Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Conference Ended
If I could do anything in the world, without restriction or constraint, it would be to travel the world to attend the kind of conferences like "Celebrate Your Life". I met, not only the big names, leaders, authors and teachers and healers of the spiritual movement, like Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Carolyn Myss, Gregg Braden, Alan Cohen, Lynn Andrews, and a dozen others, I met new friends whom I will keep in my life for a very long time. I seriously didn't want to leave last night. The energy that had been generated by the work we did, the connections we made and the subjects discussed, felt like a magnetic vibration of the finest frequency. Many hundreds of like-minded souls had gathered together with an intention of opening up their hearts and minds, not only for their own personal enlightenment but for the enlightenment of the planet. It was magnificent to witness. These are billiant people. I highly recommend this particular production by Mishka Productions, a family owned company that is finely tuned and well organized. Next year they will be in a brand new hotel in Scottsdale, I believe, November 8th or so. If you are at all interested in integrating the concepts of world religions, spirituality and the latest science of cosmic consciousness, if you are wanting to expand your awareness along with the ever expanding universe, then this is the ticket. From this venue you will be able to get a glimpse of what each teacher brings from the soup of the intelligent matrix. You'll find one or two, maybe more, who stir a resonance inside of you and who will lead you further into yourself, and therefore, into the Source of all that is. It is a journey you will not regret. I am changed, once again. This journey of the self realigning with the Self is an ever shifting, growing, manfesting trip. It never ceases to amaze me. I am, indeed, blessed.