Monday, March 26, 2007
Here's a wonderful book.
Want help processing those pesky old beliefs and don't have a teacher/healer or Avatar Master handy? Check out Esther and Jerry Hicks book, "Ask And It Is Given." Many handy processes in there to override old patterns beliefs and decisions. It's a workbook. You'll have to do the exercises. You'll have to make the time to do your homework.
About the vision board...
Michael Beckwith acknowledges 'secondaries', those pesky beliefs and decisions we make about life, money, our bodies, health, relationships, anything and everything around our personal experiences. He didn't say what to do with them except work twenty minutes every morning and twenty minutes every night, using your vision board to create a new focus.
The argument is this. If you still have 'secondary' beliefs around, let's say, relationships, and you visualize yourself in the arms of a lover, happy and satisfied, and you have beliefs about, the opposite sex, or love, or marriage that contradict your new plan, those beliefs will exert themselves and draw to you the kind of person who will be the perfect mirror of those beliefs.
Say, for instance. You read a little bit about my childhood in a previous post. My father suffered from a mood disorder that he medicated with alcohol. Of his five siblings, two are alcoholic. He had moments of violent rage, on occasion I was on the receiving end of that. I also had an uncle who liked little girls, if you know what I mean. My older sisters were quite vicious in their teasing when I was a small and anything they could do to make me cry was fair play, inluding their favorite game. "You were adopted. Nobody loves you. They only keep you because they feel sorry for you." "You have a dimple on your chin, that means you're the devil." If a three year old is told that repeatedly, to the point of hysterical crying, you'd think a mother might step in. Not my mother. Not unless the crying got too loud. My mother was and is codependent. She wears rose colored glasses and always sees the glass full to over-flowing. She lives in a state of denial about all things uncomfortable. She was raised by two alcoholics. Although she doesn't abuse alcohol, her two siblings nearly died from it. From that scenario one could make decisions about not being safe in relationships. For instance, during a fearful experience, a beating, a child might decide that life is scary, or life isn't safe, or men are abusive, or "I must be evil." or "I hate me." or "I'll never get married." and/or "I hate men." "Men are violent." "Women are stupid and helpless"... One violent incident could cause a child to create a mulitude of decisions that become beliefs over a period of repeated evidence.
So, there you are, creating the perfect love. He arrives and you are so happy. You've never been happier in your life. He's sexy, he's handsome, he's smart, he's all the things you were asking for, consciously. After nine months or so you begin to see things in him, a temper, odd sexual requests, addictive behavior towards alcohol or other things. How could that happen? You were sure when you were using your vision board that you didn't want any of that old stuff. You visualized someone smart and wonderful, right? Well, he is smart and wonderful and also very screwed up. His mother abandoned him when he was still in diapers, his grandmother raised him with a yard stick. His father was and is a rage-aholic. When he went back to live with his mother and her new husband, they were sexually inappropriate around him. He was molested by an uncle..... All of your beliefs about men are created in one man. You have an opportunity to look at the mirror of those beliefs and heal them. Delete them. Dis-create them. But, oh no, now you're stuck in a relationship with your worst nightmare and once again, your beliefs are own up to what you really believe about men/women/relationships and heal it.
To dis-create a belief takes some practice. If you have a belief that women are liars and you are looking to fall in love with a woman, you use your vision board that has a picture of a couple walking hand in hand down a beach at sunset. You want that to be you. Yet, you have a history of relationships where your partner has cheated on you and lied about it. Be honest with your history of relationships. If you have a pattern going on, one liar after another, you need to own up to your beliefs and decisions that are drawing them to you. Not all women are liars. Not all women are cheaters. Not all men are violent.
So, what beliefs do you have about relationships? What beliefs do you have about men or women or money. It doesn't grow on trees you know.
There are several techniques to delete old outmoded beliefs and decisions. Find a healer, an Avatar Master, a PLA Class, a hypno-therapist with experience and get going. Life is too short to carry around the past experiences only to recreate them in the future.
Remember, it's not enough to say, "I am in love with a wonderful, healthy woman, ...and she doesn't lie and cheat." That affirmation is a negative. See your vision in detail, say the affirmation in the present tense, and positive. If a secondary belief exerts itself....delete it. That's the part for which you may need assistance and practice.
The argument is this. If you still have 'secondary' beliefs around, let's say, relationships, and you visualize yourself in the arms of a lover, happy and satisfied, and you have beliefs about, the opposite sex, or love, or marriage that contradict your new plan, those beliefs will exert themselves and draw to you the kind of person who will be the perfect mirror of those beliefs.
Say, for instance. You read a little bit about my childhood in a previous post. My father suffered from a mood disorder that he medicated with alcohol. Of his five siblings, two are alcoholic. He had moments of violent rage, on occasion I was on the receiving end of that. I also had an uncle who liked little girls, if you know what I mean. My older sisters were quite vicious in their teasing when I was a small and anything they could do to make me cry was fair play, inluding their favorite game. "You were adopted. Nobody loves you. They only keep you because they feel sorry for you." "You have a dimple on your chin, that means you're the devil." If a three year old is told that repeatedly, to the point of hysterical crying, you'd think a mother might step in. Not my mother. Not unless the crying got too loud. My mother was and is codependent. She wears rose colored glasses and always sees the glass full to over-flowing. She lives in a state of denial about all things uncomfortable. She was raised by two alcoholics. Although she doesn't abuse alcohol, her two siblings nearly died from it. From that scenario one could make decisions about not being safe in relationships. For instance, during a fearful experience, a beating, a child might decide that life is scary, or life isn't safe, or men are abusive, or "I must be evil." or "I hate me." or "I'll never get married." and/or "I hate men." "Men are violent." "Women are stupid and helpless"... One violent incident could cause a child to create a mulitude of decisions that become beliefs over a period of repeated evidence.
So, there you are, creating the perfect love. He arrives and you are so happy. You've never been happier in your life. He's sexy, he's handsome, he's smart, he's all the things you were asking for, consciously. After nine months or so you begin to see things in him, a temper, odd sexual requests, addictive behavior towards alcohol or other things. How could that happen? You were sure when you were using your vision board that you didn't want any of that old stuff. You visualized someone smart and wonderful, right? Well, he is smart and wonderful and also very screwed up. His mother abandoned him when he was still in diapers, his grandmother raised him with a yard stick. His father was and is a rage-aholic. When he went back to live with his mother and her new husband, they were sexually inappropriate around him. He was molested by an uncle..... All of your beliefs about men are created in one man. You have an opportunity to look at the mirror of those beliefs and heal them. Delete them. Dis-create them. But, oh no, now you're stuck in a relationship with your worst nightmare and once again, your beliefs are own up to what you really believe about men/women/relationships and heal it.
To dis-create a belief takes some practice. If you have a belief that women are liars and you are looking to fall in love with a woman, you use your vision board that has a picture of a couple walking hand in hand down a beach at sunset. You want that to be you. Yet, you have a history of relationships where your partner has cheated on you and lied about it. Be honest with your history of relationships. If you have a pattern going on, one liar after another, you need to own up to your beliefs and decisions that are drawing them to you. Not all women are liars. Not all women are cheaters. Not all men are violent.
So, what beliefs do you have about relationships? What beliefs do you have about men or women or money. It doesn't grow on trees you know.
There are several techniques to delete old outmoded beliefs and decisions. Find a healer, an Avatar Master, a PLA Class, a hypno-therapist with experience and get going. Life is too short to carry around the past experiences only to recreate them in the future.
Remember, it's not enough to say, "I am in love with a wonderful, healthy woman, ...and she doesn't lie and cheat." That affirmation is a negative. See your vision in detail, say the affirmation in the present tense, and positive. If a secondary belief exerts itself....delete it. That's the part for which you may need assistance and practice.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Maggie Mae's close up.
From Dr. Bruce Lipton's website.
Could living to advanced ages, an instant connection with everyone and everything, and even the spontaneous healing of disease be our true heritage in the universe? New discoveries suggest that the answer to these questions is a resounding "Yes!" The key to unleashing such miracles in our lives is found in the new discoveries of physics and biology, and the missing link that connects them with our lives!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
June, Boulder, Colorado
Friday, March 23, 2007
Animals show up in readings.
When animals show up during a reading, I can usually tell if they are spirit totems or family pets. If I see an owl or a cougar, it's likely to be a totem message. If it's a dog or cat, it's more likely to be the family pet who has passed on or perhaps a pet message of the dog or cat still living. Yesterday it was a pet message.
I saw the four-legged, fluffy dog during a session with two women. I turned to one of them and said, "Your dog." She got very excited. "Aw, I love my dog. Is he okay? He's going in for surgery."
