Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Were the majority of Americans, at school, at homes, and in businesses to take one minute each morning to commune together in silence, contemplating our higher power, this country would transform. Marianne Williamson
Books for the Spiritual Scholars
Grist For the Mill, by Ram Dass
One Liners by Ram Dass
Still Here by Ram Dass
Journey Of Awakening by Ram Dass
Be Here Now by Ram Dass
The Only Dance There Is by Ram Dass
How Can I Help by Ram Dass
The Course in Miracles Text
The Course in Miracles Workbook for Students
The Course in Miracles Manual for Teachers
Accept This Gift; Selections from the Course in Miracles by Frances Vaughan Ph. D., & Roger Walsh M.D. Ph. D.
Understanding The Course In Miracles
Return to Love Reflections on a Course In Miracles by Marianne Williamson
A Women's Worth by Marianne Williamson
Illuminata by Marianne Williamson
Imagine by Marianne Williamson
Everyday Grace by Marianne Williamson
The Gift Of Change by Marianne Williamson
The Power of NOW, Eckhart Tolle
Stillness Speaks Eckhart Tolle
The Awakening West Eckhart Tolle
Practicing the Power of NOW, Eckhart Tolle
Awakening Loving-Kindness by Pema Chodron
The Wisdom Of No Escape by Pema Chodron
Start Where You Are by Pema Chodron
The Places That Scare You by Pema Chodron
When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, , by Deepak Chopra
Weight Loss- The Complete Mind/Body Approach, by Deepak Chopra
The Path To Love, by Deepak Chopra,
Creating Health, by Deepak Chopra
Return of the Right, by Deepak Chopra
Perfect Health, by Deepak Chopra
Unconditional Life, , by Deepak Chopra
The Way of the Wizard, , by Deepak Chopra
Restful Sleep, , by Deepak Chopra
Creating Affluence by Deepak Chopra,
Pulling Your Own Strings by Dr. Wayne Dyer
You'll See It When You Believe It, by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Real Magic, by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Manifest Your Destiny by Dr. Wayne Dyer
10 Secrets of Success by Dr. Wayne Dyer
There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem by Dr. Wayne Dyer
What Do You Want For Your Children, by Dr. Wayne Dyer
The Sky's The Limit, by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Power of Intention, by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Conversations With God Book One by Neale Donald Walsh
Conversations With God BookTwo by Neale Donald Walsh
Conversations With God Book Three by Neale Donald Walsh
Conversations With God for Teens, by Neale Donald Walsh
Conversations With god Questions and Answers, by Neale Donald Walsh
Conversations With god Wedding Vows, by Neale Donald Walsh
Conversations With God Guide book, by Neale Donald Walsh
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay
The AIDS Book: Creating a Positive Approach, by Louise L. Hay
Gratitude: A Way of Life, by Louise L. Hay
Millennium 2000, by Louise L. Hay
I can Do It by Louise L. Hay
Meditations to heal Your Life, by Louise L. Hay
Empowering Women, by Louise L. Hay
The Seat of The Soul, by Gary Zukav
Soul Stories, by Gary Zukav
The Heart of the Soul by Gary Zukav
The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav
Weight Loss For The MIND, by Stuart Wilde
Silent Power, by Stuart Wilde
Life Was Never Meant To Be A Struggle, by Stuart Wilde
Quickening, by Stuart Wilde
Affirmations, by Stuart Wilde
The Force by Stuart Wilde
The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore by Alan Cohen
Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Creative Mind by Ernest Holmes
Living Deliberately, by Harry Palmer
Gods In Disguise by Alan Walters
The Key To Yourself, by Dr. Venice Bloodworth
Golden Keys To A Lifetime of Living by Dr. Venice Bloodworth
Why is this Happening to me ...AGAIN? by Dr. Michael Ryce
Homecoming, Reclaiming Your Inner Child by John Bradshaw
A Quest For Truth by Eric Butterworth
Lessons in Truth by Emile Cady
Boundaries by Anne Katherine
How To Get What You Want And Want What You Have by John Gray
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Bhagavad Gita
The Teaching of Buddha by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai Buddhist Promoting Foundation.
The Tao of Abundance by Laurence Boldt
Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation
I Have Become Alive, Swami Muktananda
A Book for the Mind, Swami Muktananda
Mystery of the Mind, Swami Muktananda
To Know the Knower by Swami Muktananda
The Dhammapada
Thoughts Without a Thinker By Mark Epstein, MD,
Creative Visualization, Living in the Light by Shakti Gawain
Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan
Love, Living, Loving & Learning by Leo Buscaglia Ph.D.
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Tough Times Never Last, Self-Esteem Dr. Robert Schuller
Love, Medicine & Miracles by Bernie S. Siegel M.D.
Experiments With Truth Mohandas K. Gandhi's Autobiography
A Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
Walden by Henry David Thoreau,
Out On A Limb, Going Within by Shirley MacLaine
The Game of Life by Florence Scovel Shinn
Circle of Stones, I Sit Listening to the Wind by Judith Duerk
Awakening The Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das
Embracing the Beloved,
Guided Meditations and Explorations and Healings by Stephen Levine
Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, Ph.D.
Illusions, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D.
The Magic Of Believing by Claude M. Bristol
Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss, M.D.
In The Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall, Ph.D.
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
The Ultimate Weight Solution by Dr Phi McGraw
Losing Your Pounds of Pain by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
Thin Within by Judy Wardell
Eating Awareness Training by Molly Groger
The Only Diet There Is by Sondra Ray.
The Prayer of Jabez Bruce Wilkinson
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Misinformed Americans
41% of Americans polled still believe Iraq was involved in the attack of 9/11. 41%? How can Americans still be so ill informed? Is it the I.Q. thing? Average I.Q being only 97 points could be part of it. My 10 year old niece has an I.Q. of 120. Mine is 138. My ex-boyfriend's I.Q. is or was in the 180s. That may be lower if you calculate emotional I.Q. with that. Emotionally he was in the lower 90s. Sorry, I digress.
So, after the last presidential election, the headlines a Great Britain newspaper read, "How Could 48 Million Americans Be So Stupid?" Truthfully, I don't think it's that we're so stupid. I think we are deliberately misinformed. Why isn't anyone talking about Osama Bin Laden? Isn't he the guy Bush was gonna get "Dead or Alive?" The last I heard someone ask him about Osama he said, "Oh I don't know where he is. Frankly, I don't give it much thought." Well, that's obvious. My question is, "Why not?"
So, after the last presidential election, the headlines a Great Britain newspaper read, "How Could 48 Million Americans Be So Stupid?" Truthfully, I don't think it's that we're so stupid. I think we are deliberately misinformed. Why isn't anyone talking about Osama Bin Laden? Isn't he the guy Bush was gonna get "Dead or Alive?" The last I heard someone ask him about Osama he said, "Oh I don't know where he is. Frankly, I don't give it much thought." Well, that's obvious. My question is, "Why not?"
