Monday, March 19, 2007

Caution, it may create sooner than you think.

So, the phone rings the other day. A television personality wants a reading. She is a woman who is now in charge of programming for a network and the rumor is, she and her friend want to produce a psychic television show. Last week, I was the 'messenger' considered for the show.

My vision board has a section about taking the 'messages' I receive out to a broader audience. I've been working privately for over twenty years and decided it was timely to move out of my little studio and 'come out' to all of my friends, family and community with the truth of what I do, I mean besides the bodywork and more 'normal' healing protocols I use. This decision was actually made last year, but as some of you regular readers know, I decided last week to use a vision board, as directed by the teachers in "The Secret". One of my visualizations is me addressing a large audience of about 350 people. The cameras I saw there were to record a video of my message.

My intention is to teach, to uplift, to make people aware of the greater, broader more expanded experience of a higher perspective of conscious awareness, and how to achieve it.

So, back to the phone call. The appointment was made and I began to prepare for the sudden surge of a new creation. I had expectations that resulted in my "secondaries" to surface. Ego based secondaries. "Am I good enough?" "What if I can't do it?" "I'm not ready." "This is too fast." "Will I get too busy?" "I like being semi-retired." "Why get involved?" "It's too big." "Television will reach millions." "OH MY GOD! What have I done?"

I let the secondaries sit there and guess what happened. She had to cancel at the last minute and sent someone else in her place. If I had "dis-created" those secondary beliefs, consciously owned them and processed them using any one of the many techniques from PLA Classes, Avatar, Psych-K, Hypnosis, or any of the many tools available to me...perhaps it would have had a different outcome.

My strongest secondary was, "I'm not ready." It's like standing in line for a ride on a rollar coaster where everyone is screaming and anxious and all I can think is, "I'm not ready."

Had I sat down with that idea, belief and emotion, I would have said somethink like this, "I am always on the right path for my highest good and for the highest good of all around me." If the secondary "I'm not ready." came up again I would have used the Avatar protocol to flatten it.

This doesn't prove anything, as it is, of course. Who's to say it wouldn't have been exactly the same outcome had I used the tools.

But, here's one thing that is certain. If you are intending a creation, be certain you are ready for it's arrival, because being a powerful creator is your reality. The only difference from creating consciously and unconsciously is your intention. If you are creating a lousy attitude, day, life.....or if you are choosing to create a higher vibration the bottom line is you are the cause. Do you really want to vibrate at a higher, lighter vibration? Do you really want to be happy? Or, does being unhappy and less than energetic give you the excuse you need to not pursue your higher purpose? What would it mean to your life if you created health? How would it change your daily routine and your relationships? Are you ready for the change? If the answer is no, then you still have to process your beliefs that are in the way. That's my take on it....and I don't care what they say on The Secret. Your secondaries are in the way.