I looked at the dog and his left hip was expanded. So, I asked, "Is it for his hip?"
"No, his mouth, his teeth. Why? What do you see?"
"His left hip needs to be looked at."
"He's not limping."
"I see a problem with his left hip."
Last night she told me the doctor agreed to xray him and wondered how she knew there was a problem....his hip is deteriorating. He needs medication. She didn't say, "A psychic told me."
Animals show up in dreams and pet spirits sometimes stay with their owners for many years after their death. The ones who were loved deeply and well cared for will stick around for protection and comfort. Your pet spirits visit you in your sleep state and in your waking state. If they can return in the form of another pet they will. Love your pets.
I saw the four-legged, fluffy dog during a session with two women. I turned to one of them and said, "Your dog." She got very excited. "Aw, I love my dog. Is he okay? He's going in for surgery."
I looked at the dog and his left hip was expanded. So, I asked, "Is it for his hip?"
"No, his mouth, his teeth. Why? What do you see?"
"His left hip needs to be looked at."
"He's not limping."
"I see a problem with his left hip."
Last night she told me the doctor agreed to xray him and wondered how she knew there was a problem....his hip is deteriorating. He needs medication. She didn't say, "A psychic told me."
Animals show up in dreams and pet spirits sometimes stay with their owners for many years after their death. The ones who were loved deeply and well cared for will stick around for protection and comfort. Your pet spirits visit you in your sleep state and in your waking state. If they can return in the form of another pet they will. Love your pets.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Agape International Spiritual Center.
Oh Dear....I went to Agape last night. The first time I attended a service there I wasn't at all impressed. There was a church band and a huge choir, everyone was singing and clapping like it was a concert. The minister was a little too theatrical for my taste so I didn't return for many years. A few weeks ago I went with a friend who wanted to meet Michael Beckwith. She had seen The Secret and was impressed with his gentle attitude. We happened to pick a night they had a guest speaker, Marianne Williamson followed by a play. It was very different than what I had experienced on my first visit. I enjoyed it very much and looked forward to taking some of the classes offered. Well, last night was a reinactment of my first visit only with a thousand more people. My friend, Mae, said it was like they all drank the kool-aid. It seemed phoney, theatrical and over the top. I didn't enjoy it at all. I don't think I'll be back.
Lightbulb moment....
In my session with Dr. Rand on Monday a memory surfaced. A memory I had buried a long time ago. I posted a brief description yesterday of a beating my father gave my dog. During my session I allowed myself to be in the past, be that young girl, and watch the detailed video memory of the entire incident. Frame by frame. Moment by moment.
The beating took up the first ten minutes. I was watching from the end of the driveway, peeking from behind the corner of our house. I prayed, "Please don't die!" I repeated it and repeated it. Blackie was my closest relative. I had four sisters and a brother but my dog was my love. He slept with me. He was trained by me. I felt love from him in a way I never felt it from people. It was killing me to watch what my father was doing to him.
When my father finished, he walked into the house and left the dog laying motionless on the strip of lawn that ran down the center of our driveway. I couldn't go to him because if my father saw me giving him any comfort it might re-trigger his rage. I had to whisper from the back of the property. "Blackie, come." At first he didn't move and I was so afraid he was dead. I waited and called him again, very quietly. His head moved and he looked at me. He tried to get up. Poor thing. He crawled to me after much encouragement and as soon as we were out of view of any of the windows of the house, I brought him to the backyard. I held him in my arms and stroked him. I loved him with my hands and my words. We stayed there for an hour, just stroking his hair and whispering loving words.
That was the end of the story and the emotional charge in my body was broken. Dr. Rand said. "You were a healer even back then."
That sentence has echoed in my mind several times this week as I continue to process.
Blackie didn't have any broken bones, no bleeding spots, not even a limp when our session was over. I never thought about that before. A lightbulb idea flashed. Would I have developed my skills as a healer had it not been for the violent traumas of my childhood experiences? Who would I be today if not for those memories? All of it, the pain, the fear, the physical, emotional and sexual abuse, drove me to do the work I do today. It came with many struggles, this life. But it also came with great realizations and gifts. Introspective day, today.
The beating took up the first ten minutes. I was watching from the end of the driveway, peeking from behind the corner of our house. I prayed, "Please don't die!" I repeated it and repeated it. Blackie was my closest relative. I had four sisters and a brother but my dog was my love. He slept with me. He was trained by me. I felt love from him in a way I never felt it from people. It was killing me to watch what my father was doing to him.
When my father finished, he walked into the house and left the dog laying motionless on the strip of lawn that ran down the center of our driveway. I couldn't go to him because if my father saw me giving him any comfort it might re-trigger his rage. I had to whisper from the back of the property. "Blackie, come." At first he didn't move and I was so afraid he was dead. I waited and called him again, very quietly. His head moved and he looked at me. He tried to get up. Poor thing. He crawled to me after much encouragement and as soon as we were out of view of any of the windows of the house, I brought him to the backyard. I held him in my arms and stroked him. I loved him with my hands and my words. We stayed there for an hour, just stroking his hair and whispering loving words.
That was the end of the story and the emotional charge in my body was broken. Dr. Rand said. "You were a healer even back then."
That sentence has echoed in my mind several times this week as I continue to process.
Blackie didn't have any broken bones, no bleeding spots, not even a limp when our session was over. I never thought about that before. A lightbulb idea flashed. Would I have developed my skills as a healer had it not been for the violent traumas of my childhood experiences? Who would I be today if not for those memories? All of it, the pain, the fear, the physical, emotional and sexual abuse, drove me to do the work I do today. It came with many struggles, this life. But it also came with great realizations and gifts. Introspective day, today.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Here's what I've noticed ....
.....since using the vision board. I've noticed that my desire for coffee has diminished. I used to drink a mug first thing in the morning and then have a second mug before noon. Now, I still make it but I noticed the other day that instead of making a full pot, 10 cups, I made half a pot, and today I noticed that I poured half of my first mug down the drain. Yesterday I had one mug and the day before I didn't have any.
Another thing.... I stopped by the vitamin department at Whole Foods. I used to be a big vitamin taker and seller. I was a nutritional consultant for Body Wise for several years. I took my vitamins everyday, several times a day. I stopped doing that a few years ago. I know I feel better when I take good supplements, I sleep better, I have more energy, but for some reason I just stopped. Without intentionally deciding to buy vitamins, I just happen to pick up a bottle of a mega multi and a bottle of Omega's. On my way out of that aisle I picked up a container of protein powder. Now, remember, this was not a planned purchase.
I've also noticed that I am sleeping better. I don't wake up in the middle of the night. My dreams are more vivid. Whatever the cause of this shift, whether it is the daily visualization with the vision board or simply a normal shift from Winter to's a good thing.
My desire for my morning walks has returned. Could it be that I've shifted my awareness because of the daily visions? There's no forcing these changes, they are simply happening.
Oh yeah, another thing happened. I went for an Integrative Body Psychology session on Monday because I was curious how the process worked with a new tool I heard about from
Dr. Marjorie Rand. Her book, Body, Self and Soul, Sustaining Integration, is wonderful. During the session I accessed a memory and emotional trauma from my childhood that had been stuck in my body. Through this work I was able to not only access it, but release the emotional current that was running on a circuit below my awareness. Fascinating work!
I rarely think of myself as a victim of childhood abuse. The stories I hear from my clients seem so much more damaging and dramatic than my own. But, the truth is, my father suffered from a mood disorder. He used alcohol to medicate himself. I suspect, in retrospect, he suffered from PTSD from World War II and from the fact that his father died suddenly after moving his family to Los Angeles, from a beautiful farm in Texas. My father was only 15 when he was suddenly thrust into the position of the head of the house, for a family of six. I understand now his pain and his moods. As a child, of course, all I knew was fear. He had an explosive temper. It wasn't constant but it was often enough to create a feeling of uncertainty for my safety. I watched him beat my dog Blackie, almost to death. He stomped on him with his big boots, kicked him and used his fists to strike him. The dog, subsequently, had to be put down for biting people. My father once picked me up by my neck and hung me up against a wall, while squeezing the breath out of me. He only did it once, but I was 8 years old. Those incidences create a cycle of emotional energy that stays in your body until you can access them and release them. Some of my old memories have been healed. I was able to do some wonderful healing in Royce's PLA Classes. I guess the memories come up in layers. I really thought I had completed this part of healing but apparently...I still have work to do.
Could it be that I am visualizing "Perfect Health, Balance, and Peace" and therefore these things are creating? I'm not deleting any secondaries...just doing the vision board, in a state of gratitude for all that is coming and all that has been and all than is now. Hmmm. What do you think?