Thursday, June 21, 2007
A Recent Reading
She had called last week asking for an appointment for a healing treatment. Her neighbor had recommended me to her months ago but it wasn't until recently she knew she was ready to see me. All she said was she wanted a reading but didn't share any details about why. Neither did I want to ask her what needed healing. I always expect the condition will reveal itself as I watch and listen during our time together. What I watch and listen to is not her body. It's not her body language,either. What I connect with is an ethereal vision and telepathic communication from another place. Whatever her Higher-Self is ready to hear, see, and learn, will be shown.
She walked in and after an initial greeting and formal introduction we began. I start all of my sessions pretty much the same way. I create a sacred and healing space around us and proceed to open the door. That's what I call it. It's as if, in my mind, there's a doorway between this three dimensional reality and the astral reality. I look inside and then I'm there. I ask for assistance to be a clear channel for our teachers wisdom, guidance and love. I take a few deep breaths and away we go......
I saw a woman standing near her, a woman that looked nothing like her. In fact, more the opposite. She was petite, almost fragile, with dark eyes and black hair. These two couldn't have looked less alike. The woman I see sitting in front of me is tall, large framed, robust and blond. One thing was certain. The dark-haired, little lady had so much love emanating from her that I had to examine it. It felt, to me, like a mother's love.
I said, "There is someone here. I think she may be your mother because she certainly loves you as such, but she doesn't look anything like you."
Her body slumped and she let out a quiet sob. Tears filled her eyes. "No", she said, shaking her head. "We didn't look anything alike." Her hand went to wipe her wet cheeks.
I looked back at Mother and she showed me an image of herself lying in a hospital bed.
"She tells me it was fine. It was as it should have been."
Again, a sob.
I give her all the time she needs to feel what she's feeling and I continue to read the energy around me. I know that this daughter's pain was created because she wasn't there when her mother died. She is burdened with guilt. As I watch the story unfold before me, I understand what healing she is asking for.
"You're mother wants you to know that she still feels you and your love for her. It was as it should have been."
Daughter doesn't speak.
Mother shows me a scene in which her daughter is tucking in her children. They say their prayers and bless the night and bless Grandma, too. When they are doing that, Grandma is standing in the room with them. She wants her daughter to know this. So, I tell her that.
"Oh my God! I can't believe you're saying that. My son said to me the other night, that after I tuck him in, Grandma tucks him in again. I didn't know what to think but I had a feeling it was true. So, she is there?"
The energy in the room lightens up. I feel it, I see it. Both of them are suddenly animated and smiling.
"Yes, she's there. You can give her permission to visit if you both wish. However, I would encourage you to set some boundaries, specific boundaries. Maybe you want to make your bedroom off limits. Instead, invite her to join you in the kitchen or garden, or wherever you feel is a good space for your connection. Make it a sacred space for the two of you and whomever you'd like to invite join you. I get the feeling you are overly connected with Mother and it's not the best thing for you to continue mourning the absence of her body. The truth is, she's always here. I know I'm not the first person to tell you that. I also know it isn't always easy to trust that. At any rate, I'm sure she has teachers and guides on the other side that can help her understand her role as a guardian and not hold on to the past experience of the loss. It was her loss too, you know. She's feeling it, you're feeling it, and you're both stuck in it. You both need to shift your perception and recognize your ability to continue your relationship with the same connection of love. The two of you can still chat. You'll know when she's around. Trust what you feel."
Daughter began to speak. She shared with me that her mother had cancer three years ago. It was a hard six months watching her waste away. She was with her almost everyday but she had to go home to feed her children and take a shower. Why did her mother choose such a time to die?. Why didn't she wait for her to come back? Crying now.
"This is why. So you would seek her out. Would you be here, looking for closure and healing, if it had been as you wanted? Now she can talk to you and stay with you. That's what she wants. It appears it is what you want, as well. Let it be so, if it is in the interest of your highest good and the highest good of your mother. It was important for you to know that she didn't abandon you."
"That's exactly how I feel. I feel like an orphan!" Sob.
"You are not. You can choose to feel that and experience that for as long as you'd like, or, you can choose to embrace your mother in the image you would like to see her. When was the happiest time of your relationship with her? Was it when you were a little girl? Or was it when you were in college? Was it when you were planning your wedding? You decide. If it was your favorite memory, it is also hers. See her as she was when you were most connected. Now, embrace her in your mind. Receive her embrace. She wants to help you in the kitchen. You think about her most often when you are cooking because she was such a great cook."
"She was! How did you know that? Oh my God, she was the best cook. She cooked for everybody. She was Italian and made the most delicious things. At her funeral most of the comments I got were, 'Bless her heart' and 'She sure was a great cook.' "
"Ask her if she was there in the kitchen that night."
I ask and the answer was a laughing, "Yes!"
The spoon fell off of the counter and splattered sauce on the floor and onto the cabinets. I am watching it on replay. Daughter picked up the spoon, washed it off and put it on the counter. She turned around to clean up the mess and the spoon fell off of the counter again. Only it didn't just fall off, it flew off.
I laugh and say, "Yes, that was her playing with you. She wanted you to know she was there. Your spoon survived and so did the cabinets. But, your sauce needed more crushed red peppers."
"My sister said the same thing."
The reading continued. We talked more with Mother and then with her teachers. It was a wonderful reading. She was expanded when she left. She was relieved, expanded and healed.
Learning something new is expansion. It is a shift and expansion of mind. With an expanded mind, you have a clearer perception of realities that exist all around you. You command a presence of mind to be present in mind.
Does that make sense?
It's late and I'm going to bed now. I'm celebrating the summer solstice by sleeping under the stars tonight. Happy Summer!
She walked in and after an initial greeting and formal introduction we began. I start all of my sessions pretty much the same way. I create a sacred and healing space around us and proceed to open the door. That's what I call it. It's as if, in my mind, there's a doorway between this three dimensional reality and the astral reality. I look inside and then I'm there. I ask for assistance to be a clear channel for our teachers wisdom, guidance and love. I take a few deep breaths and away we go......
I saw a woman standing near her, a woman that looked nothing like her. In fact, more the opposite. She was petite, almost fragile, with dark eyes and black hair. These two couldn't have looked less alike. The woman I see sitting in front of me is tall, large framed, robust and blond. One thing was certain. The dark-haired, little lady had so much love emanating from her that I had to examine it. It felt, to me, like a mother's love.
I said, "There is someone here. I think she may be your mother because she certainly loves you as such, but she doesn't look anything like you."
Her body slumped and she let out a quiet sob. Tears filled her eyes. "No", she said, shaking her head. "We didn't look anything alike." Her hand went to wipe her wet cheeks.
