Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Importance of Keeping a Positive Evidence Log

It's so easy to brush off the positive experiences we have throughout our days as, 'coincidences' and then quickly move on to the next thing we have scheduled. But, when we take the time to write them down, we begin to see a positive pattern emerge. I tell my clients to script their day, first thing in the morning, and if needed, again in the afternoon. Script how you want to feel during your day of projects. How do you want to feel paying your bills? Want to feel grateful for your prosperity? Want to make friends with your bills? Want to be respectful of the process? Maybe light a candle and play some fun music? Turn it into a pleasurable experience instead of a drag?

How about scripting how you want to feel in traffic today? Or script how you want to feel at your dentist appointment. Script how you want to feel doing household chores, doing laundry and cleaning out the refrigerator. How do you want to feel when you go to the parent teacher conference and how you want to feel at the car wash.

Scripting is our way of communicating to our guides, teachers, angels and master coach, what it is we are wanting. We set the tone for what to expect. We go about our day looking for positive evidence that our message was heard and acted upon.

At night, before falling asleep, I write in my positive evidence book all the positive things that took place during day as a way of bringing to my attention all the evidence of prosperity, health, love and positive action in my life and giving me an opportunity to feel grateful for all the things that go my way. It can be something as simple as that perfect parking space, the quarter on the ground next the that parking meter, or as big as the surprise check that arrived in the mail. The more we go about our lives looking for positive evidence of our spiritual growth and enlightenment, the more enlightened we become. Remember, energy flows where your attention goes.