Tuesday, July 11, 2006

As it turns out....I have lost my mind.

Maggie Mae is going back to Phoenix, or to new owners, or to another planet. Puppy mentality in a 75 pound dog is a dangerous mixture. She's sweet and smart but man-o-man she can do some serious damage when you aren't looking. Damage to expensive items.

After our morning walk today I had to go to Cingular in Manhattan Beach to get my phone checked out. It was telling me to install the battery which was already in there. It turns out sticking your cell phone inside your bra when you workout isn't the wisest thing. Moisture and cell phones don't do well together and I was forced to buy a new one and me without insurance. I decided to get one with a new headset and all the fancy whooohaaas so I could take my long walks with Maggie Mae and not miss business calls. I brought it all home and laid it out on my dresser to charge up. After a my massage therapist left (yes, I get massages regularly) I came into my room and Miss Maggie Mae had gotten up on my dresser, gouging her sharp nails into the wood and pulling down my brand new headset. She chewed it up into itty bitty pieces. My candles are destroyed, a piece of jewelry and all the packaging was strewn all over the floor. I can't do this. I can't afford to do this. I've spent $300 on her in less than a week and she hasn't even seen the vet yet. Couple that with the loss today and I'm going to go live in the poor house, if not the home for the mentally impaired. She's cute...but not that cute.

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