I looked back at Mother and she showed me an image of herself lying in a hospital bed.
"She tells me it was fine. It was as it should have been."
Again, a sob.
I give her all the time she needs to feel what she's feeling and I continue to read the energy around me. I know that this daughter's pain was created because she wasn't there when her mother died. She is burdened with guilt. As I watch the story unfold before me, I understand what healing she is asking for.
"You're mother wants you to know that she still feels you and your love for her. It was as it should have been."
Daughter doesn't speak.
Mother shows me a scene in which her daughter is tucking in her children. They say their prayers and bless the night and bless Grandma, too. When they are doing that, Grandma is standing in the room with them. She wants her daughter to know this. So, I tell her that.
"Oh my God! I can't believe you're saying that. My son said to me the other night, that after I tuck him in, Grandma tucks him in again. I didn't know what to think but I had a feeling it was true. So, she is there?"
The energy in the room lightens up. I feel it, I see it. Both of them are suddenly animated and smiling.
"Yes, she's there. You can give her permission to visit if you both wish. However, I would encourage you to set some boundaries, specific boundaries. Maybe you want to make your bedroom off limits. Instead, invite her to join you in the kitchen or garden, or wherever you feel is a good space for your connection. Make it a sacred space for the two of you and whomever you'd like to invite join you. I get the feeling you are overly connected with Mother and it's not the best thing for you to continue mourning the absence of her body. The truth is, she's always here. I know I'm not the first person to tell you that. I also know it isn't always easy to trust that. At any rate, I'm sure she has teachers and guides on the other side that can help her understand her role as a guardian and not hold on to the past experience of the loss. It was her loss too, you know. She's feeling it, you're feeling it, and you're both stuck in it. You both need to shift your perception and recognize your ability to continue your relationship with the same connection of love. The two of you can still chat. You'll know when she's around. Trust what you feel."
Daughter began to speak. She shared with me that her mother had cancer three years ago. It was a hard six months watching her waste away. She was with her almost everyday but she had to go home to feed her children and take a shower. Why did her mother choose such a time to die?. Why didn't she wait for her to come back? Crying now.
"This is why. So you would seek her out. Would you be here, looking for closure and healing, if it had been as you wanted? Now she can talk to you and stay with you. That's what she wants. It appears it is what you want, as well. Let it be so, if it is in the interest of your highest good and the highest good of your mother. It was important for you to know that she didn't abandon you."
"That's exactly how I feel. I feel like an orphan!" Sob.
"You are not. You can choose to feel that and experience that for as long as you'd like, or, you can choose to embrace your mother in the image you would like to see her. When was the happiest time of your relationship with her? Was it when you were a little girl? Or was it when you were in college? Was it when you were planning your wedding? You decide. If it was your favorite memory, it is also hers. See her as she was when you were most connected. Now, embrace her in your mind. Receive her embrace. She wants to help you in the kitchen. You think about her most often when you are cooking because she was such a great cook."
"She was! How did you know that? Oh my God, she was the best cook. She cooked for everybody. She was Italian and made the most delicious things. At her funeral most of the comments I got were, 'Bless her heart' and 'She sure was a great cook.' "
"Ask her if she was there in the kitchen that night."
I ask and the answer was a laughing, "Yes!"
The spoon fell off of the counter and splattered sauce on the floor and onto the cabinets. I am watching it on replay. Daughter picked up the spoon, washed it off and put it on the counter. She turned around to clean up the mess and the spoon fell off of the counter again. Only it didn't just fall off, it flew off.
I laugh and say, "Yes, that was her playing with you. She wanted you to know she was there. Your spoon survived and so did the cabinets. But, your sauce needed more crushed red peppers."
"My sister said the same thing."
The reading continued. We talked more with Mother and then with her teachers. It was a wonderful reading. She was expanded when she left. She was relieved, expanded and healed.
Learning something new is expansion. It is a shift and expansion of mind. With an expanded mind, you have a clearer perception of realities that exist all around you. You command a presence of mind to be present in mind.
Does that make sense?
It's late and I'm going to bed now. I'm celebrating the summer solstice by sleeping under the stars tonight. Happy Summer!
Healing Room lyrics,
I have a universe inside me
Where I can go and Spirit guides me.
There I can ask oh any question.
I get the answers if I listen.
I have a healing room inside me.
The loving healers there they feed me.
They make me happy with their laughter.
They kiss me and tell me I’m their daughter.
I’m their daughter.
(I love you lots and lots and lots)
You have a little voice inside you.
It doesn’t matter who you think you may be.
You’re not free if you don’t know me.
See I’m not the lie that lives outside you.
It doesn’t matter what you think you believe.
You’re not free if you don’t know me.
If you don’t know me.
See I am the universe inside you.
You come to me and I will guide you.
And make you happy with my laughter.
I joy in seeing you’re my daughter.
You’re my daughter.
So, believe…
You’re not free if you don’t know me
If you don’t know me
How to stop the monkey brain chitter chatter.
Do you remember a time, perhaps when you were a child, and you had to talk your way out of trouble? You had to reason with your mom or dad or a teacher, a principal? A time when you had to placate them? You had to ask for forgiveness? Well, that is the beginning of the "How To."
The chitter chatter in our monkey brains is full of statements of judgement, of resentment, of denial and comments unbecoming a spiritual, enlightened being. They are the "I cant's", "I'm uglies.", "I'm less thans". They are the thoughts that keep us stuck in patterns we struggle with. Those thoughts are the thoughts that drive us to drink what we shouldn't, eat what we shouldn't, buy what we shouldn't, and do what we know we shouldn't. Because of that chronic, stinkin' thinkin', we repeat patterns, habits, and undesirable behaviour to calm ourselves, soothe ourselves and avoid ourselves. Thoughts become things, they become actions.
When you look in the mirror do you say, "Wow! What a fine specimen of a human being I am." or do you say, "Oh hell, I've lost more hair. I hate getting bald." or "I don't like my nose." "I'm fat." "I wish I looked like....." Do you glance and look away unable to deal with your own judgements of yourself and comparisons to others? Sometimes the thinking takes the form of, "If I didn't look like this I could have had that." "If I was thinner, had bigger boobs, had more hair, didn't have that scar, mole, pimple, nose, belly I could or would have, do or be________fill in the blank. Do you let the reflection you see determine who you are?
When you are driving down the street, are you thinking about how grateful you are to be able to drive? How fantastic it is that you are not one of the hundreds of thousands of people in hospitals or the hundreds of thousands who are unable to afford a car, insurance, or fuel?
Are you wishing you were someplace else or someone else? Maybe in a different, shiny new car? Are you thinking about how you hate your job, or who you're going to have to 'deal with' today?" Are you thinking about how you hate to _________fill in the blank.
