......and quite frankly you may not survive the surgery." This statement came right after he said, "You have a very serious fracture. We have to operate."
What was I to think? I had spent 8 hours lying on a spine board in the middle of the very crowded and busy emergency room of The Los Angeles/USC General Hospital. My throat was raw from my intermittent screaming between moments of unconsciousness. My family waited, not so patiently, in another room while the doctors and nurses scurried around to take care of the gang members who had been in a gunfight. Apparently I was not dying so my name and number kept falling to the bottom of the list. People came and went. Patients with burns, cuts, broken bones and heart attacks were all paraded through, while my gurney remained in the same spot for 8 hours.
At the beginning of that day I had taken a few minutes to really appreciate my beautiful home and surrounding neighborhood. I walked out onto my deck to look across the street at the park with it's expansive green lawn and countless trees. I loved sitting outside with my morning cup of tea, watching the sunrise over the city. Every morning, Cadbury, our lop-eared,dwarf bunny, was allowed out of his cage to run around on the deck and explore the various plants and flowers I had there. The mornings were wonderfully quiet and peaceful. On that particular day, the silence was broken by the sound of birds busily chirping and singing for their food. It was early June, 1987. It was not quite summer but the day promised to be a scorcher. A heat wave had been predicted by our weather man and I could feel it even as the cool shadows of dawn receded. I made a mental note to remind my, then, 11 year-old daughter, Shanon, to dress accordingly. Even though we lived only a few miles from the Pacific Ocean, our little neighborhood of Walteria sat in a small nook below the Palos Verdes Penninsula so we received very little of the ocean breeze enjoyed just a short walk away.
This was an exciting time for my daughter. She was preparing for her last week at Walteria Elementary School. She and her friends were giggly with the anticipation of going to the middle school where she would have her own locker and where they were going to move from class to class, from subject to subject. The only pall over this beautiful Spring day was the recent death of my father, her "Tata". On March 20 she got her new braces and on March 23 he died. Now, the excitement of moving forward had a bit of sadness mixed in.
After I watched her walk to meet the school bus, I finished up my tea and retreated to the bathroom to prepare for work. I was managing my sister's restaurant, "Pancho and Lupe's". I was also working as a massage therapist at The Manhattan Club For Women. I knew it would be a long day but I felt prepared. I was happy to help my sister out until she found someone to take over, and I loved working at the club. My life was good, and I was feeling settled and productive. When.....
Before I left the house I needed to put Cadbury back into his cage. I walked out onto the deck and he wasn't there. I look over a low wall the separated my deck from my neighbors and sure enough, he had managed to find his way to her strawberries. The deck had a low cinder block wall on the street side and a few feet between my apartment and hers. I was in a hurry, not wanting to be late for work, but I couldn't just leave Cadbury there to demolish her little garden. I sat down on the wall, with my back to the street, planning on swinging my legs over to her deck to capture him. But, as plans sometimes go, I miscalculated. I lifted my legs too fast and too high. I knew I was in trouble when I felt myself leaning too far back and my fingertips began to slip off the side of the block wall. My first thought? "Oh shit". Seriously. That's what I heard in my head.
To this day I can still remember the sequence of thoughts as the realization hit me that I was going over the wall in a backward somersault sort of way. The first thought was to remember what was behind me. A quick calculation of how far down it was to the ground and what was below me played out. Hard packed dirt planter, large tree, four feet to sidewalk concrete. Hmmmm. "What can I grab?" "Nothing." "This is big." I thought. "I could die here." "Oh well." And away I went. A memory flashed. It was a memory from high school P.E. I was on a trampoline and my P.E. teacher said, "If you feel like your falling and might be out of control, try to fall flat, you'll do less damage." It's funny the things the flash through your mind in these situations. I took her advice and tried to fall flat. 9 feet was a long way down and it seemed to take a bit of time before impact.
So, picture this. I'm sitting on the wall, my legs come up and over I go, ass over head in a very unflattering yoga position. My pubic bone slammed me on my chin. The impact was on my upper back so all of the air was pushed out of my lungs. I was unconscious for a few moments when I heard an unfamiliar sound. It was a low growling sound that brought me to. It was the sound of trying to get air back into my lungs. I opened my eyes to see my thighs laying on my face. I tried to move them but nothing. I used my hands to push them away from me so I could get a breath. My legs slid down the side of the wall and thudded to the ground, and I thought, "Oh shit."
Now this is an interesting part. In my mind's eye, I saw a black and white image. It was a darkened stage with a solo spot light shining down on an empty wheel chair. My very first response to that image was, "No, that is not my reality. This condition is temporary." I had the presence of mind to know not to feed that image. I believed I just needed a moment to gather my energy and my legs would work just fine.
