhattan Club For Women. For 17 years I massaged this woman who never seemed to age. Her skin was soft, smooth and taught. Her language was youthful and her posture was straight. I lived vicariously through her weekly stories of her life in publishing and travel. She had many lovers over the years and at some of the high points, she juggled several relationships at once. I was living the quiet life of a single mother who had sworn off men while I raised my daughter, which made her stories so much more exciting. I always looked forward to her appointments for the shear entertainment value of trying to guess her age. She had grown sons, had been widowed for 15 years, had been in business for 40 and none of it added up to a number that fit her energy.

Finally, after many years of trying to calculate her age, she confessed. She was 70 years old. I was shocked. She shared with me, her secret to looking and feeling young. She said, deduct 10 years off of your birthday. If you're turning 50, say to yourself you're turning 40. Think of yourself as 10 years younger, always. It works. Try it. So, I said out loud, I'm 36! I suddenly felt fantastic. Wow. How simple is that? I did feel younger.

So, today I am 42. If you can pick the number, why not the number that feels right? I like it!

Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy 42nd birthday to me.....eeeeeeee.. Happy Birthday to me.

First Chakra, taken from Carolyn Myss

The first chakra is the foundation of mental and emotional health. It is the connection to your personal family beliefs and supports the formation of your personal identity and a sense of belonging to a group.

The thing to remember is that you are connected to all of life, in every form. Every choice you make and every belief you hold exerts influence upon the whole of life.

The organs and body parts effected by the 1st chakra are the base of the spine, legs, bones, feet, rectum and immune system. The experience can be lower back pain, immune disorders, addictions, sciatica, and varicose veins.

Issues can be in the area of physical family and group safety and security, the ability to provide for life's necessities and standing up for yourself. Also, feeling at home, social and familial law and order, abandonment fears, family bonding, identity, tribal honor code, support and loyalty.

Ask yourself:
What belief patterns did you inherit from your family?
Do all of them still have authority over you?
What superstitions do you have? And do they have more authority over you than your own reasoning ability?
Do you have a personal code of honor? What is it?
Have you ever compromised your sense of honor? If so, have you taken steps to heal it?
Do you have any unfinished business with your family members? If so, what prevents you from healing your family relationships?
List all the blessings that you feel come from your family relationships.
What tribal traditions and rituals do you continue?

In my own words.....Begin at the beginning. You are a spark of Light we call God. You are Source. You are the creator of your reality and a co creator in Universal Mind. Be the change you want to see in the world and start with your core identity. You are not your family. You are not your beliefs. You are a result of them yet, you have choice to move forward on your spiritual journey to God Consciousness. Be the authentic YOU!

Friday, February 16, 2007

With permission...

Dear Linda,

I received your check and letter today. Thank you. I’m glad you are determined to move forward in your growth and awareness. The reason I am so adamant about you not using alcohol or drugs during our work is because they separate you from your feelings. They separate you from God. The most important part of our work is in the feeling part of our awareness. That is the chakra where we receive our communication from our Higher Self. Alcohol and drugs distort reality and feelings in such a way as to send us off on the wrong track.

When we were on the phone the last time I was having such a hard time understanding your level of emotions in relation to your words. They were disconnected. I was confused but as soon as you said you had been drinking it made perfect sense. I’m so glad you told me. On the days we work together you need to be absolutely present. The only way you can do that is by avoiding any and all drugs and alcohol other than what your doctor prescribes.

Here’s the truth about growth. You must “FEEL” your way out of a reality. To create a new reality, you must “FEEL” it. Emotions, beliefs, thoughts, identities, and decisions are all energy. All things are energy. This computer is energy, your clothes are energy, the room you are in is energy….when you break things down to their smallest part, all you have is energy. In order for you to grow out of your present reality is for you to learn to feel. Feel, not only your emotions but feel all things on an energy level.

If you want to work with me on this, then there will be homework. If you really are determined to evolve beyond this reality you have created, into a new reality ….one you prefer…..then you’ll have to commit to working every day. One hour a day. The exercises I will give you are fun and mind expanding. They are relaxing and calming so that you won’t have a desire for alcohol.

Are you ready to heal?

I love you,


Be My Valentine

It’s Valentine’s Day and for Hallmark, florists, See’s Candies, and restaurants everywhere, it’s goldmine day!

