Thursday, August 28, 2008


The Importance of Feeling Worthy

The Source of All That Is, is a loving vibration of Peace, Love, and Joyous acceptance of and for YOU! The Great Spirit loves you just as you love your children.. Would you not throw yourself in front of a train to protect your children? Would you not climb the highest mountain for them to have all that they need to feel happy and complete? The love that Great Spirit has for you is a constant love, never ceasing, never wavering. The Divine Matrix of intelligence and creativity is a constant supply of abundant positivity. The only thing that separates you from that powerful love and joy is your own belief of unworthiness. The energy of love is flowing all around you and when you allow it, it will flow into you. Drop the act of not being deserving. Drop the act of punishment and imperfection. There is no punishment but the punishment we inflict on ourselves. Feeling worthy of the Universal Love comes down to a choice. If you feel you have “sinned” and deserve to be punished then you will continue to separate yourself from that glorious feeling of Unconditional Love. We tend to focus on our mistakes and imperfections rather than on the positive attributes we carry with us everyday.

Remember this: The word ‘sin’ is an Old English archery term and it means, “Off the mark.”

What are the things you can do to feel more worthy of connecting to Spirit?

1. Blessing others for one hour.

2. Climb for Atonement

3. Write down all of your personal qualities and unselfish acts you have performed in your life that give you a feeling of self pride. Self pride is very different from false pride. Self pride is about honoring your true nature of goodness and worthiness of love and appreciation. It could be anything from rescuing an animal, planting a seed, watering your neighbors lawn and taking in their mail and newspapers, giving money to a homeless person, smiling at an unhappy child, giving an unexpected gift, giving an unsolicited compliment, …..write them all down….keep writing until you feel worthy. Go all the way back to kindergarten, when you made a clay ashtray for your mother with unspoiled love. List them all, big and small and keep writing until you begin to remember your goodness and your worthiness. Include all statements like, “I am funny. I use humor to lighten up others.” “I am generous with praise.” “I read to my children even though I feel too tired to do so, because I love them. I am a good mother/father.” “I’ve been a good friend.” “I am creative.” These are the gifts and qualities of your spirit and Spirit wants you to acknowledge your gifts, talents and qualities. If you need help with this process go ask your loved ones, friends and family to offer up three things they appreciate and know about you.

4. Rule of Five: Go out right now and do 5 anonymous good deeds. It can be sending a card to someone signed, “Someone who loves you.” You can send 5 if you want. Or bake some cookies for a local hospital or nursing home and drop them off without your name or need for attention or thanks. Have an old back pack? Fill it with your half empty shampoos and lotions you never use and hand it off to a homeless shelter. Take a blanket to a homeless person. Put a secret message in a book at your local library that will leave someone with a good feeling. Next time you drive through a Starbucks or McDonalds, pay for the person behind you to have a free cup of coffee or soft drink. Go plant a tree. Be creative. It will amplify your feelings of worthiness. Next time you shop at Costco pick up an extra case of canned fruit or vegetables and drop them off at your local food bank or church. Be of service anonymously FIVE times in one day and you will shift your feelings of deservingness.

5. Look around nature and count all the things that you find beautiful. Every blade of grass, cloud, flower, animal, tree, breeze and keep counting the gifts that Source or Great Spirit has given you because you do deserve.