His MRI came back with a diagnosis. Michael has Chiari Malformation, CM type I and an arachnoid cyst the size of a small chicken egg on his left temporal lobe. The cyst can grow and cause any number of symptoms, however, the Chiari is just as serious. The neurosurgeon wants to operate, of course. That's what surgeons do. My daughter and her husband want a second opinion. They have the MRI on a disk and we've looked at it. Even I can see there is a problem. Michael's only symptoms so far are mild. He has occasional head pains. Others with this disease have had to deal with much worse and some with death.
The CM will not get worse. I was just informed. Some people live with the condition their whole lives. Since Michael's symptoms arise occasionally, I feel confident we can move past this stage.
Shanon said she thinks there is no coincidence that I have just returned from a conference with the top healers in the world. She is confident that we, meaning me, will find a way to heal our little boy. Tonight I will work with him. I have emailed a healer in Santa Barbara, Ray Castellino and am waiting a reply. I believe in miracles and magic and instantaneous healing. I will keep you posted.