Gregg Braden presented several videos and slides in his class last week. One of them has been on my mind ever since. I want to share it with you guys. I'll do my best to describe it as I saw it.
First of all, a woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer. She had a very large tumor in her stomach and her doctors told her there was nothing they could do for her. It was suggested she go home and make her preparations for what can only be imagined as a painful transition.
She didn't do that. Instead she went to Beijing, China. The film began after the woman had found the healers and was ready for her process to begin. She was lying on an examination table and an ultrasound machine was next to her bed with the screen facing the camera. On her right was the technician, trained on this machine and on the other side, were three monks. The technician rolled the device over the womans belly until you could clearly see the tumor in her stomach. She took a picture of it and that picture stayed on the left side of the monitor and the right side of the monitor was the live feed from the patient. The monks began to chant. As they chanted we could see something happening with the tumor. It trembled, it shook, it shifted, it began to break apart and dissolve. It got smaller and smaller until there was nothing left of it. The whole process took less than four minutes. When they were finished and the tumor was no longer...they applauded and the healing was complete.
These things we call miracles seem to be "miracles". I mean, it appears that these things we hear about, are the rare exception. What if they weren't? I'm sure every one of you reading this right now has heard one or two similar stories of seemingly miraculous healings or events and wonder how those things could have happened. We think we know things, but we are still living in an un-enlightened state. That is why we still have wars and disease and dysfunction. But, what if there was a better way, an easier way, a more advanced practice that we are ignoring? It's a different, more open perspective one must entertain in order for advancement. We, and I mean the collective 'we', are very much like the 'we' who didn't believe the Earth was round. All we needed was someone to prove it, and one by one we began to believe. Some people today still believe the world is flat. I swear to you this is true. There are some people who believe we never made it to the moon, that it was a sham, filmed on a set somewhere.
In the "Course In Miracles" it tells us there is no more difficulty healing cancer than healing a hang nail. Healing is healing. It only requires an open and willing mind to accept the process. In, "Joy's Way" he tells us, it is love that heals. Channeling the energy of love through your heart chakra into another will heal them. The words the monks chanted were embued with love.
All things are possible. We can heal ourselves, each other, the planet, the forests, the waterways, our children and grandchildren. We can live many years longer and more fit than we allow ourselves to.
Did you know that the United States is one of the worst countries in the area of health care and education? Infant mortality rates are lower in countries you'd think the opposite. I will look it up and post it here if you are interested where our country falls on the lists. I know I was shocked when I first saw it. I thought we were so much more advanced than other countries but we are lagging far behind. It's almost barbaric how we think of our Earth and her resources and how we view education, and health care. It's time to step out of what we think we know. Now is the perfect time. I don't believe it's too late, but our time is running out if we want to save Earth's forests, her lakes and streams, her processes, cycles and seasons that allow us to live here.
If we can heal each other, just as the monks healed the cancerous tumor, we can heal the cancerous destruction we call advancement on this Earth. It's all the same. If we only have 5% of our ancient forests left, it requires us to stop the process by buying smarter, thinking smarter and loving smarter. If not, well, we can have a painful transition. OR not....