Saturday, October 27, 2007

What a Difference a Blog Makes

Three years ago I had a blog where I wrote a great deal more about political issues, the war, and global warming. I chose to delete that blog for this one. My intention was to shift awareness from what I viewed as 'wrong' with our current state of affairs, to focus on the possibilities and positive evidence of what is 'right' right now.

We know that what we put our attention on, with emotional energy, tends to create more of the same. That is the Universal Law of Attraction, The Law of Cause and Effect, Karma. Opening a doorway in the collective unconscious to the solutions rather than the problems is a way of shifting energies to greater possibilities.

Every problem has a solution. The solutions are already in place and have been since we started asking and praying for things to be better. Those who pray and meditate on Peace are adding to the mass energy of solutions rather than more conflict. Those who bring their attention to the solutions to global warming and hope for future generations are adding to the possibilities for the very ideas, inventions and discoveries that are now taking form. A movement and shift in consciousness is gaining strength to shift from global destruction to balance and global harmony.

Evangelical fundamentalist Christians believe in the apocalypse and believe the end of the world is at hand. They believe it, are emotional about it, lecture on it, sermonize about it, and create a mass of energy that supports it. What they, and others like them, don't seem to understand is the mechanics of creation. These individuals and organized groups, by their focused attention and fear, are really creating much more of what we are experiencing than they know. The Law of Attraction works whether you believe in it or not. It works whether you are thinking about health and prosperity or hate and vengence. It works by intention or by default.

I changed blogs so as not to add to that energy. Instead I wanted to teach about alternative possibilities. Put your attention on love, as Jesus taught us, and you will experience your life differently. Come from acceptance, as Jesus taught us, and you will experience harmony. Hold faith in your heart, as Jesus taught us, and you will live in a state of trust and health.

There is a huge difference between Christians and Christ Followers. Christ followers hear His words of love, peace, harmony, non-judgemental brotherhood and that is what we follow. When organized religion and 'churches' manipulated His words and messages, to follow a selfish agenda for profit, Christ Consciousness had to take a back seat. For this reason alone I support the "Separation of Church and State" amendment. Religion has no place in politics and vice versa.

When people ask me if I am a Christian, I say no. The truth is, I am a Christ Follower. I follow his message and the meaning of His life as my truth. He was inclusive, not exclusive. He loved all people. He was a Buddha, a fully enlightened spirit who had experienced nirvana. He put his hands on the sick and healed them with a combination of His love and their faith. That is healing energy. He awakened the hope in the hopeless and he forgave the unforgivable. When he was asked about these miracles he performed he said that these things he did, we can do and much more. Jesus was a pacifist, a liberal, a healer, a teacher, a passionate and loving man by all accounts. When did his message become so polluted with hate and discrimination?

Much has been said about global warming being the cause of the fires in Southern California and hurricane Katrina. More fear propaganda. Some Christians have said it is God's wrath for our liberal ways and our acceptance of alternative lifestyles. More fear.

The fire in Malibu happened because of strong winds blowing down a power line. The fire in Irvine started because of a very sick man who needed to feel powerful so he lit a match. We are experiencing a drought, things are dry so everyone wants to blame someone, including God.

A few years ago we were flooded by El Nino and again...the God's are angry...who do we sacrifice? Who do we blame? Homosexuals? Liberals? Environmentalists? The President? Someone, please. How silly is that? Fear breeds more fear and down the rabbit hole we all go. Stop it.

Stop for a moment, that's all it takes. Stop and put your attention on the solutions, inventions, discoveries, and new ways of thinking and being that will allow the solutions to manifest. You don't have to know what the solutions are. You only have to know that God, in it's infinite wisdom and love, always has a solution, a healing, an enlightened avenue for this planet. It is evidenced all around us.

In the recent fires here, there were beautiful heroes everywhere. Normal, everyday citizens saving animals, saving neighbors homes, opening their's for the 'refugee's of fire' to find harbor and safety. Yes. Look for the heroes and the miracles that came from this disaster. Look for the awakening and the love that has come from this. See these people recovering. See them finding solutions. See them rebuilding. See them finding answers. See us all in the light in which we were created.

Focus on the cure, not the disease. Anger and fear is the disease. What is the cure?

I watched Bill Maher last night. His guests were angry that women in the Middle East wear burqa's. Huh? We're angry at our president and vice president. We're angry with our congress. We're angry at the democrats the republicans the left, the right, the sick, the poor, the immigrants, the doctors the patients....

Understanding is the cure for anger and fear. Understanding happens when you quiet down the inner chatter and listen. Open your mind to alternative ways of thinking and being. Ask for a change in you that will bring about your own enlightenment, your own state of peace and grace, even in the face of others fear and anger. That's how we will move forward and heal this planet and these conflicts.

So, with that in mind. Close your eyes and receive some expanded breaths. Calm down your fear and anger and ask to see a doorway, an alternative to conflict, a way to peace and harmony. Ask for the solutions, discoveries and inventions to be shown to us, the 'collective' us. Then move through your day, looking for the evidence that your Angels, Spirit Guides, God, have heard you and they are acting according to your intention. Do it everyday, several times a day if you wish. We have the power to make the shifts necessary so that our children have a bright path to follow. Be the healers you were put here to be.

That's alls I'm sayin.