Nobody had seen me fall. I was alone, under the tree, next to the sidewalk, unable to move my lower body. I tried to pull myself up by holding onto the trunk of the tree but the movement triggered a great deal of pain. Again, "Oh shit". I tried one more time but my fingers slipped off of the bark of the tree and broke a couple of nails. Next thought? "Edie, (my manicurist) is going to kill me." I had just had a manicure the day before. I know, I know....how silly to be thinking of that when you are laying on the ground with a broken back, unable to move your legs, but there it is.
T12 vertebrae was crushed into my spinal cord. I wasn't going anywhere. I had to call out for help. I was calm up until I heard my own voice calling out, "Help! Somebody help me please." I wanted to cry. I felt so vulnerable. I called out a few more times and finally I heard a voice, a woman's voice. "Where are you?" I was in a corner, in the bushes, beneath a tree, well hidden. "I'm over here." I called back, raising my hands to wave the way. I saw her face come around the corner of the wall. I'm not sure what I looked like, but from the look on her face, it wasn't good. Without a word she ran away. I said,"No, wait." but she was gone. Another voice, a man's voice came from not too far away. He came over to me and knelt down beside me. He said, "Don't worry, I've called the paramedics." He was a lineman and had been up on a telephone pole across the street. He didn't see me fall but he heard the panic in my call for help. He called 911 from his perch. He held my hand and soon thereafter the woman returned with a blanket. They both stayed with me until help arrived. She prayed and asked me to pray with her.
The paramedics were not on their game. They didn't ask me any questions, they simply tried to lift me up. I bit one of them. It shocked me. Truly. I've never felt such and base animal response, like a dog who snaps. They laid me back down and then asked me how I fell. I pointed to the balcony above their heads. From my view point, on the ground, looking up at their faces, I knew they had blown it. They exchanged a look of panic and suddenly began treating me with kid gloves.
Neighbors began to gather around and I heard someone ask if they could call someone for me. I asked for my sister, Linda and gave out her number. I knew she would be home and my mother had just been through too much recently to upset her further. There would be time for that.
The ambulance took me to our local hospital,Torrance Memorial, but I was uninsured. The club didn't insure massage therapists because we were independent contractors. The emergency room doctor gave me the option of staying there and paying the big bucks or going to USC General. I opted for the one that wouldn't land me in the poor house or no house.
The long ambulance ride from freeway to freeway to freeway, lying on my side, on a hard board, witha brace around my neck, was fierce. I felt every turn, bump and lane chance. The young man who sat in the back with me was very sweet. Everytime I moaned or groaned or cried out in pain, he would lay an gentle hand on my arm and whispered that it wouldn't be much longer. What he didn't know, was that it would be 8 more hours after he dropped me off before a doctor had time to examine me.
My memory of those long hours is still very clear. I remember hearing a yound child crying in pain. She had a terrible burn. In my stupor I channeled blue and green light to her. When she stopped crying I would drift off into unconsciousness and when her cries began again I would awaken to send her more energy. She stopped crying and I would drift off. This went on for a couple of hours. Sometimes in my unconscious state I would have a dream that I was about to fall. My body would jerk, just like it does sometimes when you are ready to fall asleep. It feels like falling. I guess that's why we call it "falling asleep." But when you have bone fragments in your spinal cord, jerking is not a good thing. The pain was excruciating. I would scream out loud and tighten up all over. My sister, Linda, was very sneaky. She entered the area and talked me down until I could relax and release the pain. But, as soon as I would begin to drift off, my body would jerk and again I screamed. This went on, hour after hour, after hour. My throat was raw from screaming.
When the USC doctor finally examined me at 7pm he was tired and cranky. I'm not sure what he thought I was doing there but he told me to push with my foot, against his hand. Of course, I couldn't. He said, "Look lady, if you don't cooperate I won't be able to help you." Can you imagine? I told him I couldn't but he had no patience. He shoved my gurney towards someone and ordered them to take me to radiology for pictures.
Radiology was great fun. I had to be transferred from the gurney to the exray table. Ouch! Pictures were taken and I was returned to the E.R. At 8 pm the young intern returned looked rather sheepish and afraid. He said, "Maam? Don't move." He had determined my fracture was very serious, (10 hours after the fall). "You have a very serious fracture. You may never walk again. And, quite frankly, you may not survive the surgery. You need to get your personal affairs in order."
I was looking into his eyes as he spoke. I could see his fear. I thought, "Poor baby, you're so afraid. Don't worry, it'll all be fine." but I didn't say anything aloud.
I was whisked up to a room and shot up with enough drugs to put a horse to sleep. Unfortunately I had a violent reaction to the medication. I could feel the urge to vomit and I panicked. I knew that if I had a violent, uncontrolled response like that I could possibly sever what was left of my spinal cord. My sister, Linda was there. I grabbed her arm with my eyes wide open. "I'm going to throw up!" She said, "That's Okay, Honey. Go ahead, we'll just clean it up." I said, "NO! I can't!" She knew immediately what I was saying and ran for a nurse. The next shot came and I was out. Finally.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Psychic Frauds
It's terribly sad when people go to psychics and pay them great sums of money to hear nothing close to the truth. Listening to a proclaimed 'psychic' like Sylvia Brown who charges $700 for one half hour of her time and then coming away with nothing remotely related to your life should be a crime.
