Thursday, June 22, 2006


You know the emails you get that tell you to make a wish, or say a prayer, or think of someone you love, then forward the email to ten friends in ten seconds and your wish or prayer or friend will appear or the phone will ring? Or the ones that ask you 25 personal questions, like "What was the last thing you ate?" and "What are you wearing?" and "What is your favorite color?" then put your name on the top of the list and mail it back to the sender and on to ten others? If you are my friend, my client, my sister, my ex.....please, please, please stop the insanity. What I am wearing or eating or reading today doesn't give you any real knowledge of who I am or what I think. Prayers are answered, not because we forward emails or make wishes, they are answered according to Universal Laws. And if I want a friend to appear or call, I'll send them a telepathic message!
The emails I love to receive are ones that are personal. If you have a question for me or just want to say 'hi' then say it. Write it. Send it. Emails that make me laugh or ponder new ideas, or open new ideas for discussion are what float my boat. Send them on or forward them and I will promise to read them through and respond. But, I will not now, nor will I ever, forward to ten of my friends a bunch of answers to questions they never asked. That's just not me.

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