Another thing.... I stopped by the vitamin department at Whole Foods. I used to be a big vitamin taker and seller. I was a nutritional consultant for Body Wise for several years. I took my vitamins everyday, several times a day. I stopped doing that a few years ago. I know I feel better when I take good supplements, I sleep better, I have more energy, but for some reason I just stopped. Without intentionally deciding to buy vitamins, I just happen to pick up a bottle of a mega multi and a bottle of Omega's. On my way out of that aisle I picked up a container of protein powder. Now, remember, this was not a planned purchase.
I've also noticed that I am sleeping better. I don't wake up in the middle of the night. My dreams are more vivid. Whatever the cause of this shift, whether it is the daily visualization with the vision board or simply a normal shift from Winter to's a good thing.
My desire for my morning walks has returned. Could it be that I've shifted my awareness because of the daily visions? There's no forcing these changes, they are simply happening.
Oh yeah, another thing happened. I went for an Integrative Body Psychology session on Monday because I was curious how the process worked with a new tool I heard about from
Dr. Marjorie Rand. Her book, Body, Self and Soul, Sustaining Integration, is wonderful. During the session I accessed a memory and emotional trauma from my childhood that had been stuck in my body. Through this work I was able to not only access it, but release the emotional current that was running on a circuit below my awareness. Fascinating work!
I rarely think of myself as a victim of childhood abuse. The stories I hear from my clients seem so much more damaging and dramatic than my own. But, the truth is, my father suffered from a mood disorder. He used alcohol to medicate himself. I suspect, in retrospect, he suffered from PTSD from World War II and from the fact that his father died suddenly after moving his family to Los Angeles, from a beautiful farm in Texas. My father was only 15 when he was suddenly thrust into the position of the head of the house, for a family of six. I understand now his pain and his moods. As a child, of course, all I knew was fear. He had an explosive temper. It wasn't constant but it was often enough to create a feeling of uncertainty for my safety. I watched him beat my dog Blackie, almost to death. He stomped on him with his big boots, kicked him and used his fists to strike him. The dog, subsequently, had to be put down for biting people. My father once picked me up by my neck and hung me up against a wall, while squeezing the breath out of me. He only did it once, but I was 8 years old. Those incidences create a cycle of emotional energy that stays in your body until you can access them and release them. Some of my old memories have been healed. I was able to do some wonderful healing in Royce's PLA Classes. I guess the memories come up in layers. I really thought I had completed this part of healing but apparently...I still have work to do.
Could it be that I am visualizing "Perfect Health, Balance, and Peace" and therefore these things are creating? I'm not deleting any secondaries...just doing the vision board, in a state of gratitude for all that is coming and all that has been and all than is now. Hmmm. What do you think?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
During a session this evening, these two Runes were chosen....
I read from The Healing Runes and The Book of Runes. Here is what was read in session tonight.
Berkana from The Book of Runes
A Birch Tree
Another of the Cycle Runes, Berkana denotes a form of fertility that fosters growth both symbolically and actually. The growth may occur in affairs of the world, family matters, one's relationship to one's Self or to the Divine.
A Rune that leads to blossoming and ripening, Berkana is concerned with the flow of beings into their new forms. Its action is gentle, penetrating, and pervasive.
What is called for here is going into things deeply, with care and awareness. First disperse resistance, then accomplish the work. For this to happen, your will must be clear and controlled, your motives correct. Any dark corners should be cleansed; this must be carried out diligently and sometimes with expert help. Modesty, patience, fairness and generosity are called for here. Once resistance is dispersed and rectification carried out and seen to hold firm, then, through steadfastness and right attitude, the blossoming can occur.
Reversed: Events or, more likely, aspects of character interfere with the growth of new life. You may feel dismay at failing to take right action. But rather that dismay, what is called for is diligence. Examine what has occurred, your role in it, your needs, the needs of others. Are you placing our wants before the needs of others? Strip away until you can identify the obstacles to growth in this situation. Then, penetrating gently, imitate the wind.
You may be required to fertilize the ground again, but through correct preparation, growth is assured.
The Healing Runes...says this about that.
You to whom all hearts are open, all secrets known, hear our prayers.
The proper prelude to all things is prayer, for it is through prayer that we practice the Presence of God in our lives.
Whatever your concern may be, place it in the hands of the Divine through prayer. For prayer nourishes with love the good desires of the heart; it quiets the troubled spirit and summons to our cause the highest good for all concerned. Each time our actions are blessed by prayer, we invite the Divine to share in or dedication and give us joy.
With nothing in our hands to which we cling, with listening minds and lifted hearts, we pray.
The Rune of Prayer is always a timely reminder. Pray when you feel uncertain, fearful or alone. Pray for the well-being of those you love. Pray for your leaders, your country and for the survival of Mother Earth.
We ask that prayer be second nature to us now, deeper than a habit, the very heartbriar of our lives.
Receiving this Rune, we pray for healing. For the healing of childhood wounds and the addictions they engendered. We ask for the healing of our bodies, our minds and our hearts. For the righting of injustices, and the mending of damaged lives.
From deep within our hearts, we pray for the permanent cessation of violence and an end to all abuse. We pray for love and light to come and seal the door where evil dwells.
Above all, we pray, for the precious care of our souls.
With our every prayer, let us ceaselessly and tirelessly pray for the lives of our children.
Among the sweetest of all are prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving. From all cultures, all peoples, all directions, we come bringing our prayers of homage and devotion.
We pray, and our prayers turn to praise upon our lips.
No matter what is happening in your life, this Rune is saying, take time to offer up your prayers. And know this, as surely as you know anything: Even when you are not speaking to God in prayer, God hears. Your every breath is a prayer.
Practice the Presence of God in all ways, both in your coming in and your going out.
Next Rune...Dagaz
Here is the final Rune belonging to the Cycle of Initiation. Drawing Dagaz marks a major shift or breakthrough in the precess of self-change, a complete transformation in attitude--a 180-degree turn. For some, the transition is so radical that they no longer continue to live the ordinary life in the ordinary way.
Because the timing is right, the outcome is assured although not, from the present vantage point, predictable. In each life there comes at least one moment which, if recognized and seized, transforms the course of that life forever. Rely, therefore, on radical trust, even though the moment may call for you to leap, empty-handed into the void. With this Rune your Warrior Nature reveals itself.
A major period of achievement and prosperity is often introduced by this Rune. The darkness is behind you; daylight has come. However, as always, you are reminded not to collapse yourself into the future or to behave recklessly in your new situation. A lot of hard work can be involved in a time of transformation. Undertake to do it joyfully.
And from The Healing Runes,
Hope is a light that never fails, a flame burning in the darkest night, an elusive feeling that urges you on when, against all reason, you refuse to give up. Hope is among the most abiding of God's gifts.
It has been said that in each life, there comes at least one moment which, if recognized and seized, transforms the course of that life forever. Have there been special moments when hope came to you? What brought hope into your life? Was it your desire for a quiet, grounded, more centered existence? Was it your yearning for a better future in a peaceful world? Or was it a broken heart? Whatever the reason, once it returns, hope restores our optimism that tomorrow can mark a new beginning.
What would bring you hope this day? Perhaps something as simple as caring words from a loving friend, or taking that first step, or another day of sobriety. Whatever form of inspiration will nourish your spirit, hold it with care in loving hands.
If you are concerned about your health, remember that through the eyes of hope, even illness can be seen as a gift, an opportunity to acquire the wisdom born of adversity. Embrace this opportunity, and bind it with your faith. With hope we learn to keep on living our lives courageously and diligently.
If this Rune comes to you as you are entering a new relationship, be mindful to let the lessons you have learned from the past serve you in what is to come. And if your life is moving in a new direction, let yourself feel the hope that accompanies all new beginnings.
Hope is a companion on our journey, one that whispers in our ear: It is going to be better.....The darkness is behind you....The daylight has come.
Rather than collapse yourself into thoughts of the future, stay in the present, for considerable hard work is involved in a time of healing and transformation.
Beyond the suffering and oppression that burden our humanity, we lay claim to our inheritance of hope.
For so many, throughout the world, hope is all that remains. Even those who have left everything behind to make a difficult and arduous journey in search of freedom carry with them their hope of a better life.
We have all known periods of hopelessness and despair. It is only when we begin to realize that we can no long continue living in the old way, and come to believe in something greater than ourselves, that hopelessness turns into hope.
Hope is God's love at work in our lives.
Berkana from The Book of Runes
A Birch Tree
Another of the Cycle Runes, Berkana denotes a form of fertility that fosters growth both symbolically and actually. The growth may occur in affairs of the world, family matters, one's relationship to one's Self or to the Divine.