Chitter Chatter goes the monkey brain. Messages from childhood, or young adulthood that keep us down are the thoughts that float to the surface when we aren't paying attention. They take hold and off we go down the rabbit hole of negativity. Chitter chatter.
So, imagine you are in the trap. You're in the rabbit hole and all of a sudden you realize you've just wasted your morning thinking about the 'what ifs" and the "I cant's". The "I wish" is right up there too. You catch yourself thinking with your monkey brain. Instead of berating yourself, give yourself a pat on the back for being able to recognize the chatter for what it is. And start talking yourself down. Start talking to the monkey brain and say, "Thanks for sharing." Talk yourself out of that trouble you're creating.
When I tried to get out of a spanking as a kid, I would say just about anything. I'd explain, and sometimes lie, and sometimes just say, "I'm sorry, I know that was wrong. I didn't mean to..." Well, it's not much different when talking to monkey brain. "I'm sorry, I can't talk to you right now. Settle down. Thank you for sharing your thoughts but I'm going to move out of this reality of 'less than' and into the reality of 'more than enough'. "I am more than enough love." "I am more than enough friendship." "I am more than enough intelligence." "I am more than enough goodness." "I am more than enough of a human being."
Did you know that wanting to forgive is as good as forgiving? The 'wanting' is forgiveness trying to express itself. If you can't forgive yourself right now for something you did in the past, or something you may still entertain that isn't productive or healthy, or perhaps someone you want to forgive but can't seem to get past the hurt, then acknowledge that you WANT to forgive. Your wanting is an expression of a deep desire of forgiveness trying to express itself.
Forgiveness quiets the monkey brain. When you're parents forgave you the punishment ceased. When you forgive yourself, your self punishment will cease. Your monkey brain chatter will subside and make room for higher thoughts, positive thoughts. And if thoughts become things, as we know they do, then positive actions, positive experiences follow positive thoughts.
Talk yourself out of the rabbit hole, out of monkey brain chitter chatter, and decide to focus on the present moment. Even if the present is facing hardship, recovering from a stroke, facing a jail sentence, looking at bankruptcy, healing a grandchild, holding the hand of a parent facing the end of their life in this dimension. All of these things we do, all of the circumstances we face, we can face without the monkey brain chitter chatter. In fact, we face them with greater ability, wisdom, love, and calm when we step out of the rabbit hole, into the light. As with all of life's challenges, from the mundane morning mirror ritual, to the critical challenge of life and death, it is our perception, our minds that make it horrible or honorable.
The chitter chatter in our monkey brains is full of statements of judgement, of resentment, of denial and comments unbecoming a spiritual, enlightened being. They are the "I cant's", "I'm uglies.", "I'm less thans". They are the thoughts that keep us stuck in patterns we struggle with. Those thoughts are the thoughts that drive us to drink what we shouldn't, eat what we shouldn't, buy what we shouldn't, and do what we know we shouldn't. Because of that chronic, stinkin' thinkin', we repeat patterns, habits, and undesirable behaviour to calm ourselves, soothe ourselves and avoid ourselves. Thoughts become things, they become actions.
When you look in the mirror do you say, "Wow! What a fine specimen of a human being I am." or do you say, "Oh hell, I've lost more hair. I hate getting bald." or "I don't like my nose." "I'm fat." "I wish I looked like....." Do you glance and look away unable to deal with your own judgements of yourself and comparisons to others? Sometimes the thinking takes the form of, "If I didn't look like this I could have had that." "If I was thinner, had bigger boobs, had more hair, didn't have that scar, mole, pimple, nose, belly I could or would have, do or be________fill in the blank. Do you let the reflection you see determine who you are?
When you are driving down the street, are you thinking about how grateful you are to be able to drive? How fantastic it is that you are not one of the hundreds of thousands of people in hospitals or the hundreds of thousands who are unable to afford a car, insurance, or fuel?
Are you wishing you were someplace else or someone else? Maybe in a different, shiny new car? Are you thinking about how you hate your job, or who you're going to have to 'deal with' today?" Are you thinking about how you hate to _________fill in the blank.
Chitter Chatter goes the monkey brain. Messages from childhood, or young adulthood that keep us down are the thoughts that float to the surface when we aren't paying attention. They take hold and off we go down the rabbit hole of negativity. Chitter chatter.
So, imagine you are in the trap. You're in the rabbit hole and all of a sudden you realize you've just wasted your morning thinking about the 'what ifs" and the "I cant's". The "I wish" is right up there too. You catch yourself thinking with your monkey brain. Instead of berating yourself, give yourself a pat on the back for being able to recognize the chatter for what it is. And start talking yourself down. Start talking to the monkey brain and say, "Thanks for sharing." Talk yourself out of that trouble you're creating.
When I tried to get out of a spanking as a kid, I would say just about anything. I'd explain, and sometimes lie, and sometimes just say, "I'm sorry, I know that was wrong. I didn't mean to..." Well, it's not much different when talking to monkey brain. "I'm sorry, I can't talk to you right now. Settle down. Thank you for sharing your thoughts but I'm going to move out of this reality of 'less than' and into the reality of 'more than enough'. "I am more than enough love." "I am more than enough friendship." "I am more than enough intelligence." "I am more than enough goodness." "I am more than enough of a human being."
Did you know that wanting to forgive is as good as forgiving? The 'wanting' is forgiveness trying to express itself. If you can't forgive yourself right now for something you did in the past, or something you may still entertain that isn't productive or healthy, or perhaps someone you want to forgive but can't seem to get past the hurt, then acknowledge that you WANT to forgive. Your wanting is an expression of a deep desire of forgiveness trying to express itself.
Forgiveness quiets the monkey brain. When you're parents forgave you the punishment ceased. When you forgive yourself, your self punishment will cease. Your monkey brain chatter will subside and make room for higher thoughts, positive thoughts. And if thoughts become things, as we know they do, then positive actions, positive experiences follow positive thoughts.
Talk yourself out of the rabbit hole, out of monkey brain chitter chatter, and decide to focus on the present moment. Even if the present is facing hardship, recovering from a stroke, facing a jail sentence, looking at bankruptcy, healing a grandchild, holding the hand of a parent facing the end of their life in this dimension. All of these things we do, all of the circumstances we face, we can face without the monkey brain chitter chatter. In fact, we face them with greater ability, wisdom, love, and calm when we step out of the rabbit hole, into the light. As with all of life's challenges, from the mundane morning mirror ritual, to the critical challenge of life and death, it is our perception, our minds that make it horrible or honorable.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Chitter Chatter
The constant chitter chatter of our primative, monkey brains drives us to distraction. Average I.Q.? 97. Yes, that's right. Average percentage of brain usage? Three percent. That's all. Even the most intelligent of us is only using a very small percentage of our remarkable brains and that's only five percent. Thirty years ago the average I.Q. was 120. We allow the habitual thought processes or monkey brain chitter chatter to override our ability to think outside the norm. Our egos need to believe we are loved, we are smart, we are here, we are surviving. Questions and comments that float in our heads and consume our attention are keeping us stuck. How much longer can we entertain ourselves with the dramas we call relationships? Why do any of us care about Paris Hilton or Tiffany or O.C.?
