One of the most surprising things I learned from my work with Spirits was that they aren't all Angels. As a child I was told that when you die you become an Angel. I believed it, that is, until I was 6 years old. What I have learned since is that we take our personalities with us. If we are inept at communication in this dimension, we're likely to be the same in the next. If we don't make or keep friendships easily on this plane, then we may have the same challenge in the next. If we are depressed and angry in this life, we are likely to experience that in the next. Wherever we go, there we are.
The unofficial world wide death rate is 153,000,000 per day. The unofficial global birth rate is 358,000,000. That's an awful lot of souls coming and going, mostly coming. We all expect to lose our parents in our lifetimes but we never expect to lose our children or our spouses, yet many of us do, and when we do, we almost always expect them to be in a 'better place'. It's as if dying gives us wisdom we didn't have here and peace and love we never sought while alive.
We've all heard the stories of the beautiful white light on the other side, the one where every pain is removed and peace and love surround us and uplift us but I have seen spirits who can't see that light. I've communicated with souls who were so very depressed on this plane, that when they left, they took their depression with them. And, as anyone who has ever been depressed can tell you, it's pretty hard to see the light when you are lost in the dark.
Angels are guardians and messengers of the Light. They are protectors and defenders as well. They are real. I've seen them and I've been lucky enough to speak with them. They love with a fierce determination. If you wish to have an Angel move with you in your life, you will be greatly blessed to have one.
Spirit Guides are teachers. They come in many forms. One of my guides is Saint Jerome. He has been with me for many years. Another guide who assists me is Quan Yin. I call her Lotus Lady because when I first saw her I had no idea who she was until I described her to my friend. That is also true of Saint Jerome. He showed up in a reading and said his name was Jerome. I described him to my client who brought me his picture from a magazine at his Catholic Church and it was the spirit I saw. He was and is a scholar and a gentle loving soul. He assists those who need help and are ready for the journey into the higher realms. Quan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion and she guides me when I allow her to. There have been many times I've needed her compassion for the mistakes I have made and she always shows me mercy and forgiveness for my missteps and clumsy attempts in my relationships with others.
Soul mates are more rare than people think. Everyone who has ever fallen deeply in love believes they are soul mates because the feelings are so intense and powerful it can be nothing less. Soul mates though are like twins. Born or created from one spirit and travel through many lifetimes feeling each other at a distance until reunited.
Soul Families are the spirits we travel through time and space with. The main 5 to 10 or 12 souls linked by what, I don't know, but travel in groups and meet up between lives to share and plan.
I recently had an experience with a soul who was very depressed and didn't want to leave this plane. Her life here was tragic. Her self esteem was nonexistent. She eventually created cancer and died, leaving behind two grown children. But, she didn't want to leave them behind. She wanted to take them with her. She stayed earthbound and tragically brought her energy into the homes and lives of her children. It was almost like a haunting, but not. She just hung around leaving her energy everywhere. She missed the holidays the most and her sadness became like a fog filling the homes of those she was supposed to leave.
My mother always believed that if you mourn the loss of your loved ones too much, then they would have trouble moving on. She doesn't go to funerals and only holds happy thoughts of her son and her husband.
A recent reading was with a twenty-something year old man who had died while riding his bike on his morning workout. A car hit him and he died unexpectedly. It was an accident. Now I know, 'there are no accidents' but this was an accident. It truly wasn't his time. He was so angry. He kept saying, "It isn't fair!" His life was just beginning to take flight and he was excited and happy when, bang....he was ripped out of it.
My job is as much for those who are suffering here, in this physical dimension, as it is for those who feel stuck in the between place.
Today we helped the depressed mother leave her children. I called upon all of my teachers, guides and Angels to assist her and with her went the fog of depression, leaving her daughter to finally take a deep breath of release.
We both felt it when she left. The energy changed, just like the light changes with the sun reaches the horizon.
For the souls who can't find their way to the Light, I ask for my guides to assist them. I ask that they be lifted up and away into their next adventure. I am grateful for my guides, teachers and Angels.
The Light is the reason for the season.