Monday, June 18, 2007

Chitter Chatter

The constant chitter chatter of our primative, monkey brains drives us to distraction. Average I.Q.? 97. Yes, that's right. Average percentage of brain usage? Three percent. That's all. Even the most intelligent of us is only using a very small percentage of our remarkable brains and that's only five percent. Thirty years ago the average I.Q. was 120. We allow the habitual thought processes or monkey brain chitter chatter to override our ability to think outside the norm. Our egos need to believe we are loved, we are smart, we are here, we are surviving. Questions and comments that float in our heads and consume our attention are keeping us stuck. How much longer can we entertain ourselves with the dramas we call relationships? Why do any of us care about Paris Hilton or Tiffany or O.C.?

Here's a challenge. Go one day without listening to the television, radio, or music, and watch how many times your thoughts turn to the chitter chatter of the mundane b.s. What would it take to keep your mind tuned into a higher vibration for longer than your morning meditation?