I remember a session with a psychic who started out by asking me if I had someone close to me commit suicide. I hadn't. She said she saw someone who was very distraught killing himself. She asked if I had a young man close to me who was very depressed. I said, no. I have nobody in my personal life, no young man, who is suicidal. My nephews are all happy and well, my son-in-law is great, I know of no one who is even remotely sad. She stayed on this subject for ten minutes and finally suggested that perhaps it is something that will happen in the future. What a terrible thing to leave someone with.
She asked lots of questions and was wrong about everything. She didn't know when my father passed, she claimed my mother was incapacitated by his death and would be joining him soon and he is waiting for her. (He died in 1987 and she is still alive and well.) She was the worst psychic I've ever even heard of, with the exception of Sylvia Brown. Sylvia Brown should be arrested for fraud.
She said that I was going through a "transition". That's pretty general and could apply to almost anyone. We are constantly transitioning in one way or another. However, I wasn't moving, I wasn't ending or beginning a relationship, I wasn't changing jobs. She suggested I try to use some "techniques" like meditation to calm myself about the fears she suspected I was having regarding this change. She talked to me like I had never meditated or knew nothing of spiritual matters. Boy, was she surprised when, at the end of our session, I confessed who I was. I told her all the things she was wrong about, I told her all the things I do and teach, and she was slightly embarrassed and she should be.
I test psychics from time to time. And I want to create a website with ratings for pyschic accuracy. Even if a pyschic comes highly recommended by a respected agency, they are all too often full of bull.
This is why I teach. I am teaching people to be their own psychics, see their own truth and trust their own intuition. Of course, there are emergencies, and in stressful times it is most difficult to trust yourself. If the police need help to find someone or get a direction or hint of some kind regarding a disappearance or crime, by all means, seek out the best.
I remember a session with a psychic who started out by asking me if I had someone close to me commit suicide. I hadn't. She said she saw someone who was very distraught killing himself. She asked if I had a young man close to me who was very depressed. I said, no. I have nobody in my personal life, no young man, who is suicidal. My nephews are all happy and well, my son-in-law is great, I know of no one who is even remotely sad. She stayed on this subject for ten minutes and finally suggested that perhaps it is something that will happen in the future. What a terrible thing to leave someone with.
She asked lots of questions and was wrong about everything. She didn't know when my father passed, she claimed my mother was incapacitated by his death and would be joining him soon and he is waiting for her. (He died in 1987 and she is still alive and well.) She was the worst psychic I've ever even heard of, with the exception of Sylvia Brown. Sylvia Brown should be arrested for fraud.
She said that I was going through a "transition". That's pretty general and could apply to almost anyone. We are constantly transitioning in one way or another. However, I wasn't moving, I wasn't ending or beginning a relationship, I wasn't changing jobs. She suggested I try to use some "techniques" like meditation to calm myself about the fears she suspected I was having regarding this change. She talked to me like I had never meditated or knew nothing of spiritual matters. Boy, was she surprised when, at the end of our session, I confessed who I was. I told her all the things she was wrong about, I told her all the things I do and teach, and she was slightly embarrassed and she should be.
I test psychics from time to time. And I want to create a website with ratings for pyschic accuracy. Even if a pyschic comes highly recommended by a respected agency, they are all too often full of bull.
This is why I teach. I am teaching people to be their own psychics, see their own truth and trust their own intuition. Of course, there are emergencies, and in stressful times it is most difficult to trust yourself. If the police need help to find someone or get a direction or hint of some kind regarding a disappearance or crime, by all means, seek out the best.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
"Believe nothing on the faith of traditions, even though they have been held in honor for many generations and in diverse places. Do not believe a thing because many people speak of it. Do not believe on the faith of the sages of the past. Do not believe what you yourself have imagined, persuading yourself that a God inspires you. Believe nothing on the sole authority of your masters or priests. After examination, believe what you yourself have tested and found to be reasonable, and conform your conduct thereto." ~ Gautama Buddha
Creative Visualization and Guided Meditation
I want to share with you the two most powerful tools I have in my tool box for deliberately creating. Do you want to respond to your life experiences with joy, love, peace of mind and confidence? Do you want to shift your relationships from out of the struggle mode into the loving, supportive mode? Do you want to pre-pave your future with prosperity, abundance, health and happiness? Do you want to be a better parent, grandparent or friend? Do you want to draw to you the people and opportunities that align with your bliss?
