Monday, February 19, 2007

First Chakra, taken from Carolyn Myss

The first chakra is the foundation of mental and emotional health. It is the connection to your personal family beliefs and supports the formation of your personal identity and a sense of belonging to a group.

The thing to remember is that you are connected to all of life, in every form. Every choice you make and every belief you hold exerts influence upon the whole of life.

The organs and body parts effected by the 1st chakra are the base of the spine, legs, bones, feet, rectum and immune system. The experience can be lower back pain, immune disorders, addictions, sciatica, and varicose veins.

Issues can be in the area of physical family and group safety and security, the ability to provide for life's necessities and standing up for yourself. Also, feeling at home, social and familial law and order, abandonment fears, family bonding, identity, tribal honor code, support and loyalty.

Ask yourself:
What belief patterns did you inherit from your family?
Do all of them still have authority over you?
What superstitions do you have? And do they have more authority over you than your own reasoning ability?
Do you have a personal code of honor? What is it?
Have you ever compromised your sense of honor? If so, have you taken steps to heal it?
Do you have any unfinished business with your family members? If so, what prevents you from healing your family relationships?
List all the blessings that you feel come from your family relationships.
What tribal traditions and rituals do you continue?

In my own words.....Begin at the beginning. You are a spark of Light we call God. You are Source. You are the creator of your reality and a co creator in Universal Mind. Be the change you want to see in the world and start with your core identity. You are not your family. You are not your beliefs. You are a result of them yet, you have choice to move forward on your spiritual journey to God Consciousness. Be the authentic YOU!