Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm Home!

I do so love to travel. But, it's always good to be home, at the beach, walking along the water's edge and watching the early morning surfers play with the dolphins. Sandra joined me this morning at 6:30. She is one of the young healers from the Progressive Healers Network. She and her man, Steve (also a healer) live on the north end of town. They have turned me on to a wonderful company, Melaleuca. ( ) They make non-toxic, enviromentally safe, concentrated products from laundry detergent (Tide is a very toxic and earth polluting product), vitamins, skin and hair care products (love how my hair is feeling and looking) to bathroom cleaners and pet vitamins. I love this company. They're really doing their part to save the planet and humanity by offering a healthy and convenient alternative to the poisonous cleaning products most of us use in our homes, that seep into the earth, and get onto and into our bodies.
This is an easy way to make a difference for a better, healthier planet and a healthier home environment for you and your family. Check it out!

So, this year has been awesome, as some of you know. New Year's Eve I, as I do every year, meditated and released the previous years energies and asked for a new year of travel, prosperity, and to be a clear channel of healing energy. I asked for a new adventure and to take my private practice out beyond my quiet, little office and make it bigger. I've never advertized or promoted myself before. Marketing was never my thing. My practice, for the past 30 years, has always been a 'word-of-mouth' venture. Well, you know how it works, "ask and you will receive". Within a week I was told I would be channeling, something I never thought I wanted to do. It's one thing to see and communicate with spirits, it's a whole other ballgame to allow them to use your body to speak for themselves. Two weeks later I took a spontaneous road trip to Colorado with a friend in need. I met Carm and Karl and did a three or four hour reading that began a process that has now been accepted as my new way of working with spirits. I've traveled and worked in Denver, Castle Rock, Idyllwild, Phoenix and more is being revealed. I'm not afraid of channeling anymore. It's remarkable. Like sitting in the backseat of your car while someone else is driving, knowing all along that you can take the controls at any time. The information that has been coming through is most uplilfting and rewarding. Enlightening. Yesterday I asked to use this gift to find a missing child. I want to help the thousands of families who have lost children to abductions from strangers or other, non-custodial parents. I'm very drawn to work with children.

I've noticed that mainstream Americans are more open to psychic/medium/clairvoyant work. There are a dozen or so shows on television now that show how it works. I watched a documentary on A&E about people like me. I'm so glad we are all coming out of the closet about our gifts. Lots to do....

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