Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Winds Have Changed

Moisture is moving into Southern California. I felt it at 6 PM last night. The winds have slowed and shifted direction. There is good news in Malibu, Canyon Country, and other hot spots. I can breathe, although, I won't be taking any long walks just yet.

Thank you all for your kind messages and prayers.

I remember the last time we were surrounded on all sides by wild fires. It was October, 1993 and I was mad hot crazy in love with a silver haired Zorro. He lived on a boat in the Portofino Marina that is right down the hill from me. We were snuggled up inside his cabin when we smelled the smoke. When we stepped up onto the deck it was covered with ash. The air was red and glowing like our love, or so we thought at the time. I thought about this last night as I drifted off to sleep. My attitude that time and my attitude this time are a contrast in energies. It was the same type of wild fires, burning up homes and hillsides, spewing particles in the air, but it felt like purifying passion back then. This time it felt like devastation and murder. The only difference is my state of mind. My perception and attitude changed the experience. Love changed the experience.

So, I've decided to shift my energy today from sadness and fear, to love and trust. I will take baby steps as I move from the lower vibrations to the higher ones.

We are powerful beings with a connection to the infinite intelligence of creation. When we consciously make that connection to the higher vibrations of the universe, we are divinely guided to make the right decisions, take the right action and trust that we have a higher purpose.