I remember one year when I was with Zorro, my lover of seven years, and he
went all out. He booked a suite at the San Diego Hilton and hired a horse drawn carriage to take us down to the harbor where a chartered yacht was waiting. Roses, champagne, music, dancing and a special gift in a small black velvet jewelry box were all part of the lover’s celebration. He poured it on. The whole night was right out of a romance novel.

I almost married that man but I wasn’t red hot, mad, crazy in love with him. Some women say it’s better to be with a man who loves you more than you love him. I don’t agree. I’d much rather be with someone who I love deeply and passionately, because that’s the good stuff right there. You may risk a broken heart in the end, but my o my, the ride is well worth it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

While my daughter was growing up...

My daughter is so beautiful. I know, all mother's think their daughters are beautiful but really, I'm seriously being objective daughter really, truly is beautiful.

As a little girl, every where we went people commented on her beauty, her amazing head of curly black hair, her lovely olive skin, her radiant smile and her contagious laugh. She was light and funny and even tempered. Her interests were like those of most young girls. Boys, music, her pets, Girl Scouts, movies, dance and boys were all consuming.

I often wondered if she would ever have an interest in the work I do. I mean the kind of interest that would lead her to practice, for herself, the techniques that I was certain she was somehow absorbing from her Auntie Linda and I. My sister used to tell the kids to "run Light" when they needed to heal themselves from something. Shanon, my daughter, still calls it that. I call it Reiki, but it's all the same.

As kids do, Shanon would sometimes roll her eyes when I talked about my work. I was afraid she would leave all of this valuable information behind in an attempt to separate from her mother. She had no interest in taking the classes I recommended and no interest in reading the books in my little library. She'd watch and listen when I worked with her friends or a relative but not once did she ask me to teach her "how".

I needn't have worried. I should have known she would have the gift.

Here is her story...

Her infant baby girl was crying. Again, if you are a regular reader, you know the whole story of the baby's heart surgery, infected incision, and her painful and slow recovery. After many days of cleaning her wound and giving her antibiotics, the wound opened up again. Shanon could feel the wetness through the bandage, through her tiny T-shirt, through her pajamas and through her receiving blanket. She wondered how much more her little angel could take. That was the moment...the moment she decided to step up as the healer she was destined to be.

After cleaning the wound and covering it with fresh gauze and bandages, a fresh set of clothes and blanket, she took Marlie into her arms and carried her to bed. It the dark of her room she held the baby and began to "run Light". She knew they would see the doctor in the morning but this night she needed to do more than what the nurses had shown her. Cleaning and replacing the old bandages with new fresh ones twice a day wasn't enough. The antibiotics were not enough. As she sat up in her queen sized bed, her husband at work, the house still and quiet, she placed her hands over the baby's back and began to give her Light. As she worked, a vision of light caught her eye from the doorway of her bedroom. At first she was a bit scared that this would be a 'visit' from someone on the other side. As this light began to move towards her, bouncing slowly, up and down and moving in her direction, her heart began to beat a little faster. She almost laughed when she realized that it wasn't a spirit at all. It was a balloon left over from Marlie's homecoming. Still, she ran light and watched this balloon continue it's journey from the playroom, over the landing to the stairway, over the threshold of her bedroom, across the sitting area and still floating closer and closer. She thought, "If that balloon comes all the way to me, I'll know this healing worked." It continued to float to the end of her bed, drifting down the foot of the bed, and up to the side, right to her. It read, "Welcome Home Baby"

The next morning she packed up the baby's bag and drove to the surgeons office. He had asked her to bring Marlie in first thing. She told the doctor how the incision opened again and was leaking and soaking her many layers of coverings. There was a look of concern on the doctors face. He undid her blanket, her pajamas, her T-shirt and removed the bandage. Nothing was there. It was dry and healed shut. It looked perfectly normal. When she told me this part, I said, "Of course."

I am so very proud.

I received an email this morning...thank you Jennie

It had a link to a video of Pink singing a protest song.