Here's a challenge. Go one day without listening to the television, radio, or music, and watch how many times your thoughts turn to the chitter chatter of the mundane b.s. What would it take to keep your mind tuned into a higher vibration for longer than your morning meditation?
Just received this comment....
thanks for your thoughts. it's funny as i didn't think of those lights as "outer space" UFOs. i'm actually reading a great book right now called "shapeshifting" by john perkins (same writer of economics who also brought us the insightful nyt bestseller, "confessions of an economic hit man"). apparently, in his early years working at the peace corps (before engaging his services as an int'l business consultant to "develop" countries - aka destroy cultures - in latin america), he had much exposure to the shaman cultures in the andes (achuar tribe and others). it's a fascinating read on how our so-called "advanced" western culture has raped the earth of her resources, beauty and ancient shaman cultures whose role was to preserve this planet and all that is nature by way of shapeshifting, both literally and metaphorically. in this book, the author describes his own shapeshifting experience into a "globe of light" in which he transcends both time and space (much like the lights that were seen above latin america, etc.) taught to him by shamans who are completely aware of their oneness with energy and the environment (and hence, can shapeshift to any form of energy in order to heal as well as observe the current destruction of earth by western assertion). it unveils the obvious and yet, de-mystifies the unknown. it's well worth the read; i strongly recommend it, if not, for your edification. clearly, i don't buy into any current western religions (nor its ceremonies or filtered interpretations of the unknown) and the naivete that follows its righteous colonial quest to justify the upheaval of an existing harmonious and environmentally conscious way of life. historically, it has been nothing but arrogant, delusional and detrimental (much like the current bush administration).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paranormal Sightings
Some of you received an email from me several weeks ago with a link to a video news story aired on May 20th in Lima Peru. The footage showed fifty or so light orbs floating over the city for about 30 minutes. There was no explanation given by the experts interviewed, of what these orbs or UFOs could have been, but the video is amazing. Keith Olbermann did a segment about a UFO over O'Hare airport last November. There were no photos but plenty of reports from pilots, baggage handlers and airport security. In February clients and friends asked me if I had heard about the 'light orbs' seen over New Mexico. I hadn't and didn't bother to investigate, because, well, I like to consider myself, SANE!
Then again....Minds are like parachutes. They operate best when open.
I realize the acronym U.F.O. stands for unidentified flying object and doesn't necessarily mean aliens from other planets, as I am accustomed to thinking. I was brought up in the age of old black and white movies of planetary invasions of space creatures that scared the bejeezus out of me. My mother promised me there were no such things as flying saucers or Martians or people from outer space. I chose to believe her. Consequently, I have closed my mind to any such craziness because Momma said so. And, because I don't want to be a believer. The idea, even the term UFO turns me off and I start thinking of crack pots and weirdos.
In the early 1980s, Shirley MacLaine wrote, "Out On A Limb" about her adventures in meditation and travels to Peru and such. I enjoyed her book and soaked it up all the way to the point she mentioned UFOs and alien teachers and masters. That's when I put the book down and wrote her off as a nut case. That was 25 years ago. Since then I've not given it any thought, until now.
Since the November sighting over O'Hare and the report of light orbs over New Mexico, and now the live video clips of them over Lima, Peru, Mexico and Argentina, I'm having to readjust my perception and beliefs to be more open.
I had sent the email and video clip to several friends and primarily to my colleagues who are healers, intuitive messengers and teachers. I kept the message short and simple, something like, "What do you make of this?" I have received back some interesting information.
One teacher wrote, "They've come to help us out of this mess we've created."
Another wrote, "They're Angels coming to prepare us."
One wrote, "I don't know what the hell they are but when you find out let me know."
Alex says they are not from another planet but from another dimension. We are shifting out of our old outmoded consciousness into a new, expanded awareness of who we really are. The Earth is shifting. It is tilting and north is not true north any longer. Planets are constantly moving and spinning through space at about 40,000 miles an hour. As they move and shift the energy changes. We are about to see significant change in about 2012 when the planets are in such a position as to open a star gate so that we can evolve. Those people who are still sitting on their couches eating Cheetos and watching re-runs of Gunsmoke will be left behind in the three dimensional plane but those who are open, learning, reaching, will evolve.
I don't know about all of that. Last year I went to a funeral for my friends mother. Her church put on a slide show of what to expect when Jesus returns. I had to sit through it even though every nerve in my body wanted to scream. It was a crude, 1950s slide show of cartoon drawings of a grave yard. Angels came down from the sky and opened a curtain of clouds to reveal Jesus floating down from Heaven to gather up all the dead people who have been waiting for him since his last trip here. It was made for kindergartners I think. I dismissed it as something her church teaches, like so many churches who teach fairy tales. But, if the story was written in terms our little monkey brains could understand, and not in energetic, metaphysical terms, then perhaps it's all the same. It's not Jesus the man returning, it Christ Consciousness the energetic awareness that will be able to move through the thinning veil between dimensions.
So, are these light orbs the angels and are the stars and planets aligning to open a star gate to allow us to evolve in Christ Consciousness as my friend said? Or are all of these recent sightings just a coincidence, an unexplainable phenomenon, a trick of lighting and photoshop?
Beats me but I've decided to keep an open mind.
If you are interested in these videos go to YouTube and do a search for UFOs. Some of the clips are very interesting.
Now I'm out on a limb.....
Then again....Minds are like parachutes. They operate best when open.
I realize the acronym U.F.O. stands for unidentified flying object and doesn't necessarily mean aliens from other planets, as I am accustomed to thinking. I was brought up in the age of old black and white movies of planetary invasions of space creatures that scared the bejeezus out of me. My mother promised me there were no such things as flying saucers or Martians or people from outer space. I chose to believe her. Consequently, I have closed my mind to any such craziness because Momma said so. And, because I don't want to be a believer. The idea, even the term UFO turns me off and I start thinking of crack pots and weirdos.
In the early 1980s, Shirley MacLaine wrote, "Out On A Limb" about her adventures in meditation and travels to Peru and such. I enjoyed her book and soaked it up all the way to the point she mentioned UFOs and alien teachers and masters. That's when I put the book down and wrote her off as a nut case. That was 25 years ago. Since then I've not given it any thought, until now.
Since the November sighting over O'Hare and the report of light orbs over New Mexico, and now the live video clips of them over Lima, Peru, Mexico and Argentina, I'm having to readjust my perception and beliefs to be more open.
