The practice of meditation offers us a remarkable trip to a space beteen thoughts, where we attain the experience of a stress-free, healthy and more peaceful life. It is available to each and every one of us. These wonderful side effects are merely that, side effects. The primary reason for a daily medition practice is to get to what Dr. Rolo May called, The Pause. The Pause is the place between our thoughts, when both sides of the brain, the logical, rational side, and the intuitive,creative side, find a perfect balance. This great Pause is where we can make a conscious contact with the creative energy of life itself.
When I was four years old, I had an out-of-body experience. I entered a place in consciousness where I made that conscious contact. It was by accident, of course. I've told this story here before, but it is worth sharing again.
It was 1955 and I was with my mother in our backyard, a most beautiful yard with a green lawn, avocado trees and colorful flowers blooming all around. My mother was hanging wet clothes on the clothesline, back before the time of dryers. She used wooden clothes pins to hang sheets and towels in the warm sun. I wandered out to the middle of the lawn and looked up into the sky, looking for the edge of the universe. I left my body and expanded into the 'all that is'. I don't know how long I hung out there with that magnificent, loving energy, but when I returned I knew there was much more to this place called Earth and this experience we call humanity. I walked up to my mother and asked her why we are here. She said, "We live here." If I was having this conversation today I'd say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah..... I mean, why are people here on Earth? What are we supposed to be doing? What is our spiritual purpose? We are obviously on a mission from God, so what is it?"
My mother is a wise woman. When I asked her why people are here and what we are supposed to be doing, she knew I had had some kind of metaphysical experience. She looked me in the eyes and said, "You're a little girl. Your here to have fun." I was such a serious child and she wanted to lighten me up. She did. It worked. But, here I am...doing the work I came here to do.
Making conscious contact with God is why we are here. To live our lives with a higher purpose and intention. Meditation is a tool to activate in us that avenue of expression. It is empowering, it is healing and it is available to everyone.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Page 5 of "The God Code", Gregg Braden
We are a mysterious species of extremes and contradictions. It has been said that we are capable of dreaming the most beautiful dreams and harboring the darkest nightmares, while having the power to bring each of our visions to life. Perhaps at no other time in our history have we shared our world with so many of our kind while feeling so separate and alone. At the same time, the possibilities of our future have never held such promise, yet so much fear. It is within this context of extremes that we search for unity in our world and deeper meaning in our lives.
What would it mean to discover undeniable evidence---verifiable proof-----that our species exists as an intentional act of creation? How different would our lives and our world be, knowing that within each cell of every woman, man and child, evidence revealed the ancient name of God, hidden as the chemical code of life itself? The moment that such a message was shared, the world that we have known could never be the same.
Imagine the implications of discovering that the God of our prayers--the Allah of Islam, the Lord of Judeo-Christian beliefs, the Supreme God of Hindu traditions, and the Great Spirit of the Native Americans---is precisely the same God. Consider the ancient wounds that could be healed knowing that the persecutions, ethnic cleansings, religious wars, and inquisitions in the name of God over the last 2,000 years have arisen from a misunderstanding of the same timeless message!
With the revelations of such a discovery, the reasons that have justified the horrors of our past would become obsolete. From that time forward, ignorance could no longer be used to condone atrocities based on our differences. Through the undeniable evidence of humankind's common heritage, conflict in the name of God could only arise from the choice to create conflict. In such a moment, we would begin anew.
What would it mean to discover undeniable evidence---verifiable proof-----that our species exists as an intentional act of creation? How different would our lives and our world be, knowing that within each cell of every woman, man and child, evidence revealed the ancient name of God, hidden as the chemical code of life itself? The moment that such a message was shared, the world that we have known could never be the same.
Imagine the implications of discovering that the God of our prayers--the Allah of Islam, the Lord of Judeo-Christian beliefs, the Supreme God of Hindu traditions, and the Great Spirit of the Native Americans---is precisely the same God. Consider the ancient wounds that could be healed knowing that the persecutions, ethnic cleansings, religious wars, and inquisitions in the name of God over the last 2,000 years have arisen from a misunderstanding of the same timeless message!
With the revelations of such a discovery, the reasons that have justified the horrors of our past would become obsolete. From that time forward, ignorance could no longer be used to condone atrocities based on our differences. Through the undeniable evidence of humankind's common heritage, conflict in the name of God could only arise from the choice to create conflict. In such a moment, we would begin anew.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Just for the heck of it....
Karen Drucker is a talented singer and song writer who was inspired by Carole King when she babysat for her. I recently purchased two of her CDs. There are a couple of songs that I played over and over through the expanse of desert that separates Los Angeles from Phoenix. Here's one of my favs...
I woke up this mornin'
and somthin' was not right.
My poor head was a-throbbin'
'cause I tossed and turned all night.
This unfamiliear feelin' it shook me up inside
The truth it was revealin'
that a part of me had died.
So, I called my higher self
and she gave me the bad news.
She said, "Your life is just too good, you lost the
right to sing the blues!"
That broken down old Chevy
that was eatin' me alive
I visualized a Lexus
and now it's sittin' in my drive.
And that man of mine
that scoundrel that rotten low-down bum
I've transformed him into a love-God
with a sizable trust fund.
