Check out the new link I've added to Shambhala meditation site. You can get instruction online and start your practice of healing through breathing. Find your gentle state.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
For Fun (and because I look great!)
My daughter sent me an email this morning with a video of her father and I in our dancing days.....I forgot how good we were. LOL
Monday, May 28, 2007
The Conscientious Carnivore
I keep hearing, more and more, the term, Conscientious Carnivore, so I decided to Google it. Very interesting. I think I'll join.
Memorial Day

Today is Monday, Memorial Day, 2007. A day set aside to feel gratitude, show honor, respect, and extend our thoughts and feelings to reach the Heavens, with a message of love, a message of remembrance, of why we are a nation of 'Americans'. Whether you are a conservative or a liberal, a Republican or Democrat, a Christian, Jew, Hindu or Atheist, in this, we are ONE. Because of the Revolutionaries, who fought and died for the birth of a new nation, the soldiers who died to protect our freedoms and rights, for all men and women, and the souls who fought against tyranny, we call ourselves, 'Americans'. Whether it was in The Pacific or Atlantic, over foreign lands or on the home front, they stood up for us.
Last night my family gathered together to make a toast, to PEACE.
My family tree goes all the way back to John Adams and beyond. My ancestors were pioneers. Many generations have struggled, fought and died bravely for an idea called Democracy. My father and uncles fought in WWII, my brother-in-law, neighbor, friends and husband, fought in Vietnam. These were the fortunate ones who were able to return to their lives and families. Today we remember the ones who were lost, in body, but never in Spirit. United, as a Nation of Americans, we say, "Thank you. We remember."
Last night my family gathered together to make a toast, to PEACE.
My family tree goes all the way back to John Adams and beyond. My ancestors were pioneers. Many generations have struggled, fought and died bravely for an idea called Democracy. My father and uncles fought in WWII, my brother-in-law, neighbor, friends and husband, fought in Vietnam. These were the fortunate ones who were able to return to their lives and families. Today we remember the ones who were lost, in body, but never in Spirit. United, as a Nation of Americans, we say, "Thank you. We remember."
Thursday, May 24, 2007
From Eric Pearl
Remember, too, why many of us who have been practicing healing techniques got involved with them in the first place. It wasn’t to become a fanatical follower for the technique itself—it was to become a healer. The technique was simply one of our early steps in this process.
For a moment, picture yourself standing at the foot of a grand, cascading staircase. One of your goals—that of becoming a healer—awaits you at the top. Your first step is to learn a technique. You throw yourself into this technique, mastering it, maybe even becoming a teacher. You now own this first step. It’s okay to love it, but be careful not to fall in love with it. Because if you do, you’ll sit down, grab a blanket and pillow, move in, and make this step the center of the rest of your life. But what does that mean about the remainder of your journey up the staircase? It stops. Now is the time to bless your first steps . . . and continue upward.
For a moment, picture yourself standing at the foot of a grand, cascading staircase. One of your goals—that of becoming a healer—awaits you at the top. Your first step is to learn a technique. You throw yourself into this technique, mastering it, maybe even becoming a teacher. You now own this first step. It’s okay to love it, but be careful not to fall in love with it. Because if you do, you’ll sit down, grab a blanket and pillow, move in, and make this step the center of the rest of your life. But what does that mean about the remainder of your journey up the staircase? It stops. Now is the time to bless your first steps . . . and continue upward.
Alex Grey

I have been a fan of Alex Grey's art for years and today I received an email with this link to some videos of his work....amazing stuff. There are several films on this site. If you have the time, check them out. He is quite a visionary.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The things I've studied and stuff I do....
In the past 25 or so years, I've studied and/or have been certified in:
Swedish Massage
Manual Lymph Drainage
Complete De congestive Physiotherapy
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Metaphysical Transformative Meditation
Psychic Awareness Training
Religious Science
Psych-K (Psychological Kinesiology)
Astro-traveling ( I know, I know, it sounds a bit 'out there', but it's true. I'll write about that someday.)
