Sunday, June 18, 2006


I love, love, love to cook, especially in my new kitchen. I remodeled my 80s kitchen, into a Better Homes and Gardens Kitchen of the the new millennium. I have beautiful golden granite countertops and bar. I have custom Alder cabinets with glass doors and lighting. I have the most excellent KitchenAid stove, convection oven, and microwave/convection oven with bread warmer, and a side by side frig...even my barbecue is brand new, fancy-dancy, hooohaaa, stainless, smokin-ass, grill. Well, let me tell you, I took all of out for a test drive tonight with recipe's I've never tried before and I am so stoked! I barbecued pork tenderloin marinated in a fresh soy/ginger and shallot marinade and I cooked up some granny smith apples into a very scrumptious sauce. I served brown rice in a beef bouillon and served it all up after the most delicious appetizer of steamed artichoke with a garlic/dill sauce, and fresh steamed asparagus/baby broccoli/baby zucchini and carrot appetizer. All of it was put together while sipping fresh raspberry martinis. Man-o-man....Thank you Food Network! I got the pork recipe online and the rest I just threw together. For dessert we had fresh strawberries dipped in a gourmet dark chocolate sauce and freshly ground Vanilla Nut coffee beans, brewed in my new Grind and Brew coffee maker (a Christmas gift from Mother). I swear to all that is holy.....I've made some fine dinners in my life but tonight!....I freakin' out did myself. I know that those of you in Denver, the ones I served my "Slap Yo Mama Nachos" to, or you lucky recipients of my Emeril Banana Cream Pie with caramel and choc sauce will not believe it...but really....this was it. I didn't think I could top the smoked St Louis Ribs with the homemade sweet and spicy sauce but, tonight, I did. Yum, yum, yum. I am a Goddess!

It's midnight and the dishes will have to wait 'till morning. I have a house call tomorrow. A 50 year old woman who suddenly, very suddenly, became dizzy...really dizzy. She hasn't been able to drive for two weeks and spent several days in the hospital having tests. Her brain in fine, her chems are normal, everything checks out....except,....her stress level. Divorce, a child going away to college, a mother going blind.....and on and on. If you read this blog often or know me in real know this is right up my alley. By the end of the day she'll be good as new. Easy speazy.

Good Night....... Sorry, no proof reading or spell checking.. live with it.

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