Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Uninvited Spiritual Visits

I've had a few uninvited spirit guests show up at my house. One such spirit arrived just before my daughter went away to college and before I moved my practice home. The first sign of his arrival was an odor. I came home from work and walked into my beautiful, immaculate bedroom and smelled the distinct, nasty smell of stale cigarettes. It hit me so hard I was stunned. I never took up the habit of smoking, thank goodness, but I've worked in the restaurant and bar business, back in the day when it was legal to smoke inside. I've emptied hundreds of dirty ashtrays and know the smell only too well. In fact, the smell was so intense, I began to search my room for evidence of some one's filthy habit. I looked on the nightstands and under the bed but found nothing.

Later that evening when my daughter arrived home, I asked her point blank, "Were you smoking in my room today?" The shock on her face was laughable. My daughter has never even tasted a cigarette. "Of course not!" she cried. "You know I don't smoke." And, in fact, I did know, but I couldn't help but ask. I explained why that ridiculous question came out of my mouth. We chalked it up to one of life's little mysteries.

The next day after my morning shower, I wrapped myself up in a towel and came back into my bedroom. Shanon, my daughter was standing there looking out onto my garden, watching the morning sun on my flowers. As I stepped closer to her I smelled another scent. It was the scent of a hard working man who may have just finished a long hard job in construction. It was major B.O. I mean the manly kind. Having just washed my own body, I had to assume it came from my daughter. So, again, I asked the stupid question. "Do you have b.o.?" "Jeeze Mom. NO!" as she sniffed her pits. I said, "Well, I know I don't because I just got out of the shower, but I smell it." We shrugged it off and I left the room to go dry my freshly shampooed hair. But, when I was walking down the hallway I felt it. The feeling of some one's presence. I stopped in my tracks and turned around and headed back to the bedroom. Shanon saw the look on my face and said, "There's someone here, isn't there?" I said, "Yes." She got excited. "Who is it?" I said,
"Hold on. Give me a minute." I looked around the room for a sign of energy and there it was. Near the door a small vapor of light energy began to emerge. It continued to evolve into a form, the form a man. As the details of his appearance took form I knew it was our dear friend, Jim. He was a pack a day smoker and worked in construction.

Jim died on New Years Eve. He had climbed a ladder at his mother's house to remove her Christmas lights. He felt light headed and decided to rest in his car for a few minutes before driving home. He died before he could start the car. He left behind his wife, Jan, and his three grown daughters, Jenny, Julie and Johanna. Yes, the Five J's.

"It's Jim." I said.

"What does he want? Why is he here?" she asked.

He answered me telepathically. His words or thoughts just came into my head. He said, "It's about Jan and the girls. I'm so worried. You have to do something."

I said to Shanon, "It's about Jan. What's going on?"

She told me what her friend Johanna had told her. Jan had begun a romantic relationship with Jim's best friend, Russ. The girls were angry about it. They felt their mother was being disloyal to him and with, of all people, Uncle Russ. It felt incestuous from their perspective. And to make matters worse, nobody was talking about it. Jan and Russ started holding hands and being all smiles and giggly with each other but not saying anything to the girls about it. All three girls were very upset to the point of jumping ship. The family was about to implode.

I turned to Jim and he acknowledged that what Shanon told me was accurate and he was determined to intervene, by way of me.
His message was this:

"Please tell them I'm ok. I love them and I want them to be happy. Who better to be with their mother than Russ? He is my best friend. I trust him to take care of her and of the girls. This is a good thing. Please tell them that. I'm good with it."

So, I picked up the phone and called Johanna. I said, "Hi Honey. I have something to tell you. Your dad is here. He has something he wants you to know."

I shared everything that happened and everything Jim said with each of the girls. I gave them each an opportunity to ask him questions and tell him whatever the needed to share. There were a few tears but what happened there was truly a healing.

A few months later I received an invitation to the wedding reception of Jan and Russ. All three girls were there and seemed to be very happy to celebrate the new marriage and to accept Uncle Russ as Mom's husband.