Everywhere I looked
I was confronted with the clues.
my life was just so good....
I lost the right to sing the blues.
You can sing the blues if you can't pay the rent.
And you can sing the blues
If all your money has been spent
But how can I sing the blues I ain't got no excuse
when I'm driving in my Porshe
on the way to my masseuse.
So you won't find me wailing late at night
in some smokey bar.
And you won't see me cryin tears
into my old guitar.
I'm too busy cleaning my chakras
and chasing bad karma away
and fluffing up my aura
Well that could take all day.
Now that I'm enlightened
I gotta spread the news.
When life gets this darn good
You've lost the right to sing the blues.
You can sing the blues
when your best friend puts you down.
You can sing the blues
if your man has done left town.
But what gives me the right to sing
that mournful tune
when I'm steamin' with my honey
in my sauna in Cancun.
So now you've heard my story
and you understand the pain
of searching and not finding
any reason to complain.
Cause my stars are in alignment
my house has been feng shui-ed
I'm filled with peace and harmony
my bills have all been paid
I've let go of the struggle
you know I've paid my dues
I've lost the right to sing the blues.....
I woke up this mornin'
and somthin' was not right.
My poor head was a-throbbin'
'cause I tossed and turned all night.
This unfamiliear feelin' it shook me up inside
The truth it was revealin'
that a part of me had died.
So, I called my higher self
and she gave me the bad news.
She said, "Your life is just too good, you lost the
right to sing the blues!"
That broken down old Chevy
that was eatin' me alive
I visualized a Lexus
and now it's sittin' in my drive.
And that man of mine
that scoundrel that rotten low-down bum
I've transformed him into a love-God
with a sizable trust fund.
Everywhere I looked
I was confronted with the clues.
my life was just so good....
I lost the right to sing the blues.
You can sing the blues if you can't pay the rent.
And you can sing the blues
If all your money has been spent
But how can I sing the blues I ain't got no excuse
when I'm driving in my Porshe
on the way to my masseuse.
So you won't find me wailing late at night
in some smokey bar.
And you won't see me cryin tears
into my old guitar.
I'm too busy cleaning my chakras
and chasing bad karma away
and fluffing up my aura
Well that could take all day.
Now that I'm enlightened
I gotta spread the news.
When life gets this darn good
You've lost the right to sing the blues.
You can sing the blues
when your best friend puts you down.
You can sing the blues
if your man has done left town.
But what gives me the right to sing
that mournful tune
when I'm steamin' with my honey
in my sauna in Cancun.
So now you've heard my story
and you understand the pain
of searching and not finding
any reason to complain.
Cause my stars are in alignment
my house has been feng shui-ed
I'm filled with peace and harmony
my bills have all been paid
I've let go of the struggle
you know I've paid my dues
I've lost the right to sing the blues.....
Awakening Goddesses and Avatars
It's an exciting time when so many people are hearing the call inside of themselves to seek tranquility, peace of mind, healthier attitudes and lives. They are asking the questions, "Who am I?" "What is my purpose?" "Why am I here?" They are asking the questions in the face of global change. "Where do I fit in this puzzle of humanity?" We are asking these questions because we know, intuitively, energetically, that we are an important part of this puzzle and it is time for us to awaken from this hypnotic state and step up and into our role as the peacekeepers, the Avatars and Goddesses we intended before our birth.
Yoga and meditation classes are filling up quickly. Retreats and conferences like "Celebrate Your Life" are selling out. People of all ages are beginning to awaken to a higher awareness and universal calling.
We read the papers and watch the news. We know Mother Earth is facing her darkest hour. We see humanity is killing itself. More people have died in the 20th century from war, violence, and genocide (80 million) than from natural disasters and AIDS combined (15.2 million).
The Awakening Goddesses are women who have secretly known that there is more to who they are and are beginninig to seek out the elders for instruction or guidance on how to manage their emotional energy. They feel the call to awaken the part of themselves that has been hidden for many years. Some women have known their whole lives, that they had something special about them but just couldn't let it shine. They are being drawn, now, to classes and books and DVDs that ignite a light inside to show them the truth about who they are. They are getting a glimpse of the more expanded Goddess Self. The healers and teachers, the Wise Women are emerging from thier butterfly cocoon. A Universal transition is taking place before our eyes...go look for the evidence that this is true.
The awakening Avatars are the men who have given up on the old ways of doing things and are searching for the inner power to lead them back to themselves, back to their true nature, their spiritual nature. They are drawn to the movies and books that remind them of their personal power that will lead them to change the way they are working, fathering, loving and leading. There is a whisper pushing them to try something new, like yoga and meditation. More and more men are stepping into the role of Avatars, the Spiritual Warriors of Peace. It used to be that these conferences and yoga studios were filled with women. Not so today. More and more men are stepping into their power place as the Avatars they already are, but have denied. It requires training, and learning techniques they've not used for many lifetimes. But as soon as they hear it, it resonates truth inside of them because they have been there before.
Men and women all over the world are waking up with a new idea. Learning how to meditate is a good place to start your journey of self realigning with Self.