You'd think I'd be finished, wouldn't you? No. I'm now going to take Craniosacral Therapy and I'm going to take Ray Castellino's Process Workshop. They're a must. These trainings will shift my work in the most amazing way. Not by what I do, but how I do it. In fact, these classes will change me, I suspect. I can feel the change coming. Another shift in consciousness. A higher vibration. I know this because I see it in the people who do this work. I feel it pour off of them. I'm never wrong about these things. Well, except for the MLD training and the Complete Decongestive Physiotherapy.....I never use that stuff. Even though they taught me more about the lymphatic system than most doctors learn in medical school. It was intense.
So, that's the stuff I've studied. Here's the stuff I do.
I'm a Healing Minister with The Universal Life Church (I perform weddings and baptisms, assist at funerals and counsel the sick and dying. I perform psychic readings, I teach metaphysical meditation, and I still do bodywork. I am slowly, and I do mean ssloooowly, writing a book about some of my case studies, at the same time channeling another book. My days are very busy. Tonight I attended a meeting for the Progressive Democratic America and heard a speaker discuss immigration issues and bills in the House and the Senate. Yep, I'm a busy woman.
Swedish Massage
Manual Lymph Drainage
Complete De congestive Physiotherapy
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Metaphysical Transformative Meditation
Psychic Awareness Training
Religious Science
Psych-K (Psychological Kinesiology)
Astro-traveling ( I know, I know, it sounds a bit 'out there', but it's true. I'll write about that someday.)
You'd think I'd be finished, wouldn't you? No. I'm now going to take Craniosacral Therapy and I'm going to take Ray Castellino's Process Workshop. They're a must. These trainings will shift my work in the most amazing way. Not by what I do, but how I do it. In fact, these classes will change me, I suspect. I can feel the change coming. Another shift in consciousness. A higher vibration. I know this because I see it in the people who do this work. I feel it pour off of them. I'm never wrong about these things. Well, except for the MLD training and the Complete Decongestive Physiotherapy.....I never use that stuff. Even though they taught me more about the lymphatic system than most doctors learn in medical school. It was intense.
So, that's the stuff I've studied. Here's the stuff I do.
I'm a Healing Minister with The Universal Life Church (I perform weddings and baptisms, assist at funerals and counsel the sick and dying. I perform psychic readings, I teach metaphysical meditation, and I still do bodywork. I am slowly, and I do mean ssloooowly, writing a book about some of my case studies, at the same time channeling another book. My days are very busy. Tonight I attended a meeting for the Progressive Democratic America and heard a speaker discuss immigration issues and bills in the House and the Senate. Yep, I'm a busy woman.
The Soul Remembers
Dave, a CEO of a software company, a big man with blue eyes and grey hair, nervously asked me if I believed in past life regression and was it something I could do. Apparently he had seen a morning television show that featured a story about regression for the purpose of healing old wounds that are carried into the current life. He saw people who suffered from insomnia and phobias and certain anxiety issues that were unable to be cured or helped by conventional therapy and they had shared, on national television, their remarkable cures. He has suffered with a fear of closed in spaces and was finding it more and more difficult to get into an elevator or fly on a plane. When it became particularly difficult he would take the stairs or cancel a flight and drive. His condition was beginning to affect his ability to do his job effectively and efficiently. The anxiety was spilling over into other areas as well.
I've been trained in past life regression and I've seen many of my own previous lifetimes. I assured him there was nothing to it. He seemed relieved if not a bit doubtful. He has had this condition his whole life, sometimes worse than others. At that particular time it was as bad as it had ever been.
He relaxed through a deep breathing exercise I guided him through and as he was relaxing I explained the process to him. He relaxed more and more until he was limp on the table. I said, "Ask to see the origin point of this condition and tell me the first thing you see." This is how it went.
"It's dark and smelly. There are too many people in here. We're stuffed down in.... Someone is sick. Many people have been sick. We're in a boat, down below. I can't breathe. It stinks really badly." His breathing got shallow and he seemed to struggle with this memory.
"We're on a ship, an old ship. Someone up above opened the hatch and I can see the sky. I'm trying to climb up the ladder by he's kicking me down. He threw something inside and everyone is grabbing for it but all I want is to get out, I want to breath fresh air."
I asked, "Look at your self and tell me how old you are? Who are you?"