I had sent the email and video clip to several friends and primarily to my colleagues who are healers, intuitive messengers and teachers. I kept the message short and simple, something like, "What do you make of this?" I have received back some interesting information.
One teacher wrote, "They've come to help us out of this mess we've created."
Another wrote, "They're Angels coming to prepare us."
One wrote, "I don't know what the hell they are but when you find out let me know."
Alex says they are not from another planet but from another dimension. We are shifting out of our old outmoded consciousness into a new, expanded awareness of who we really are. The Earth is shifting. It is tilting and north is not true north any longer. Planets are constantly moving and spinning through space at about 40,000 miles an hour. As they move and shift the energy changes. We are about to see significant change in about 2012 when the planets are in such a position as to open a star gate so that we can evolve. Those people who are still sitting on their couches eating Cheetos and watching re-runs of Gunsmoke will be left behind in the three dimensional plane but those who are open, learning, reaching, will evolve.
I don't know about all of that. Last year I went to a funeral for my friends mother. Her church put on a slide show of what to expect when Jesus returns. I had to sit through it even though every nerve in my body wanted to scream. It was a crude, 1950s slide show of cartoon drawings of a grave yard. Angels came down from the sky and opened a curtain of clouds to reveal Jesus floating down from Heaven to gather up all the dead people who have been waiting for him since his last trip here. It was made for kindergartners I think. I dismissed it as something her church teaches, like so many churches who teach fairy tales. But, if the story was written in terms our little monkey brains could understand, and not in energetic, metaphysical terms, then perhaps it's all the same. It's not Jesus the man returning, it Christ Consciousness the energetic awareness that will be able to move through the thinning veil between dimensions.
So, are these light orbs the angels and are the stars and planets aligning to open a star gate to allow us to evolve in Christ Consciousness as my friend said? Or are all of these recent sightings just a coincidence, an unexplainable phenomenon, a trick of lighting and photoshop?
Beats me but I've decided to keep an open mind.
If you are interested in these videos go to YouTube and do a search for UFOs. Some of the clips are very interesting.
Now I'm out on a limb.....
Friday, June 15, 2007
A Reading
A woman in Anthem was looking for a psychic for a reading before she moved from Arizona to Tennessee. She was concerned about the move and it's affect on her children, her marriage, her life. She asked around for a referral and was lead to me.
She came to the front door with her husband in tow. As they walked over the threshold I was blasted by their combined energy. She was intense and frustrated, he was annoyed and resistant. I glanced at him and nodded as we were introduced but my focus was on her. She was genuinely grateful for the appointment and eager to begin. Him, not so much. He is or was a skeptic and there to protect her from a fraud, as a good husband would.
They chose to sit next to each other on the couch and as I approached my comfortable chair opposite them, I was stopped by the glaring energy. I stopped behind the chair and started chatting about what a beautiful day it was, and how lovely the yard looked. I introduced them to my dog who was waiting outside the sliding glass doors to the patio. My daughter had set out a lovely array of crystals, candles and incense for ambiance. I waited for their energy to calm down. When it didn't, I suggested that the sacred space we had created was being overwhelmed by their energy. Above their heads was a huge neon sign, blinking, "WE'RE MOVING!".
I sat down and shared with them what I was feeling and suggested we spend a moment or two calming the energy down. They laughed. As it turned out, they had just accidentally locked themselves out of the garage of the house they had just moved out of, leaving a few odds and ends inside and not allowing them to clean up the bits and pieces. The moving van had already picked up all of their belongings and they were scheduled to leave first thing the next morning. Needless to say, the tension was palpable.
After a few minutes of deep breathing and guided imagery, it all calmed down and we began. Husband still wasn't sure about me and I could read that. Since Wife made the appointment I focused on her. She is a beautiful and powerful spirit who has yet to know her truth. She was told that her awareness of this was necessary for the peace in her home and in her family. She is truly an unaware Goddess. Her home will reflect her energy more than anyone elses because of her power. The message for her was very clear, and as I shared what I was hearing, Husband began to nod in agreement and his shoulders began to relax. Suddenly it was obvious to him that I wasn't a fraud because he knew this to be true about her.
She asked about her children. They have two, 6 year old daughter and 3 year old son. I saw them and described what I saw and what I was told about who they are. Her daughter kept showing me this outfit. I acknowledged it and waited for more information. She kept showing me the outfit. I said to her, telepathically, "Yes, it's a nice outfit. What more do you have to share?" But, she kept going back to this outfit. So I said, "Clothes and fashion seem to be very important to her." Wife looked at me with shock, so I asked her, "Is this not true?"
She said, "It's absolutely true, I just can't believe that just came out of your mouth." My response? "Well, I guess that's why they call me psychic."
As it turned out, Daughter left her past life unfullfilled. She had wanted to be Shirley Temple, or like Shirley Temple. The outfit she showed me was a pinafore of dark heavy fabric. Maybe calling it a pinafore is misleading. Perhaps it was more like a jumper made of cordoroy. Underneath it was a white blouse with a Peter Pan collar. Her shoes were worn over lace trimmed socks and on the bottoms of the black shiney shoes were large metal taps. They were tap dancing shoes.
Again, I shared the details with Wife and Husband. Again, shock was reflected on both their faces. Daughter, as it turns out, has been begging for tap lessons for months. "Well," I said, "Make it happen." This is important for her to work this out. I looked into Husbands eyes and made it clear the importance of fulfilling this issue. He was no longer a doubter.
The message about the move to Tennessee, the new house, the new life was all very positive. Husband asked a few questions and the focus turned to him. I saw him climbing, or hiking up a very high steep cliff. I asked him if he was a climber and he said no he was afraid of heights but that he'd been thinking about trying to overcome that. Again, the message was, yes, move forward, climb. He said the first thing he will do when arriving in their new town was to find a place to climb. I answered all of his questions about his career, finances, health and personal challenges.
By the time the session was complete, Husband asked me if I would travel to Tennessee if he sent me the tickets and paid for my expenses. He wants to keep up these sessions every few months. From a non-believer to a committed student in 90 minutes. Way to go, Husband! My answer is always, "Yes." I will go where and when someone wants to connect. It's what I enjoy doing more than anything else. It was truly a healing for the two of them, and for their family.
Wife hugged me and looked me in the eyes. "You have no idea how you have changed our lives with your gift." I said thank you, but apparantly not convincing enough. She repeated it several times.
The energy as they left was calm, loving, excited and healed. I look forward to seeing beautiful Tennessee in the fall.
She came to the front door with her husband in tow. As they walked over the threshold I was blasted by their combined energy. She was intense and frustrated, he was annoyed and resistant. I glanced at him and nodded as we were introduced but my focus was on her. She was genuinely grateful for the appointment and eager to begin. Him, not so much. He is or was a skeptic and there to protect her from a fraud, as a good husband would.