It's not too late to create a new reality of Peace and rejuvenation for Mother Earth and her inhabitants. The essence of the life force that holds your cells in place, holds the stars and planets in place, is the essence we call God.
"Human misery is more often caused not so much by stupidity as by ignorance, particularly our own ignorance about ourselves." ....Carl Sagan.
"Today, new discoveries in science and technology have placed at our fingertips the power to preserve or destroy all that we love and hold dear. For the first time in recorded history, the survival of our entire species rests upon the choices of a single generation. Perhaps it is precisely the presence of such power that now compels us to recognize that we are a part of all we see, and the expressioin of something even greater.".....Gregg Braden
"Go within.", "Know thyself." Meditation is the practice of guieting the lower mind so that our higher awareness may reveal itself.
It is time.
Be the Avatar you are seeking.
Be the Goddess you already are.
Ask for your teacher to appear.... "The teacher will appear when the student is ready."
Yoga and meditation classes are filling up quickly. Retreats and conferences like "Celebrate Your Life" are selling out. People of all ages are beginning to awaken to a higher awareness and universal calling.
We read the papers and watch the news. We know Mother Earth is facing her darkest hour. We see humanity is killing itself. More people have died in the 20th century from war, violence, and genocide (80 million) than from natural disasters and AIDS combined (15.2 million).
The Awakening Goddesses are women who have secretly known that there is more to who they are and are beginninig to seek out the elders for instruction or guidance on how to manage their emotional energy. They feel the call to awaken the part of themselves that has been hidden for many years. Some women have known their whole lives, that they had something special about them but just couldn't let it shine. They are being drawn, now, to classes and books and DVDs that ignite a light inside to show them the truth about who they are. They are getting a glimpse of the more expanded Goddess Self. The healers and teachers, the Wise Women are emerging from thier butterfly cocoon. A Universal transition is taking place before our eyes...go look for the evidence that this is true.
The awakening Avatars are the men who have given up on the old ways of doing things and are searching for the inner power to lead them back to themselves, back to their true nature, their spiritual nature. They are drawn to the movies and books that remind them of their personal power that will lead them to change the way they are working, fathering, loving and leading. There is a whisper pushing them to try something new, like yoga and meditation. More and more men are stepping into the role of Avatars, the Spiritual Warriors of Peace. It used to be that these conferences and yoga studios were filled with women. Not so today. More and more men are stepping into their power place as the Avatars they already are, but have denied. It requires training, and learning techniques they've not used for many lifetimes. But as soon as they hear it, it resonates truth inside of them because they have been there before.
Men and women all over the world are waking up with a new idea. Learning how to meditate is a good place to start your journey of self realigning with Self.
It's not too late to create a new reality of Peace and rejuvenation for Mother Earth and her inhabitants. The essence of the life force that holds your cells in place, holds the stars and planets in place, is the essence we call God.
"Human misery is more often caused not so much by stupidity as by ignorance, particularly our own ignorance about ourselves." ....Carl Sagan.
"Today, new discoveries in science and technology have placed at our fingertips the power to preserve or destroy all that we love and hold dear. For the first time in recorded history, the survival of our entire species rests upon the choices of a single generation. Perhaps it is precisely the presence of such power that now compels us to recognize that we are a part of all we see, and the expressioin of something even greater.".....Gregg Braden
"Go within.", "Know thyself." Meditation is the practice of guieting the lower mind so that our higher awareness may reveal itself.
It is time.
Be the Avatar you are seeking.
Be the Goddess you already are.
Ask for your teacher to appear.... "The teacher will appear when the student is ready."
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Addicted to Pain?
Some people get addicted to pain relievers like Rush Limbaugh. Some people get addicted to the pain. They want you to spank them, drip hot wax on them, pinch them, bite them, and break their hearts. They want it, they ask for it, they create it, one way or another. Perhaps they get lots of surgeries, or one disease after another. They may even be the kind of person who ends up in jail every few months for tickets, speeding, drunk driving or simply for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, intentionally. These are the people who like to play the victim. They will cry to you all about their ex-wives or husbands and they will dredge up all the sadness and pitiful events of their childhoods. They may be involved in dangerous sports where bones are sometimes broken and skin is often scraped off of their arms, legs and heads. They are addicted to the pain.
Linda Ronstadt sang a song once....I think it was Linda, maybe it was Carly Simon. Something along the lines of..."I don't need to feel the pain to know I'm alive."
Are you addicted to pain? Are you addicted to sorrow? Are you addicted to drama? Are you addicted to Global Warming and world catasrophies? Do you like to watch the disasters and car accidents? Do you get a thrill when you walk into a hospital? Do you perk up when you hear the neighbors fighting or is your attention always drawn to the dark side of situations? The "what if's?".
I had a client who always asked, "But what if something bad happens?" I always answered with, "What if something good happens?" She'd say, "What if I lose?" I'd say, "What if you win?" She'd say, "What if I don't?"
What if. Yeah but. If only. I'll try. I can't. blah blah blah. Pain can be addictive. It releases endorphines. The worry, the sadness, the 'what ifs' are the cause of a chemical reaction that makes them feel better.... only not. It's an energetic release that has them confused.
There is hope for these people. They have forgotten who they are. In search of the 'high' they get from worry and concern and pain they got off on the wrong path.
