Tuesday, November 21, 2006

About your mind...

Your thoughts and feelings are not who you are. The purpose of your mind, your ego mind, is to keep you safe. Change, is perceived by the mind, as a threat. When you start getting healthier or moving in the direction of enlightenment, your ego/mind will throw thoughts up on your internal movie screen to keep you afraid, to keep you stuck, to keep you from change.... Change is very disturbing to the little mind. Fear will keep you stuck in familiar patterns so your ego can feel comfortable. It doesn't matter that it isn't at all comfortable to your Higher Self, to your more aware self. When a limiting, fear-based thought jumps up to grab your attention away from your new, more empowering way of being....just say to it...."thank you for sharing"....and go on with the focus of your intention.... You are not your thoughts....you are not your feelings. You are spirit... pure, light, love..... You are God. The Light in you is the Light of God. Think with your heart, not your head. Your mind is not your friend. It is a programmed computer that is running old and out-moded programs that are corrupting your primary intention....your primary program. Your spiritual purpose and intention can only be realized when you stop paying attention to your limiting, fear-based programs. Think with your heart. You are on a mission from God. Start acting like it.

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