Bless my mother's heart! And bless her soul. She is turning 88 soon and has been a strong and powerful force all of her life. She worked at a middle school cafeteria in my hometown for many years and only retired a year or so ago. She has a close and committed relationship with God and meditates daily. She believes that if you are in need, ask God for the answers then shut up and wait for God to answer. Whenever there was fear about not having enough money to buy a prom dress for one of her daughter's she would always find a way. If ever she found herself worrying she would excuse herself and go talk to God. Always, when she returned, she would be glowing with the knowledge that, "God always answers."
She is coming to the end of her time here with us. Last month her doctor told her she cannot drive anymore. She came home and said, "He's not the boss of me!" But, since that day she has aged 20 years. It took the wind right out of her sails. Yesterday she was told that she needs to resign from handling her bank account. "I will NOT!", she said. And this morning I was looking for my beautiful new garlic press. It wasn't in the dishwasher, it wasn't in the drawer where it belongs, it wasn't anywhere I could see. I finally asked her if she had seen it. She told me that she hid it in a basket, on the top shelf of our pantry, because she didn't want anyone to steal it. The phone was ringing the other day and she picked up the remote control for the television, pushed the 'on' button and brought it to her ear. "Hello?" "Hello!" The television came on and she was quite confused about that. She has forgotten her phone number and has lost her garage door opener. She asks me everyday what day it is.
I know these are the signs of dementia or old age and it just makes me sad. She's been my greatest teacher, a wonderful mother and now it is time for me to be hers.
She has lived with me for 20 years, since my father died. Not because she needed special care or anything. We decided to buy a place together and it was a good decision. However, our home is three stories and she may not be able to manage these stairs much longer. She's going to need care when I travel, and well, it's coming near the time when we have to make some tough decisions.
Dear God, help me be patient with repeating my answers many times in a day and sometimes in an hour. I want to feel love and patience and understanding flow through me today and everyday. Let me be the strong and powerful force she can depend on as we have depended on hers all of these years. I am here for her until she no longer needs me.
88 years sounds like a long life. It's not feeling that way at the moment.
God bless my mother.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
So it is...
Hello all you loyal readers....and don't think I don't know who you are....I do. And, I stand in a radiant, magnetic and energetic point of gratitude! I am sending to you, right now my love and support. Allow yourselves to receive it and with it, all the powerful and creative universal life force energy that is ever expanding, ever conscious, ever and forever, a source of love.
Almost every religion, culture, language and spiritual study has a name for this force for good; Christ, God, Prana, Mother, Father, Chi, etc. You get the picture. We're all talking about the same thing here. The object, in this physical reality, this physical manifestion of that consciousness, is to manage our energy. You got it. That's all it takes to achieve the highest and brightest experience of God. It's really quite simple. I know it doesn't sound that way from your present state of perception and vibration (emotional energy) but what I am saying here is absolutely true. Manage your energy, your emotions, walk yourself up the vibrational tone scale, baby step by baby step and you will be connected in a way that you can not, at this point of awareness, even conceive of.
Sidebar: I gave a very curious reading yesterday. One that turned out completely different than I had expected. I started the reading as always and did a body scan. I could see the client's energy very blocked at her root chakra. I was told she had a great deal of fear. She was experiencing abandonment that I read as having started at age 3 to 5. Specificaly abandoned by a male energy. I did not see any significant soul around this person until the question was asked, "Do you see Eric?" I turned to look for Eric and he appeared, bright, and brilliant. He was radiating so much light energy I could hardly see him. He was vibrant. But, the story about Eric is that he had recently passed over, and in fact, was responsible for his passing. Out of anger, pain and a rather immature reactive awareness, he left his body, his 5 year old son and a wife behind. Now, let me just say here, usually when that is the occurance, it takes a bit of time for a soul to expand into fullness of light. Not this one. He got there and heard what he needed to hear, learned what he needed to learn and returned to this client to resolve and heal the wounds left by his choice. In fact, the message I received was that he was assigned to this client and surrounding family and friends, to heal all of the guilt and blame and anger. He was showing himself as dedicated to raising up a forgiving and loving energy...
He showed me a giant card that said, "THANK YOU" in huge colorful letters. The thank you was not meant for me, of course, but for my client. He was thanking her for many things, including the recent events before he transitioned. He was free and she had something to do with his freedom. Thank you, also, for being aware enough to make this connection so that in fact, they could heal all of the energy around this experience. He is powerful.
I've seen others who, after a year from their passing, are still stuck in the same fear and loss and resistance they held at their moment of leaving their bodies. Here was a young man, who felt great anquish here. He felt anger and rage and blame and all kinds of dark vibrations. Two and a half months later, and here he is shining and radiant, forgiven and forgiving, loving and present and excited to participate. It just goes to show...time, on the other side, is very different than time on this side.
Okay, back to managing energy. By the way, there are tons of reference books on this particular subject, if you care to read up on it. So, the object of this physical reality, as I see it, is to recognize where you are on the tone scale of vibrations. Let's say, 1000 to 700 is enlightenment or Christ Consciousness, 600 is Peace and bliss, 540 is joy and serenity, 500 is love and reverence, 350 is acceptance and forgiveness 250 is trust and neutrality, 200 is courage and affirmation , 175 is pride and scorn, 150 is anger and hate, 125 is desire and craving, 100 is fear and anxiety, 75 is grief and regret, 50 is apathy and despair, 30 is guilt and blame and the lowest, 20 is shame and humiliation. I guess that is why we have used humiliation as a form of torture. It robs the soul of light.
Mass Human Conscousness is humming at an average of 195 and 200. Those who are feeling shame, blame, guilt and fear are counter balanced by those who are vibrating at courage, forgiveness, joy, peace, and love.
Ask yourself where you are on this tone scale. Feeling shame are you? How about vibrating and identifying with anger? (Which is higher on the tone scale than apathy..or depression) Are you vibrating and identifying with courage? How about hope? How about willingness? Start where you are and script for the next rung on the ladder of the tone scale. I wrote about scriping in a past a search and you'll find it. You can step up this tone scale bit by bit, day by day, with intention and the support of many, until you are humming around hope, happiness, peace, joy.
There is no magic wand, Virginia. I am sorry. We don't have fairy-Godmothers with a clever incantations like "Bibbity bobbity boo." to push you up the tone scale. Certainly there are many teachers, guides, mentors to assist you, but nobody can vibrate for you. This is our only job here. This is all God asks of you. Raise your vibration, day by day. Get excited about the changes that will be coming your way as you do. Because here is a truth. It is one of the great laws of the universe. It is the law of 'cause and effect'. It is the law of karma. It is the law of "What you sow, so shall you reap." If you plant happiness, you will grow happiness. If you plant blame and guilt, you will grow blame and guilt.
So, here is a question for you. What do you want to plant in the fertile, creative, loving field of your awareness?
Almost every religion, culture, language and spiritual study has a name for this force for good; Christ, God, Prana, Mother, Father, Chi, etc. You get the picture. We're all talking about the same thing here. The object, in this physical reality, this physical manifestion of that consciousness, is to manage our energy. You got it. That's all it takes to achieve the highest and brightest experience of God. It's really quite simple. I know it doesn't sound that way from your present state of perception and vibration (emotional energy) but what I am saying here is absolutely true. Manage your energy, your emotions, walk yourself up the vibrational tone scale, baby step by baby step and you will be connected in a way that you can not, at this point of awareness, even conceive of.
Sidebar: I gave a very curious reading yesterday. One that turned out completely different than I had expected. I started the reading as always and did a body scan. I could see the client's energy very blocked at her root chakra. I was told she had a great deal of fear. She was experiencing abandonment that I read as having started at age 3 to 5. Specificaly abandoned by a male energy. I did not see any significant soul around this person until the question was asked, "Do you see Eric?" I turned to look for Eric and he appeared, bright, and brilliant. He was radiating so much light energy I could hardly see him. He was vibrant. But, the story about Eric is that he had recently passed over, and in fact, was responsible for his passing. Out of anger, pain and a rather immature reactive awareness, he left his body, his 5 year old son and a wife behind. Now, let me just say here, usually when that is the occurance, it takes a bit of time for a soul to expand into fullness of light. Not this one. He got there and heard what he needed to hear, learned what he needed to learn and returned to this client to resolve and heal the wounds left by his choice. In fact, the message I received was that he was assigned to this client and surrounding family and friends, to heal all of the guilt and blame and anger. He was showing himself as dedicated to raising up a forgiving and loving energy...
He showed me a giant card that said, "THANK YOU" in huge colorful letters. The thank you was not meant for me, of course, but for my client. He was thanking her for many things, including the recent events before he transitioned. He was free and she had something to do with his freedom. Thank you, also, for being aware enough to make this connection so that in fact, they could heal all of the energy around this experience. He is powerful.
