During one's lifetime there are many transitional periods. When I look back at my own life I can see those specific memories and periods when I turned from one direction to another, from one experience to another. I transitioned from high school to college easily and from my single, fun-seeker life to my married lady life and then onto my single-mother life. But none so bittersweet as the transition I am facing this year.
My bodywork business is coming to an end, as this year comes to an end. On November 15th I am closing the doors to that aspect of my practice Nearly thirty years ago I graduated from The Massage School of Santa Monica. I added to my Swedish Massage training; Reiki, acupressure, reflexology, MLD, metaphysical meditation, hypnosis, and perhaps a few other trainings escaping my memory at the moment. My practice afforded me a wonderful life. My hours were mine to choose, my business was my own, and I lived a life-style I enjoyed immensely. I love this aspect of my work, connecting with clients, healing them, in the quiet, candle-lit environment of my office. It has been a peaceful, stress-free career that allowed me many heart connections with hundreds, if not thousands of people.
However, the other aspect of my practice, the intuitive part, the spiritual part has been so energizing and exciting these past two or three years and has taken on a new dimension. I have more requests now for readings, coaching, teaching, trainings, workshops, and the six month intuitive coaching classes than the bodywork. My spiritual teachers and guides have opened the flood gates for this part of my work. This part of my business is taking me to cities all over the country and probably the world. No longer do I have the time to keep a consistent schedule to provide the regular weekly and monthly bodywork my clients have grown to depend on.
Here is my letter to my dear clients:
As of November 15, 2008 I will no longer be providing the service of spiritual bodywork. I have loved each and everyone of you and do appreciate your loyalty to me and my work over the many years of our relationships. I will continue to honor your standing appointments until that date at which time I will provide to you, the names and phone numbers of body workers I highly recommend.
To Judy, Margie, Amy, Candy and Kent, Paula and Steve, Jesse, Nati, Eileen, Andrea and every one of you....I will give you the best I have to give until we come to the celebration of this change. Let us enjoy these next six months and appreciate our connection.
I thank you from the center of my heart.
This is a year of hard work, transition, change and evolution. The hard work is writing my book. The transition is letting go, the change may include a new resisidence and the evolution is beyond the physical. This is my life's mission. Welcome to my new life.