Dear Mr. President

Come take a walk with me
Let’s pretend we’re just two people and
You’re not better than me
I’d like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly

What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep

What do you feel when you look in the mirror
Are you proud
How do you sleep while the rest of us cry
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye
How do you walk with your head held high
Can you even look me in the eye
And tell me why

Dear Mr. President
Were you a lonely boy
Are you a lonely boy
Are you a lonely boy

How can you say
No child is left behind
We’re not dumb and we’re not blind
They’re all sitting in your cells
While you pave the road to hell

What kind of father would take his own daughter’s rights away
And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay
I can only imagine what the first lady has to say
You’ve come a long way from whiskey and cocaine

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye
How do you walk with your head held high
Can you even look me in the eye

Let me tell you ’bout hard work
Minimum wage with a baby on the way
Let me tell you ’bout hard work
Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away
Let me tell you ’bout hard work
Building a bed out of a cardboard box
Let me tell you ’bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
You don’t know nothing ’bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
How do you sleep at night
How do you walk with your head held high

Dear Mr. President
You’d never take a walk with me
Would you

Monday, February 12, 2007

I guess The Dixie Chicks have been exonerated for exercising their right to free speech. Funny how the tide changes when the truth is revealed. Personally, I love their new CD. Thank you again, Bonster. It was a great gift.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

I need an editor..

I love to write but rarely have time to proof read. I often go back and find spelling errors, punctuation mistakes and run-on sentences. Please forgive my poor skills and send me an editor.

'Channeling' is different than a 'reading'...

Okay, so in the previous post, I didn't mention this part of a reading. It simply isn't possible to write about all of the things I do in one post. I swear I'll write a book about all of this one day.

So, channeling. Hmmm. Okay, in a reading or session or treatment, as Andra likes to call it...(she's six years old) sometimes an entity will come into our healing space and have a strong need to communicate for themselves, using my body, my voice. In the past year this has happened many times. Usually it is a group of spirits who have chosen to come here to teach. Occasionally, it's someones relative, father, mother, husband.... I will give agreement and they move into me. I feel as if I'm in the backseat of my car and someone else is driving. They say what it is they need to say, and more importantly, they get to 'feel' the closeness of being with the loved one they have left behind. This is not the most effective way of doing this work. I only allow it for certain people and only for a few minutes, unless I am working with the enlightened teachers, in which case, the session may last for hours.

I hope that answered your question....

You know, anyone can email me by clicking on that little envelope at the bottom of a post. Feel free to ask me anything and I will answer. I don't allow comments posted on this blog but I will answer your question either publicly, here, as many people may have the same question, or privately in a return email. Or, you can send a link to a post to anyone you think would benefit from the information here.

Today is my sister Vicky's 60th birthday! Last year at this time she wasn't sure if she would live this long because she was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer. In fact, she had two cancers. She had surgery, chemo and radiation. Tonight we celebrate! She is cancer free and her hair is growing out. It's curly and beautiful. It's Mai Tai's at the Mermaid! We are blessed!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

She wrote....

Elizabeth, excuse me for being ignorant, but what IS a "reading"? I don't really know. Healings I sort of understand, so if you will help me understand what a "reading" is, I would surely appreciate it.

There are terms used in my field that aren't as user friendly as they could be. I struggle with terms like, readings, medium, clairvoyant, psychic, channel, even healer. It has taken me years to accept the labels on the work I do. It turns people off and, frankly, it turns me off. It's all so New Age if you know what I mean. I actually had to go to another healer to get over my resistance to calling myself a healer. The truth is, healers don't heal. We facilitate healing. We create a space for healing to take place. Healing can be anything that moves a person from a lower level vibration to a higher vibration. It really can be as simple as a smile.

A reading is what I call a session where I sit with a client or clients and create a space for communication with my intuitive consciousness. I start by blessing the space we have created. I ask for all of our Angels, Guides, Teachers, Ancestors and whoever wants to communicate to honor our space with their guidance, wisdom, love and protection. I thank them in advance for their willingness to come to our sessions and share.

Because I am considered, clairvoyant, (clear seeing) I use Third Eye Sight. The Third Eye is the chakra just above and between your eyebrows. Chakras are just a vortex of energy. We have seven, possibly eight major chakras. Root, Second or spleen chakra, Solar Plexis, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown...(where halo's come from) We have many minor chakras, that is the energy meridian system that acupuncture medicine uses to clear or unblock the flow of your spiritual energy or chi. There are many names for that energy in as many countries, cultures and religions.