A Rune that leads to blossoming and ripening, Berkana is concerned with the flow of beings into their new forms. Its action is gentle, penetrating, and pervasive.
What is called for here is going into things deeply, with care and awareness. First disperse resistance, then accomplish the work. For this to happen, your will must be clear and controlled, your motives correct. Any dark corners should be cleansed; this must be carried out diligently and sometimes with expert help. Modesty, patience, fairness and generosity are called for here. Once resistance is dispersed and rectification carried out and seen to hold firm, then, through steadfastness and right attitude, the blossoming can occur.
Reversed: Events or, more likely, aspects of character interfere with the growth of new life. You may feel dismay at failing to take right action. But rather that dismay, what is called for is diligence. Examine what has occurred, your role in it, your needs, the needs of others. Are you placing our wants before the needs of others? Strip away until you can identify the obstacles to growth in this situation. Then, penetrating gently, imitate the wind.
You may be required to fertilize the ground again, but through correct preparation, growth is assured.
The Healing Runes...says this about that.
You to whom all hearts are open, all secrets known, hear our prayers.
The proper prelude to all things is prayer, for it is through prayer that we practice the Presence of God in our lives.
Whatever your concern may be, place it in the hands of the Divine through prayer. For prayer nourishes with love the good desires of the heart; it quiets the troubled spirit and summons to our cause the highest good for all concerned. Each time our actions are blessed by prayer, we invite the Divine to share in or dedication and give us joy.
With nothing in our hands to which we cling, with listening minds and lifted hearts, we pray.
The Rune of Prayer is always a timely reminder. Pray when you feel uncertain, fearful or alone. Pray for the well-being of those you love. Pray for your leaders, your country and for the survival of Mother Earth.
We ask that prayer be second nature to us now, deeper than a habit, the very heartbriar of our lives.
Receiving this Rune, we pray for healing. For the healing of childhood wounds and the addictions they engendered. We ask for the healing of our bodies, our minds and our hearts. For the righting of injustices, and the mending of damaged lives.
From deep within our hearts, we pray for the permanent cessation of violence and an end to all abuse. We pray for love and light to come and seal the door where evil dwells.
Above all, we pray, for the precious care of our souls.
With our every prayer, let us ceaselessly and tirelessly pray for the lives of our children.
Among the sweetest of all are prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving. From all cultures, all peoples, all directions, we come bringing our prayers of homage and devotion.
We pray, and our prayers turn to praise upon our lips.
No matter what is happening in your life, this Rune is saying, take time to offer up your prayers. And know this, as surely as you know anything: Even when you are not speaking to God in prayer, God hears. Your every breath is a prayer.
Practice the Presence of God in all ways, both in your coming in and your going out.
Next Rune...Dagaz
Here is the final Rune belonging to the Cycle of Initiation. Drawing Dagaz marks a major shift or breakthrough in the precess of self-change, a complete transformation in attitude--a 180-degree turn. For some, the transition is so radical that they no longer continue to live the ordinary life in the ordinary way.
Because the timing is right, the outcome is assured although not, from the present vantage point, predictable. In each life there comes at least one moment which, if recognized and seized, transforms the course of that life forever. Rely, therefore, on radical trust, even though the moment may call for you to leap, empty-handed into the void. With this Rune your Warrior Nature reveals itself.
A major period of achievement and prosperity is often introduced by this Rune. The darkness is behind you; daylight has come. However, as always, you are reminded not to collapse yourself into the future or to behave recklessly in your new situation. A lot of hard work can be involved in a time of transformation. Undertake to do it joyfully.
And from The Healing Runes,
Hope is a light that never fails, a flame burning in the darkest night, an elusive feeling that urges you on when, against all reason, you refuse to give up. Hope is among the most abiding of God's gifts.
It has been said that in each life, there comes at least one moment which, if recognized and seized, transforms the course of that life forever. Have there been special moments when hope came to you? What brought hope into your life? Was it your desire for a quiet, grounded, more centered existence? Was it your yearning for a better future in a peaceful world? Or was it a broken heart? Whatever the reason, once it returns, hope restores our optimism that tomorrow can mark a new beginning.
What would bring you hope this day? Perhaps something as simple as caring words from a loving friend, or taking that first step, or another day of sobriety. Whatever form of inspiration will nourish your spirit, hold it with care in loving hands.
If you are concerned about your health, remember that through the eyes of hope, even illness can be seen as a gift, an opportunity to acquire the wisdom born of adversity. Embrace this opportunity, and bind it with your faith. With hope we learn to keep on living our lives courageously and diligently.
If this Rune comes to you as you are entering a new relationship, be mindful to let the lessons you have learned from the past serve you in what is to come. And if your life is moving in a new direction, let yourself feel the hope that accompanies all new beginnings.
Hope is a companion on our journey, one that whispers in our ear: It is going to be better.....The darkness is behind you....The daylight has come.
Rather than collapse yourself into thoughts of the future, stay in the present, for considerable hard work is involved in a time of healing and transformation.
Beyond the suffering and oppression that burden our humanity, we lay claim to our inheritance of hope.
For so many, throughout the world, hope is all that remains. Even those who have left everything behind to make a difficult and arduous journey in search of freedom carry with them their hope of a better life.
We have all known periods of hopelessness and despair. It is only when we begin to realize that we can no long continue living in the old way, and come to believe in something greater than ourselves, that hopelessness turns into hope.
Hope is God's love at work in our lives.
Caution, it may create sooner than you think.
So, the phone rings the other day. A television personality wants a reading. She is a woman who is now in charge of programming for a network and the rumor is, she and her friend want to produce a psychic television show. Last week, I was the 'messenger' considered for the show.
My vision board has a section about taking the 'messages' I receive out to a broader audience. I've been working privately for over twenty years and decided it was timely to move out of my little studio and 'come out' to all of my friends, family and community with the truth of what I do, I mean besides the bodywork and more 'normal' healing protocols I use. This decision was actually made last year, but as some of you regular readers know, I decided last week to use a vision board, as directed by the teachers in "The Secret". One of my visualizations is me addressing a large audience of about 350 people. The cameras I saw there were to record a video of my message.
My intention is to teach, to uplift, to make people aware of the greater, broader more expanded experience of a higher perspective of conscious awareness, and how to achieve it.
So, back to the phone call. The appointment was made and I began to prepare for the sudden surge of a new creation. I had expectations that resulted in my "secondaries" to surface. Ego based secondaries. "Am I good enough?" "What if I can't do it?" "I'm not ready." "This is too fast." "Will I get too busy?" "I like being semi-retired." "Why get involved?" "It's too big." "Television will reach millions." "OH MY GOD! What have I done?"
I let the secondaries sit there and guess what happened. She had to cancel at the last minute and sent someone else in her place. If I had "dis-created" those secondary beliefs, consciously owned them and processed them using any one of the many techniques from PLA Classes, Avatar, Psych-K, Hypnosis, or any of the many tools available to me...perhaps it would have had a different outcome.
My strongest secondary was, "I'm not ready." It's like standing in line for a ride on a rollar coaster where everyone is screaming and anxious and all I can think is, "I'm not ready."
Had I sat down with that idea, belief and emotion, I would have said somethink like this, "I am always on the right path for my highest good and for the highest good of all around me." If the secondary "I'm not ready." came up again I would have used the Avatar protocol to flatten it.
This doesn't prove anything, as it is, of course. Who's to say it wouldn't have been exactly the same outcome had I used the tools.
But, here's one thing that is certain. If you are intending a creation, be certain you are ready for it's arrival, because being a powerful creator is your reality. The only difference from creating consciously and unconsciously is your intention. If you are creating a lousy attitude, day, life.....or if you are choosing to create a higher vibration the bottom line is you are the cause. Do you really want to vibrate at a higher, lighter vibration? Do you really want to be happy? Or, does being unhappy and less than energetic give you the excuse you need to not pursue your higher purpose? What would it mean to your life if you created health? How would it change your daily routine and your relationships? Are you ready for the change? If the answer is no, then you still have to process your beliefs that are in the way. That's my take on it....and I don't care what they say on The Secret. Your secondaries are in the way.
My vision board has a section about taking the 'messages' I receive out to a broader audience. I've been working privately for over twenty years and decided it was timely to move out of my little studio and 'come out' to all of my friends, family and community with the truth of what I do, I mean besides the bodywork and more 'normal' healing protocols I use. This decision was actually made last year, but as some of you regular readers know, I decided last week to use a vision board, as directed by the teachers in "The Secret". One of my visualizations is me addressing a large audience of about 350 people. The cameras I saw there were to record a video of my message.
