Friday, September 28, 2007

Here's an observation....

I've been affirming, intending and scripting to experience radiant health. The Universe has been sending me messages everyday guiding me to that experience, if only I would follow the messages.

Everyday we get to choose, to wish, to dream or to ask for anything we want. That's step one in the creating process. Know what you want. Ask for it. When the Universe or God or your Spirit Guides bring opportunities for you to achieve what it is you are asking, it is still up to you to hear the knock, see the path, listen to the message and take ACTION. It's not enough to want it.....It's not enough to ask for it. Step two is "TAKE ACTION".

I know that when I wake up in the morning and say, "My health is most important." and sit with the vibration of that statement for a full minute, I tend to make better choices about what I eat, if I exercise or not, and what I drink to quench my thirst. Lately I've been focused on other things and so when I get hungry I have no plan in place and no energy behind the idea of "radiant health", I just eat whatever sounds good at the time and whatever is fastest and most convenient. Even though, my Spirit Guides, God and The Universal Energy Field, present to me other options.

Last week my morning script went something like this. "I want to feel radiant health today." That afternoon a client offered me the use of her mega-uber juicer. Yesterday I contacted a photographer friend of mine from many years ago, and she's coming over today to take some pictures I hope to use on the new website. While catching up with each others lives, she shared with me that she eats only raw foods and that she feels "RADIANT". I've been drawn to more salads but I tend to want sweets, against my better feelings. Taking action to move in the direction your guides provide, is a choice.

Today my script is this. "I want to feel and experience radiant health and I have divine guidance and perfect wisdom to achieve it. Intuitive Eating is my mantra!"
You see, I know that my body and my intuition will never lead me astray. My intuition would never say, "Let's go get a root beer float.". My lower self may say that.

Yesterday I walked around one of the largest malls in America. I had taken my car in for service and had some time to kill. I shopped and shopped for something to wear for our photo shoot today. I got depressed when I kept looking in the mirror and seeing how I have let my body down. What did my lower self say? "I'm hungry. Let's go get a treat." I walked over to Johny Rockets for a sundae. I went to the restroom first to wash my hands, and used the mirror to take a good look into my eyes. "What are you doing Elizabeth? Is this in your best interests? Your script is saying something else. What ACTION DO YOU WANT TO TAKE?"

I left Johnny Rockets and walked a little further. There was J.Jill's window with the perfect outfit for me. I tried it on and it fit. I love it. ....

Your soul, your higher self, your intuition, your truth will never let you down. You must be able to listen and follow the path you intended.