I've seen others who, after a year from their passing, are still stuck in the same fear and loss and resistance they held at their moment of leaving their bodies. Here was a young man, who felt great anquish here. He felt anger and rage and blame and all kinds of dark vibrations. Two and a half months later, and here he is shining and radiant, forgiven and forgiving, loving and present and excited to participate. It just goes to show...time, on the other side, is very different than time on this side.
Okay, back to managing energy. By the way, there are tons of reference books on this particular subject, if you care to read up on it. So, the object of this physical reality, as I see it, is to recognize where you are on the tone scale of vibrations. Let's say, 1000 to 700 is enlightenment or Christ Consciousness, 600 is Peace and bliss, 540 is joy and serenity, 500 is love and reverence, 350 is acceptance and forgiveness 250 is trust and neutrality, 200 is courage and affirmation , 175 is pride and scorn, 150 is anger and hate, 125 is desire and craving, 100 is fear and anxiety, 75 is grief and regret, 50 is apathy and despair, 30 is guilt and blame and the lowest, 20 is shame and humiliation. I guess that is why we have used humiliation as a form of torture. It robs the soul of light.
Mass Human Conscousness is humming at an average of 195 and 200. Those who are feeling shame, blame, guilt and fear are counter balanced by those who are vibrating at courage, forgiveness, joy, peace, and love.
Ask yourself where you are on this tone scale. Feeling shame are you? How about vibrating and identifying with anger? (Which is higher on the tone scale than apathy..or depression) Are you vibrating and identifying with courage? How about hope? How about willingness? Start where you are and script for the next rung on the ladder of the tone scale. I wrote about scriping in a past a search and you'll find it. You can step up this tone scale bit by bit, day by day, with intention and the support of many, until you are humming around hope, happiness, peace, joy.
There is no magic wand, Virginia. I am sorry. We don't have fairy-Godmothers with a clever incantations like "Bibbity bobbity boo." to push you up the tone scale. Certainly there are many teachers, guides, mentors to assist you, but nobody can vibrate for you. This is our only job here. This is all God asks of you. Raise your vibration, day by day. Get excited about the changes that will be coming your way as you do. Because here is a truth. It is one of the great laws of the universe. It is the law of 'cause and effect'. It is the law of karma. It is the law of "What you sow, so shall you reap." If you plant happiness, you will grow happiness. If you plant blame and guilt, you will grow blame and guilt.
So, here is a question for you. What do you want to plant in the fertile, creative, loving field of your awareness?
Monday, April 28, 2008
Ebay readings
My daughter is selling me on Ebay again! Yes! It's true. A 30 minute psychic reading on Ebay. Bidding starts at $19.99. That's a deal. I charge $150 an hour in the real world. So, for those of you who have been waiting for your penny bank to fill up, here's your chance. You can go to Ebay and search for "Elizabeth, 30 minute psychic reading" or look over to the bottom right side of my blog page under Links and click on Ebay link. Good luck!
"Imagine the implications of discovering that the God of our prayers--the Allah of Islam, the Lord of Judeo-Christian beliefs, the Supreme God of Hindu traditions, and the Great Spirit of the Native Americans--is precisely the same God. Consider the ancient wounds that could be healed knowing that the persecutions, ethnic cleansings, religious wars, and inquisitions in the name of God over the last 2,000 years have arisen from a misunderstanding of the same timeless message!"
~Gregg Braden, "The God Code"
~Gregg Braden, "The God Code"
Triple Bottom Line from Wikipedia
I had requested, in a previous post, information from my readers. I was asking for contact information for businesses or corporation who have adopted the TBL. Here is what that means.
Triple bottom line
The triple bottom line (or "TBL", "3BL", or "People, Planet, Profit") captures an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and societal) success; economic, environmental and social. With the ratification of the UN ICLEI TBL standard for urban and community accounting in early 2007, this became the dominant approach to public sector full cost accounting. Similar UN standards apply to natural capital and human capital measurement to assist in measurements required by TBL, e.g. the ecoBudget standard for reporting ecological footprint.
In the private sector, a commitment to corporate social responsibility implies a commitment to some form of TBL reporting. This is distinct from the more limited changes required to deal only with ecological issues.
In practical terms, triple bottom line accounting means expanding the traditional reporting framework to take into account environmental and social performance in addition to financial performance.
The phrase was coined by John Elkington in 1994.[1] It was later expanded and articulated in his 1998 book Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business.[2][3] Sustainability, itself, was first defined by the Brundtland Commission of the United Nations in 1987.
The concept of TBL demands that a company's responsibility be to 'stakeholders' rather than shareholders. In this case, 'stakeholders' refers to anyone who is influenced, either directly or indirectly, by the actions of the firm. According to the stakeholder theory, the business entity should be used as a vehicle for coordinating stakeholder interests, instead of maximising shareholder(owner) profit.
The Bottom Lines
"People, Planet and Profit" are used to succinctly describe the triple bottom lines and the goal of sustainability.
"People" (Human Capital) pertains to fair and beneficial business practices toward labor and the community and region in which a corporation conducts its business. A TBL company conceives a reciprocal social structure in which the well being of corporate, labor and other stakeholder interests are interdependent. A triple bottom line enterprise seeks to benefit many constituencies, not exploit or endanger any group of them. The "upstreaming" of a portion of profit from the marketing of finished goods back to the original producer of raw materials, i.e., a farmer in fair trade agricultural practice, is a not unusual feature. In concrete terms, a TBL business would not knowingly use child labor, would pay fair salaries to its workers, would maintain a safe work environment and tolerable working hours, and would not otherwise exploit a community or its labor force. A TBL business also typically seeks to "give back" by contributing to the strength and growth of its community with such things as health care and education. Quantifying this bottom line is relatively new, problematic and often subjective. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has developed guidelines to enable corporations and NGO's alike to comparably report on the social impact of a business.
"Planet" (Natural Capital) refers to sustainable environmental practices. A TBL company endeavors to benefit the natural order as much as possible or at the least do no harm and curtail environmental impact. A TBL endeavor reduces its ecological footprint by, among other things, carefully managing its consumption of energy and non-renewables and reducing manufacturing waste as well as rendering waste less toxic before disposing of it in a safe and legal manner. "Cradle to grave" is uppermost in the thoughts of TBL manufacturing businesses which typically conduct a life cycle assessment of products to determine what the true environmental cost is from the growth and harvesting of raw materials to manufacture to distribution to eventual disposal by the end user. A triple bottom line company does not produce harmful or destructive products such as weapons, toxic chemicals or batteries containing dangerous heavy metals for example. Currently, the cost of disposing of non-degradable or toxic products is borne financially by governments and environmentally by the residents near the disposal site and elsewhere. In TBL thinking, an enterprise which produces and markets a product which will create a waste problem should not be given a free ride by society. It would be more equitable for the business which manufactures and sells a problematic product to bear part of the cost of its ultimate disposal. Ecologically destructive practices, such as overfishing or other endangering depletions of resources are avoided by TBL companies. Often environmental sustainability is the more profitable course for a business in the long run. Arguments that it costs more to be environmentally sound are often specious when the course of the business is analyzed over a period of time. Generally, sustainability reporting metrics are better quantified and standardized for environmental issues than for social ones. A number of respected reporting institutes and registries exist including the Global Reporting Initiative, CERES, Institute 4 Sustainability and others.
"Profit" is the bottom line shared by all commerce, conscientious or not. In the original concept, within a sustainability framework, the "profit" aspect needs to be seen as the economic benefit enjoyed by the host society. It is the lasting economic impact the organization has on its economic environment. This is often confused to be limited to the internal profit made by a company or organization. Therefore, a TBL approach cannot be interpreted as traditional corporate accounting plus social and environmental impact.
Several books are available on the topic. Among them, Harvard Business Review on Corporate Responsibility by Harvard Business School Press; The Soul of a Business: Managing for Profit and the Common Good by Tom Chappell; Capitalism at the Crossroads: The Unlimited Business Opportunities in Solving the World's Most Difficult Problems by Professor Stuart L. Hart; The Triple Bottom Line: How Today's Best-Run Companies Are Achieving Economic, Social and Environmental Success -- and How You Can Too by Andrew W. Savitz and Karl Weber; The Sustainability Advantage: Seven Business Case Benefits of a Triple Bottom Line (Conscientious Commerce) by Bob Willard.
