Friday, August 22, 2008

How do you want to do it?

How are you feeling? Feeling good? Feeling empowered? Did you remember to remember that the Divine Matrix of Universal Love and Wisdom is responding to you right now? Don't want to call it that? Would you rather call it God? Divine Intelligence? Personal Brain Power? Higher Self? Source? Great Spirit? The Force? Call it whatever feels right to you. IT IS. That's all you need to know and trust. It always is.....responding to you. Every minute of everyday, 24/7. It is duplicating what you are thinking and feeling into your present physical experience. What you put out, you draw back to you. Kinda like a boomerang. The Divine Matrix, I call God and I sometimes call The Force, is always drawing to you more of what you are putting your attention on. Oh dear.... You might want to shift your perspective and your emotions and your thoughts to how you want to feel. Ask your divine team of spirits to tell you the best way to manage your situation. Ask for clarity. Ask for guidance. Declare your intentions and ask if they are in alignment with your greatest good. You may receive a 'no' answer. You may receive a 'yes'. But you will receive direction if you ask for it. You might hear, "Trust that you are not alone." Sometimes just recognizing that you don't do anything alone is sufficient to shift your vibration a little, a baby step. If you want direction, ask for it and wait to see the answer. Feel what it feels like to Trust that there is a spirit present with you right now....perhaps many. I often see mulitple guides and angels around my clients when I do readings. I see thier family and loved ones, sometimes their pets and children. They love being around you, listening and feeling you and amplifying your intentions. Ask yourself what you've been putting your attention on. Are you vibrating at trust? Can you start Trusting that when you connect with the Divine you are heard, you are loved, you are guided and you are empowered? You can know and trust that when you engage in a partnership with the Divine, you are loved, protected, healed, and empowered with the ability to create your experiences deliberately! Consciously and deliberatly choose the beliefs you want to have. Choose the ones that will lift you, like, "This is all going to resolve in a way that is beneficial to me and everyone involved." When you believe it and accept it and trust that it is so, then so it is. Let the universe respond to that!

Let go of the beliefs that hinder you. Let go of the lower vibrations right now and put your attention on your relationship with Spirit! Amplify your desires. Choose to believe in your highest good. Suspend all doubt. Trust completely. Have faith. The great teacher Jesus said that the miracles he performed were things we could do and that we could do much more. So start believing in your ability to create what you prefer. "I am Prosperity. I am INTUITIVE. Everything always works out perfectly for me. I am divinely guided to experience my highest good. I am always healthy. I want to feel more loving and lovable today and everyday! I want to respond to life with YES! Yes to love. Yes to radiant health. Yes to abundant prosperity. Yes to fun. Yes to patience. Yes to faith and trust and wisdom. Yes, to spiritual guidance. Yes to healthy relationships. Yes to success. Yes to a renewed country and continent and planet. The universe always responds to you. If you say yes more often, you will more likely get yes right back.

Try it, you'll like it. Experiment with it. You've got nothing to lose but sadness, depression, guilt, fear, illness, poverty, blah blah blah. >grins< That's right folks. Go play with it, and watch for the positive evidence that Spirit always responds.