When emotional energy builds up and there is no place for a release, we find a behavior, habit or addiction to cure the build up of energy. We are looking for a way to release it because we don't know how to contain it and focus it on something positive. Nobody taught us.
Sex can be that addiction and it is for many people. The anxiety buids, they go find someone to release it on and all is better, for the moment. As with all addictions, the release is temporary.
...more on this later....
Linda Ronstadt sang a song once....I think it was Linda, maybe it was Carly Simon. Something along the lines of..."I don't need to feel the pain to know I'm alive."
Are you addicted to pain? Are you addicted to sorrow? Are you addicted to drama? Are you addicted to Global Warming and world catasrophies? Do you like to watch the disasters and car accidents? Do you get a thrill when you walk into a hospital? Do you perk up when you hear the neighbors fighting or is your attention always drawn to the dark side of situations? The "what if's?".
I had a client who always asked, "But what if something bad happens?" I always answered with, "What if something good happens?" She'd say, "What if I lose?" I'd say, "What if you win?" She'd say, "What if I don't?"
What if. Yeah but. If only. I'll try. I can't. blah blah blah. Pain can be addictive. It releases endorphines. The worry, the sadness, the 'what ifs' are the cause of a chemical reaction that makes them feel better.... only not. It's an energetic release that has them confused.
There is hope for these people. They have forgotten who they are. In search of the 'high' they get from worry and concern and pain they got off on the wrong path.
When emotional energy builds up and there is no place for a release, we find a behavior, habit or addiction to cure the build up of energy. We are looking for a way to release it because we don't know how to contain it and focus it on something positive. Nobody taught us.
Sex can be that addiction and it is for many people. The anxiety buids, they go find someone to release it on and all is better, for the moment. As with all addictions, the release is temporary.
...more on this later....
Dissolving cancer
Gregg Braden presented several videos and slides in his class last week. One of them has been on my mind ever since. I want to share it with you guys. I'll do my best to describe it as I saw it.
First of all, a woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer. She had a very large tumor in her stomach and her doctors told her there was nothing they could do for her. It was suggested she go home and make her preparations for what can only be imagined as a painful transition.
She didn't do that. Instead she went to Beijing, China. The film began after the woman had found the healers and was ready for her process to begin. She was lying on an examination table and an ultrasound machine was next to her bed with the screen facing the camera. On her right was the technician, trained on this machine and on the other side, were three monks. The technician rolled the device over the womans belly until you could clearly see the tumor in her stomach. She took a picture of it and that picture stayed on the left side of the monitor and the right side of the monitor was the live feed from the patient. The monks began to chant. As they chanted we could see something happening with the tumor. It trembled, it shook, it shifted, it began to break apart and dissolve. It got smaller and smaller until there was nothing left of it. The whole process took less than four minutes. When they were finished and the tumor was no longer...they applauded and the healing was complete.
These things we call miracles seem to be "miracles". I mean, it appears that these things we hear about, are the rare exception. What if they weren't? I'm sure every one of you reading this right now has heard one or two similar stories of seemingly miraculous healings or events and wonder how those things could have happened. We think we know things, but we are still living in an un-enlightened state. That is why we still have wars and disease and dysfunction. But, what if there was a better way, an easier way, a more advanced practice that we are ignoring? It's a different, more open perspective one must entertain in order for advancement. We, and I mean the collective 'we', are very much like the 'we' who didn't believe the Earth was round. All we needed was someone to prove it, and one by one we began to believe. Some people today still believe the world is flat. I swear to you this is true. There are some people who believe we never made it to the moon, that it was a sham, filmed on a set somewhere.
In the "Course In Miracles" it tells us there is no more difficulty healing cancer than healing a hang nail. Healing is healing. It only requires an open and willing mind to accept the process. In, "Joy's Way" he tells us, it is love that heals. Channeling the energy of love through your heart chakra into another will heal them. The words the monks chanted were embued with love.
All things are possible. We can heal ourselves, each other, the planet, the forests, the waterways, our children and grandchildren. We can live many years longer and more fit than we allow ourselves to.
Did you know that the United States is one of the worst countries in the area of health care and education? Infant mortality rates are lower in countries you'd think the opposite. I will look it up and post it here if you are interested where our country falls on the lists. I know I was shocked when I first saw it. I thought we were so much more advanced than other countries but we are lagging far behind. It's almost barbaric how we think of our Earth and her resources and how we view education, and health care. It's time to step out of what we think we know. Now is the perfect time. I don't believe it's too late, but our time is running out if we want to save Earth's forests, her lakes and streams, her processes, cycles and seasons that allow us to live here.
If we can heal each other, just as the monks healed the cancerous tumor, we can heal the cancerous destruction we call advancement on this Earth. It's all the same. If we only have 5% of our ancient forests left, it requires us to stop the process by buying smarter, thinking smarter and loving smarter. If not, well, we can have a painful transition. OR not....
First of all, a woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer. She had a very large tumor in her stomach and her doctors told her there was nothing they could do for her. It was suggested she go home and make her preparations for what can only be imagined as a painful transition.