Triple bottom line
The triple bottom line (or "TBL", "3BL", or "People, Planet, Profit") captures an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and societal) success; economic, environmental and social. With the ratification of the UN ICLEI TBL standard for urban and community accounting in early 2007, this became the dominant approach to public sector full cost accounting. Similar UN standards apply to natural capital and human capital measurement to assist in measurements required by TBL, e.g. the ecoBudget standard for reporting ecological footprint.
In the private sector, a commitment to corporate social responsibility implies a commitment to some form of TBL reporting. This is distinct from the more limited changes required to deal only with ecological issues.
In practical terms, triple bottom line accounting means expanding the traditional reporting framework to take into account environmental and social performance in addition to financial performance.
The phrase was coined by John Elkington in 1994.[1] It was later expanded and articulated in his 1998 book Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business.[2][3] Sustainability, itself, was first defined by the Brundtland Commission of the United Nations in 1987.
The concept of TBL demands that a company's responsibility be to 'stakeholders' rather than shareholders. In this case, 'stakeholders' refers to anyone who is influenced, either directly or indirectly, by the actions of the firm. According to the stakeholder theory, the business entity should be used as a vehicle for coordinating stakeholder interests, instead of maximising shareholder(owner) profit.
The Bottom Lines
"People, Planet and Profit" are used to succinctly describe the triple bottom lines and the goal of sustainability.
"People" (Human Capital) pertains to fair and beneficial business practices toward labor and the community and region in which a corporation conducts its business. A TBL company conceives a reciprocal social structure in which the well being of corporate, labor and other stakeholder interests are interdependent. A triple bottom line enterprise seeks to benefit many constituencies, not exploit or endanger any group of them. The "upstreaming" of a portion of profit from the marketing of finished goods back to the original producer of raw materials, i.e., a farmer in fair trade agricultural practice, is a not unusual feature. In concrete terms, a TBL business would not knowingly use child labor, would pay fair salaries to its workers, would maintain a safe work environment and tolerable working hours, and would not otherwise exploit a community or its labor force. A TBL business also typically seeks to "give back" by contributing to the strength and growth of its community with such things as health care and education. Quantifying this bottom line is relatively new, problematic and often subjective. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has developed guidelines to enable corporations and NGO's alike to comparably report on the social impact of a business.
"Planet" (Natural Capital) refers to sustainable environmental practices. A TBL company endeavors to benefit the natural order as much as possible or at the least do no harm and curtail environmental impact. A TBL endeavor reduces its ecological footprint by, among other things, carefully managing its consumption of energy and non-renewables and reducing manufacturing waste as well as rendering waste less toxic before disposing of it in a safe and legal manner. "Cradle to grave" is uppermost in the thoughts of TBL manufacturing businesses which typically conduct a life cycle assessment of products to determine what the true environmental cost is from the growth and harvesting of raw materials to manufacture to distribution to eventual disposal by the end user. A triple bottom line company does not produce harmful or destructive products such as weapons, toxic chemicals or batteries containing dangerous heavy metals for example. Currently, the cost of disposing of non-degradable or toxic products is borne financially by governments and environmentally by the residents near the disposal site and elsewhere. In TBL thinking, an enterprise which produces and markets a product which will create a waste problem should not be given a free ride by society. It would be more equitable for the business which manufactures and sells a problematic product to bear part of the cost of its ultimate disposal. Ecologically destructive practices, such as overfishing or other endangering depletions of resources are avoided by TBL companies. Often environmental sustainability is the more profitable course for a business in the long run. Arguments that it costs more to be environmentally sound are often specious when the course of the business is analyzed over a period of time. Generally, sustainability reporting metrics are better quantified and standardized for environmental issues than for social ones. A number of respected reporting institutes and registries exist including the Global Reporting Initiative, CERES, Institute 4 Sustainability and others.
"Profit" is the bottom line shared by all commerce, conscientious or not. In the original concept, within a sustainability framework, the "profit" aspect needs to be seen as the economic benefit enjoyed by the host society. It is the lasting economic impact the organization has on its economic environment. This is often confused to be limited to the internal profit made by a company or organization. Therefore, a TBL approach cannot be interpreted as traditional corporate accounting plus social and environmental impact.
Several books are available on the topic. Among them, Harvard Business Review on Corporate Responsibility by Harvard Business School Press; The Soul of a Business: Managing for Profit and the Common Good by Tom Chappell; Capitalism at the Crossroads: The Unlimited Business Opportunities in Solving the World's Most Difficult Problems by Professor Stuart L. Hart; The Triple Bottom Line: How Today's Best-Run Companies Are Achieving Economic, Social and Environmental Success -- and How You Can Too by Andrew W. Savitz and Karl Weber; The Sustainability Advantage: Seven Business Case Benefits of a Triple Bottom Line (Conscientious Commerce) by Bob Willard.
So, you wanna change things?
So, you want to save the earth and her residents from destruction and extinction? You could Google info on saving the planet. You could go to and find entire programing about the changes you can make to your home that are helping us lower our consumption of fossil fuels, and how to make your home a toxin free zone. You can call your local government and ask them what they are doing to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. There are programs you can learn and then volunteer to teach at your local elementary, middle and high schools. The obvious and most impactful is to use canvas bags when you go shopping. PBS just aired, "Strange Days On Planet Earth" a National Geographic production. They showed how we have polluted our oceans so badly with plastics that birds and fish are are dying in record numbers and developing very strange mutations and diseases. And, not only that, global warming is causing the bleaching of coral reefs that heat up the ocean even further. It was very informative and eye opening to say the least. You can order a copy of it and have a "Enlighten-Up" evening in your home with friends and neighbors to bring the situation into the light. When we shine light on a dark subject, we can alter the outcome. You can write letters to your government officials requesting restrictions on plastics, pesticides, fertilizers and for more money for research and development of alternative waste management. Using plastic bags to toss your trash away is, quite frankly, sinful. Plastic never, ever, ever decomposes. You already know this but we are so programmed to ignore these things. We throw things 'away'....but there is no such place as 'away'. Away, ends up in our oceans, our food supply our waterways.
Here is a good place to start....
Close your eyes and receive a deep, cleansing breath from the universe. Connect with the higher vibrations of your oversoul, your team and your inner coach. If you are new to this process, you may not feel the connection as easily as the advanced students, but trust that your intention is all you need to make the connection. You'll feel it more profoundly as you continue to practice. Simply say to yourself, "I trust in my connection and I trust that my communication is being received. I am opening myself up to receive the solutions I want to help my brothers and sisters and our children to live happy and healthy lives. I am open to receive the intuitive messages that will guide me to the right actions to clean up my part and encourage others by my example. I see the earth's rejuvenation and her oceans being cleaned. The fish are returning, the animal population is growing all over the world to it's natural and balanced numbers. Our forests are now protected and growing in huge numbers. Humans have awakened. I am awake. My love for this planet heals her. My love for humanity is healing and uniting us all. Bless this planet with health."
Here is a good place to start....
Close your eyes and receive a deep, cleansing breath from the universe. Connect with the higher vibrations of your oversoul, your team and your inner coach. If you are new to this process, you may not feel the connection as easily as the advanced students, but trust that your intention is all you need to make the connection. You'll feel it more profoundly as you continue to practice. Simply say to yourself, "I trust in my connection and I trust that my communication is being received. I am opening myself up to receive the solutions I want to help my brothers and sisters and our children to live happy and healthy lives. I am open to receive the intuitive messages that will guide me to the right actions to clean up my part and encourage others by my example. I see the earth's rejuvenation and her oceans being cleaned. The fish are returning, the animal population is growing all over the world to it's natural and balanced numbers. Our forests are now protected and growing in huge numbers. Humans have awakened. I am awake. My love for this planet heals her. My love for humanity is healing and uniting us all. Bless this planet with health."
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Having trouble with your ego?
Here are the five c's your ego struggles with.
The five c's are:
Find yourself resisting something? Ask yourself if any of these are the culprits.
The five c's are:
Find yourself resisting something? Ask yourself if any of these are the culprits.
Intuitive Coaching Class
The next teleconference "Intuitive Coaching Class" will begin on June 3rd. We will meet every Tuesday at 5 PM Pacific time for 24 weeks. Each class will be recorded if you should have to miss a session and you will have access to the recording to download for your permanent records. We will meet for approximately one hour and may occasionally go to 90 minutes. Class notes will be provided via email and the course includes 6 private, one-on-one coaching sessions with me plus ongoing email support for direction and mentoring.
This empowering course will provide you with the following.
* You will activate your connection to your over soul, your inner intuitive coach, or your higher-self. This will lead you to self realization. "Know thyself."
* You will activate your spiritual team for the support of your journey to enlightenment. Your team will pre-pave your journey according to your primary intentions.
* You will learn how to create your outer sacred space and your inner sacred temple for the purpose of communicating with your inner intuitive coach and spiritual team.