Surrender your doubt and fears and ego beliefs and thoughts of "I don't have time." "Yeah, but..." and "What if?" For twenty minutes a day, (that's seriously all it takes)to sit quietly and breathe deeply, relaxing your body from head to toe. Each time you exhale relax a little more. Imagine there is a beautiful glowing ball of Source energy and Love, the size of a large beach ball, right above your head. Each time you exhale, allow the ball of vibrating Love to lower until it reaches the top of your scalp and imagine it permeates your skin, your skull, your brain, your eyes, every part of your head. The Light of Source Love, will fill every muscle, tissue, fiber and cell of your body bringing full relaxation. As it moves slowly down through your body, into your neck and shoulders, let your muscles surrender. Let your body sink into the cushion of the chair where you are sitting. Breathe in deeply, all the way to your toes. Let the ball of light move all the way down your spine, into every organ, into every corner and crevice of your body, cleansing, healing, relaxing and bringing you a sense of harmony and well-being. Let the light continue down through your hips, relaxing your pelvis and down into your legs, spilling down into your feet and puddling down into the ground. Imagine the this beautiful radiant light seeps deep into the Earth like the roots of a tree, spreading deep and wide, grounding you and connecting you with the seasons, cycles and rhythms of the planet and the physical universe.
Now put your attention on your third eye chakra, between your eyebrows, in the middle of your forehead. Imagine and visualize the experience you are wanting to create. Is it a peaceful birth for your new baby and you? Is it a new car? Is it a new career where you are working the hours you want, doing something that brings you a sense of satisfaction and happiness? Is it abundant prosperity? See it clearly, feel how it feels to be living it and experiencing it. Activate in you the excitement!
Twenty minutes a day, everyday. Watch for the positive evidence that your vision is being realized.
I will create a customized recording of a guided meditation and visualization for anyone who emails me with a request. I will send you a questionnaire to fill out that will give me a clear idea of what it is you are wanting to create and your recording will be designed with your personal intentions as a guide. What are your your dreams, ideas, and desires? I promise to keep the recording to 20 minutes. If you are willing to listen to it everyday for thirty days, if you are willing to suspend your doubts and resistance you will see manifestation beginning within 30 days. If not, I will give you your money back!
Surrender your doubt and fears and ego beliefs and thoughts of "I don't have time." "Yeah, but..." and "What if?" For twenty minutes a day, (that's seriously all it takes)to sit quietly and breathe deeply, relaxing your body from head to toe. Each time you exhale relax a little more. Imagine there is a beautiful glowing ball of Source energy and Love, the size of a large beach ball, right above your head. Each time you exhale, allow the ball of vibrating Love to lower until it reaches the top of your scalp and imagine it permeates your skin, your skull, your brain, your eyes, every part of your head. The Light of Source Love, will fill every muscle, tissue, fiber and cell of your body bringing full relaxation. As it moves slowly down through your body, into your neck and shoulders, let your muscles surrender. Let your body sink into the cushion of the chair where you are sitting. Breathe in deeply, all the way to your toes. Let the ball of light move all the way down your spine, into every organ, into every corner and crevice of your body, cleansing, healing, relaxing and bringing you a sense of harmony and well-being. Let the light continue down through your hips, relaxing your pelvis and down into your legs, spilling down into your feet and puddling down into the ground. Imagine the this beautiful radiant light seeps deep into the Earth like the roots of a tree, spreading deep and wide, grounding you and connecting you with the seasons, cycles and rhythms of the planet and the physical universe.
Now put your attention on your third eye chakra, between your eyebrows, in the middle of your forehead. Imagine and visualize the experience you are wanting to create. Is it a peaceful birth for your new baby and you? Is it a new car? Is it a new career where you are working the hours you want, doing something that brings you a sense of satisfaction and happiness? Is it abundant prosperity? See it clearly, feel how it feels to be living it and experiencing it. Activate in you the excitement!
Twenty minutes a day, everyday. Watch for the positive evidence that your vision is being realized.
I will create a customized recording of a guided meditation and visualization for anyone who emails me with a request. I will send you a questionnaire to fill out that will give me a clear idea of what it is you are wanting to create and your recording will be designed with your personal intentions as a guide. What are your your dreams, ideas, and desires? I promise to keep the recording to 20 minutes. If you are willing to listen to it everyday for thirty days, if you are willing to suspend your doubts and resistance you will see manifestation beginning within 30 days. If not, I will give you your money back!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Full Moon Rising

California - The Full Moon Illusion, or better-stated optical illusion occurs this Wednesday will be a major moon hitting your eye this evening. The Illusion, a simple mind trick that makes the moon seem bigger when it's near the horizon.
The reality is, of course, that the moon is not bigger at the horizon than when overhead. The greatest example will be tonight the closest Full Moon to the Summer solstice moon," coming just two days before summer starts in the Northern Hemisphere.
Please enjoy tonight’s event, the local moon times for today are:
When - Moon Data for One Day
Moonrise 7:31 p.m. on preceding day
Moon transit 12:22 a.m.