Maybe this is a better way of explaining. The other day I had a session or reading with a woman I had never met before and knew nothing about. Her first question was this, "Tell me about Jesse. (I've changed the name for professional reasons) My head turned to the right and a picture appeared. I saw a young boy standing at a gate on a dirt road. There was nothing on the other side of the gate, nothing but a large expanse of land, desert, mountains, shrubs. On his side of the gate was the same. He just stood there with his back to me. The gate had a large padlock on it that was rusty and old. The gate was not attached to a fence, so he could easily go around it. He also had the key to the lock in his pocket. He was quite content to stay right where he was, however. Not moving forward, not going around, no ambition to do anything but simply be right where he was. He didn't have any fear, just no motivation to do anything but simply be.

She confirmed that the image I had been shown was a perfect description of her son. It was told to me....(from my intuition or communication with whoever was showing me the image) that the lock was placed there by her. She is over protective of her son. She began to tear. I reminded her that not only could he choose to walk around, he also had a key to unlock the gate.

There were many other questions she had and I answered each one as I was shown or told. The reading or session lasted about an hour or an hour and a half.

One session, recently, included a body scan. I looked at his body from head to toe to see if I could see any blockage. I dark area appeared low in his pelvis. I looked harder until I could see that his prostate was being compromised by his blocked emotion. This particular client is a skeptic. He has had two readings with me and still skeptical of the information I receive, even though he also suspects he has a prostate problem. His answer to my 'knowing' this information was, "Well, a man my age, 40, is likely to have a prostate problem." Hmmm. Okay.

Some people ask me who their spirit guides or companions are. I will see 'them' on the other side and describe what I see. The information for what their purpose is in their relationship is usually very clear.

I may see someones mother who has passed over or their father, grandmother or aunt. I may see a new baby energy coming through. One woman I met on the street last May had two energies around her that looked like children, so I asked, "You have two children?" She said, "No, only one." I asked, "Are you sure?" As if she wouldn't know how many children she had. She went home and took a pregnancy test and was indeed pregnant. Her baby is the reason I am here in Denver. Baby May was delivered in her parent's bed thirteen days ago.

Sometimes the messages come in pictures, sometimes in a physical sensation, and sometimes in a telepathic communication. I do not hear voices. Never have been able to.

So, a reading is a reading of energetic vibrations. As in the post below, the one with the picture of my grandchildren, the energetic vibrations have a form. The form, in a reading, is what communicates with me.

Years ago, ten or more years ago, a client came in for a massage. During the massage a spirit appeared. I described what I was seeing and the client said, "It's my mother. She died 12 years ago." Her mother showed me a box and communicated that this particular box was very important. She opened it but wouldn't show me what was inside. I shared the information with the client and she didn't know of a box belonging to her mother but she was leaving the next day for her childhood home in Virginia or Maryland...someplace back there...near D.C. and she would ask her father about it. Two days later she called, crying. She and her father searched the house from attic to basement. Every closet, every nooky and cranny was opened and thoroughly inspected. the basement, under a cloth I had described, was the box in question. In it were her mother's letters, poetry, lyrics, and notes. All the messages she wanted to convey to her daughter at that time of her impending wedding. Some of her poetry was read at the ceremony.

You see, calling it a reading isn't a term that really explains the process or how it works. It's just what it has been called by others before me and so it's what we call it.

Psychic, channel, medium, clairvoyant, ..blah blah all sounds so ...well you know. I wish someone would come up with a new term for what I do. It turns people off. I was at a party yesterday and someone asked me what I do. So I said, "I'm a psychic, clairvoyant." And she was so excited and wanted to learn more but the woman next to her rolled her eyes and almost shuddered her disapproval or disbelief. I don't care much anymore, what people think about what I do. I'm over it. I've come out of the closet and frankly who really cares? The unfortunate part of it all, as I see it, is there are many frauds, fakes and con artists out there, claiming they can see or know things. I've heard of some who say they can make a certain thing happen for the right price.... yeah right. I think Sylvia Brown is a phony and Lisa Williams is the real deal. I think John Edwards is connected and so are many others. Most specialize in certain aspects of this work. Some are 60% accurate and some are 90%. I've begun calling myself an Intuitive Healer. That sounds less woo-woo than some of the other labels don't you think?

I hope I answered your question....Chica.