"I'm a boy, maybe 14. I'm traveling... I'm alone. My family isn't here. I can't breath. This is a slave ship. Oh my God."
"What year is it?"
After a long pause... "16....16oo's."
The session lasted less than an hour. His next appointment he shared with me that his fear had greatly reduced. He's been taking elevators and was scheduled to fly to Chicago the following day. From that point on, he wanted to know much more about my future vision than his past lives, asking questions about a new job in San Francisco and how much the stock would be in October.
Over the next years that he came to me he never mentioned a problem with closed spaces again. It really is that simple. If you suspect your issues are tugging at you from a past life....go see a hypnotherapist or spiritual consultant with experience in past life regression. It's quite fascinating.
I've been trained in past life regression and I've seen many of my own previous lifetimes. I assured him there was nothing to it. He seemed relieved if not a bit doubtful. He has had this condition his whole life, sometimes worse than others. At that particular time it was as bad as it had ever been.
He relaxed through a deep breathing exercise I guided him through and as he was relaxing I explained the process to him. He relaxed more and more until he was limp on the table. I said, "Ask to see the origin point of this condition and tell me the first thing you see." This is how it went.
"It's dark and smelly. There are too many people in here. We're stuffed down in.... Someone is sick. Many people have been sick. We're in a boat, down below. I can't breathe. It stinks really badly." His breathing got shallow and he seemed to struggle with this memory.
"We're on a ship, an old ship. Someone up above opened the hatch and I can see the sky. I'm trying to climb up the ladder by he's kicking me down. He threw something inside and everyone is grabbing for it but all I want is to get out, I want to breath fresh air."
I asked, "Look at your self and tell me how old you are? Who are you?"
"I'm a boy, maybe 14. I'm traveling... I'm alone. My family isn't here. I can't breath. This is a slave ship. Oh my God."
"What year is it?"
After a long pause... "16....16oo's."
The session lasted less than an hour. His next appointment he shared with me that his fear had greatly reduced. He's been taking elevators and was scheduled to fly to Chicago the following day. From that point on, he wanted to know much more about my future vision than his past lives, asking questions about a new job in San Francisco and how much the stock would be in October.
Over the next years that he came to me he never mentioned a problem with closed spaces again. It really is that simple. If you suspect your issues are tugging at you from a past life....go see a hypnotherapist or spiritual consultant with experience in past life regression. It's quite fascinating.
Monday, May 21, 2007
If forgiveness is the ultimate preventive medicine, and I believe it is, as do millions of people, then my earlier post, Care Givers, doesn't say much for my personal, metaphysical medicine cabinet. My bottle of forgiveness seems to need a refill.
If I had truly forgiven the 'human monsters', I would not have any resistance to giving them care, in their time of need. I would not be repulsed by the acts they had committed, or at least I would not be focused on those acts. More to the point, I would be focused on their souls.
A Soul is not a personality, and it is not the sum of its thoughts or deeds, nor its emotions. A Soul comes here, into a human experience, with intention, with purpose, and with assistance to live out their 'destiny', and to perform and act out whatever it is they intended to act out. It may be for the enlightenment of others that they mirror our rage, our deceit, our 'dark side'. They may be sacrificing their lightness to show us our darkness so that we may, indeed, grow. In fact, by my labeling them "monsters" I have attached my judgement to the experience of who they are, which will not allow growth, but only resistance to growth.
As I look at the man who inspired that post, I know that he was an alcoholic, a rage-oholic, a pedophile, a child abuser, and one of the most depressed men I've ever seen. I could take all of that information and make a judgement, without further inspection. I would say, "No need, he is faulty, broken, evil, damaged and deserves what he gets, whatever that is." However, upon closer examination, upon further investigation, I would know that he was born to an abusive, depressed, suicidal father, who was an adulterer. His mother was cold, distant and unloving. His father died when he was young and he was left to his older, dysfunctional brothers and sisters. I believe he was only 15 or 16 when he joined the army to fight in WWII and later, Korea. He was abused, beaten and forced to experience atrocities, first hand. He was, by all counts, a victim of his childhood, if there is such a thing.