She didn't do that. Instead she went to Beijing, China. The film began after the woman had found the healers and was ready for her process to begin. She was lying on an examination table and an ultrasound machine was next to her bed with the screen facing the camera. On her right was the technician, trained on this machine and on the other side, were three monks. The technician rolled the device over the womans belly until you could clearly see the tumor in her stomach. She took a picture of it and that picture stayed on the left side of the monitor and the right side of the monitor was the live feed from the patient. The monks began to chant. As they chanted we could see something happening with the tumor. It trembled, it shook, it shifted, it began to break apart and dissolve. It got smaller and smaller until there was nothing left of it. The whole process took less than four minutes. When they were finished and the tumor was no longer...they applauded and the healing was complete.
These things we call miracles seem to be "miracles". I mean, it appears that these things we hear about, are the rare exception. What if they weren't? I'm sure every one of you reading this right now has heard one or two similar stories of seemingly miraculous healings or events and wonder how those things could have happened. We think we know things, but we are still living in an un-enlightened state. That is why we still have wars and disease and dysfunction. But, what if there was a better way, an easier way, a more advanced practice that we are ignoring? It's a different, more open perspective one must entertain in order for advancement. We, and I mean the collective 'we', are very much like the 'we' who didn't believe the Earth was round. All we needed was someone to prove it, and one by one we began to believe. Some people today still believe the world is flat. I swear to you this is true. There are some people who believe we never made it to the moon, that it was a sham, filmed on a set somewhere.
In the "Course In Miracles" it tells us there is no more difficulty healing cancer than healing a hang nail. Healing is healing. It only requires an open and willing mind to accept the process. In, "Joy's Way" he tells us, it is love that heals. Channeling the energy of love through your heart chakra into another will heal them. The words the monks chanted were embued with love.
All things are possible. We can heal ourselves, each other, the planet, the forests, the waterways, our children and grandchildren. We can live many years longer and more fit than we allow ourselves to.
Did you know that the United States is one of the worst countries in the area of health care and education? Infant mortality rates are lower in countries you'd think the opposite. I will look it up and post it here if you are interested where our country falls on the lists. I know I was shocked when I first saw it. I thought we were so much more advanced than other countries but we are lagging far behind. It's almost barbaric how we think of our Earth and her resources and how we view education, and health care. It's time to step out of what we think we know. Now is the perfect time. I don't believe it's too late, but our time is running out if we want to save Earth's forests, her lakes and streams, her processes, cycles and seasons that allow us to live here.
If we can heal each other, just as the monks healed the cancerous tumor, we can heal the cancerous destruction we call advancement on this Earth. It's all the same. If we only have 5% of our ancient forests left, it requires us to stop the process by buying smarter, thinking smarter and loving smarter. If not, well, we can have a painful transition. OR not....
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Interesting Fact

The butterfly has been my totem for many years. At one point, in the 70's, every birthday, Christmas and anniversary gift I received had a butterfly on it, in it, or as it. I had belt buckles, cowboy boots, art work, blankets and doormats with butterflies on them. My favorite was a purse I found at the Laguna Art Festival. It was a handmade leather purse and the outside pocket was a butterfly, the wings were peacock feathers. Hey, it was during the hippie days. What can I say?
All of these years I thought a caterpillar wrapped himself up in a silk cocoon and transformed into a butterfly. I assumed, as many of us did, that the essence of the caterpillar was in the butterfly, but that isn't the case. In order for the butterfly to be born, the caterpillar must die. He dies and a few cells remain that eat up the mush that was once the caterpillar. A new and completely different insect is born.
A butterfly represents total transformation, down to the cellular level. I dare say, down to the essence level. From one energetic expression to another. From a crawling perspective to a soaring one. And so it is with humans.
When we shift and change it bits and pieces we don't notice the cellular changes. However, there are times when we are called upon, summoned to shift so dramatically that the change is apparent immediately and completely. Old ideas of 'self' die. New ideas and experience of who we are, are born.
In 1981 I had a client arrive for a massage. I had just read "Joy's Way" a book about hands-on healing by Dr. Joy. The client was lying on her stomach and the room was dark and quiet. Only the sound of soft music and our breathing could be heard. As my hands slid down her back and she was beginning to relax, I felt a large, golf ball sized lump under her skin, near her sacrum. It wasn't a muscle spasm, it wasn't a knot. She screamed out loud and was about to jump off of the massage table. I calmed her and asked her to try to relax again. She was very resistant and had no idea she even had a cyst there. She was afraid of the pain and afraid of what it might be. Once she agreed to lay still, I placed my hands, ever so gently, over the lump. I remembered what I had read the night before and simply waited for the energy to work. I didn't say anything. I didn't guide her through any visualization. I didn't even know Rieki at the time. After a few minutes I removed my hands and the cyst was gone. Gone. Completely gone. The woman said, "Oh my God! It's gone!" I said, "Well of coure it's gone." But inside my head I was screaming, "Oh My God! IT's GONE!"
I continued with the rest of the massage as usual, but something magical had happened. A miracle healing happened that changed her and changed me. It changed her on a cellular level as well as shifted her awareness of possibilities. It changed my idea of human potential, my potential.
