The Scottsdale, "Celebrate Your Life!" conference is blowing my mind. 3000 healers intuitives, teachers, students and curious newbies have come together to hear the lastest research on Cosmic Consciousness from Princeton and the cosmic matrix energy photographs from NASA. Wayne Dyer is here, Carolyn Myss, Gregg Braden, James Van Praagh, Lynn Andrews, Deepak Chopra and I'm on fire! I feel like a pig in shift.
Damn! I love my work!
I love, most of all, that science and spiritality have finally collided.
I love that when I wrote a few years ago about feeling the shift in the cosmos, I wasn't the only one. So many wonderful things are happening. I wish that everyone reading this right now could be here. I will share more about what I am learning as the days go by. For now, focus your attention on the possibilities of shifting our awareness for the greater good. We are, collectively more powerful than you realize.