Friday, November 23, 2007

Making Conscious Contact With God

The practice of meditation offers us a remarkable trip to a space beteen thoughts, where we attain the experience of a stress-free, healthy and more peaceful life. It is available to each and every one of us. These wonderful side effects are merely that, side effects. The primary reason for a daily medition practice is to get to what Dr. Rolo May called, The Pause. The Pause is the place between our thoughts, when both sides of the brain, the logical, rational side, and the intuitive,creative side, find a perfect balance. This great Pause is where we can make a conscious contact with the creative energy of life itself.

When I was four years old, I had an out-of-body experience. I entered a place in consciousness where I made that conscious contact. It was by accident, of course. I've told this story here before, but it is worth sharing again.

It was 1955 and I was with my mother in our backyard, a most beautiful yard with a green lawn, avocado trees and colorful flowers blooming all around. My mother was hanging wet clothes on the clothesline, back before the time of dryers. She used wooden clothes pins to hang sheets and towels in the warm sun. I wandered out to the middle of the lawn and looked up into the sky, looking for the edge of the universe. I left my body and expanded into the 'all that is'. I don't know how long I hung out there with that magnificent, loving energy, but when I returned I knew there was much more to this place called Earth and this experience we call humanity. I walked up to my mother and asked her why we are here. She said, "We live here." If I was having this conversation today I'd say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah..... I mean, why are people here on Earth? What are we supposed to be doing? What is our spiritual purpose? We are obviously on a mission from God, so what is it?"

My mother is a wise woman. When I asked her why people are here and what we are supposed to be doing, she knew I had had some kind of metaphysical experience. She looked me in the eyes and said, "You're a little girl. Your here to have fun." I was such a serious child and she wanted to lighten me up. She did. It worked. But, here I am...doing the work I came here to do.

Making conscious contact with God is why we are here. To live our lives with a higher purpose and intention. Meditation is a tool to activate in us that avenue of expression. It is empowering, it is healing and it is available to everyone.