Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Missing Piece

If you take a look around you'll find that just about everyone is talking about, The Secret. I posted a link to it about six months ago and sent out a mass email announcing it to all of my family and friends, even ex-friends. When I first saw it I was thrilled that someone had made a terrific movie about what it is I've been teaching for 20 years or so. The movie is being shown in churches, in people’s homes, in auditoriums and is being given to family and friends of almost everyone who sees it. It has had a remarkable impact on millions of people. Oprah did a three part show on it. The simple understanding of the undeniable, universal law of attraction has set people free from the notion of being at the mercy of an outside force of nature or God or luck. Indeed we will have life experiences that will challenge us to grow, to stretch, to learn, to forgive and love. That is why we are here. However, The Secret explains the karma of thought and attention in a way that is fun and interesting. I'm using the DVD as a starting point tool for all of my clients.

However, and here is the problem with The Secret, it does not address the issue of previously created beliefs, decisions and experiences that are the blocks for new creations. It doesn't address the inevitable flow of lessons still needed or the natural and necessary losses that come with being in the physical realm and it does not mention how to ‘dis-create’ previously held beliefs, ideas, memories and blockages that prevent or slow down the process of creating a new pattern of prosperity, health, love, and peace.

The process of creating is like turning on a garden hose. Your intention is to water your garden of ideas and imagination. If your hose has holes in it....your creating energy is going to spill out and not much water will reach your precious seeds of ideas and intentions. Each hole represents an old pattern or belief or decision that is contrary to what you are now expecting and wanting and intending. You turn on your focused attention, or the faucet, but if those holes are not addressed, all you get out of the other end of the hose is a dribble, not a forceful manifestation.

Psych-K, Avatar, PLA Classes, Hypnosis, guided meditations and honest journaling can bring those previously held ideas or holes into focus so you can consciously choose to keep them or delete them. The holes in your hose must be filled and patched and repaired. Only then will the water begin to flow without leaking out all over the place creating detours, distractions and limitations.

The great gift of The Secret is showing people how they are creating their reality every minute of every day. It’s automatic. Garbage in, garbage out, garbage back in…it’s the cycle of energy. Love in, love out, love back at ya. Making a decision to have gratitude for all of your life experiences, to have gratitude for all of the people in your past, present and future, having gratitude for your body, your abundance, and your universe, requires an energy of willing forgiveness. You must forgive in order to move from the past. If there is an experience or a person you have not forgiven, then there is a part of yourself you have not forgiven. If you are holding resentment or judgement or a belief in punishment, then you have holes in your creating hose. You can put your attention on prosperity all day long, every day but if somewhere in your conscious field of energy you are holding a strong belief that you don’t deserve goodness and prosperity, or that it's too late for you or that there's not enough to go around, then….well….you’ll get a dribble of a new reality. You’ll find a quarter at the parking meter, or a dollar in the street or maybe even receive a gift of a certain amount but not true prosperity. If you begrudge an other's abundance you’ve put another hole in your hose.

What beliefs are putting holes in your hose? Are you feeling gratitude? I mean really experiencing the feeling, the energy of gratitude? Is there anyone in your life, past or present, for whom you still hold angry and bitter thoughts? Are you willing to look in the mirror at your true beliefs about yourself? What is your level of deservingness? Do you truly love yourself? Is there something for which you would like to make amends? Are you being of service to others? All of these questions will allow you to examine what is your truth. How much do you want to heal your soul in order for the hose of creativity to be strong and passionate? Are you willing to go the extra mile to find a spiritual coach or mentor who knows, The Secret? Are you ready to heal? Are you ready and willing to be the change you want to see in your world?

We are being asked to step up and lift our energies from greed, from laziness, from worry, from apathy, from “whatever” to “I choose.” “I decide” “I am Source” “I am Love” “I am forgiveness” “I am gratitude”….notice the difference in the feeling tone of “I forgive you or him or her or them.” And the feeling tone of “I am forgiveness” One comes from the ego and the other comes from God.

Here's an exercise to bring to your attention to what it is you are holding onto that is putting gaping holes in your creating hose. List all of the things you would like to experience on one side of a paper. On the other side, list all of the reasons why you don't have or can't experience those things. For example: Primary Intention....I am radiant health.

Secondary beliefs:
I'm too old to be radiant.
If I lost 40 pounds I'd be radiant.
My father died of heart disease at 67.

Heart disease runs in my family.
My family wouldn't love me if I was radiant.

If I was radiant people would expect more of me.

The first list is what Avatar calls your primary and the second list they call your secondaries or previously held beliefs. Your secondaries are the holes in your hose. If your primary intention doesn't create, what are the hidden beliefs you still hold that prevent it from manifesting?

I am wealthy.

Rich women are bitches like my aunt.
If I wasn't single my whole life maybe I could be rich.
Rich people are greedy.

The secondaries were created in your past but are held in consciousness as a vibration and memory. I remember deciding that my least favorite aunt was thin and rich but I didn't find her to be loving and warm. I made a decision that I'd rather be plump and poor like my mother than a rich bitch. Guess what I created? That decision was made when I was 9 years old. But it's a powerful decision that I had to recognise in order to repair it, or in Avatar terms, dis-create it.

Transparent beliefs are the ones you can't see right off the bat. They are tricky and must be sniffed out. If you are intending to create something and it doesn't have secondaries. No ifs ands or buts. The Secret doesn't address this issue. I suspect that people are going to see the movie and run out to create wonderful things and when something doesn't create they are going to throw the whole concept of the law of attraction out the window. It will add to their secondary that they are not powerful creators.

The Secret has a missing piece and that is 'what to do about secondary beliefs?". The answer is, get yourself to a healer, a teacher, a mentor, who can show you how to feel your way through to a new reality.