Moonset 5:13 a.m.
Moonrise 8:21 p.m.
Moonset 6:08 a.m. on following day
We just listed a new offer on Ebay for a $19.99 reading. Go to Ebay and search for,
"30 min Psychic Reading with Elizabeth, Proven Accuracy" and take a chance. The feedback is very positive.
"30 min Psychic Reading with Elizabeth, Proven Accuracy" and take a chance. The feedback is very positive.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Dear Readers....

Please indulge me my grandmotherly pride. I know that my grandchildren, Michael and Marlie, are not part of what I teach, but they are the joys of my life. I've learned a great deal from them and I have stretched my abilities for them. As you may or may not know, both children were in intensive care in their first days, and Marlie for many days, weeks, in fact. My abilities as a healer and teacher were tested and amplified during those first months and in Marlie's case, for the first 18 months. (She will be 18 months old tomorrow.) She has been a challenge to her mother and father and nothing has come easy for her. Not sleeping, not teething, not standing, not walking....nothing has been 'normal', including getting food to stay in her tummy. She now requires braces for her legs for her to stand, unassisted, and when she is teething it is not for one tooth, but for four at a time. She's happy, loving and a cuddly little thing and we adore her. Here she is showing Mommy that she knows what 'hand' means.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
Sunday, June 08, 2008
First Place, Grand Prize Winner!

Michael, my grandson, competed with 500 children for a modeling contract with Ford Modeling Agency today. He won! He will be on the back to school catalog for Athem Outlets and all of their ads for the rest of the year. Who knows where it will go from here but if he can earn his own tuition for school this year, we'd be very pleased! I do love this face!
Friday, June 06, 2008
A Script For Friday 6/6/08
As you know, scripting is a tool we use to set an intention for how we want to FEEL. Emotional vibrations are the energy we send out, like a radio wave, a call, a shout to the universe and what is returned to us is the same vibration in the form of opportunities and experiences with the same vibration. It's like an echo. If you want to experience new opportunities and create a vibration higher and lighter than what you have been experiencing, you must first shift your vibrational output. It all starts with you.
Start by asking yourself how you are feeling right now, in the present moment. Where does the needle fall on your emotional gauge? If you were looking at the fuel gauge in your car or truck and the needle was in the red zone, nearly empty, or the needle was all the way over to the right side of full, you would know within a few gallons, how much fuel you had in your tank. It is the same with your emotional, vibrational guage.
Close your eyes and receive a few deep, relaxing breaths from the universe. You are not alone in this process or any process for that matter. You have guides around you and more importantly, you have your inner, intuitive coach, or your higher-self, or your over soul. Ask your intuitive inner coach to show you the gauge to your emotional, vibrational output. From left to right you will read the numbers from 20 to 1000. It never goes below 20 and rarely above 700, but there it is. If the needle is falling around 50 to 100 you are feeling despair, regret, anxiety. If you are feeling craving, hate, or scorn your needle will land around 150 to 175. Let's say you want to amplify your vibration and take a baby step up the vibrational tone scale to 200 or 250, which is affirmation, trust and courage. How about up higher to willingness and optimism at 300?
Imagine that below the guage is a dial or knob that controls where you set your intention, like the volume knob on an old radio. Turn up the volume. Turn up the vibration to a higher, lighter frequency. Do you want to feel acceptance and forgiveness? Turn the knob to 350. Do you want to feel inner peace and love? Turn the knob to 600. Let that be your set point for the day then handwrite or type your intentional script.
Here is a sample script:
"Today is a beautiful new day. Today is a new beginning and another opportunity to raise my awareness and to feel hopeful.(310) I want to feel gratitude for this day and this new opportunity. I want to feel my heart open up with trust that, as I love, I am loved. (500) I want to feel confident that I am being my authentic self and that I am in alignment with my primary intention of being connected to Spirit, to God, to my Intuitive Inner Coach. I want to feel peaceful (600) and trust (250) that I am taking the steps to release (250) and surrender any old habits, ideas, memories, emotions, or beliefs that separate me from the experience of LOVE.(500) I deserve to raise my vibration all the way to happiness and inner peace. (600) I know this is so, and so it is."
Create a word or mantra for your day that will align you with your script.
Such as, "I am LOVE." or "I am PEACE" or "OM". Throughout the day, whenever you feel off your emotional, vibrational set point, take a few deep, relaxing, soothing and connecting breaths and repeat your mantra several times. Your cells will begin to activate these feelings to be automatic. You will begin to create the neuro pathways needed to have this experience be more consistant.
If you take the time to do this everyday for thirty days you will see the positive evidence all around you.
Start by asking yourself how you are feeling right now, in the present moment. Where does the needle fall on your emotional gauge? If you were looking at the fuel gauge in your car or truck and the needle was in the red zone, nearly empty, or the needle was all the way over to the right side of full, you would know within a few gallons, how much fuel you had in your tank. It is the same with your emotional, vibrational guage.