I had forgotten about this case. I was reminded of it last night. Now I understand why my daughter has so much confidence in my ability to heal Michael. Afterall, I've assisted in disolving cysts before. Why not now? The only thing in the way was my fear. I was too close to this case. I have new perspective this morning.
So, Michael and I are healing his cyst and creating more space for his brilliant brain. I can't wait to see the doctor's face when he says, "Oh My God! It's gone!"
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

His MRI came back with a diagnosis. Michael has Chiari Malformation, CM type I and an arachnoid cyst the size of a small chicken egg on his left temporal lobe. The cyst can grow and cause any number of symptoms, however, the Chiari is just as serious. The neurosurgeon wants to operate, of course. That's what surgeons do. My daughter and her husband want a second opinion. They have the MRI on a disk and we've looked at it. Even I can see there is a problem. Michael's only symptoms so far are mild. He has occasional head pains. Others with this disease have had to deal with much worse and some with death.
The CM will not get worse. I was just informed. Some people live with the condition their whole lives. Since Michael's symptoms arise occasionally, I feel confident we can move past this stage.
Shanon said she thinks there is no coincidence that I have just returned from a conference with the top healers in the world. She is confident that we, meaning me, will find a way to heal our little boy. Tonight I will work with him. I have emailed a healer in Santa Barbara, Ray Castellino and am waiting a reply. I believe in miracles and magic and instantaneous healing. I will keep you posted.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Conference Ended
If I could do anything in the world, without restriction or constraint, it would be to travel the world to attend the kind of conferences like "Celebrate Your Life". I met, not only the big names, leaders, authors and teachers and healers of the spiritual movement, like Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Carolyn Myss, Gregg Braden, Alan Cohen, Lynn Andrews, and a dozen others, I met new friends whom I will keep in my life for a very long time. I seriously didn't want to leave last night. The energy that had been generated by the work we did, the connections we made and the subjects discussed, felt like a magnetic vibration of the finest frequency. Many hundreds of like-minded souls had gathered together with an intention of opening up their hearts and minds, not only for their own personal enlightenment but for the enlightenment of the planet. It was magnificent to witness. These are billiant people. I highly recommend this particular production by Mishka Productions, a family owned company that is finely tuned and well organized. Next year they will be in a brand new hotel in Scottsdale, I believe, November 8th or so. If you are at all interested in integrating the concepts of world religions, spirituality and the latest science of cosmic consciousness, if you are wanting to expand your awareness along with the ever expanding universe, then this is the ticket. From this venue you will be able to get a glimpse of what each teacher brings from the soup of the intelligent matrix. You'll find one or two, maybe more, who stir a resonance inside of you and who will lead you further into yourself, and therefore, into the Source of all that is. It is a journey you will not regret. I am changed, once again. This journey of the self realigning with the Self is an ever shifting, growing, manfesting trip. It never ceases to amaze me. I am, indeed, blessed.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Holy Mole'
The Scottsdale, "Celebrate Your Life!" conference is blowing my mind. 3000 healers intuitives, teachers, students and curious newbies have come together to hear the lastest research on Cosmic Consciousness from Princeton and the cosmic matrix energy photographs from NASA. Wayne Dyer is here, Carolyn Myss, Gregg Braden, James Van Praagh, Lynn Andrews, Deepak Chopra and I'm on fire! I feel like a pig in shift.
Damn! I love my work!
I love, most of all, that science and spiritality have finally collided.
I love that when I wrote a few years ago about feeling the shift in the cosmos, I wasn't the only one. So many wonderful things are happening. I wish that everyone reading this right now could be here. I will share more about what I am learning as the days go by. For now, focus your attention on the possibilities of shifting our awareness for the greater good. We are, collectively more powerful than you realize.
Damn! I love my work!
I love, most of all, that science and spiritality have finally collided.
I love that when I wrote a few years ago about feeling the shift in the cosmos, I wasn't the only one. So many wonderful things are happening. I wish that everyone reading this right now could be here. I will share more about what I am learning as the days go by. For now, focus your attention on the possibilities of shifting our awareness for the greater good. We are, collectively more powerful than you realize.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Wholeness, Sowelu
From The Book of Runes.
This Rune stands for Wholeness, that which your nature requires. It embodies the impulse toward self-realization and indicates the path you must follow, not from ulterior motives but from the core of your individuality.
Seeking after Wholeness is the Spiritual Warrior's quest. And yet what you are striving to become in actuality is what you, by nature, already are. You must become conscious of your essence and bring it into form, express it in a creative way. A Rune of great power, making life force available to you, Sowelu marks a time for regeneration right down to the cellular level.
Although this Rune has no Reversed position, there is a reason for caution. You may see fit to withdraw, to retreat in the face of a pressing situation, especially if events or people are demanding that you expend your energy now Know that such a retreat is a retreat in strength, and that it can indicate the need for a voyage inward for centering, for balance. Timely retreat is among the skills of the Spiritual Warrior.
At the same time, for some this Rune counsels your life that has been secret, shut away. To accomplish this may call for profound recognitions, for admitting to yourself something that you have long denied.
There is a prayer known as the Gayatri that embodies the spirit of Sowelu. Address the sun in this fashion:
You, who are the source of all power,
Whose rays illuminate the whole world,
Illuminate also my heart
So that it too can do Your work.
