Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Positive Evidence!

Keeping a positive evidence journal is an exercise. It is an exercise for your brain. It is an exercise to help your brain create the new neuropathways for a different, permanent perspective. The positive evidence that your life and your perceptions are changing can be something so tiny, like finding a quarter on the sidewalk in front of the parking meter you need to put a quarter into. And,it can be something so enormous as to be broadcast on MSNBC.

A client wanted positive evidence that he was not going crazy with the images he was seeing and lo and behold, a video surfaced from Nebraska from a man having the exact same experiences as he was having. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/24892621#24892621

I emailed a video sent to me from a Warrior Goddess in Oregon. She is a champion of the trees and the Earth and alternative energy projects. Someone sent it to her but it originated from a television news broadcast. A scientist searching for a cure for cancer discovered an energy source from saltwater. Saltwater! That was positive evidence for me because I have been focusing my attention on the solutions for our human condition regarding fuel wars. I have been focusing my attention and intention for the expanded mind of humanity to open up and receive the solutions that already reside in Universal Consciousness, in the Divine Matrix of God's Mind. Instead of focusing on the problems and blaming the conservatives or liberals or administration or anyone else.