This is a Rune of restoration. It calls for the rebuilding of belief in yourself, in your life and, if you have fallen away, in your relationship with the Divine.
It has been said that faith is not belief without proof, but rather trust without reservation, and that trust, when cared for and respected, encourages the self to blossom. Trust is divine medicine.
For some, drawing this Rune asks you to show trust in a present situation. For others, it calls for embracing the changes you are facing with trust and wisdom.
If this Rune applies to your relationship with yourself, know that love grows when trust is present. And in relationships of the heart, remember that I love you and I trust you are two stones for crossing the same stream.
On the other hand, if trust is lacking in your life, consider what you can do to restore it, or to create it where it never was. For trust is the foundation upon which we build our lives and do God's work in the world. However oppressive or painful the moment may seem, this rune urges you to have faith and to know that, as you heal, you will be able to trust again.
Look at it this way: Each time you face the issue of trust, you are being asked to grow. When you push through your fears and trust your feelings, you do grow --- and trust grows in you.
Receiving this Rune, you are encouraged to take the first step, to reclaim the lost trust you once cherished and thrived upon. We are born to live our lives in trust. Let no one tell you differently.
Know thyself was the counsel of the Oracle at Delphi in ancient Greece. Now, at the close of the twentieth century [and the beginning of the twenty-first] to those wise words let us add: Trust and heal thyself.
Persevere in your journey, and trust in your healing process, for both are uniquely yours and as individual as fingerprints and snowflakes.
Whenever this Rune comes to you, remember the wise teacher, the one that speaks from the silence within us.
The breath of heaven is everywhere trust is.