Saturday, April 12, 2008

8 tools for shifting your vibes....

1. Start with gratitude. Being GREAT-FULL is a powerful experience. The most powerful prayer for gratitude is simply, "Thank you." Say and repeat it until you feel it. This daily practice, alone, will shift your vibration to the higher, lighter energies of health and happiness.

2. Pray for another. Spread loving kindness to the people you see throughout your day. Bring them to your mind and say, "May you be well". "May you be blessed with prosperity". "May you be blessed with happiness". "May you be blessed with radiant health". "May you be blessed with joy". "May you be infused with grace." Or, simply "Namaste." Say it everyday to as many people as you can. Do it deliberately, consciously and with clear intent. This is a very powerful practice that can transform your experience of life.

3. Turn off your television and play music that vibrates with the higher frequencies of peace and light. Allow the vibration of the sounds into your bones. I recommend music by Steven Halprin.

4. Avoid contact with negative people and negative vibrations. Emotional vibrations are contagious. If you put a group of five people in a room and don't let them talk, after a bit of time they will be feeling the same vibration which is usually an average tone of the combination of the five. Those who were feeling down will often raise up and those who were feeling up will come down to meet the group conscious average point. If you have been trained or studied the practice of energy management you will know how to protect yourself from the lower tones, if not, simply avoid it.

5. Dance. Dance. Dance. Free flowing Sacred Dance shifts your energy and activates chemicals for happiness. Open up your arms and body. There are basically only two true emotions, love and fear. Fear is constricting and love is expanding. When you dance openly, free of judgement, you allow love to expand and fear to retreat. Dance as if no one is watching. Be creative with your movements. Gentle, flowing movements that you see in the movements of tai-chi.

6. Create an Inner Sacred Temple and an outer Sacred Space or "Workshop". Our greatest intuitive communications happen when we are relaxed. Our greatest ideas, insights, ah-ha moments and inspirations occur when we are relaxed and open; on a walk, meditating, in the shower...etc.
In creating an outer sacred space choose a location in your home that feels the most peaceful. Set it up by clearing out any clutter or objects that hold lower vibrations. Some people have pictures of people of their family and extended family that don't always hold high vibrations. For example, they may hold or activate sadness, regret, guilt,or anger. Get them out of your sacred space. You can bring to your space, natural, aroma-therapy candles, incense or oils, clean crystals, fountains and glass objects that make you feel good. Rocks, wood and green plants will help ground the space. The only measuring tool you'll need to gauge the vibration of objects is the question, "How does this make me feel?" Choose a comfortable chair, and perhaps a fan for hotter days and a natural fabric blanket for the cooler ones. Keeping a notepad and pen or pencil handy for your inspirations and inspired communication is recommended.

Creating an Inner Sacred Temple is the most fun. Use your creative imagination and visualization to imagine the most peaceful place you've ever seen or known or heard about. Is is a meadow? A beach? A cloud in the sky? Is it a mountain top or a temple or church? Is it a library or inside a cave? You get to choose and when you do,........ bring it to your minds eye in detail and anchor it there. You get to take it with you wherever you go. It is a place where you can call on your higher vibrations, your higher teachers, guides, masters and your higher self. This is the space were you can call on God, Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, any Saints or Angels with whom you wish to speak.

7. Scripting your day is simple. While you are in your sacred space or sacred temple, write to yourself an intention of how you want to feel during your day. Example: "Today is a new beginning and I want to feel happy today. I want to feel excited about life. I want to feel connected to my divine purpose and I want to believe that I am in alignment with my higher, primary intention for this life. I want to feel humor and laughter today. I want to go about my day looking for the positive evidence that I am in alignment with health, happiness and joy."

8. Create a theme word for your day. Let it be different everyday. Perhaps your word is 'flower'. Every time you see a flower it will remind you to pause and connect to your heart. Agape means unconditional love. It's the word I choose to say when I am connecting to Spirit. I would see a flower and it would remind me to pause and say, "Agape". Feel it. It's a prayer. Sweet and simple. "Water" might be your theme word for the day. You'll be served a glass of water in a restaurant and it will remind you to pause and connect to your higher awareness.

Creating habits that support you merely takes the intention to do so. Decide to be happy for no reason. Decide to be grateful for no reason.

People who are happy are healthier and more prosperous. They live longer. They love more easily.

Something to consider...a Chinese Proverb:

If there is light in the soul,
There will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person,
There will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
There will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.