In his generation there was a stigma to seeking help. There were no medications or therapies to help him. He had the Catholic Church but it only made him fear his own mind and feel undeserving. He could hardly bring himself to confess his inner hell so that no forgiveness could be had ....he was too far gone by then. He never forgave himself. His constant need for punishment, his dark thoughts, and his anguish consumed him. He suffers all the effects of living such a life.
His behavior, his personality, his dark mood were grown and fed with his earliest memories of denial and rejection. Now, I know what some of you are thinking. Lots of people grow up abused and neglected and they go on to do great things, it's a matter of choice. Anyone who has ever suffered with a chemical imbalance can tell you that it's not that easy. Your choices, when you are chemically damaged from repeated patterns, are very limited. I know when I suffered an emotional trauma, it took months, in fact, it took nearly two years to completely recover. My mood was dark, I could hardly meditate, my work suffered, and my relationships disappeared. I struggled day after day to recover my Light. I was fortunate to do so. I believe my perseverance was predicated by my previous experience of Lightness. But, for those who have never experienced that spiritual ecstasy, they may not have the desire to continue the fight back to wholeness, for not knowing it exists.
I wanted to deny the human monsters any love or forgiveness. I didn't mind if they continued to suffer.
So, what is the truth if we are all a mirror of each other? It means there is a part of myself I want to deny love and forgiveness. Being able to speak out our inner most anguish, our inner dark thoughts and feelings and forgive our humanness, allows the Light to shine upon it all. Holding it in and hiding it away allows it to fester and create dis-ease and dysfunction. Being in denial of our truth, our past, our feelings is what drives us to our collective obsessions and addictions.
So, I will powder the monsters tush. I will kiss them good-night. I will say, " You are forgiven for your weaknesses, so that we can all be forgiven." Until we can do that, the inner battle and outer battles will continue to rage.
I'll start with forgiving myself for holding on when I could have let go. I forgive myself for blaming others and for hating them for the circumstances that I co-created. I forgive myself for allowing my emotions to run amok, at the detriment of others around me. I forgive myself for judging others and myself, for being human. I am imperfectly, perfect and I will strive to see others in the light of that truth.
I will refill my forgiveness medicine bottle by choosing forgiveness over blame, forgiveness over judgement, forgiveness over anger. That is not to say I will not feel anger or blame but that I will bring it out into the light in order for that energy to be resolved and healed.
If I had truly forgiven the 'human monsters', I would not have any resistance to giving them care, in their time of need. I would not be repulsed by the acts they had committed, or at least I would not be focused on those acts. More to the point, I would be focused on their souls.
A Soul is not a personality, and it is not the sum of its thoughts or deeds, nor its emotions. A Soul comes here, into a human experience, with intention, with purpose, and with assistance to live out their 'destiny', and to perform and act out whatever it is they intended to act out. It may be for the enlightenment of others that they mirror our rage, our deceit, our 'dark side'. They may be sacrificing their lightness to show us our darkness so that we may, indeed, grow. In fact, by my labeling them "monsters" I have attached my judgement to the experience of who they are, which will not allow growth, but only resistance to growth.
As I look at the man who inspired that post, I know that he was an alcoholic, a rage-oholic, a pedophile, a child abuser, and one of the most depressed men I've ever seen. I could take all of that information and make a judgement, without further inspection. I would say, "No need, he is faulty, broken, evil, damaged and deserves what he gets, whatever that is." However, upon closer examination, upon further investigation, I would know that he was born to an abusive, depressed, suicidal father, who was an adulterer. His mother was cold, distant and unloving. His father died when he was young and he was left to his older, dysfunctional brothers and sisters. I believe he was only 15 or 16 when he joined the army to fight in WWII and later, Korea. He was abused, beaten and forced to experience atrocities, first hand. He was, by all counts, a victim of his childhood, if there is such a thing.
In his generation there was a stigma to seeking help. There were no medications or therapies to help him. He had the Catholic Church but it only made him fear his own mind and feel undeserving. He could hardly bring himself to confess his inner hell so that no forgiveness could be had ....he was too far gone by then. He never forgave himself. His constant need for punishment, his dark thoughts, and his anguish consumed him. He suffers all the effects of living such a life.
