Thursday, June 08, 2006

Jay Aleccia

My dear friend, Jay. He and I made a beautiful daughter some 31 years ago, a lifetime ago....
He's laying in a hospital bed tonight. He's very seriously ill. The doctors don't know yet what is causing it and many tests have been ordered. His temperature yesterday was 103.8 degrees. His blood pressure was 97/38....his body was shutting down. He felt sick last Saturday but didn't get to his doctor until yesterday, stubborn man. The doctor immediately called the paramedics and he was rushed to Torrance Memorial Medical Center. They put him on oxygen and an IV of antibiotics but, still, they have no idea why his white blood cell count is in the 21,000's. He was on deaths door. The doctors have managed to get his temperature down to 102 and his blood pressure up to 100/63. He shivers and shudders uncontrollably and barely has the energy to move a muscle on his own, without getting out of breath....

When I met Jay he was wearing his uniform. He was a radio man in Vietnam and had only been home one day when he came into the Proud Bird Restaurant,where I was working at the time. We hit it off right away. He was lean, dark and muscular under that uniform. Hmph. Years of memories we have shared, some beautiful....some very dark. I love that man. I will be praying and sending Reiki for the rest of the evening......Please see him well.

1 comment:

Froggy64 said...

I hope Reiki has helped your dear friend Jayi
I practice Reiki myself.

My English Blogs however, tackle intirely different subjects, like my hometown and art.