My intention is to teach, to uplift, to make people aware of the greater, broader more expanded experience of a higher perspective of conscious awareness, and how to achieve it.
So, back to the phone call. The appointment was made and I began to prepare for the sudden surge of a new creation. I had expectations that resulted in my "secondaries" to surface. Ego based secondaries. "Am I good enough?" "What if I can't do it?" "I'm not ready." "This is too fast." "Will I get too busy?" "I like being semi-retired." "Why get involved?" "It's too big." "Television will reach millions." "OH MY GOD! What have I done?"
I let the secondaries sit there and guess what happened. She had to cancel at the last minute and sent someone else in her place. If I had "dis-created" those secondary beliefs, consciously owned them and processed them using any one of the many techniques from PLA Classes, Avatar, Psych-K, Hypnosis, or any of the many tools available to me...perhaps it would have had a different outcome.
My strongest secondary was, "I'm not ready." It's like standing in line for a ride on a rollar coaster where everyone is screaming and anxious and all I can think is, "I'm not ready."
Had I sat down with that idea, belief and emotion, I would have said somethink like this, "I am always on the right path for my highest good and for the highest good of all around me." If the secondary "I'm not ready." came up again I would have used the Avatar protocol to flatten it.
This doesn't prove anything, as it is, of course. Who's to say it wouldn't have been exactly the same outcome had I used the tools.
But, here's one thing that is certain. If you are intending a creation, be certain you are ready for it's arrival, because being a powerful creator is your reality. The only difference from creating consciously and unconsciously is your intention. If you are creating a lousy attitude, day, life.....or if you are choosing to create a higher vibration the bottom line is you are the cause. Do you really want to vibrate at a higher, lighter vibration? Do you really want to be happy? Or, does being unhappy and less than energetic give you the excuse you need to not pursue your higher purpose? What would it mean to your life if you created health? How would it change your daily routine and your relationships? Are you ready for the change? If the answer is no, then you still have to process your beliefs that are in the way. That's my take on it....and I don't care what they say on The Secret. Your secondaries are in the way.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Interesting letter from Esther and Jerry and Abraham
Dear Friends,
Nearly two years ago, while on-board our Mexican Riviera Cruise, Prime Time Productions did an interview with Jerry and me, and with Abraham, in response to an agreement that we had all carefully crafted together for a television show that was to be aired in Australia called "The Secret." We were told that "The Secret" would be based on our work and that they would seek out other teachers who were in alignment with our work. We reviewed, on DVD, two other projects that had been created by this production company and found them to be beautifully done, and good-feeling pieces. Since Jerry and I had never before stepped into the public forum in that way with our Abraham work, we followed the advice of our publisher, who introduced us to an intellectual property rights attorney who assisted us in drafting the agreement which would guide our involvement with this project. He explained to us that although he had included in the intellectual property rights license agreement that we were to receive a small percentage of the net profit from this project, and 10% of direct video sales, that it was very unlikely that (from his experience) we would receive any substantial compensation from our participation, and we were not unhappy with that arrangement. Our decision to do it was not motivated from the idea of making money from it, (unless there was profit to share) but because we were stimulated by the excitement of this beautiful producer, and when we met her and her beautiful crew, we easily loved them all. As time went by, it became apparent that the television network that we had been told would air "The Secret" was not going to do it, at least not right now, and so the production company began seeking other ways of marketing their beautiful project to recoup their very large investment. While Jerry and I were uncomfortable with what felt to us like a rather aggressive marketing campaign (just not our style, nothing wrong with it) we stayed focused on our busy schedule and really had very little to do with what was happening with "The Secret."
Eventually we received an email from the producer of "The Secret" lovingly explaining (we never have received correspondence from her that was anything other than extremely loving) that the contract that we had all agreed upon and signed was no longer sufficient for their further distribution of the project in the areas they were now seeking to distribute the project, and that it would be necessary for us (Jerry and Esther) to relinquish our intellectual property rights in these areas forever and redo our contract or they would have to reluctantly edit us out. It was clear, from the lovingly written email that they did not want to edit us out, but after conferring with our publisher, and then our intellectual property rights attorney, and finally with Abraham, allowing them to edit us out was the path of least resistance. Abraham's words were very clear and easy to understand: "Whenever you are given an ultimatum that says, 'if you don't do this, then we will have to do such and such,' it is best that you just let it go and move on. Otherwise there is always another, and this, and this, and this?"
Now, it seems there is quite a firestorm surrounding our dis-involvment with "The Secret". We are receiving so many emails and letters and face-to-face questions from disappointed people regarding this, so we want you to understand how we feel about it.
We think that "The Secret" clearly and beautifully presents Abraham's Law of Attraction in a way that is easy to understand. It is filled with stunning beauty and beautiful people, many of whom are our personal friends. We love the way "The Secret" moves us, and we feel joy rise within our hearts every time we watch it. We feel the power of it, and the clarity of it, and we love "The Secret".
It is our desire that, rather than being upset that our part of "The Secret" will be omitted in future offerings of it, that instead you enjoy the original Abraham version, as it is, at this time, and that you look forward to what other incredible things these talented people may bring to you. These are people who clearly care about the planet, who want to be of value, and who, in our opinion, are of tremendous value.
Eventually we received an email from the producer of "The Secret" lovingly explaining (we never have received correspondence from her that was anything other than extremely loving) that the contract that we had all agreed upon and signed was no longer sufficient for their further distribution of the project in the areas they were now seeking to distribute the project, and that it would be necessary for us (Jerry and Esther) to relinquish our intellectual property rights in these areas forever and redo our contract or they would have to reluctantly edit us out. It was clear, from the lovingly written email that they did not want to edit us out, but after conferring with our publisher, and then our intellectual property rights attorney, and finally with Abraham, allowing them to edit us out was the path of least resistance. Abraham's words were very clear and easy to understand: "Whenever you are given an ultimatum that says, 'if you don't do this, then we will have to do such and such,' it is best that you just let it go and move on. Otherwise there is always another, and this, and this, and this?" Now, it seems there is quite a firestorm surrounding our dis-involvment with "The Secret". We are receiving so many emails and letters and face-to-face questions from disappointed people regarding this, so we want you to understand how we feel about it. We think that "The Secret" clearly and beautifully presents Abraham's Law of Attraction in a way that is easy to understand. It is filled with stunning beauty and beautiful people, many of whom are our personal friends. We love the way "The Secret" moves us, and we feel joy rise within our hearts every time we watch it. We feel the power of it, and the clarity of it, and we love "The Secret". It is our desire that, rather than being upset that our part of "The Secret" will be omitted in future offerings of it, that instead you enjoy the original Abraham version, as it is, at this time, and that you look forward to what other incredible things these talented people may bring to you. These are people who clearly care about the planet, who want to be of value, and who, in our opinion, are of tremendous value.
Financially speaking, we have been very well paid for our participation with this project? which has amounted to a staggering amount of money. And if money were the most important factor, we assure you, we would have found some way of staying involved.
So, we're out here doing our thing, enjoying the incredible expansion of the message of Abraham, and are so looking forward to the wonderful things that are in our future. Abraham says to us and to you: It is our desire that you be easy about all of this. There is nothing that has gone wrong here. Everything is in alignment. The Universe will offer a steady stream of uplifting avenues to all of you.
There is great love here for you, Abraham.
Nearly two years ago, while on-board our Mexican Riviera Cruise, Prime Time Productions did an interview with Jerry and me, and with Abraham, in response to an agreement that we had all carefully crafted together for a television show that was to be aired in Australia called "The Secret." We were told that "The Secret" would be based on our work and that they would seek out other teachers who were in alignment with our work. We reviewed, on DVD, two other projects that had been created by this production company and found them to be beautifully done, and good-feeling pieces. Since Jerry and I had never before stepped into the public forum in that way with our Abraham work, we followed the advice of our publisher, who introduced us to an intellectual property rights attorney who assisted us in drafting the agreement which would guide our involvement with this project. He explained to us that although he had included in the intellectual property rights license agreement that we were to receive a small percentage of the net profit from this project, and 10% of direct video sales, that it was very unlikely that (from his experience) we would receive any substantial compensation from our participation, and we were not unhappy with that arrangement. Our decision to do it was not motivated from the idea of making money from it, (unless there was profit to share) but because we were stimulated by the excitement of this beautiful producer, and when we met her and her beautiful crew, we easily loved them all. As time went by, it became apparent that the television network that we had been told would air "The Secret" was not going to do it, at least not right now, and so the production company began seeking other ways of marketing their beautiful project to recoup their very large investment. While Jerry and I were uncomfortable with what felt to us like a rather aggressive marketing campaign (just not our style, nothing wrong with it) we stayed focused on our busy schedule and really had very little to do with what was happening with "The Secret."