Close your eyes and receive a few deep, relaxing breaths from the universe. You are not alone in this process or any process for that matter. You have guides around you and more importantly, you have your inner, intuitive coach, or your higher-self, or your over soul. Ask your intuitive inner coach to show you the gauge to your emotional, vibrational output. From left to right you will read the numbers from 20 to 1000. It never goes below 20 and rarely above 700, but there it is. If the needle is falling around 50 to 100 you are feeling despair, regret, anxiety. If you are feeling craving, hate, or scorn your needle will land around 150 to 175. Let's say you want to amplify your vibration and take a baby step up the vibrational tone scale to 200 or 250, which is affirmation, trust and courage. How about up higher to willingness and optimism at 300?
Imagine that below the guage is a dial or knob that controls where you set your intention, like the volume knob on an old radio. Turn up the volume. Turn up the vibration to a higher, lighter frequency. Do you want to feel acceptance and forgiveness? Turn the knob to 350. Do you want to feel inner peace and love? Turn the knob to 600. Let that be your set point for the day then handwrite or type your intentional script.
Here is a sample script:
"Today is a beautiful new day. Today is a new beginning and another opportunity to raise my awareness and to feel hopeful.(310) I want to feel gratitude for this day and this new opportunity. I want to feel my heart open up with trust that, as I love, I am loved. (500) I want to feel confident that I am being my authentic self and that I am in alignment with my primary intention of being connected to Spirit, to God, to my Intuitive Inner Coach. I want to feel peaceful (600) and trust (250) that I am taking the steps to release (250) and surrender any old habits, ideas, memories, emotions, or beliefs that separate me from the experience of LOVE.(500) I deserve to raise my vibration all the way to happiness and inner peace. (600) I know this is so, and so it is."
Create a word or mantra for your day that will align you with your script.
Such as, "I am LOVE." or "I am PEACE" or "OM". Throughout the day, whenever you feel off your emotional, vibrational set point, take a few deep, relaxing, soothing and connecting breaths and repeat your mantra several times. Your cells will begin to activate these feelings to be automatic. You will begin to create the neuro pathways needed to have this experience be more consistant.
If you take the time to do this everyday for thirty days you will see the positive evidence all around you.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I have no idea if this is a true story but it touched my heart, so here it is.
When I was quite young, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood. I remember the polished, old case fastened to the wall. The shiny receiver hung on the side of the box. I was too little to reach the telephone, but used to listen with fascination when my mother talked to it.
Then I discovered that somewhere inside the wonderful device lived an amazing person. Her name was 'Information Please' and there was nothing she did not know. Information Please could supply anyone's number and the correct time.
My personal experience with the genie-in-a-bottle came one day while my mother was visiting a neighbor. Amusing myself at the tool bench in the basement, I whacked my finger with a hammer, the pain was terrible, but there seemed no point in crying because there was no one home to give sympathy.
I walked around the house sucking my throbbing finger, finally arriving at the stairway. The telephone! Quickly, I ran for the footstool in the parlor and dragged it to the landing. Climbing up, I unhooked the receiver in the parlor and held it to my ear. 'Information, please' I said into the mouthpiece just above my head.
A click or two and a small clear voice spoke into my ear.
'I hurt my finger...' I wailed into the phone, the tears came readily enough now that I had an audience.
'Isn't your mother home?' came the question.
'Nobody's home but me,' I blubbered.
'Are you bleeding?' the voice asked.
'No,' I replied. 'I hit my finger with the hammer and it hurts.'
'Can you open the icebox?' she asked.
I said I could.
'Then chip off a little bit of ice and hold it to your finger,' said the voice.
After that, I called 'Information Please' for everything. I asked her for help with my geography, and she told me where Philadelphia was. She helped me with my math.
She told me my pet chipmunk that I had caught in the park just the day before, would eat fruit and nuts.
Then, there was the time Petey, our pet canary, died. I called,
Information Please,' and told her the sad story. She listened, and then said things grown-ups say to soothe a child. But I was not consoled. I asked her, 'Why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage?'
She must have sensed my deep concern, for she said quietly, 'Wayne always remember that there are other worlds to sing in.'
Somehow I felt better.
Another day I was on the telephone, 'Information Please.'
'Information,' said in the now familiar voice. 'How do I spell fix?' I asked.
All this took place in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. When I was nine years old, we moved across the country to Boston. I missed my friend very much. 'Information Please' belonged in that old wooden box back home and I somehow never thought of trying the shiny new phone that sat on the table in the hall. As I grew into my teens, the memories of those childhood conversations never really left me.
Often, in moments of doubt and perplexity I would recall the serene sense of security I had then. I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy.
