Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm Baaaack

Phoenix weather this trip was perfect, not too hot and there was actually a breeze. Tomorrow, however, they're expecting 109 degrees. I got out in the nick of time.

The trip didn't start out well. I left Sunday morning of last week, the first day of the summer heat. It was 112 outside of Quartzite and that happened to be the exact spot I ran out of gas. Yep, me the Girl Scout, the C.E.R.T. member, the organized planner that I am, ran out of gas in the middle of the hot, dry, effing desert, and not in a populated spot either. I coasted off the freeway into the situation where nightmares are made, nightmares and Law and Order episodes. There wasn't a sign, not a phone, not a building, not a tumble weed in sight.

After a one or two curse words I picked up my cell phone to discover I was out of reception range. I got out of the car with Maggie Mae and walked up a hill to get in range but as soon as I dialed AAA my phone signaled it was out of juice. Yep. That was the moment I visioned someone coming across my bleached bones. I went back to the car and charged it up but it was way to hot in there. I checked my water supply which turned out to be six ounces left in my travel mug and two baggies of ice in the Playmate cooler. How long could I survive on that?

The sun was beating down on my black jeans and my un-sunblocked face. Shelter! I needed shelter. I took all the clothes I had on hangers and hung them from the visors, rear view mirror, side windows and the temperature dropped several degrees.

I was down in a low spot so traffic on the freeway couldn't see me. I had to leave the doors open for whatever little breeze could blow through. I thought of snake stories and deranged truckers. I thought of how wasteful my desert survival training had been. I knew better! You never, never, never travel through the California/Arizona desert without at least a gallon of water and some means of shelter. And how ridiculous to not have a charged phone handy? I couldn't have written a better opening scene for a horror movie.

Finally, after charging my phone and another hike up the hill I was able to reach AAA roadside service. I was embarrassed to say what had happened.

Two hours later I was rescued with a couple of gallons of gas. I always fill up in Quartzite. It's my routine. Fill up at home and again in Quartzite, but I forgot I drove to the wedding and back . I was five miles short of Quartzite. Five miles. Glad I didn't have to walk those miles. Maggie's paws would have been blistered for sure.

Anyway, I survived and made it all the way to Anthem in time for Michael's birthday. It's hard to believe he is four years old. I'll be heading back for the Fourth of July celebrations and a few days of babysitting so Shanon and Danny can spend some time in Vegas for a friend's wedding. I'm a good grandma.