Eventually we received an email from the producer of "The Secret" lovingly explaining (we never have received correspondence from her that was anything other than extremely loving) that the contract that we had all agreed upon and signed was no longer sufficient for their further distribution of the project in the areas they were now seeking to distribute the project, and that it would be necessary for us (Jerry and Esther) to relinquish our intellectual property rights in these areas forever and redo our contract or they would have to reluctantly edit us out. It was clear, from the lovingly written email that they did not want to edit us out, but after conferring with our publisher, and then our intellectual property rights attorney, and finally with Abraham, allowing them to edit us out was the path of least resistance. Abraham's words were very clear and easy to understand: "Whenever you are given an ultimatum that says, 'if you don't do this, then we will have to do such and such,' it is best that you just let it go and move on. Otherwise there is always another, and this, and this, and this?"
Now, it seems there is quite a firestorm surrounding our dis-involvment with "The Secret". We are receiving so many emails and letters and face-to-face questions from disappointed people regarding this, so we want you to understand how we feel about it.
We think that "The Secret" clearly and beautifully presents Abraham's Law of Attraction in a way that is easy to understand. It is filled with stunning beauty and beautiful people, many of whom are our personal friends. We love the way "The Secret" moves us, and we feel joy rise within our hearts every time we watch it. We feel the power of it, and the clarity of it, and we love "The Secret".
It is our desire that, rather than being upset that our part of "The Secret" will be omitted in future offerings of it, that instead you enjoy the original Abraham version, as it is, at this time, and that you look forward to what other incredible things these talented people may bring to you. These are people who clearly care about the planet, who want to be of value, and who, in our opinion, are of tremendous value.
Eventually we received an email from the producer of "The Secret" lovingly explaining (we never have received correspondence from her that was anything other than extremely loving) that the contract that we had all agreed upon and signed was no longer sufficient for their further distribution of the project in the areas they were now seeking to distribute the project, and that it would be necessary for us (Jerry and Esther) to relinquish our intellectual property rights in these areas forever and redo our contract or they would have to reluctantly edit us out. It was clear, from the lovingly written email that they did not want to edit us out, but after conferring with our publisher, and then our intellectual property rights attorney, and finally with Abraham, allowing them to edit us out was the path of least resistance. Abraham's words were very clear and easy to understand: "Whenever you are given an ultimatum that says, 'if you don't do this, then we will have to do such and such,' it is best that you just let it go and move on. Otherwise there is always another, and this, and this, and this?" Now, it seems there is quite a firestorm surrounding our dis-involvment with "The Secret". We are receiving so many emails and letters and face-to-face questions from disappointed people regarding this, so we want you to understand how we feel about it. We think that "The Secret" clearly and beautifully presents Abraham's Law of Attraction in a way that is easy to understand. It is filled with stunning beauty and beautiful people, many of whom are our personal friends. We love the way "The Secret" moves us, and we feel joy rise within our hearts every time we watch it. We feel the power of it, and the clarity of it, and we love "The Secret". It is our desire that, rather than being upset that our part of "The Secret" will be omitted in future offerings of it, that instead you enjoy the original Abraham version, as it is, at this time, and that you look forward to what other incredible things these talented people may bring to you. These are people who clearly care about the planet, who want to be of value, and who, in our opinion, are of tremendous value.
Financially speaking, we have been very well paid for our participation with this project? which has amounted to a staggering amount of money. And if money were the most important factor, we assure you, we would have found some way of staying involved.
So, we're out here doing our thing, enjoying the incredible expansion of the message of Abraham, and are so looking forward to the wonderful things that are in our future. Abraham says to us and to you: It is our desire that you be easy about all of this. There is nothing that has gone wrong here. Everything is in alignment. The Universe will offer a steady stream of uplifting avenues to all of you.
There is great love here for you, Abraham.
Monday, March 12, 2007
I love Joe's. It's my favorite breakfast joint of all time, except on Sunday mornings. Sunday mornings, especially sunny and warm Sunday mornings, the place is so packed you have to stand in line to wait for a space. But, I happened to be there before people realized the time change and found a corner by a window looking out onto Pacific Coast Hwy. The weather man claimed we were going to hit 85 degrees in Los Angeles. That usually means the beach will be jammed packed with cars from the flatlands, loaded with bikes, surfboards, strollers and lots of kids. It also means, parking will be at a premium, unless of course, you don't mind walking.
Choosing a seat at Joe's isn't always possible. There are days when you just have to take what's available. Because my hours are flexible during the week, I usually end up at Joe's after the breakfast crowd has dispersed and before the lunch crowd has grown. I almost always sit by the window and I usually have something to read or a computer to work on. Joe's has free Wi-fi. Yesterday, however, I came empty-handed, which left me to be entertained by the others around me. One can't help but eavesdrop at a table shared with others.
A family came in, straight from Sunday morning services at a local church. It looked to me that the older couple were grandparents, the middle aged couple were the parents, and the two teenagers were the focus of the family. Apparently the discussion at church was about evolution vs creationism. The older teenage boy was red in the face and appeared to be quite frustrated. He has been in college for a year and a half and, after all, he should know...he's the one with an education! He was saying, as he sat down, "People who believe in creationism at the exclusion of scientific evidence of evolution are like the people in the 1400s who believed the Earth was flat." "I'm not saying they're stupid, Grandpa. I'm just saying they are ignorant of the facts. Maybe they're just uneducated." I almost spit out my coffee but I didn't want them to know I was paying that much attention. But, there wasn't a word whispered that I didn't catch. That is the pleasure of dining alone. You get free entertainment.
The father looked like he could care less what his son believed or didn't believe. But, Grandma and Grandpa were not having any of it. Mother, on the other hand was patiently explaining to her son that she believes in both. "What?" He looked at his mother as if she had just grown an extra head. The tension was palpable. He was so frustrated at their obvious 'ignorance' that he could hardly sit still. He declared that he had made a decision a few weeks ago, to attend a different church, and felt that after todays sermon, his decision was justified.
Mentally I reviewed my CPR training from my CERT class last year. Grandma's going to blow any second, I thought. Is it pump fifteen then blow or blow fifteen then pump? I need to review my training.
Grandma went silent. Sister kept her head down. Dad kept on eating and reading the paper and Mom stared at her son in apparent shock. She whispered something to him that sounded like, "We'll discuss this later." but son wouldn't let it go. Now it's getting interesting.
"Mom, it's like believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. You went to college, you can't sit there and tell me you agree with him." (Him, I assumed was the preacher at the church.)
Mom was silent. Heaven forbid she agree with son and freak out her own parents....oh dear...what to do?
Sister came to the rescue. "I think what he was saying is that God created the universe. God created us. God created everything so in a sense, if we evolved from a lower species, God created that too."
Deep sigh from mom.....grunt from dad.....smiles from Grandma and Grandpa....and a glaring "You people are idiots, Was I adopted?" stare from son.
The rest of the meal was silent. Ya gotta love Joe's!
Choosing a seat at Joe's isn't always possible. There are days when you just have to take what's available. Because my hours are flexible during the week, I usually end up at Joe's after the breakfast crowd has dispersed and before the lunch crowd has grown. I almost always sit by the window and I usually have something to read or a computer to work on. Joe's has free Wi-fi. Yesterday, however, I came empty-handed, which left me to be entertained by the others around me. One can't help but eavesdrop at a table shared with others.
A family came in, straight from Sunday morning services at a local church. It looked to me that the older couple were grandparents, the middle aged couple were the parents, and the two teenagers were the focus of the family. Apparently the discussion at church was about evolution vs creationism. The older teenage boy was red in the face and appeared to be quite frustrated. He has been in college for a year and a half and, after all, he should know...he's the one with an education! He was saying, as he sat down, "People who believe in creationism at the exclusion of scientific evidence of evolution are like the people in the 1400s who believed the Earth was flat." "I'm not saying they're stupid, Grandpa. I'm just saying they are ignorant of the facts. Maybe they're just uneducated." I almost spit out my coffee but I didn't want them to know I was paying that much attention. But, there wasn't a word whispered that I didn't catch. That is the pleasure of dining alone. You get free entertainment.
The father looked like he could care less what his son believed or didn't believe. But, Grandma and Grandpa were not having any of it. Mother, on the other hand was patiently explaining to her son that she believes in both. "What?" He looked at his mother as if she had just grown an extra head. The tension was palpable. He was so frustrated at their obvious 'ignorance' that he could hardly sit still. He declared that he had made a decision a few weeks ago, to attend a different church, and felt that after todays sermon, his decision was justified.