* You will learn how your emotional energy (vibration) affects the experience of your outer and inner world.
* You will receive the tools, processes and procedures to manage your emotional energy (vibration) which will allow you the freedom to choose how you want to feel, such as choosing to feel peace no matter what is going on around you.
* You will learn, not so much by the word lessons I teach, but by experiencing the processes, that you are indeed the source of your experiences. "To believe it, is to be living it."
* You will activate an energetic connection to Mother Earth energies. The seasons, cycles and rhythms of the planet effect your seasons and cycles and rhythms and vice verse. As you move up the tone scale to the higher vibrating energies and emotions you will shift from fear, anger, and resentment, to hope, happiness, and peace. This shift will allow you see and experience the positive evidence that you are indeed effecting the global conscious energy patterns. (see, "Power vs. Force")
* You will activate your sixth sense to feel the vibrational differences of truth vs. falsehoods. You will be able to 'read' the vibrations of 'yes' and 'no', 'right' and 'wrong'. This aspect will turn you into your very own lie detector, including the lies your unconscious mind is speaking. Those are the previously created beliefs that are preventing you from shifting your reality. 95% of your mind is your unconscious mind playing programs that may or may not be serving your highest good or the highest good of humanity and the planet.
* You will learn to dis-create the beliefs that no longer serve your highest good and the highest good of other people, the planet and your experience of prosperity.
* You will learn to define what prosperity means to you therefore allowing you the space to conceive your intention, perceive your vision, achieve your desires. It is the universal law in action.
This empowering course will provide you with the following.
* You will activate your connection to your over soul, your inner intuitive coach, or your higher-self. This will lead you to self realization. "Know thyself."
* You will activate your spiritual team for the support of your journey to enlightenment. Your team will pre-pave your journey according to your primary intentions.
* You will learn how to create your outer sacred space and your inner sacred temple for the purpose of communicating with your inner intuitive coach and spiritual team.
* You will learn how your emotional energy (vibration) affects the experience of your outer and inner world.
* You will receive the tools, processes and procedures to manage your emotional energy (vibration) which will allow you the freedom to choose how you want to feel, such as choosing to feel peace no matter what is going on around you.
* You will learn, not so much by the word lessons I teach, but by experiencing the processes, that you are indeed the source of your experiences. "To believe it, is to be living it."
* You will activate an energetic connection to Mother Earth energies. The seasons, cycles and rhythms of the planet effect your seasons and cycles and rhythms and vice verse. As you move up the tone scale to the higher vibrating energies and emotions you will shift from fear, anger, and resentment, to hope, happiness, and peace. This shift will allow you see and experience the positive evidence that you are indeed effecting the global conscious energy patterns. (see, "Power vs. Force")
* You will activate your sixth sense to feel the vibrational differences of truth vs. falsehoods. You will be able to 'read' the vibrations of 'yes' and 'no', 'right' and 'wrong'. This aspect will turn you into your very own lie detector, including the lies your unconscious mind is speaking. Those are the previously created beliefs that are preventing you from shifting your reality. 95% of your mind is your unconscious mind playing programs that may or may not be serving your highest good or the highest good of humanity and the planet.
* You will learn to dis-create the beliefs that no longer serve your highest good and the highest good of other people, the planet and your experience of prosperity.
* You will learn to define what prosperity means to you therefore allowing you the space to conceive your intention, perceive your vision, achieve your desires. It is the universal law in action.
Bittersweet Transitions

During one's lifetime there are many transitional periods. When I look back at my own life I can see those specific memories and periods when I turned from one direction to another, from one experience to another. I transitioned from high school to college easily and from my single, fun-seeker life to my married lady life and then onto my single-mother life. But none so bittersweet as the transition I am facing this year.
My bodywork business is coming to an end, as this year comes to an end. On November 15th I am closing the doors to that aspect of my practice Nearly thirty years ago I graduated from The Massage School of Santa Monica. I added to my Swedish Massage training; Reiki, acupressure, reflexology, MLD, metaphysical meditation, hypnosis, and perhaps a few other trainings escaping my memory at the moment. My practice afforded me a wonderful life. My hours were mine to choose, my business was my own, and I lived a life-style I enjoyed immensely. I love this aspect of my work, connecting with clients, healing them, in the quiet, candle-lit environment of my office. It has been a peaceful, stress-free career that allowed me many heart connections with hundreds, if not thousands of people.
However, the other aspect of my practice, the intuitive part, the spiritual part has been so energizing and exciting these past two or three years and has taken on a new dimension. I have more requests now for readings, coaching, teaching, trainings, workshops, and the six month intuitive coaching classes than the bodywork. My spiritual teachers and guides have opened the flood gates for this part of my work. This part of my business is taking me to cities all over the country and probably the world. No longer do I have the time to keep a consistent schedule to provide the regular weekly and monthly bodywork my clients have grown to depend on.
Here is my letter to my dear clients:
As of November 15, 2008 I will no longer be providing the service of spiritual bodywork. I have loved each and everyone of you and do appreciate your loyalty to me and my work over the many years of our relationships. I will continue to honor your standing appointments until that date at which time I will provide to you, the names and phone numbers of body workers I highly recommend.
To Judy, Margie, Amy, Candy and Kent, Paula and Steve, Jesse, Nati, Eileen, Andrea and every one of you....I will give you the best I have to give until we come to the celebration of this change. Let us enjoy these next six months and appreciate our connection.
I thank you from the center of my heart.
This is a year of hard work, transition, change and evolution. The hard work is writing my book. The transition is letting go, the change may include a new resisidence and the evolution is beyond the physical. This is my life's mission. Welcome to my new life.
Digging for Facts and Figures
The triple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit. When you put people and the planet first, profit follows.
I'm knee deep in finding all of the Fortune 500 companies that have adopted the triple bottom line successfully. I'm on a mission. Anybody know of a company or business near you in the flow of this new idea? Big companies and small businesses are changing the way they do business and changing how people shop. Please tell me all about them. I will interview them for my article. It will be good exposure for them. People are getting hip to buying from companies that are going Green and putting people first, adopting spiritual values and practices for humanity, mother earth and the flow of prosperity. We are no longer willing to continue the old ways of doing things. I'm so pleased.
I'm knee deep in finding all of the Fortune 500 companies that have adopted the triple bottom line successfully. I'm on a mission. Anybody know of a company or business near you in the flow of this new idea? Big companies and small businesses are changing the way they do business and changing how people shop. Please tell me all about them. I will interview them for my article. It will be good exposure for them. People are getting hip to buying from companies that are going Green and putting people first, adopting spiritual values and practices for humanity, mother earth and the flow of prosperity. We are no longer willing to continue the old ways of doing things. I'm so pleased.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I received this thank you lovely.
Dear Elizabeth:
Thank you sooooo…… much for seeing me today and inviting me to have an in person meeting with you. Wow, what a wonderful experience!! Immediately upon entering your sacred space, delightful, cool chills were running down my spine.
The beings you connected with touched upon the issues at hand and the answers to the questions you gave me, resonated at a very deep level. You have such a kind, warm, loving supportive spirit, and a great sense of humor.
I have been searching for the answers outside of myself, for guarantees that everything will be alright. But you made me remember that by standing in my own place of power everything else will fall into place.
Thank you for connecting me with my spirit guide and abundant support team, giving me a glimpse of what lies ahead, setting some powerful intentions for personal transformation, giving me some simple tools to reprogram my neurological pathways to make me happy and whole again.
By the end of the meeting my entire energy had shifted. I arrived with a lot of fear, anxiety, and all of my energy centers, heart, throat and stomach felt heavy and blocked. When I left, this burden has lifted, replaced with light and happiness. Now, there is a feeling that no matter what lives presents me with, I’ll be safe. I feel peaceful and want to hug the whole world. There is an abundance of gratitude in me, right this moment, where there was little before. When I left I started to be thankful for everything and in return I got so much love back from the universe –in my heart.
There were so many useful tools you gave me, and I am not sure how much of that I was ready fully hear and absorb right now. I hope to sign up for your intuitive live course in the future. If one meeting can be so uplifting, imaging what a change such a course would make.
I will recollect our meeting again tonight before I go to bed and recall some of the techniques and advice given.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Elizabeth and be blessed, blessed, blessed, so very much blessed every second of every day.
Thank you sooooo…… much for seeing me today and inviting me to have an in person meeting with you. Wow, what a wonderful experience!! Immediately upon entering your sacred space, delightful, cool chills were running down my spine.
The beings you connected with touched upon the issues at hand and the answers to the questions you gave me, resonated at a very deep level. You have such a kind, warm, loving supportive spirit, and a great sense of humor.