They chose to sit next to each other on the couch and as I approached my comfortable chair opposite them, I was stopped by the glaring energy. I stopped behind the chair and started chatting about what a beautiful day it was, and how lovely the yard looked. I introduced them to my dog who was waiting outside the sliding glass doors to the patio. My daughter had set out a lovely array of crystals, candles and incense for ambiance. I waited for their energy to calm down. When it didn't, I suggested that the sacred space we had created was being overwhelmed by their energy. Above their heads was a huge neon sign, blinking, "WE'RE MOVING!".
I sat down and shared with them what I was feeling and suggested we spend a moment or two calming the energy down. They laughed. As it turned out, they had just accidentally locked themselves out of the garage of the house they had just moved out of, leaving a few odds and ends inside and not allowing them to clean up the bits and pieces. The moving van had already picked up all of their belongings and they were scheduled to leave first thing the next morning. Needless to say, the tension was palpable.
After a few minutes of deep breathing and guided imagery, it all calmed down and we began. Husband still wasn't sure about me and I could read that. Since Wife made the appointment I focused on her. She is a beautiful and powerful spirit who has yet to know her truth. She was told that her awareness of this was necessary for the peace in her home and in her family. She is truly an unaware Goddess. Her home will reflect her energy more than anyone elses because of her power. The message for her was very clear, and as I shared what I was hearing, Husband began to nod in agreement and his shoulders began to relax. Suddenly it was obvious to him that I wasn't a fraud because he knew this to be true about her.
She asked about her children. They have two, 6 year old daughter and 3 year old son. I saw them and described what I saw and what I was told about who they are. Her daughter kept showing me this outfit. I acknowledged it and waited for more information. She kept showing me the outfit. I said to her, telepathically, "Yes, it's a nice outfit. What more do you have to share?" But, she kept going back to this outfit. So I said, "Clothes and fashion seem to be very important to her." Wife looked at me with shock, so I asked her, "Is this not true?"
She said, "It's absolutely true, I just can't believe that just came out of your mouth." My response? "Well, I guess that's why they call me psychic."
As it turned out, Daughter left her past life unfullfilled. She had wanted to be Shirley Temple, or like Shirley Temple. The outfit she showed me was a pinafore of dark heavy fabric. Maybe calling it a pinafore is misleading. Perhaps it was more like a jumper made of cordoroy. Underneath it was a white blouse with a Peter Pan collar. Her shoes were worn over lace trimmed socks and on the bottoms of the black shiney shoes were large metal taps. They were tap dancing shoes.
Again, I shared the details with Wife and Husband. Again, shock was reflected on both their faces. Daughter, as it turns out, has been begging for tap lessons for months. "Well," I said, "Make it happen." This is important for her to work this out. I looked into Husbands eyes and made it clear the importance of fulfilling this issue. He was no longer a doubter.
The message about the move to Tennessee, the new house, the new life was all very positive. Husband asked a few questions and the focus turned to him. I saw him climbing, or hiking up a very high steep cliff. I asked him if he was a climber and he said no he was afraid of heights but that he'd been thinking about trying to overcome that. Again, the message was, yes, move forward, climb. He said the first thing he will do when arriving in their new town was to find a place to climb. I answered all of his questions about his career, finances, health and personal challenges.
By the time the session was complete, Husband asked me if I would travel to Tennessee if he sent me the tickets and paid for my expenses. He wants to keep up these sessions every few months. From a non-believer to a committed student in 90 minutes. Way to go, Husband! My answer is always, "Yes." I will go where and when someone wants to connect. It's what I enjoy doing more than anything else. It was truly a healing for the two of them, and for their family.
Wife hugged me and looked me in the eyes. "You have no idea how you have changed our lives with your gift." I said thank you, but apparantly not convincing enough. She repeated it several times.
The energy as they left was calm, loving, excited and healed. I look forward to seeing beautiful Tennessee in the fall.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Update on Baby Marlie
She will be six months old on the 18th. She has been on the prayer list of several churches since her dramatic arrival. Her mother, my daughter, has kept her by her side almost constantly, looking for signs the doctors said would appear if things turned south. She was never more than a few feet away from her unless Daddy or Grandma were there to step in.
I've been using every single healing protocol I know to assist this little baby girl. The last time I saw her I was very concerned about her development. Her eyes didn't seem to see, her ears didn't seem to hear, her head and her body didn't seem to be connected to her soul. She kept slipping out of her body. After a healing treatment from Ray Castellino, and the many treatments from me, and the prayers from around the country, I am happy to report that Marlie Elizabeth is seeing, hearing, playing, laughing and fully engaged. She now plays with her hands and feet and can hold up her head, although not for very long. She has to build up her strength still, but the fact that she's doing it at all is a healing miracle.
The doctors thought, perhaps, she was brain damaged from lack of oxygen, or had cerebral palsy. They ordered tests that would require her to be sedated. They referred her to neurologists and specialists of every sort, but I never believed it was a permanent condition. During our readings it was clear that the surgery and trauma were the cause of her condition. The baby was traumatized and her ethereal body had a leak. I knew if we could keep her grounded in her body and contained in it, she would thrive. That has been my mission. I've used Aura Soma treatments, flower remedies, crystals for grounding, massage, prayer, readings, and Reiki. Now the only thing left to do is release the tension in her abdomen and diaphram. It's better than it was but there is still room for improvement. I have some more training to take with Ray Castellino at the end of the month that will further promote her realignment with her little body. We have much to be grateful for.
I've been using every single healing protocol I know to assist this little baby girl. The last time I saw her I was very concerned about her development. Her eyes didn't seem to see, her ears didn't seem to hear, her head and her body didn't seem to be connected to her soul. She kept slipping out of her body. After a healing treatment from Ray Castellino, and the many treatments from me, and the prayers from around the country, I am happy to report that Marlie Elizabeth is seeing, hearing, playing, laughing and fully engaged. She now plays with her hands and feet and can hold up her head, although not for very long. She has to build up her strength still, but the fact that she's doing it at all is a healing miracle.
The doctors thought, perhaps, she was brain damaged from lack of oxygen, or had cerebral palsy. They ordered tests that would require her to be sedated. They referred her to neurologists and specialists of every sort, but I never believed it was a permanent condition. During our readings it was clear that the surgery and trauma were the cause of her condition. The baby was traumatized and her ethereal body had a leak. I knew if we could keep her grounded in her body and contained in it, she would thrive. That has been my mission. I've used Aura Soma treatments, flower remedies, crystals for grounding, massage, prayer, readings, and Reiki. Now the only thing left to do is release the tension in her abdomen and diaphram. It's better than it was but there is still room for improvement. I have some more training to take with Ray Castellino at the end of the month that will further promote her realignment with her little body. We have much to be grateful for.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
And another thing....

