Monday, December 29, 2008

Intuitive Coaching Class

A new and improved Intuitive Coaching Class will begin Wednesday January 21st. We will meet every Wednesday evening at 6PM Pacific Time on a conference line and all of our sessions will be recorded and downloaded for your permanent file. The workbook is complete and will be ready as each chapter is discussed. We will activate spiritual teams, intuitive guidance, create sacred spaces and learn the powerful universal laws for creating realities of your choosing. This class is a MUST for anyone who is ready to live a new and improved life of spiritually responsible experiences. You can learn the processes for managing your emotional energy and you will receive the tools for deliberately creating the life you prefer. Psychic awareness is a developed skill not a random gift. We all have the innate ability to sense energies. Learn the truth and uncover your true spiritual nature and your divine purpose for 2009!