I have been searching for the answers outside of myself, for guarantees that everything will be alright. But you made me remember that by standing in my own place of power everything else will fall into place.
Thank you for connecting me with my spirit guide and abundant support team, giving me a glimpse of what lies ahead, setting some powerful intentions for personal transformation, giving me some simple tools to reprogram my neurological pathways to make me happy and whole again.
By the end of the meeting my entire energy had shifted. I arrived with a lot of fear, anxiety, and all of my energy centers, heart, throat and stomach felt heavy and blocked. When I left, this burden has lifted, replaced with light and happiness. Now, there is a feeling that no matter what lives presents me with, I’ll be safe. I feel peaceful and want to hug the whole world. There is an abundance of gratitude in me, right this moment, where there was little before. When I left I started to be thankful for everything and in return I got so much love back from the universe –in my heart.
There were so many useful tools you gave me, and I am not sure how much of that I was ready fully hear and absorb right now. I hope to sign up for your intuitive live course in the future. If one meeting can be so uplifting, imaging what a change such a course would make.
I will recollect our meeting again tonight before I go to bed and recall some of the techniques and advice given.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Elizabeth and be blessed, blessed, blessed, so very much blessed every second of every day.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Reading Energies
The first time I 'plugged in' to the Universal Energy Field or UEF, I was four years old. I don't remember getting a jolt, but I do remember leaving my body and expanding my conscious awareness into the expanded mind of the field. When I returned to my body I was full of questions. "Why am I here?" "What am I supposed to be doing?" I remember it as if it happened a moment ago.
Later, when I became a massage therapist at 29 years old, I began to notice that I could feel energy in my clients bodies. I could feel where it was light and open and where it was closed and dense. I became interested in playing with the energy and getting it to move or change. I read books about healing with touch, like, "Joy's Way" and I signed up for a metaphysical meditation class with Royce Morales.
After a few years of playing with the human energy field, or HEF, I began to ask the energy questions. "What are you saying?" "What memory are you?" "What emotion are you?" I got answers back. My intuitive message center that I learned to trust gave me all the information I needed to assist my clients to heal.
The natural development of this 'gift' lead to the visual aspect. I would ask to see the truth about something and an image would appear. I asked to speak to a clients over-soul, higher-self, or guides and I would see them and communicate with them. Over the years of daily practice with clients the 'gift' became more and more powerful, until I could ask any question and get the answer.
My daughter called crying because her wedding rings were missing. "Mom, do your thing, please. Where are they? Did someone steal them?" I plugged into the Universal Energy Field and looked for them. I saw them in a dark place. There was no light shining on them. They were in a box, in a garage. I assumed, her garage.
It was true. They were in a box in her father-in-laws garage, shipped to Phoenix by accident during their move from Simi Valley.
When I plug into the energy field, I now get a jolt. My body jumps and I sometimes let out a bit of a squeal. It's instantaneous and the answers come quickly.
I'm sharing this now because so many people think this thing that I do is unique, unusual and for the 'gifted'. It is not. It is an ability we all possess. Because of my many years of daily practice, my sixth sense is more acute. However, everyone possesses a sixth sense. Some have allowed it to atrophy, but if you exercise it, it will be your greatest assest.
Later, when I became a massage therapist at 29 years old, I began to notice that I could feel energy in my clients bodies. I could feel where it was light and open and where it was closed and dense. I became interested in playing with the energy and getting it to move or change. I read books about healing with touch, like, "Joy's Way" and I signed up for a metaphysical meditation class with Royce Morales.
After a few years of playing with the human energy field, or HEF, I began to ask the energy questions. "What are you saying?" "What memory are you?" "What emotion are you?" I got answers back. My intuitive message center that I learned to trust gave me all the information I needed to assist my clients to heal.
The natural development of this 'gift' lead to the visual aspect. I would ask to see the truth about something and an image would appear. I asked to speak to a clients over-soul, higher-self, or guides and I would see them and communicate with them. Over the years of daily practice with clients the 'gift' became more and more powerful, until I could ask any question and get the answer.
My daughter called crying because her wedding rings were missing. "Mom, do your thing, please. Where are they? Did someone steal them?" I plugged into the Universal Energy Field and looked for them. I saw them in a dark place. There was no light shining on them. They were in a box, in a garage. I assumed, her garage.
It was true. They were in a box in her father-in-laws garage, shipped to Phoenix by accident during their move from Simi Valley.
When I plug into the energy field, I now get a jolt. My body jumps and I sometimes let out a bit of a squeal. It's instantaneous and the answers come quickly.
I'm sharing this now because so many people think this thing that I do is unique, unusual and for the 'gifted'. It is not. It is an ability we all possess. Because of my many years of daily practice, my sixth sense is more acute. However, everyone possesses a sixth sense. Some have allowed it to atrophy, but if you exercise it, it will be your greatest assest.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The Power of Mantras and Affirmations
In 1982 I learned the process of creating from a wonderful teacher named Royce Morales. I set out to test her class lesson. I went to the beach at sunset, (a powerful time for me) and I sat on the sand and closed my eyes. I took a few deep, cleansing, relaxing and releasing breaths and began to repeat, over and over, "He loves me. He wants me. He needs me. It's easy. I love him. I want him. I need him. It's easy." I don't know how long I focused on that intention for a relationship. I may have repeated it hundreds of times, but at some point, perhaps 20 minutes into it, I felt a strong energetic shift in my body. The intention was then "activated" on a cellular level. It felt like a gentle shock throughout my body. I had never felt anything like it. I opened my eyes and looked around. The beach was nearly empty of visitors. A few people heading towards the pier and one or two surfers drying off. I got up, brushed the sand from my pants and began to walk back across the beach towards my car. I felt wonderully happy and energized with the process and curious about the sensation of the activation. I took a few steps and noticed, that coming from the parking lot was a tall, blonde man walking towards the water, towards me. As we stayed on our path I felt a bit uneasy. Normally when people are few and far between on the beach, we give each other plenty of space. But he kept walking towards me. I looked behind me to see if, perhaps, he was heading to someone else. Nobody behind me. He continued and I continued across the beach, nearer and nearer to each other. He came right up to me and said, "Hi." I'd never seen this man before. My heart was racing. Could it really be that easy to create? Frankly, I freaked out. I said, "Hi." but continued walking. He said, "Wait! I just got here." Then I was really freaked out. I put my head down and muttered something like, "I've gotta go I've gotta go get my" and I scurried away, whispering in my mind, "I'm not ready. I'm not ready."
I got into my car and drove from the parking lot onto the street. There he was. He smiled and waved at me and I waved back. I never saw him again and I never tried that again. Well, not until I was ready.
I got into my car and drove from the parking lot onto the street. There he was. He smiled and waved at me and I waved back. I never saw him again and I never tried that again. Well, not until I was ready.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
"Evil (ignorance) is like a shadow--it has no real substance of its own, it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it, or any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it."
~Shakti Gawain.
One of my teachers said, "Evil spelled backwards is Live. Devil spelled backwards is Lived. All they are is when you aren't. When you aren't consciously living in the light."
~Shakti Gawain.
One of my teachers said, "Evil spelled backwards is Live. Devil spelled backwards is Lived. All they are is when you aren't. When you aren't consciously living in the light."
8 tools for shifting your vibes....
1. Start with gratitude. Being GREAT-FULL is a powerful experience. The most powerful prayer for gratitude is simply, "Thank you." Say and repeat it until you feel it. This daily practice, alone, will shift your vibration to the higher, lighter energies of health and happiness.
2. Pray for another. Spread loving kindness to the people you see throughout your day. Bring them to your mind and say, "May you be well". "May you be blessed with prosperity". "May you be blessed with happiness". "May you be blessed with radiant health". "May you be blessed with joy". "May you be infused with grace." Or, simply "Namaste." Say it everyday to as many people as you can. Do it deliberately, consciously and with clear intent. This is a very powerful practice that can transform your experience of life.
3. Turn off your television and play music that vibrates with the higher frequencies of peace and light. Allow the vibration of the sounds into your bones. I recommend music by Steven Halprin.
4. Avoid contact with negative people and negative vibrations. Emotional vibrations are contagious. If you put a group of five people in a room and don't let them talk, after a bit of time they will be feeling the same vibration which is usually an average tone of the combination of the five. Those who were feeling down will often raise up and those who were feeling up will come down to meet the group conscious average point. If you have been trained or studied the practice of energy management you will know how to protect yourself from the lower tones, if not, simply avoid it.