While reciting the Gayatri, visualize the sun's rays streaming forth into the world, entering your own heart, and then streaming out from your heart center, back into the world. This is a powerful and life enhancing prayer.
Again, there is a caution here not to give yourself airs. Even in a time of bountiful energy, you are required to face and vanquish your refusal to let right action flow through you. Nourish this capacity, for it is a mark of true humility.
Practice the art of doing without doing: Aim yourself truly and then maintain your aim without manipulative effort. For by our own power we do nothing. Even in loving, it is Love that loves through us. This way f thinking and being integrates new energies and permits you to flow into Wholeness, which is the ultimate goal of the Spiritual Warrior.
This Rune stands for Wholeness, that which your nature requires. It embodies the impulse toward self-realization and indicates the path you must follow, not from ulterior motives but from the core of your individuality.
Seeking after Wholeness is the Spiritual Warrior's quest. And yet what you are striving to become in actuality is what you, by nature, already are. You must become conscious of your essence and bring it into form, express it in a creative way. A Rune of great power, making life force available to you, Sowelu marks a time for regeneration right down to the cellular level.
Although this Rune has no Reversed position, there is a reason for caution. You may see fit to withdraw, to retreat in the face of a pressing situation, especially if events or people are demanding that you expend your energy now Know that such a retreat is a retreat in strength, and that it can indicate the need for a voyage inward for centering, for balance. Timely retreat is among the skills of the Spiritual Warrior.
At the same time, for some this Rune counsels your life that has been secret, shut away. To accomplish this may call for profound recognitions, for admitting to yourself something that you have long denied.
There is a prayer known as the Gayatri that embodies the spirit of Sowelu. Address the sun in this fashion:
You, who are the source of all power,
Whose rays illuminate the whole world,
Illuminate also my heart
So that it too can do Your work.
While reciting the Gayatri, visualize the sun's rays streaming forth into the world, entering your own heart, and then streaming out from your heart center, back into the world. This is a powerful and life enhancing prayer.
Again, there is a caution here not to give yourself airs. Even in a time of bountiful energy, you are required to face and vanquish your refusal to let right action flow through you. Nourish this capacity, for it is a mark of true humility.
Practice the art of doing without doing: Aim yourself truly and then maintain your aim without manipulative effort. For by our own power we do nothing. Even in loving, it is Love that loves through us. This way f thinking and being integrates new energies and permits you to flow into Wholeness, which is the ultimate goal of the Spiritual Warrior.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
What's in a name?
Carm and I have been having so much fun! I don't want to leave her this morning. We are so in sync, in like mind, in like soul....we are indeed soul sisters. Yesterday we went to the bookstore to pick up "Eat, Pray, and Love". My daughter recommended it to me and since then another three people have suggested it so, I had to add another book to my collection. (I may have to build a library in the new house.) While at Barnes and Noble, we found a book about the meaning of names. Here is what is says about Elizabeth.
If Eliza is likely to be involved with construction, it would be reasonable to expect that Elizabeth has even stronger ties with this field; her name is made by adding the full spelling of Beth, meaning "house," to the end of Eliza,(construction) However, the Kabbalah is never straightforward, and like a Buddhist koan or riddle, it is constantly presenting us with paradox after paradox. Elizabeth's name can be reduced to eleven, which is the number of magic, and she is likely to have a long-standing interest-if not an active involvement-in the occult or the unexplained. The house signified by Beth is not a physical house but a representation of Elizabeth's complex worldview. Elizabeth likes to be able to categorize, which may manifest itself as a desire to control. (ME?) She sees the world in some ways as a jigsaw puzzle that fails to make sense only because the pieces are not quite in the right place. In order to solve the puzzle, she brings a sense of religious or spiritual. But although Elizabeth likes the world to make sense, she also wants it to retain its soul. The first half of the name, Eliza, refers not to physical construction but to a more mysterious building process: the building of a magical or spiritual understanding. Elizabeth retains Eliza's inner strength and potentially vicious tongue, and these will both stand her in good stead when faced with snide comments and ridicule for her beliefs.
Elizabeth is most fortunate to have Thurisaz, the gateway, in her name, which provides her a place in her mind to gather strength and contemplate hidden aspects of the self. The Algiz energy of protection cautions against emotional extreme, so Elizabeth seeks to remain calm and stable. Elizabeth is aware of her personal power, and for her this equals self-discipline, which is her strongest asset. Elizabeth is probably drawn to politics or the courtroom. She is highly motivated to fight for a cause and is persuasive and heartfelt in her appeals for justice. Elizabeth is not easily intimidated, and when the going gets tough, Elizabeth quadruples her efforts and emerges victorious.
Elizabeth is a name that gives abilities in all mental pursuits. A woman possessed of a wide variety of intellectual interests, Elizabeth has a very introspective side to her nature, and will find no problem spending time alone investigating what beckons to her. At the same time, her relationships are most important to her sense of personal completion. She requires a partner who will be supportive of her more subjective moments and enjoy sharing her urge to travel and explore all of life's many possibilities.
