Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Challenge is on...

Here it is. The teachers of The Secret don't seem to believe it is necessary to delete old patterns, beliefs, emotional energies in order to create a new reality. Personally, I disagree. You may be able to create that perfect relationship but if you don't know that you have a hidden belief that 'relationships don't work' or that, 'love is temporary' or 'love relationships never work out for me.' then you will find a way to lose that perfect love. If you create a million dollars but deep down inside you have have a belief that, "There's never enough." or "I'm not responsible with my money." you will find yourself right back at square one. Research on hundreds of lottery winners has shown that more often than not the winners are broke within a five years. How can that be? Beliefs. However, I am prepared to accept the challenge from the creators of The Secret and commit to using their technique without regard to previously held ideas. I will enter the workshop, as Esther Hicks calls it, and meditate on my visual board of the things I would like to create. I've been working on creating that board all day by cutting out pictures from magazines and printing my intentions from the computer. It covers, finances, personal relationships, business, health and acquiring certain properties. I am committed to go to my workshop every morning and every night in the spirit of gratitude for what I am creating. If a secondary thought or doubt arises I will simply let it blow through me as a tree allows a breeze to blow through its branches. Anytime I hear a voice from my lower self, ego, I will simply say, "Thank you for sharing." and continue on with my creating process. My intention is not to prove them wrong but to prove them right! There is a time limit to this process. 3 days may not be enough, 30 may be more than I need but I'm giving it a committed, daily exercise for 6 months. STAY TUNED!