A few years later, on my way west to college, my plane put down in Seattle. I had about a half-hour or so between planes. I spent 15 minutes or so on the phone with my sister, who lived there now. Then without thinking what I was doing, I dialed my hometown operator and said, 'Information Please.'
Miraculously, I heard the small, clear voice I knew so well.
I hadn't planned this, but I heard myself saying, 'Could you please tell me how to spell fix?'
There was a long pause. Then came the soft spoken answer, 'I guess your finger must have healed by now.'
I laughed, 'So it's really you,' I said. 'I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time?'
I wonder,' she said, 'if you know how much your call meant to me.
I never had any children and I used to look forward to your calls.'
I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and I asked if I could call her again when I came back to visit my sister.
'Please do', she said. 'Just ask for Sally.'
Three months later I was back in Seattle. A different voice answered,
'Information.' I asked for Sally.
'Are you a friend?' she said.
'Yes, a very old friend,' I answered.
'I'm sorry to have to tell you this,' she said. 'Sally had been working part-time the last few years because she was sick. She died five weeks ago.'
Before I could hang up she said, 'Wait a minute, did you say your name was Wayne?' 'Yes.' I answered.
'Well, Sally left a message for you. She wrote it down in case you called.
Let me read it to you.'
The note said, 'Tell him there are other worlds to sing in.
He'll know what I mean.'
I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant.
Never underestimate the impression you may make on others.
When I was quite young, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood. I remember the polished, old case fastened to the wall. The shiny receiver hung on the side of the box. I was too little to reach the telephone, but used to listen with fascination when my mother talked to it.
Then I discovered that somewhere inside the wonderful device lived an amazing person. Her name was 'Information Please' and there was nothing she did not know. Information Please could supply anyone's number and the correct time.
My personal experience with the genie-in-a-bottle came one day while my mother was visiting a neighbor. Amusing myself at the tool bench in the basement, I whacked my finger with a hammer, the pain was terrible, but there seemed no point in crying because there was no one home to give sympathy.
I walked around the house sucking my throbbing finger, finally arriving at the stairway. The telephone! Quickly, I ran for the footstool in the parlor and dragged it to the landing. Climbing up, I unhooked the receiver in the parlor and held it to my ear. 'Information, please' I said into the mouthpiece just above my head.
A click or two and a small clear voice spoke into my ear.
'I hurt my finger...' I wailed into the phone, the tears came readily enough now that I had an audience.
'Isn't your mother home?' came the question.
'Nobody's home but me,' I blubbered.
'Are you bleeding?' the voice asked.
'No,' I replied. 'I hit my finger with the hammer and it hurts.'
'Can you open the icebox?' she asked.
I said I could.
'Then chip off a little bit of ice and hold it to your finger,' said the voice.
After that, I called 'Information Please' for everything. I asked her for help with my geography, and she told me where Philadelphia was. She helped me with my math.
She told me my pet chipmunk that I had caught in the park just the day before, would eat fruit and nuts.
Then, there was the time Petey, our pet canary, died. I called,
Information Please,' and told her the sad story. She listened, and then said things grown-ups say to soothe a child. But I was not consoled. I asked her, 'Why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage?'
She must have sensed my deep concern, for she said quietly, 'Wayne always remember that there are other worlds to sing in.'
Somehow I felt better.
Another day I was on the telephone, 'Information Please.'
'Information,' said in the now familiar voice. 'How do I spell fix?' I asked.
All this took place in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. When I was nine years old, we moved across the country to Boston. I missed my friend very much. 'Information Please' belonged in that old wooden box back home and I somehow never thought of trying the shiny new phone that sat on the table in the hall. As I grew into my teens, the memories of those childhood conversations never really left me.
Often, in moments of doubt and perplexity I would recall the serene sense of security I had then. I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy.
A few years later, on my way west to college, my plane put down in Seattle. I had about a half-hour or so between planes. I spent 15 minutes or so on the phone with my sister, who lived there now. Then without thinking what I was doing, I dialed my hometown operator and said, 'Information Please.'
Miraculously, I heard the small, clear voice I knew so well.
I hadn't planned this, but I heard myself saying, 'Could you please tell me how to spell fix?'
There was a long pause. Then came the soft spoken answer, 'I guess your finger must have healed by now.'
I laughed, 'So it's really you,' I said. 'I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time?'
I wonder,' she said, 'if you know how much your call meant to me.
I never had any children and I used to look forward to your calls.'
I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and I asked if I could call her again when I came back to visit my sister.
'Please do', she said. 'Just ask for Sally.'
Three months later I was back in Seattle. A different voice answered,
'Information.' I asked for Sally.
'Are you a friend?' she said.
'Yes, a very old friend,' I answered.
'I'm sorry to have to tell you this,' she said. 'Sally had been working part-time the last few years because she was sick. She died five weeks ago.'
Before I could hang up she said, 'Wait a minute, did you say your name was Wayne?' 'Yes.' I answered.