"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." -Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
I read all of that to Carm while we were in the bookstore. The whole time her jaw was dropped and we both kept saying, "Oh my God, that so true" This book seems quite accurate about most of the names we looked up. That's so fun.
I'm on my way to Barb and Dave's today to play with the children and do more readings. The readings I've done so far, while here in Denver, have been very powerful. I've met dozens of new people and I've fallen in love with Colorado. I suspect this will be my new home before too long.
Here's a script for today.
"Today is a new day, a new beginning and I am new as I shed old outmoded ideas and beliefs that no longer serve my highest good. I want to walk through my day feeling that newness all around me. I want to amplify my excitement about the changes that are coming my way as I activate my desire for a more connected relationship with my inner teacher . She wants the best for me and wants to bring me all the wonderful adventures, experiences and abundance I ask for. I look for evidence today that I am in the flow of this wonderful current of currency. I am Light today. So it is."
If Eliza is likely to be involved with construction, it would be reasonable to expect that Elizabeth has even stronger ties with this field; her name is made by adding the full spelling of Beth, meaning "house," to the end of Eliza,(construction) However, the Kabbalah is never straightforward, and like a Buddhist koan or riddle, it is constantly presenting us with paradox after paradox. Elizabeth's name can be reduced to eleven, which is the number of magic, and she is likely to have a long-standing interest-if not an active involvement-in the occult or the unexplained. The house signified by Beth is not a physical house but a representation of Elizabeth's complex worldview. Elizabeth likes to be able to categorize, which may manifest itself as a desire to control. (ME?) She sees the world in some ways as a jigsaw puzzle that fails to make sense only because the pieces are not quite in the right place. In order to solve the puzzle, she brings a sense of religious or spiritual. But although Elizabeth likes the world to make sense, she also wants it to retain its soul. The first half of the name, Eliza, refers not to physical construction but to a more mysterious building process: the building of a magical or spiritual understanding. Elizabeth retains Eliza's inner strength and potentially vicious tongue, and these will both stand her in good stead when faced with snide comments and ridicule for her beliefs.
Elizabeth is most fortunate to have Thurisaz, the gateway, in her name, which provides her a place in her mind to gather strength and contemplate hidden aspects of the self. The Algiz energy of protection cautions against emotional extreme, so Elizabeth seeks to remain calm and stable. Elizabeth is aware of her personal power, and for her this equals self-discipline, which is her strongest asset. Elizabeth is probably drawn to politics or the courtroom. She is highly motivated to fight for a cause and is persuasive and heartfelt in her appeals for justice. Elizabeth is not easily intimidated, and when the going gets tough, Elizabeth quadruples her efforts and emerges victorious.
Elizabeth is a name that gives abilities in all mental pursuits. A woman possessed of a wide variety of intellectual interests, Elizabeth has a very introspective side to her nature, and will find no problem spending time alone investigating what beckons to her. At the same time, her relationships are most important to her sense of personal completion. She requires a partner who will be supportive of her more subjective moments and enjoy sharing her urge to travel and explore all of life's many possibilities.
"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." -Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
I read all of that to Carm while we were in the bookstore. The whole time her jaw was dropped and we both kept saying, "Oh my God, that so true" This book seems quite accurate about most of the names we looked up. That's so fun.
I'm on my way to Barb and Dave's today to play with the children and do more readings. The readings I've done so far, while here in Denver, have been very powerful. I've met dozens of new people and I've fallen in love with Colorado. I suspect this will be my new home before too long.
Here's a script for today.
"Today is a new day, a new beginning and I am new as I shed old outmoded ideas and beliefs that no longer serve my highest good. I want to walk through my day feeling that newness all around me. I want to amplify my excitement about the changes that are coming my way as I activate my desire for a more connected relationship with my inner teacher . She wants the best for me and wants to bring me all the wonderful adventures, experiences and abundance I ask for. I look for evidence today that I am in the flow of this wonderful current of currency. I am Light today. So it is."
Sunday, November 04, 2007
A Mile High
It may be warmer here, in Denver, than it is in Redondo Beach today. Who would have thunk it? It's absolutely beautiful. We spent yesterday in Boulder and I met two new clients via a client in Idyllwild. Bill and Carol have a lovely home and a meditation room that was a perfect place for us to do our work. So far, on this leg of the trip, I've been very blessed to have met many new clients who are eager to do the work they have come here to do. They are all prepared, excited and have received positive comfirmation that their loved ones and guides are, indeed, present in their lives. I have three more working days then we get to play.
Boulder didn't feel like a place I would want to live. I was surprised about that. I've always heard such positive things about that town and it's vibration, but, I guess it just doesn't calibrate well with my energy. I did, however, feel a strong connection with a town called, Westminster. As we drove through it I could feel the positvie vibe build up in me. As it turns out, Deepak Chopra is building a center there. I guess he felt it too. We shall see....
Boulder didn't feel like a place I would want to live. I was surprised about that. I've always heard such positive things about that town and it's vibration, but, I guess it just doesn't calibrate well with my energy. I did, however, feel a strong connection with a town called, Westminster. As we drove through it I could feel the positvie vibe build up in me. As it turns out, Deepak Chopra is building a center there. I guess he felt it too. We shall see....
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