Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Misinformed Americans

41% of Americans polled still believe Iraq was involved in the attack of 9/11. 41%? How can Americans still be so ill informed? Is it the I.Q. thing? Average I.Q being only 97 points could be part of it. My 10 year old niece has an I.Q. of 120. Mine is 138. My ex-boyfriend's I.Q. is or was in the 180s. That may be lower if you calculate emotional I.Q. with that. Emotionally he was in the lower 90s. Sorry, I digress.

So, after the last presidential election, the headlines a Great Britain newspaper read, "How Could 48 Million Americans Be So Stupid?" Truthfully, I don't think it's that we're so stupid. I think we are deliberately misinformed. Why isn't anyone talking about Osama Bin Laden? Isn't he the guy Bush was gonna get "Dead or Alive?" The last I heard someone ask him about Osama he said, "Oh I don't know where he is. Frankly, I don't give it much thought." Well, that's obvious. My question is, "Why not?"