'Well, Sally left a message for you. She wrote it down in case you called.
Let me read it to you.'
The note said, 'Tell him there are other worlds to sing in.
He'll know what I mean.'
I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant.
Never underestimate the impression you may make on others.
Support For Hillary Clinton Supporters
In the past thirty plus years that I have been voting, I have had plenty of experience with the period of grief following the announcement of the oppositions victory. When George W. Bush won in 2003 I was devastated and it took me, well, frankly, I still haven't recovered and neither has our country.
So, I want you Hillary lovers and supporters to know that I do understand your pain and disappointment. I know your anger and resentment. I know your sadness and fear. Things are not as they seem. Much more will be revealed in the coming months that will help you to feel strong again, and hopeful again. Be patient. Change is coming and you will feel a new breeze of fresh air.
Lick your wounds, recover your pride, stand strong and let's get back to the work we all know needs to be done.
So, I want you Hillary lovers and supporters to know that I do understand your pain and disappointment. I know your anger and resentment. I know your sadness and fear. Things are not as they seem. Much more will be revealed in the coming months that will help you to feel strong again, and hopeful again. Be patient. Change is coming and you will feel a new breeze of fresh air.
Lick your wounds, recover your pride, stand strong and let's get back to the work we all know needs to be done.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Learning and teaching...
I'm busier than a one armed paper hanger.
Class last night was just perfect. I'm always surprised when a class comes together with the perfect combination of people. A few clients were unable to join the call because of work schedules or out of town visitors but they received their recording of the class today so they are energetic connected to our magical master mind group.
Each person took away a bit of inspiration or a new idea or an enlightened experience of how they hold energy in their bodies, energy they would be happier not to hold. We did a process to release old ideas, beliefs or obstacles of any shape or form that were getting in the way of feeling more in alignment with their primary intention.
Next week we will discuss spiritual teams and inner coaching techniques and away we will go. Six months from now these clients will be changed in ways they cannot yet imagine and they will be able to feel at peace no matter what is going on in their outside world.
I am so blessed to be doing this work. It uplifts me, fullfills me and nothing could be more blissful than doing one's primary intention.
Class last night was just perfect. I'm always surprised when a class comes together with the perfect combination of people. A few clients were unable to join the call because of work schedules or out of town visitors but they received their recording of the class today so they are energetic connected to our magical master mind group.
Each person took away a bit of inspiration or a new idea or an enlightened experience of how they hold energy in their bodies, energy they would be happier not to hold. We did a process to release old ideas, beliefs or obstacles of any shape or form that were getting in the way of feeling more in alignment with their primary intention.
Next week we will discuss spiritual teams and inner coaching techniques and away we will go. Six months from now these clients will be changed in ways they cannot yet imagine and they will be able to feel at peace no matter what is going on in their outside world.
I am so blessed to be doing this work. It uplifts me, fullfills me and nothing could be more blissful than doing one's primary intention.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Positive Evidence!
Keeping a positive evidence journal is an exercise. It is an exercise for your brain. It is an exercise to help your brain create the new neuropathways for a different, permanent perspective. The positive evidence that your life and your perceptions are changing can be something so tiny, like finding a quarter on the sidewalk in front of the parking meter you need to put a quarter into. And,it can be something so enormous as to be broadcast on MSNBC.
A client wanted positive evidence that he was not going crazy with the images he was seeing and lo and behold, a video surfaced from Nebraska from a man having the exact same experiences as he was having. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/24892621#24892621
I emailed a video sent to me from a Warrior Goddess in Oregon. She is a champion of the trees and the Earth and alternative energy projects. Someone sent it to her but it originated from a television news broadcast. A scientist searching for a cure for cancer discovered an energy source from saltwater. Saltwater! That was positive evidence for me because I have been focusing my attention on the solutions for our human condition regarding fuel wars. I have been focusing my attention and intention for the expanded mind of humanity to open up and receive the solutions that already reside in Universal Consciousness, in the Divine Matrix of God's Mind. Instead of focusing on the problems and blaming the conservatives or liberals or administration or anyone else.
A client wanted positive evidence that he was not going crazy with the images he was seeing and lo and behold, a video surfaced from Nebraska from a man having the exact same experiences as he was having. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/24892621#24892621
I emailed a video sent to me from a Warrior Goddess in Oregon. She is a champion of the trees and the Earth and alternative energy projects. Someone sent it to her but it originated from a television news broadcast. A scientist searching for a cure for cancer discovered an energy source from saltwater. Saltwater! That was positive evidence for me because I have been focusing my attention on the solutions for our human condition regarding fuel wars. I have been focusing my attention and intention for the expanded mind of humanity to open up and receive the solutions that already reside in Universal Consciousness, in the Divine Matrix of God's Mind. Instead of focusing on the problems and blaming the conservatives or liberals or administration or anyone else.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Einstein
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