Monday, August 07, 2006

A Family Reading

A petite, young mother of two called for an appointment. She asked if I could do a reading for her family. Not her husband and children family rather her mother, grandmother and aunties family. It was to be in her mother's home, in the hills, just the other side of Malibu.

There was an eagerness, an urging to hurry up, as I turned the corner and saw the most beautiful home I've seen in a very long time. It sat up on a hill overlooking miles of countryside. As often happens, I began getting information before I made it to the front door. As soon as introductions were made we settled down in a cool, dark room, just off the foyer. They had set up a video camera and microphones to show the rest of the family, who weren't brave enough to join us. It's smart for people to do that. How else would you remember all that information?

The first spirit to appear was a young, twenty-something male, with dark hair. He was lean and dark and handsome and energetic. He was the one pushing me to hurry....he couldn't wait to speak to his family. He wanted me to tell them that he still loves the water, swimming, surfing. When I shared that, they all looked at one another and smiled. The grandmother said, "That's my son. He loved the water so much." He was doing flips and jumping around with such exuberance and again....they looked at each other and nodded..."That's him." He shared his love for them and assured them that he was well and happy.

The next entity arrived and looked old and tired, the opposite of the first one. He was barrel chested, grey and slow moving. He was well dressed and looked like a successful businessman. He was handsome, even in his later years and had confidence and power even though he was sad. He wanted to communicate to me but I kept feeling a sharp pain in my chest...I rubbed it...then realized how he died. "His heart." I said.
"Yes, my husband died of heart disease." He had much to say to his wife. Some regrets, some apologies and much love. She understood and had a few questions for him. He made it clear to his daughters and grandaughter that he was still the head of the family. That made them laugh because it was something he never ceased to remind them.

Then came another entity. This one was strange. He was curled up, naked, on the floor. His eyes were squeezed shut and his fists were clenched. He was so skinny, just skin and bones. I described what I was seeing and again, they knew who he was, Grandmother's other son. He was another brother of the two aunties. Again, I felt pain in my upper right abdomen. Cancer. He died of liver cancer. He was so afraid that he was literally frozen with his own fear. His mother told me that he was very afraid to die. It broke her heart to see him so afraid.

The information I got was that he had been dead for almost a year but that he didn't realize it. He was stuck in his fear. Still curled up, as he was on his deathbed, waiting for the end...still waiting, still so afraid of the transition that he couldn't open his eyes.

I wasn't sure what to do with this. It saddened all the women that he was in that state. I have a guide who always joins me in my sessions. He is a Saint. I asked if he could help this young man. He went to him and slowly unclenched his fingers and opened up his hands. He pulled his arms out to his sides and his legs down straight. His eyes were still closed tightly but after a minute or so he realized he wasn't curled up.... One eye opened, peeking, then the other. He looked up and saw his brother and father standing there. It took him a few minutes to realize where he was, but once he did, the three men celebrated with hugs. The two brothers began to wrestle. As I described this celebration to the women their tears flowed, tears of relief. The brothers were very close while growing up and died only a year or two apart. They had so much to tell the women they had left behind. What to do about some legal things that were still pending and why things turned out the way they did, all of their questions were answered.

By the end of the session, each of the women got a personal message they could take with them that would assist them in their healing. The session lasted about two hours. It was good.

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