We are a mysterious species of extremes and contradictions. It has been said that we are capable of dreaming the most beautiful dreams and harboring the darkest nightmares, while having the power to bring each of our visions to life. Perhaps at no other time in our history have we shared our world with so many of our kind while feeling so separate and alone. At the same time, the possibilities of our future have never held such promise, yet so much fear. It is within this context of extremes that we search for unity in our world and deeper meaning in our lives.
What would it mean to discover undeniable evidence---verifiable proof-----that our species exists as an intentional act of creation? How different would our lives and our world be, knowing that within each cell of every woman, man and child, evidence revealed the ancient name of God, hidden as the chemical code of life itself? The moment that such a message was shared, the world that we have known could never be the same.
Imagine the implications of discovering that the God of our prayers--the Allah of Islam, the Lord of Judeo-Christian beliefs, the Supreme God of Hindu traditions, and the Great Spirit of the Native Americans---is precisely the same God. Consider the ancient wounds that could be healed knowing that the persecutions, ethnic cleansings, religious wars, and inquisitions in the name of God over the last 2,000 years have arisen from a misunderstanding of the same timeless message!
With the revelations of such a discovery, the reasons that have justified the horrors of our past would become obsolete. From that time forward, ignorance could no longer be used to condone atrocities based on our differences. Through the undeniable evidence of humankind's common heritage, conflict in the name of God could only arise from the choice to create conflict. In such a moment, we would begin anew.