A long ago memory surfaced while I was stranded in the desert last week. Maybe twenty or more years ago I went to see an amazing psychic. It was my very first reading and one of the first things she said to me was this;
"They're showing me a cactus. It's one of those that looks like it has arms and stands tall. This is symbolic of your current energy. Like a cactus you have much to offer people. They can survive by drinking from your juices. You can even feed them. You have beautiful flowers that attract others. But, you have thorns that keep people at a safe distance. You have much to give if you will allow others near you."
I remembered this because I was wondering what I would do if I was really stranded. I mean, like lost in the desert. One thing the desert has plenty of is cactus. Yep, I'd survive.
I'm Baaaack
Phoenix weather this trip was perfect, not too hot and there was actually a breeze. Tomorrow, however, they're expecting 109 degrees. I got out in the nick of time.
The trip didn't start out well. I left Sunday morning of last week, the first day of the summer heat. It was 112 outside of Quartzite and that happened to be the exact spot I ran out of gas. Yep, me the Girl Scout, the C.E.R.T. member, the organized planner that I am, ran out of gas in the middle of the hot, dry, effing desert, and not in a populated spot either. I coasted off the freeway into the situation where nightmares are made, nightmares and Law and Order episodes. There wasn't a sign, not a phone, not a building, not a tumble weed in sight.
After a one or two curse words I picked up my cell phone to discover I was out of reception range. I got out of the car with Maggie Mae and walked up a hill to get in range but as soon as I dialed AAA my phone signaled it was out of juice. Yep. That was the moment I visioned someone coming across my bleached bones. I went back to the car and charged it up but it was way to hot in there. I checked my water supply which turned out to be six ounces left in my travel mug and two baggies of ice in the Playmate cooler. How long could I survive on that?
The sun was beating down on my black jeans and my un-sunblocked face. Shelter! I needed shelter. I took all the clothes I had on hangers and hung them from the visors, rear view mirror, side windows and the temperature dropped several degrees.
I was down in a low spot so traffic on the freeway couldn't see me. I had to leave the doors open for whatever little breeze could blow through. I thought of snake stories and deranged truckers. I thought of how wasteful my desert survival training had been. I knew better! You never, never, never travel through the California/Arizona desert without at least a gallon of water and some means of shelter. And how ridiculous to not have a charged phone handy? I couldn't have written a better opening scene for a horror movie.
Finally, after charging my phone and another hike up the hill I was able to reach AAA roadside service. I was embarrassed to say what had happened.
Two hours later I was rescued with a couple of gallons of gas. I always fill up in Quartzite. It's my routine. Fill up at home and again in Quartzite, but I forgot I drove to the wedding and back . I was five miles short of Quartzite. Five miles. Glad I didn't have to walk those miles. Maggie's paws would have been blistered for sure.
Anyway, I survived and made it all the way to Anthem in time for Michael's birthday. It's hard to believe he is four years old. I'll be heading back for the Fourth of July celebrations and a few days of babysitting so Shanon and Danny can spend some time in Vegas for a friend's wedding. I'm a good grandma.
The trip didn't start out well. I left Sunday morning of last week, the first day of the summer heat. It was 112 outside of Quartzite and that happened to be the exact spot I ran out of gas. Yep, me the Girl Scout, the C.E.R.T. member, the organized planner that I am, ran out of gas in the middle of the hot, dry, effing desert, and not in a populated spot either. I coasted off the freeway into the situation where nightmares are made, nightmares and Law and Order episodes. There wasn't a sign, not a phone, not a building, not a tumble weed in sight.
After a one or two curse words I picked up my cell phone to discover I was out of reception range. I got out of the car with Maggie Mae and walked up a hill to get in range but as soon as I dialed AAA my phone signaled it was out of juice. Yep. That was the moment I visioned someone coming across my bleached bones. I went back to the car and charged it up but it was way to hot in there. I checked my water supply which turned out to be six ounces left in my travel mug and two baggies of ice in the Playmate cooler. How long could I survive on that?
The sun was beating down on my black jeans and my un-sunblocked face. Shelter! I needed shelter. I took all the clothes I had on hangers and hung them from the visors, rear view mirror, side windows and the temperature dropped several degrees.
I was down in a low spot so traffic on the freeway couldn't see me. I had to leave the doors open for whatever little breeze could blow through. I thought of snake stories and deranged truckers. I thought of how wasteful my desert survival training had been. I knew better! You never, never, never travel through the California/Arizona desert without at least a gallon of water and some means of shelter. And how ridiculous to not have a charged phone handy? I couldn't have written a better opening scene for a horror movie.
Finally, after charging my phone and another hike up the hill I was able to reach AAA roadside service. I was embarrassed to say what had happened.
Two hours later I was rescued with a couple of gallons of gas. I always fill up in Quartzite. It's my routine. Fill up at home and again in Quartzite, but I forgot I drove to the wedding and back . I was five miles short of Quartzite. Five miles. Glad I didn't have to walk those miles. Maggie's paws would have been blistered for sure.
Anyway, I survived and made it all the way to Anthem in time for Michael's birthday. It's hard to believe he is four years old. I'll be heading back for the Fourth of July celebrations and a few days of babysitting so Shanon and Danny can spend some time in Vegas for a friend's wedding. I'm a good grandma.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
On A Happier Note

Anne and Chris are, at this moment, celebrating their wedding day. I was so honored to have been asked to officiate at such a holy and sacred occasion. I was in the traditional black robe, standing under a beautiful tree with the ocean at my back. I got to watch the groom walk down the aisle with his mother and father, and then the grooms men and the maid of honor. The flower girl walked very slowly, sprinkling her petals along the way. Then came Anne, beautiful bride that she was, with her mother and father. It certainly is a different perspective from the front of the family and friends.
It was a beautiful ceremony, if I do say so myself. If Anne and Chris will allow, I will write up the whole thing and post it here.
I so love my work!
It was a beautiful ceremony, if I do say so myself. If Anne and Chris will allow, I will write up the whole thing and post it here.
I so love my work!
Cpl. Joseph Anzack Jr.

I was driving around town yesterday, running errands before my Sunday morning drive to Phoenix. I just happened to be on my way home, not a half a mile away, when the traffic stopped. I didn't know why the street was lined with hundreds of people, many holding flags. There were children and grandfathers standing with their hands clasped and mothers with babies, boys on bikes and skate boards. I wasn't sure what to make of it. Memorial Day had passed, and then I remembered. I stopped my car in the middle of the street as I watched a few dozen motorcycle officers round the corner of Torrance Blvd and head south with their lights on and their faces solemn. Then came his hearse. It was within touching distance of me. I saw his flag draped coffin and I wept. I sobbed.
Joseph graduated from the same high school my daughter attended and the same school where my sister taught for many years. He was so young. He suffered so terribly.
If you are so inclined, here is a guest book where you can leave a message for the his family.
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