Tuesday, July 25, 2006

For Ann

A climb for Atonement

This exercise was taught to me by several Masters. I later experienced it in my Avatar training. It has been practiced for many centuries.

It's an extremely powerful and miraculous process. It works best on a mountain trail, a path up a hill, or several flights of stairs but it can also be accomplished on a level path or beach. What is most important is your intention and your deliberate path to a predetermined destination.

For each step you take on your climb to the peak or to your predetermined destination, whisper an action you have done, a thought you have had, or a behavior you have engaged in that was not motivated by care or love. Include any act for which you have a justifying belief or any act you feel a need to explain.

step one..."I cursed a driver pulling out of a parking space too slowly...."
step two... "I told my mother a lie about where I was last night."
step three.. "I took my neighbors newspaper."
step four... "I stood up my friend at the movies."
step five ..."I called myself ugly."
step six... "I got angry and hateful at the sales call last night."

Use them all....every thought, deed, action that was not motivated by love or care. On and on all the way to the top...or end of your walk or hike.

On the peak of your mountain or hillside, staircase or walk (at your destination)....contemplate SPANS OF TIME. That is to feel and think of what a second is....or a minute or a decade, or a millennium...a century and an hour. Get a sense of it. When you are feeling...you aren't thinking. Experience the idea of a year.

For each step you take on your return down the hillside or staircase, bless someone or something. Confer their well-being or prosperity....or success. Bless with love and conviction. When you bless your brother, you bless yourself as well.

When you are finished, feel what it feels like to have released yourself.

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