Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Learning and teaching...

I'm busier than a one armed paper hanger.

Class last night was just perfect. I'm always surprised when a class comes together with the perfect combination of people. A few clients were unable to join the call because of work schedules or out of town visitors but they received their recording of the class today so they are energetic connected to our magical master mind group.

Each person took away a bit of inspiration or a new idea or an enlightened experience of how they hold energy in their bodies, energy they would be happier not to hold. We did a process to release old ideas, beliefs or obstacles of any shape or form that were getting in the way of feeling more in alignment with their primary intention.

Next week we will discuss spiritual teams and inner coaching techniques and away we will go. Six months from now these clients will be changed in ways they cannot yet imagine and they will be able to feel at peace no matter what is going on in their outside world.

I am so blessed to be doing this work. It uplifts me, fullfills me and nothing could be more blissful than doing one's primary intention.