Thursday, June 19, 2008

Creative Visualization and Guided Meditation

I want to share with you the two most powerful tools I have in my tool box for deliberately creating. Do you want to respond to your life experiences with joy, love, peace of mind and confidence? Do you want to shift your relationships from out of the struggle mode into the loving, supportive mode? Do you want to pre-pave your future with prosperity, abundance, health and happiness? Do you want to be a better parent, grandparent or friend? Do you want to draw to you the people and opportunities that align with your bliss?

Surrender your doubt and fears and ego beliefs and thoughts of "I don't have time." "Yeah, but..." and "What if?" For twenty minutes a day, (that's seriously all it takes)to sit quietly and breathe deeply, relaxing your body from head to toe. Each time you exhale relax a little more. Imagine there is a beautiful glowing ball of Source energy and Love, the size of a large beach ball, right above your head. Each time you exhale, allow the ball of vibrating Love to lower until it reaches the top of your scalp and imagine it permeates your skin, your skull, your brain, your eyes, every part of your head. The Light of Source Love, will fill every muscle, tissue, fiber and cell of your body bringing full relaxation. As it moves slowly down through your body, into your neck and shoulders, let your muscles surrender. Let your body sink into the cushion of the chair where you are sitting. Breathe in deeply, all the way to your toes. Let the ball of light move all the way down your spine, into every organ, into every corner and crevice of your body, cleansing, healing, relaxing and bringing you a sense of harmony and well-being. Let the light continue down through your hips, relaxing your pelvis and down into your legs, spilling down into your feet and puddling down into the ground. Imagine the this beautiful radiant light seeps deep into the Earth like the roots of a tree, spreading deep and wide, grounding you and connecting you with the seasons, cycles and rhythms of the planet and the physical universe.

Now put your attention on your third eye chakra, between your eyebrows, in the middle of your forehead. Imagine and visualize the experience you are wanting to create. Is it a peaceful birth for your new baby and you? Is it a new car? Is it a new career where you are working the hours you want, doing something that brings you a sense of satisfaction and happiness? Is it abundant prosperity? See it clearly, feel how it feels to be living it and experiencing it. Activate in you the excitement!

Twenty minutes a day, everyday. Watch for the positive evidence that your vision is being realized.

I will create a customized recording of a guided meditation and visualization for anyone who emails me with a request. I will send you a questionnaire to fill out that will give me a clear idea of what it is you are wanting to create and your recording will be designed with your personal intentions as a guide. What are your your dreams, ideas, and desires? I promise to keep the recording to 20 minutes. If you are willing to listen to it everyday for thirty days, if you are willing to suspend your doubts and resistance you will see manifestation beginning within 30 days. If not, I will give you your money back!