5. Dance. Dance. Dance. Free flowing Sacred Dance shifts your energy and activates chemicals for happiness. Open up your arms and body. There are basically only two true emotions, love and fear. Fear is constricting and love is expanding. When you dance openly, free of judgement, you allow love to expand and fear to retreat. Dance as if no one is watching. Be creative with your movements. Gentle, flowing movements that you see in the movements of tai-chi.
6. Create an Inner Sacred Temple and an outer Sacred Space or "Workshop". Our greatest intuitive communications happen when we are relaxed. Our greatest ideas, insights, ah-ha moments and inspirations occur when we are relaxed and open; on a walk, meditating, in the shower...etc.
In creating an outer sacred space choose a location in your home that feels the most peaceful. Set it up by clearing out any clutter or objects that hold lower vibrations. Some people have pictures of people of their family and extended family that don't always hold high vibrations. For example, they may hold or activate sadness, regret, guilt,or anger. Get them out of your sacred space. You can bring to your space, natural, aroma-therapy candles, incense or oils, clean crystals, fountains and glass objects that make you feel good. Rocks, wood and green plants will help ground the space. The only measuring tool you'll need to gauge the vibration of objects is the question, "How does this make me feel?" Choose a comfortable chair, and perhaps a fan for hotter days and a natural fabric blanket for the cooler ones. Keeping a notepad and pen or pencil handy for your inspirations and inspired communication is recommended.
Creating an Inner Sacred Temple is the most fun. Use your creative imagination and visualization to imagine the most peaceful place you've ever seen or known or heard about. Is is a meadow? A beach? A cloud in the sky? Is it a mountain top or a temple or church? Is it a library or inside a cave? You get to choose and when you do,........ bring it to your minds eye in detail and anchor it there. You get to take it with you wherever you go. It is a place where you can call on your higher vibrations, your higher teachers, guides, masters and your higher self. This is the space were you can call on God, Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, any Saints or Angels with whom you wish to speak.
7. Scripting your day is simple. While you are in your sacred space or sacred temple, write to yourself an intention of how you want to feel during your day. Example: "Today is a new beginning and I want to feel happy today. I want to feel excited about life. I want to feel connected to my divine purpose and I want to believe that I am in alignment with my higher, primary intention for this life. I want to feel humor and laughter today. I want to go about my day looking for the positive evidence that I am in alignment with health, happiness and joy."
8. Create a theme word for your day. Let it be different everyday. Perhaps your word is 'flower'. Every time you see a flower it will remind you to pause and connect to your heart. Agape means unconditional love. It's the word I choose to say when I am connecting to Spirit. I would see a flower and it would remind me to pause and say, "Agape". Feel it. It's a prayer. Sweet and simple. "Water" might be your theme word for the day. You'll be served a glass of water in a restaurant and it will remind you to pause and connect to your higher awareness.
Creating habits that support you merely takes the intention to do so. Decide to be happy for no reason. Decide to be grateful for no reason.
People who are happy are healthier and more prosperous. They live longer. They love more easily.
Something to consider...a Chinese Proverb:
If there is light in the soul,
There will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person,
There will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
There will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.
2. Pray for another. Spread loving kindness to the people you see throughout your day. Bring them to your mind and say, "May you be well". "May you be blessed with prosperity". "May you be blessed with happiness". "May you be blessed with radiant health". "May you be blessed with joy". "May you be infused with grace." Or, simply "Namaste." Say it everyday to as many people as you can. Do it deliberately, consciously and with clear intent. This is a very powerful practice that can transform your experience of life.
3. Turn off your television and play music that vibrates with the higher frequencies of peace and light. Allow the vibration of the sounds into your bones. I recommend music by Steven Halprin.
4. Avoid contact with negative people and negative vibrations. Emotional vibrations are contagious. If you put a group of five people in a room and don't let them talk, after a bit of time they will be feeling the same vibration which is usually an average tone of the combination of the five. Those who were feeling down will often raise up and those who were feeling up will come down to meet the group conscious average point. If you have been trained or studied the practice of energy management you will know how to protect yourself from the lower tones, if not, simply avoid it.
5. Dance. Dance. Dance. Free flowing Sacred Dance shifts your energy and activates chemicals for happiness. Open up your arms and body. There are basically only two true emotions, love and fear. Fear is constricting and love is expanding. When you dance openly, free of judgement, you allow love to expand and fear to retreat. Dance as if no one is watching. Be creative with your movements. Gentle, flowing movements that you see in the movements of tai-chi.
6. Create an Inner Sacred Temple and an outer Sacred Space or "Workshop". Our greatest intuitive communications happen when we are relaxed. Our greatest ideas, insights, ah-ha moments and inspirations occur when we are relaxed and open; on a walk, meditating, in the shower...etc.
In creating an outer sacred space choose a location in your home that feels the most peaceful. Set it up by clearing out any clutter or objects that hold lower vibrations. Some people have pictures of people of their family and extended family that don't always hold high vibrations. For example, they may hold or activate sadness, regret, guilt,or anger. Get them out of your sacred space. You can bring to your space, natural, aroma-therapy candles, incense or oils, clean crystals, fountains and glass objects that make you feel good. Rocks, wood and green plants will help ground the space. The only measuring tool you'll need to gauge the vibration of objects is the question, "How does this make me feel?" Choose a comfortable chair, and perhaps a fan for hotter days and a natural fabric blanket for the cooler ones. Keeping a notepad and pen or pencil handy for your inspirations and inspired communication is recommended.
Creating an Inner Sacred Temple is the most fun. Use your creative imagination and visualization to imagine the most peaceful place you've ever seen or known or heard about. Is is a meadow? A beach? A cloud in the sky? Is it a mountain top or a temple or church? Is it a library or inside a cave? You get to choose and when you do,........ bring it to your minds eye in detail and anchor it there. You get to take it with you wherever you go. It is a place where you can call on your higher vibrations, your higher teachers, guides, masters and your higher self. This is the space were you can call on God, Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, any Saints or Angels with whom you wish to speak.
7. Scripting your day is simple. While you are in your sacred space or sacred temple, write to yourself an intention of how you want to feel during your day. Example: "Today is a new beginning and I want to feel happy today. I want to feel excited about life. I want to feel connected to my divine purpose and I want to believe that I am in alignment with my higher, primary intention for this life. I want to feel humor and laughter today. I want to go about my day looking for the positive evidence that I am in alignment with health, happiness and joy."
8. Create a theme word for your day. Let it be different everyday. Perhaps your word is 'flower'. Every time you see a flower it will remind you to pause and connect to your heart. Agape means unconditional love. It's the word I choose to say when I am connecting to Spirit. I would see a flower and it would remind me to pause and say, "Agape". Feel it. It's a prayer. Sweet and simple. "Water" might be your theme word for the day. You'll be served a glass of water in a restaurant and it will remind you to pause and connect to your higher awareness.
Creating habits that support you merely takes the intention to do so. Decide to be happy for no reason. Decide to be grateful for no reason.
People who are happy are healthier and more prosperous. They live longer. They love more easily.
Something to consider...a Chinese Proverb:
If there is light in the soul,
There will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person,
There will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
There will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Modern Spiritualism is a religion that embraces religion, science, philosophy and natural law. Spiritualists believe in the following:
1. Infinite Intelligence, Or God, to some.
2. That Infinite Intelligence is expressed through nature, both physically and spiritually.
3. That "true religion" is living in obedience to the laws of nature. (Hence the saying, "The Earth is my church, my body its alter.")
4. That there is no death; that death is merely a change and the personal identity of the individual continues after physical death.
5. That communication with the dead is possible.
6. That the highest morality is attained by following "The Golden Rule."
7. That individuals are responsible for their fate; whether it be happiness or unhappiness, depending on whether or not we obey nature's laws.
8. That every day is a new beginning. That there is always a chance for redemption of one's soul, either on this plane of being, or in the hereafter.
9. That Prophecy and healing are gifts from the Infinite Intelligence; gifts from God.
"A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge."
Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot (1994)
1. Infinite Intelligence, Or God, to some.
2. That Infinite Intelligence is expressed through nature, both physically and spiritually.
3. That "true religion" is living in obedience to the laws of nature. (Hence the saying, "The Earth is my church, my body its alter.")
4. That there is no death; that death is merely a change and the personal identity of the individual continues after physical death.
5. That communication with the dead is possible.
6. That the highest morality is attained by following "The Golden Rule."
7. That individuals are responsible for their fate; whether it be happiness or unhappiness, depending on whether or not we obey nature's laws.
8. That every day is a new beginning. That there is always a chance for redemption of one's soul, either on this plane of being, or in the hereafter.
9. That Prophecy and healing are gifts from the Infinite Intelligence; gifts from God.
"A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge."
Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot (1994)
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Once, a very long time ago, when I was in the restaurant business, I had a mentor. His name was George Triplehorn. He was the general manager of The Proud Bird Restaurant on runway 25R at LAX. It was a beautiful place, built in 1967. At the time it was the largest restaurant in all of Los Angeles. It had a huge Grand Ballroom with 12 brilliant crystal chandeliers hanging from an ornate ceiling above an enormous expanse of red carpet. The room could accommodate as many as 1200 guests. There was a smaller ballroom that seated 800 and several, more intimate rooms for parties of 100 or less. The entryway had a Koi pond and with waterfalls and a wooden bridge that lead to the massive wooden front doors. There were gas lit torches lighting every corner.
George taught me how to be a gracious hostess. He taught me how to read people and how to look for and solve problems before they became apparent to any guests. From the moment I stepped out of my car in the back parking lot I began to look for what was wrong. Was there any trash in the parking lot? Were any lights out? Were the fish fed and were the fountains working? Were all the gas lights turned on and was the rock fireplace in the lobby burning? Was there ample toilet paper and were the restrooms cleaned the night before? I trained my eyes to look for what was wrong. I became the problem solver. I became the person to look for missing name tags and wrinkles in the waiter's shirts. I looked for scuff marks on their shoes and fingernails untrimmed. I had a room behind the front desk where I kept a sewing kit for missing buttons and black shoe polish for the shoes that were more brown than black. I checked each and every menu for dirt, spills or tears. Every plant was inspected for dust or brown spots that needed trimming. I was a machine. Nothing passed my scrutiny. Every detail of every aspect of the operation was examined constantly. I never let up. The place was immaculate when I was on duty.
The problem with that kind of training was that I was unable to relax in any restaurant. I would go out to dinner with friends and family and most of the time I was looking for what was wrong. What needed to be fixed or refined? The service? Did our server act friendly? Did they make eye contact? Did they serve from the left or from the right? Was the table clean? Was the silver polished? Was the music too loud or was the hostess too slow? It wasn't a pleasant experience for me or for anyone near me.
It also carried over into my private life. I scrutinized every facial expression. What did he mean by that? I was reading energies before I knew that I was doing it. I had to read the needs and wants and expectation of others to create an experience that would be pleasing. Holy crap! Pretty soon everything looked like a problem that needed to be solved and solved by the problem solver, me. I drove myself nuts. Because, as I know now, "What we put our attention on we create more of." I needed problems to solve so I created more problems to solve. What a nightmare I was living!
My focused attention was on problems of every kind. World problems, human problems, social problems, political problems! It's not a wonder I found myself overwhelmed with depression. By the time I was 27 I was burned out.
It was divine guidance that led me to the teachers, healers and masters who taught me how to shift my perspective to begin looking for what is the positive evidence around me. Now, instead of focusing my attention on what is lacking, I look for what is abundant.
My friend, Anthony had such an experience recently. His perspective and opinion of the younger generation was skewed by the media and their hot pursuit of the private lives of people like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica 'whatever' and "Girls Gone Wild". He saw and heard about gang violence and kids who murder and vandalize. He believed our educational system was turning out ignorant, lazy, apathetic and spoiled individuals. He looked for them everywhere and saw them everywhere he looked...until.....
He went to spend a week with his cousin and his cousin's teenaged children. He dreaded the idea of what it would be like to spend so much time with three 'selfish, spoiled, self involved, and ignorant' teenagers. He was resistant and had an escape plan in place if needed. But, much to his surprise, these teenagers were smart, well-behaved, grounded, ambitious, eager, connected, evolved young beings. Anthony was blown away. He enjoyed having intelligent conversations with them and he relished in their innocent humor. Steven's perspective shifted. When he returned home he stopped looking for the teenagers with gang offiliations and over-sized egos and began seeing young people in his neighorhood spending their Saturdays cleaning up their campus. Some even began showing up for his spiritual classes. He began finding them in restaurants and in the dog park. He began finding articles about the young teenager who invented a project for school that ended up solving a production problem that wasted too much water.
When we shift our perspective we change our view. I began looking for what was and is the positive evidence in my life, in my neighborhood and in my world. It's a practice I must continually employ. I'm not always good at it but, man-o-man, when I turn on that positive view finder, my life feels grand.
So, I ask you to try on these questions. "What's good about my life?" "What's good about my job?" "What's good about my situation?" "What is good about me?"
What is positive in your life right now? Look for it, feel it, and expand that feeling. The daily practice of shifting your view point will heal your life in ways you cannot imagine.
George taught me how to be a gracious hostess. He taught me how to read people and how to look for and solve problems before they became apparent to any guests. From the moment I stepped out of my car in the back parking lot I began to look for what was wrong. Was there any trash in the parking lot? Were any lights out? Were the fish fed and were the fountains working? Were all the gas lights turned on and was the rock fireplace in the lobby burning? Was there ample toilet paper and were the restrooms cleaned the night before? I trained my eyes to look for what was wrong. I became the problem solver. I became the person to look for missing name tags and wrinkles in the waiter's shirts. I looked for scuff marks on their shoes and fingernails untrimmed. I had a room behind the front desk where I kept a sewing kit for missing buttons and black shoe polish for the shoes that were more brown than black. I checked each and every menu for dirt, spills or tears. Every plant was inspected for dust or brown spots that needed trimming. I was a machine. Nothing passed my scrutiny. Every detail of every aspect of the operation was examined constantly. I never let up. The place was immaculate when I was on duty.
The problem with that kind of training was that I was unable to relax in any restaurant. I would go out to dinner with friends and family and most of the time I was looking for what was wrong. What needed to be fixed or refined? The service? Did our server act friendly? Did they make eye contact? Did they serve from the left or from the right? Was the table clean? Was the silver polished? Was the music too loud or was the hostess too slow? It wasn't a pleasant experience for me or for anyone near me.
It also carried over into my private life. I scrutinized every facial expression. What did he mean by that? I was reading energies before I knew that I was doing it. I had to read the needs and wants and expectation of others to create an experience that would be pleasing. Holy crap! Pretty soon everything looked like a problem that needed to be solved and solved by the problem solver, me. I drove myself nuts. Because, as I know now, "What we put our attention on we create more of." I needed problems to solve so I created more problems to solve. What a nightmare I was living!
My focused attention was on problems of every kind. World problems, human problems, social problems, political problems! It's not a wonder I found myself overwhelmed with depression. By the time I was 27 I was burned out.
It was divine guidance that led me to the teachers, healers and masters who taught me how to shift my perspective to begin looking for what is the positive evidence around me. Now, instead of focusing my attention on what is lacking, I look for what is abundant.
My friend, Anthony had such an experience recently. His perspective and opinion of the younger generation was skewed by the media and their hot pursuit of the private lives of people like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica 'whatever' and "Girls Gone Wild". He saw and heard about gang violence and kids who murder and vandalize. He believed our educational system was turning out ignorant, lazy, apathetic and spoiled individuals. He looked for them everywhere and saw them everywhere he looked...until.....
He went to spend a week with his cousin and his cousin's teenaged children. He dreaded the idea of what it would be like to spend so much time with three 'selfish, spoiled, self involved, and ignorant' teenagers. He was resistant and had an escape plan in place if needed. But, much to his surprise, these teenagers were smart, well-behaved, grounded, ambitious, eager, connected, evolved young beings. Anthony was blown away. He enjoyed having intelligent conversations with them and he relished in their innocent humor. Steven's perspective shifted. When he returned home he stopped looking for the teenagers with gang offiliations and over-sized egos and began seeing young people in his neighorhood spending their Saturdays cleaning up their campus. Some even began showing up for his spiritual classes. He began finding them in restaurants and in the dog park. He began finding articles about the young teenager who invented a project for school that ended up solving a production problem that wasted too much water.
When we shift our perspective we change our view. I began looking for what was and is the positive evidence in my life, in my neighborhood and in my world. It's a practice I must continually employ. I'm not always good at it but, man-o-man, when I turn on that positive view finder, my life feels grand.
So, I ask you to try on these questions. "What's good about my life?" "What's good about my job?" "What's good about my situation?" "What is good about me?"
What is positive in your life right now? Look for it, feel it, and expand that feeling. The daily practice of shifting your view point will heal your life in ways you cannot imagine.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Keeping a Dream Journal.
In my Spiritual Coaching Class I recommend my clients reserve a section of their notebooks for a dream journal. Learning to communicate with your expanded awareness is more of a practice than a word lesson. Interpreting the messages from our dreams can be very enlightening. It takes a bit of practice and a simple nightime intention to begin to get in the groove of it.