Mentally I reviewed my CPR training from my CERT class last year. Grandma's going to blow any second, I thought. Is it pump fifteen then blow or blow fifteen then pump? I need to review my training.
Grandma went silent. Sister kept her head down. Dad kept on eating and reading the paper and Mom stared at her son in apparent shock. She whispered something to him that sounded like, "We'll discuss this later." but son wouldn't let it go. Now it's getting interesting.
"Mom, it's like believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. You went to college, you can't sit there and tell me you agree with him." (Him, I assumed was the preacher at the church.)
Mom was silent. Heaven forbid she agree with son and freak out her own parents....oh dear...what to do?
Sister came to the rescue. "I think what he was saying is that God created the universe. God created us. God created everything so in a sense, if we evolved from a lower species, God created that too."
Deep sigh from mom.....grunt from dad.....smiles from Grandma and Grandpa....and a glaring "You people are idiots, Was I adopted?" stare from son.
The rest of the meal was silent. Ya gotta love Joe's!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
They don't come much cuter than this....

I leave my beach town every six weeks or so to drive through the desert all the way to Phoenix, because they don't get much cuter than this.
He said, "When I grow up I'm not going to marry a girl!" I said, "Are you going to marry a dog?" "NO!", he giggled. "Are you going to marry a cat?" "No." "Are you going to marry a car?"
He said so sweetly...."No, Grandma. I'm going to marry you!"
Does life get better than this?
Helpful websites, teachers, classes, DVDs, CDs and books.
In 1976, when I first decided to pursue the study of metaphysics and take it beyond what I had learned from my grandmother, mother and our Church of Religious Science, (before PCs and the wonderful internet) all we had were the first books from the pioneers and explorers of consciousness. The books I read changed my life. Today there are many teachers, classes and new technologies that can literally change your life. You can get your PhD online and turn your life into Heaven on Earth. Here are some helpful, educational, healing websites for books, classes and wonderful teachers. For those of you who have had private sessions with me and want to move forward with the information that came is where you can begin the shift.
Friday, March 09, 2007
The first shift.
I've been so very busy for the past year that I've neglected to do much walking on the beach or even walking the dog for that matter. I take her to the dog park everyday so she gets exercise but I am usually on the phone with clients or partners or family, working out the details of life. LOL Needless to say, my body has become weak and flabby and my attitude has suffered. No more endorphins lifting my energy.
On my vision board I have a section about health and fitness. I hung a picture of myself at a time in my life when I was very fit and healthy and I put messages all around it about feeling and experiencing radiant health.
Yesterday, shortly after I did my visualization, I got a phone call from an old friend asking if I would like to go for a walk in morning. LOL. I swear! She wanted to get together at 7am. I thought, "Yikes" I don't usually roll out of bed until 7:30." But, when the opportunity appears in your path, as they say in "The Secret" go for it. So, this morning at 7 my doorbell rang and off we went. The creation of "radiant health" is now.
Here's another creation. I decided I wanted some extra money to start a new venture. I want some recording equipment and a new video camera for some online classes I want to teach. I wanted to earn an extra thousand dollars a week for this new project to get launched. Last week I was getting a facial from an old friend of mine who I used to work with at The Manhattan Club For Women, in Manhattan Beach. She's opened a new facial and skin care studio right down the street from me. While getting my facial and catching up on each others lives she said she really wished I would come and work there to get the massage department up and running. I only need to be there three days a week for a few hours and I can earn as much as....get this.....$1,500 a week. ASK AND IT IS GIVEN.
From Marianne Williamson:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."
"To trust in the force that moves the universe is faith. Faith isn't blind, it's visionary. Faith is believing that the universe is on our side and that the universe knows what it's doing. Faith is a psychological awareness of an unfolding force for good, constantly at work in all dimensions."
On my vision board I have a section about health and fitness. I hung a picture of myself at a time in my life when I was very fit and healthy and I put messages all around it about feeling and experiencing radiant health.
Yesterday, shortly after I did my visualization, I got a phone call from an old friend asking if I would like to go for a walk in morning. LOL. I swear! She wanted to get together at 7am. I thought, "Yikes" I don't usually roll out of bed until 7:30." But, when the opportunity appears in your path, as they say in "The Secret" go for it. So, this morning at 7 my doorbell rang and off we went. The creation of "radiant health" is now.
Here's another creation. I decided I wanted some extra money to start a new venture. I want some recording equipment and a new video camera for some online classes I want to teach. I wanted to earn an extra thousand dollars a week for this new project to get launched. Last week I was getting a facial from an old friend of mine who I used to work with at The Manhattan Club For Women, in Manhattan Beach. She's opened a new facial and skin care studio right down the street from me. While getting my facial and catching up on each others lives she said she really wished I would come and work there to get the massage department up and running. I only need to be there three days a week for a few hours and I can earn as much as....get this.....$1,500 a week. ASK AND IT IS GIVEN.
From Marianne Williamson:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."
"To trust in the force that moves the universe is faith. Faith isn't blind, it's visionary. Faith is believing that the universe is on our side and that the universe knows what it's doing. Faith is a psychological awareness of an unfolding force for good, constantly at work in all dimensions."
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
The Challenge is on...
Here it is. The teachers of The Secret don't seem to believe it is necessary to delete old patterns, beliefs, emotional energies in order to create a new reality. Personally, I disagree. You may be able to create that perfect relationship but if you don't know that you have a hidden belief that 'relationships don't work' or that, 'love is temporary' or 'love relationships never work out for me.' then you will find a way to lose that perfect love. If you create a million dollars but deep down inside you have have a belief that, "There's never enough." or "I'm not responsible with my money." you will find yourself right back at square one. Research on hundreds of lottery winners has shown that more often than not the winners are broke within a five years. How can that be? Beliefs. However, I am prepared to accept the challenge from the creators of The Secret and commit to using their technique without regard to previously held ideas. I will enter the workshop, as Esther Hicks calls it, and meditate on my visual board of the things I would like to create. I've been working on creating that board all day by cutting out pictures from magazines and printing my intentions from the computer. It covers, finances, personal relationships, business, health and acquiring certain properties. I am committed to go to my workshop every morning and every night in the spirit of gratitude for what I am creating. If a secondary thought or doubt arises I will simply let it blow through me as a tree allows a breeze to blow through its branches. Anytime I hear a voice from my lower self, ego, I will simply say, "Thank you for sharing." and continue on with my creating process. My intention is not to prove them wrong but to prove them right! There is a time limit to this process. 3 days may not be enough, 30 may be more than I need but I'm giving it a committed, daily exercise for 6 months. STAY TUNED!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
The Missing Piece
If you take a look around you'll find that just about everyone is talking about, The Secret. I posted a link to it about six months ago and sent out a mass email announcing it to all of my family and friends, even ex-friends. When I first saw it I was thrilled that someone had made a terrific movie about what it is I've been teaching for 20 years or so. The movie is being shown in churches, in people’s homes, in auditoriums and is being given to family and friends of almost everyone who sees it. It has had a remarkable impact on millions of people. Oprah did a three part show on it. The simple understanding of the undeniable, universal law of attraction has set people free from the notion of being at the mercy of an outside force of nature or God or luck. Indeed we will have life experiences that will challenge us to grow, to stretch, to learn, to forgive and love. That is why we are here. However, The Secret explains the karma of thought and attention in a way that is fun and interesting. I'm using the DVD as a starting point tool for all of my clients.
However, and here is the problem with The Secret, it does not address the issue of previously created beliefs, decisions and experiences that are the blocks for new creations. It doesn't address the inevitable flow of lessons still needed or the natural and necessary losses that come with being in the physical realm and it does not mention how to ‘dis-create’ previously held beliefs, ideas, memories and blockages that prevent or slow down the process of creating a new pattern of prosperity, health, love, and peace.
The process of creating is like turning on a garden hose. Your intention is to water your garden of ideas and imagination. If your hose has holes in it....your creating energy is going to spill out and not much water will reach your precious seeds of ideas and intentions. Each hole represents an old pattern or belief or decision that is contrary to what you are now expecting and wanting and intending. You turn on your focused attention, or the faucet, but if those holes are not addressed, all you get out of the other end of the hose is a dribble, not a forceful manifestation.
Psych-K, Avatar, PLA Classes, Hypnosis, guided meditations and honest journaling can bring those previously held ideas or holes into focus so you can consciously choose to keep them or delete them. The holes in your hose must be filled and patched and repaired. Only then will the water begin to flow without leaking out all over the place creating detours, distractions and limitations.
