It's here. The jingly bells and cookie smells and sparkling mantel candle lights are setting the tone for the season. I am setting myself up for a fun, relaxed and loving Christmas.
Traditionally I have entertained on Christmas Eve, buffet style. I used to invite all of my friends, neighbors, family and ex-boyfriends too. I would decorate, clean and cook for days, if not weeks, and clean up would take just as long. I was exhausted by the 26th.
Now that I am a grandmother the tradition has changed to entertaining quietly and regularly in small favored groups. One night it is with the sisters and another night is for the nephews and niece. I'll have a friend or two over for brunch or late night cookies and Kahlua, and another night with the neighbors for a dessert and coffee get-together. I'm finding this to be much more enjoyable. I get to visit more intimately with each person now that the crowds are gone and we get the quiet sweetness of the beautiful atmosphere to appreciate more fully. And now that I'm not buying champagne for 50 and only a bottle here and there I've managed to cut the cost of entertaining down considerably.
Our theme colors for decorating this year are silver and white. Everywhere is silver and white. The mantle is full of crystal candlesticks and silver and mirrored ones too. The tree has a sparkling silver star on top and pearl and silver ornaments with glass blown icicles. The chandelier in the dining room is draped in glass beads and the table centerpiece matches it all.
My mother can’t stop admiring how beautiful everything is. “I’m living a dream!” she says. “It’s just magical!” She’s so happy.
Entertaining with smaller groups helps her too. She loves to hear about everyone’s lives and the details about their children. The noise level of larger crowds makes it hard for her to participate in conversations.
Saturday I served up a formal dinner for pennies even with the champagne. I had some leftover eggplant parmesan in the freezer from last week’s dinner. I bought a skinny loaf of French bread and sliced it into one inch thick pieces and put the eggplant on top. I broiled them for a few minutes and sprinkled chopped parsley and parmesan cheese on it and served it for a delicious appetizer.
The next course was an organic, vegetarian minestrone soup. That, too, was made a few days ago for dinner. Soup is always better after a day or two so I always make a huge pot full and then split it up for freezing.
The third course was a simple salad with organic baby greens, tomatoes and avocadoes with a creamy balsamic vinaigrette dressing, all of which were already on hand.
The main course was chicken picatta. How simple is that? I had the chicken breasts in the freezer already so all I needed were the mushrooms and capers because I always have lemons around.
The dessert was the easiest of all. On my way out of the grocery store I picked up a couple of lemon bars and pecan bars. Those with a cup of coffee Kahlua and life couldn’t be any sweeter.
I’ve decided that I prefer this way of entertaining. It’s easy. It’s intimate. It’s less stressful and I get to enjoy the atmosphere every night.
Next Saturday Linda and Eddie are coming for a formal dinner. I will serve a mushroom soup I haven’t tried making yet. The Marmalade CafĂ© serves it and I LOVE it. I just now found the recipe was online. I’ll serve a salad and grilled rosemary salmon for the main course. Dessert will be baked apples with pecans and dried cherry stuffing.
Friday is a special night for me. My dear friend Michele is coming over for a Christmas visit. She’s bringing a bottle of red wine and some garlic hummus for a snack. I’ll be making some flan to serve before the night is over.
Now Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are reserved for my grand babies, Michael and Marlie. They are my greatest joys and I don’t want to miss the new tradition of Christmas morning in Phoenix.
Breaking the old traditions we think we can’t live without is really no big deal as long as you substitute them with something new and fun. Decorate your home with the things that make you smile. Light a few candles and play some beautiful music to inspire you. Ask a friend over for cookies, milk and a movie. Keep it simple, keep it fun and most of all…
Keep the Spirit.