I was in my twenties when I found myself separated from my husband, jobless, penniless, with a baby and feeling quite like a victim. A depression swept over me that paralyzed me from taking any action to turn things around. My future looked very dim and my past was too painful to confront. After several months of barely surviving I began to read self-help books. I learned from the books, how to meditate, how to use visualization and affirmations to lift my energy. Soon thereafter, I began a dream journal. During this process of recovery the doors and walls to my unconscious mind began to open up.
I put my daughter to bed one night and went to the couch to watch some television. I started to drift off to sleep when it occurred to me that I hadn't checked the back door lock. Still, I let it go and fell asleep. But my dream began with me laying on the couch, watching television, just as I was. It didn't feel like a dream at all. In my dream I realized someone was standing at the sliding glass door. Fear gripped me and I felt adrenaline surge through me. I was paralysed with fear. I couldn't move a muscle. My heart began to race and I woke with a terrible fright. I literally had to catch my breathe. I realized it was just a dream as soon as I awoke. I calmed myself down and soon found myself drifting back to sleep.
Again, the same dream appeared. There I was, laying on the couch, watching television when I realized a man was at the glass door. I had to force myself to get up, in my dream. I had to overcome the overwhelming fear to move past the paralysis and go to the door. I felt like I weighed a thousand pounds. Still dreaming, I walked to the door and saw a tall blonde man with light colored eyes. He had the most evil look on his face. I knew he was there to rape me, kill me and cut me up in pieces. I reached for the door and the lock was broken. Panic filled me with adrenaline and I awoke. Whew!
Again, I fell back asleep without checking the door. This time, in my dream, as soon as I realized someone was at the back door, I got right up, not at all paralysed. I strode to the door ready to confront my intruder. There was a man standing outside the glass door though, this time he was shorter, darker and wearing black leather gloves. The look in his eyes told me that he meant only to steal from me, not to physically harm me. I reached for the door and could see that it was open a few inches. His gloved hand slid through the crack and I slammed the door on his wrist. I screamed, "Who are you?!" "What do you want?" In my rage I felt the energy move through me and, again, I awoke, this time thinking......"What the hell?"
Back to sleep I went. Yes, I know. Why in the hell didn't I check the door? Because I was gooshy. That is a word I've used since a very small child, meaning...."I'm very cozy and comfy" or "Let's get gooshy." Anyway,this time, there I was, laying on the couch, watching television when I realized there was something or someone outside that same glass door. I was furious! I threw back the covers, stomped to the door and threw it wide open! "Who's there?" I yelled. A small, dark boy came running in. He ran past me and through my living room to the front door. He fell against it and dropped to the floor. I walked over to him and I could see that he had been tortured. He had marks all over his naked, little body. I lifted him up and cared for him....then I awoke.
It was very clear to me what my unconscious mind was communicating to me. From paralysing fear and being a complete victim, to the intruder being the victim. I was no longer afraid. I was ready to confront my past and heal my wounds. I was ready to become the healer. A short time later I enrolled in a course for massage therapy and energy work.
I will never forget that night and the message that surfaced in my dreams.
Every night for many years I would sit on the side of my bed and repeat, "Tonight, I want to remember a dream and I will remember a dream. As soon as I awaken I will write it down." Then I would go to sleep with a pad and a pencil beside my bed, expecting to remember and write down my dream as soon as I opened my eyes. I even got a small recorder to so I could just describe my dream without opening my eyes.
At first I just wrote down the first impressions and images that surfaced. I payed close attention to the surroundings of any rooms or buildings I was in. What colors came to me or numbers. Was I driving in a car? If so, what was the condition of the car? Did the brakes work? Was I going too fast? What kind f car was it?
There are many books on dream symbols and interpretions. My favorite is, Betty Bethards, "The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-Understanding." She has over 1000 dream symbols in it. Not all symbols mean the same thing to everyone but once you start figuring our the language of your unconscious mind, you'll learn quickly the messages presented.
I used to ask for a healing or a solution to a problem before I went to sleep. Often I would wake up with the answer to my problem. In my class I call it, "Divinely Inspired Next Action"
The significance of the large building in the dream I shared in the earlier post was this. "A large building is a tremendous energy source; suggests you have great opportunities, tremendous potential and a big destiny to fulfill.
I often dream of babies. "Baby~ "New birth within self; new aspects coming into being, new beginnings. Openness, uptapped potential for growth."
It's fun to remember your dreams. It's fun to figure out the messages.
I was in my twenties when I found myself separated from my husband, jobless, penniless, with a baby and feeling quite like a victim. A depression swept over me that paralyzed me from taking any action to turn things around. My future looked very dim and my past was too painful to confront. After several months of barely surviving I began to read self-help books. I learned from the books, how to meditate, how to use visualization and affirmations to lift my energy. Soon thereafter, I began a dream journal. During this process of recovery the doors and walls to my unconscious mind began to open up.
I put my daughter to bed one night and went to the couch to watch some television. I started to drift off to sleep when it occurred to me that I hadn't checked the back door lock. Still, I let it go and fell asleep. But my dream began with me laying on the couch, watching television, just as I was. It didn't feel like a dream at all. In my dream I realized someone was standing at the sliding glass door. Fear gripped me and I felt adrenaline surge through me. I was paralysed with fear. I couldn't move a muscle. My heart began to race and I woke with a terrible fright. I literally had to catch my breathe. I realized it was just a dream as soon as I awoke. I calmed myself down and soon found myself drifting back to sleep.
Again, the same dream appeared. There I was, laying on the couch, watching television when I realized a man was at the glass door. I had to force myself to get up, in my dream. I had to overcome the overwhelming fear to move past the paralysis and go to the door. I felt like I weighed a thousand pounds. Still dreaming, I walked to the door and saw a tall blonde man with light colored eyes. He had the most evil look on his face. I knew he was there to rape me, kill me and cut me up in pieces. I reached for the door and the lock was broken. Panic filled me with adrenaline and I awoke. Whew!
Again, I fell back asleep without checking the door. This time, in my dream, as soon as I realized someone was at the back door, I got right up, not at all paralysed. I strode to the door ready to confront my intruder. There was a man standing outside the glass door though, this time he was shorter, darker and wearing black leather gloves. The look in his eyes told me that he meant only to steal from me, not to physically harm me. I reached for the door and could see that it was open a few inches. His gloved hand slid through the crack and I slammed the door on his wrist. I screamed, "Who are you?!" "What do you want?" In my rage I felt the energy move through me and, again, I awoke, this time thinking......"What the hell?"
Back to sleep I went. Yes, I know. Why in the hell didn't I check the door? Because I was gooshy. That is a word I've used since a very small child, meaning...."I'm very cozy and comfy" or "Let's get gooshy." Anyway,this time, there I was, laying on the couch, watching television when I realized there was something or someone outside that same glass door. I was furious! I threw back the covers, stomped to the door and threw it wide open! "Who's there?" I yelled. A small, dark boy came running in. He ran past me and through my living room to the front door. He fell against it and dropped to the floor. I walked over to him and I could see that he had been tortured. He had marks all over his naked, little body. I lifted him up and cared for him....then I awoke.
It was very clear to me what my unconscious mind was communicating to me. From paralysing fear and being a complete victim, to the intruder being the victim. I was no longer afraid. I was ready to confront my past and heal my wounds. I was ready to become the healer. A short time later I enrolled in a course for massage therapy and energy work.
I will never forget that night and the message that surfaced in my dreams.
Every night for many years I would sit on the side of my bed and repeat, "Tonight, I want to remember a dream and I will remember a dream. As soon as I awaken I will write it down." Then I would go to sleep with a pad and a pencil beside my bed, expecting to remember and write down my dream as soon as I opened my eyes. I even got a small recorder to so I could just describe my dream without opening my eyes.
At first I just wrote down the first impressions and images that surfaced. I payed close attention to the surroundings of any rooms or buildings I was in. What colors came to me or numbers. Was I driving in a car? If so, what was the condition of the car? Did the brakes work? Was I going too fast? What kind f car was it?
There are many books on dream symbols and interpretions. My favorite is, Betty Bethards, "The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-Understanding." She has over 1000 dream symbols in it. Not all symbols mean the same thing to everyone but once you start figuring our the language of your unconscious mind, you'll learn quickly the messages presented.
I used to ask for a healing or a solution to a problem before I went to sleep. Often I would wake up with the answer to my problem. In my class I call it, "Divinely Inspired Next Action"
The significance of the large building in the dream I shared in the earlier post was this. "A large building is a tremendous energy source; suggests you have great opportunities, tremendous potential and a big destiny to fulfill.
I often dream of babies. "Baby~ "New birth within self; new aspects coming into being, new beginnings. Openness, uptapped potential for growth."
It's fun to remember your dreams. It's fun to figure out the messages.
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