Monday, September 17, 2007


Scripting is another tool for setting an intention and is used primarily to set in motion an intention of 'feeling'. Scripting is done with pen and paper or keyboard and monitor, but it is most effective when your script ("intended feeling"), goes from thought, through your body and out your mouth and hands onto a physical thing. I use a notebook I keep on my nightstand. In the morning I take a few minutes, before getting out of bed to script what it is I want to feel for the day. Here's how it works.

Last week I noticed that I had become increasingly impatient and intolerant of certain behaviors of others. Such as, people who don't pick up after their dogs. And, people who throw cigarettes out of their car windows, onto the streets to be washed into the ocean. And, people who leave dirty, disposable diapers in parking lots, to name a few. To me, these behaviors are pretty much the same. It's dirty, thoughtless, selfish behavior, and shows laziness at it's peak. I didn't like how it made me feel when I let myself judge and dialog, in my mind, what I think of it all. Nothing I do or say will change others. All I can do is change how I feel. So, I scripted this:

"Today I want to feel patient, tolerant and accepting of life and people just as they are."

That afternoon, while at the dog park, I saw people talking on their cells phones, and reading the paper, while their dogs did their thing. I felt myself respond in the usual way. My blood pressure began to rise, my anger came up in my throat, my judgement of them as being 'idiot' human beings began the usual inner dialog and suddenly I remembered my script for the day. It happened quickly and was a gentle reminder of how I wanted to feel. "Today I want to feel patient, tolerant, and accepting of life and people just as they are." I took a deep breath and let it go. I mean, really let it go. What good was my anger and judgement doing? None.
On the contrary, it was making me feel bad. "Bad" is not in alignment with my intention

Feelings are energy. Energy attracts like energy. If I am walking around my life, judging, angrily, (justified or not) I am attracting more of the same into my life. Managing your emotions is managing your energy. Managing your energy is the Secret to successful manifestation of your intended purpose.