The great gift of The Secret is showing people how they are creating their reality every minute of every day. It’s automatic. Garbage in, garbage out, garbage back in…it’s the cycle of energy. Love in, love out, love back at ya. Making a decision to have gratitude for all of your life experiences, to have gratitude for all of the people in your past, present and future, having gratitude for your body, your abundance, and your universe, requires an energy of willing forgiveness. You must forgive in order to move from the past. If there is an experience or a person you have not forgiven, then there is a part of yourself you have not forgiven. If you are holding resentment or judgement or a belief in punishment, then you have holes in your creating hose. You can put your attention on prosperity all day long, every day but if somewhere in your conscious field of energy you are holding a strong belief that you don’t deserve goodness and prosperity, or that it's too late for you or that there's not enough to go around, then….well….you’ll get a dribble of a new reality. You’ll find a quarter at the parking meter, or a dollar in the street or maybe even receive a gift of a certain amount but not true prosperity. If you begrudge an other's abundance you’ve put another hole in your hose.
What beliefs are putting holes in your hose? Are you feeling gratitude? I mean really experiencing the feeling, the energy of gratitude? Is there anyone in your life, past or present, for whom you still hold angry and bitter thoughts? Are you willing to look in the mirror at your true beliefs about yourself? What is your level of deservingness? Do you truly love yourself? Is there something for which you would like to make amends? Are you being of service to others? All of these questions will allow you to examine what is your truth. How much do you want to heal your soul in order for the hose of creativity to be strong and passionate? Are you willing to go the extra mile to find a spiritual coach or mentor who knows, The Secret? Are you ready to heal? Are you ready and willing to be the change you want to see in your world?
We are being asked to step up and lift our energies from greed, from laziness, from worry, from apathy, from “whatever” to “I choose.” “I decide” “I am Source” “I am Love” “I am forgiveness” “I am gratitude”….notice the difference in the feeling tone of “I forgive you or him or her or them.” And the feeling tone of “I am forgiveness” One comes from the ego and the other comes from God.
Here's an exercise to bring to your attention to what it is you are holding onto that is putting gaping holes in your creating hose. List all of the things you would like to experience on one side of a paper. On the other side, list all of the reasons why you don't have or can't experience those things. For example: Primary Intention....I am radiant health.
Secondary beliefs:
I'm too old to be radiant.
If I lost 40 pounds I'd be radiant.
My father died of heart disease at 67.
Heart disease runs in my family.
My family wouldn't love me if I was radiant.
If I was radiant people would expect more of me.
The first list is what Avatar calls your primary and the second list they call your secondaries or previously held beliefs. Your secondaries are the holes in your hose. If your primary intention doesn't create, what are the hidden beliefs you still hold that prevent it from manifesting?
I am wealthy.
Rich women are bitches like my aunt.
If I wasn't single my whole life maybe I could be rich.
Rich people are greedy.
The secondaries were created in your past but are held in consciousness as a vibration and memory. I remember deciding that my least favorite aunt was thin and rich but I didn't find her to be loving and warm. I made a decision that I'd rather be plump and poor like my mother than a rich bitch. Guess what I created? That decision was made when I was 9 years old. But it's a powerful decision that I had to recognise in order to repair it, or in Avatar terms, dis-create it.
Transparent beliefs are the ones you can't see right off the bat. They are tricky and must be sniffed out. If you are intending to create something and it doesn't have secondaries. No ifs ands or buts. The Secret doesn't address this issue. I suspect that people are going to see the movie and run out to create wonderful things and when something doesn't create they are going to throw the whole concept of the law of attraction out the window. It will add to their secondary that they are not powerful creators.
The Secret has a missing piece and that is 'what to do about secondary beliefs?". The answer is, get yourself to a healer, a teacher, a mentor, who can show you how to feel your way through to a new reality.
However, and here is the problem with The Secret, it does not address the issue of previously created beliefs, decisions and experiences that are the blocks for new creations. It doesn't address the inevitable flow of lessons still needed or the natural and necessary losses that come with being in the physical realm and it does not mention how to ‘dis-create’ previously held beliefs, ideas, memories and blockages that prevent or slow down the process of creating a new pattern of prosperity, health, love, and peace.
The process of creating is like turning on a garden hose. Your intention is to water your garden of ideas and imagination. If your hose has holes in it....your creating energy is going to spill out and not much water will reach your precious seeds of ideas and intentions. Each hole represents an old pattern or belief or decision that is contrary to what you are now expecting and wanting and intending. You turn on your focused attention, or the faucet, but if those holes are not addressed, all you get out of the other end of the hose is a dribble, not a forceful manifestation.
Psych-K, Avatar, PLA Classes, Hypnosis, guided meditations and honest journaling can bring those previously held ideas or holes into focus so you can consciously choose to keep them or delete them. The holes in your hose must be filled and patched and repaired. Only then will the water begin to flow without leaking out all over the place creating detours, distractions and limitations.
The great gift of The Secret is showing people how they are creating their reality every minute of every day. It’s automatic. Garbage in, garbage out, garbage back in…it’s the cycle of energy. Love in, love out, love back at ya. Making a decision to have gratitude for all of your life experiences, to have gratitude for all of the people in your past, present and future, having gratitude for your body, your abundance, and your universe, requires an energy of willing forgiveness. You must forgive in order to move from the past. If there is an experience or a person you have not forgiven, then there is a part of yourself you have not forgiven. If you are holding resentment or judgement or a belief in punishment, then you have holes in your creating hose. You can put your attention on prosperity all day long, every day but if somewhere in your conscious field of energy you are holding a strong belief that you don’t deserve goodness and prosperity, or that it's too late for you or that there's not enough to go around, then….well….you’ll get a dribble of a new reality. You’ll find a quarter at the parking meter, or a dollar in the street or maybe even receive a gift of a certain amount but not true prosperity. If you begrudge an other's abundance you’ve put another hole in your hose.
What beliefs are putting holes in your hose? Are you feeling gratitude? I mean really experiencing the feeling, the energy of gratitude? Is there anyone in your life, past or present, for whom you still hold angry and bitter thoughts? Are you willing to look in the mirror at your true beliefs about yourself? What is your level of deservingness? Do you truly love yourself? Is there something for which you would like to make amends? Are you being of service to others? All of these questions will allow you to examine what is your truth. How much do you want to heal your soul in order for the hose of creativity to be strong and passionate? Are you willing to go the extra mile to find a spiritual coach or mentor who knows, The Secret? Are you ready to heal? Are you ready and willing to be the change you want to see in your world?
We are being asked to step up and lift our energies from greed, from laziness, from worry, from apathy, from “whatever” to “I choose.” “I decide” “I am Source” “I am Love” “I am forgiveness” “I am gratitude”….notice the difference in the feeling tone of “I forgive you or him or her or them.” And the feeling tone of “I am forgiveness” One comes from the ego and the other comes from God.
Here's an exercise to bring to your attention to what it is you are holding onto that is putting gaping holes in your creating hose. List all of the things you would like to experience on one side of a paper. On the other side, list all of the reasons why you don't have or can't experience those things. For example: Primary Intention....I am radiant health.
Secondary beliefs:
I'm too old to be radiant.
If I lost 40 pounds I'd be radiant.
My father died of heart disease at 67.
Heart disease runs in my family.
My family wouldn't love me if I was radiant.
If I was radiant people would expect more of me.
The first list is what Avatar calls your primary and the second list they call your secondaries or previously held beliefs. Your secondaries are the holes in your hose. If your primary intention doesn't create, what are the hidden beliefs you still hold that prevent it from manifesting?
I am wealthy.
Rich women are bitches like my aunt.
If I wasn't single my whole life maybe I could be rich.
Rich people are greedy.
The secondaries were created in your past but are held in consciousness as a vibration and memory. I remember deciding that my least favorite aunt was thin and rich but I didn't find her to be loving and warm. I made a decision that I'd rather be plump and poor like my mother than a rich bitch. Guess what I created? That decision was made when I was 9 years old. But it's a powerful decision that I had to recognise in order to repair it, or in Avatar terms, dis-create it.
Transparent beliefs are the ones you can't see right off the bat. They are tricky and must be sniffed out. If you are intending to create something and it doesn't have secondaries. No ifs ands or buts. The Secret doesn't address this issue. I suspect that people are going to see the movie and run out to create wonderful things and when something doesn't create they are going to throw the whole concept of the law of attraction out the window. It will add to their secondary that they are not powerful creators.
The Secret has a missing piece and that is 'what to do about secondary beliefs?". The answer is, get yourself to a healer, a teacher, a mentor, who can show you how to feel your way through to a new reality.
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