His behavior, his personality, his dark mood were grown and fed with his earliest memories of denial and rejection. Now, I know what some of you are thinking. Lots of people grow up abused and neglected and they go on to do great things, it's a matter of choice. Anyone who has ever suffered with a chemical imbalance can tell you that it's not that easy. Your choices, when you are chemically damaged from repeated patterns, are very limited. I know when I suffered an emotional trauma, it took months, in fact, it took nearly two years to completely recover. My mood was dark, I could hardly meditate, my work suffered, and my relationships disappeared. I struggled day after day to recover my Light. I was fortunate to do so. I believe my perseverance was predicated by my previous experience of Lightness. But, for those who have never experienced that spiritual ecstasy, they may not have the desire to continue the fight back to wholeness, for not knowing it exists.
I wanted to deny the human monsters any love or forgiveness. I didn't mind if they continued to suffer.
So, what is the truth if we are all a mirror of each other? It means there is a part of myself I want to deny love and forgiveness. Being able to speak out our inner most anguish, our inner dark thoughts and feelings and forgive our humanness, allows the Light to shine upon it all. Holding it in and hiding it away allows it to fester and create dis-ease and dysfunction. Being in denial of our truth, our past, our feelings is what drives us to our collective obsessions and addictions.
So, I will powder the monsters tush. I will kiss them good-night. I will say, " You are forgiven for your weaknesses, so that we can all be forgiven." Until we can do that, the inner battle and outer battles will continue to rage.
I'll start with forgiving myself for holding on when I could have let go. I forgive myself for blaming others and for hating them for the circumstances that I co-created. I forgive myself for allowing my emotions to run amok, at the detriment of others around me. I forgive myself for judging others and myself, for being human. I am imperfectly, perfect and I will strive to see others in the light of that truth.
I will refill my forgiveness medicine bottle by choosing forgiveness over blame, forgiveness over judgement, forgiveness over anger. That is not to say I will not feel anger or blame but that I will bring it out into the light in order for that energy to be resolved and healed.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
My nephew's past life comment
Michael was only 3 years old when I picked him up from pre-school. He and my daughter are four months apart and more like brother and sister than cousins. They went to the same pre-school together and because my sister and I babysat each others children when we had to work, they practically lived together. On this particular day in 1978, as we approached the curb to cross the street to my car, I said, "Let's be safe and hold each others hands. Look both ways."
Michael said, "Yeah because you could get hit by a car. I was hit by a car once." I realize young children have vivid imaginations but he seemed so certain that this was true. I said, "You did? That must have hurt." He thought about it for a few moments as if trying to remember. He said, "No, it didn't hurt. I just floated away."
I got chills. I asked, "Where did you go?"
His answer? "I went to find my mom and dad. They were at a meeting. They couldn't see me."
Michael said, "Yeah because you could get hit by a car. I was hit by a car once." I realize young children have vivid imaginations but he seemed so certain that this was true. I said, "You did? That must have hurt." He thought about it for a few moments as if trying to remember. He said, "No, it didn't hurt. I just floated away."
I got chills. I asked, "Where did you go?"
His answer? "I went to find my mom and dad. They were at a meeting. They couldn't see me."
Borrowed from another author...
Past Life Memories of Children
Dr. Ian Stevenson has amassed 3000 documented cases of children remembering events from past lives.
In each case of children’s past life memory, Dr. Stevenson methodically documents the child's statements. Then he identifies the deceased person the child remembers being, and verifies the facts of the deceased person's life that match the child's memory. He even matches birthmarks and birth defects to wounds and scars on the deceased, verified by medical records. His strict methods systematically rule out all possible "normal" explanations for the child’s memories.
Dr. Stevenson has devoted the last forty years to the scientific documentation of past life memories of children from all over the world. He has over 3000 cases in his files. Many people, including skeptics and scholars, agree that these cases offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation.
Dr. Stevenson's credentials are impeccable. He is a medical doctor and had many scholarly papers to his credit before he began paranormal research. He is the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, and now is Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia.
Dr. Ian Stevenson has amassed 3000 documented cases of children remembering events from past lives.
In each case of children’s past life memory, Dr. Stevenson methodically documents the child's statements. Then he identifies the deceased person the child remembers being, and verifies the facts of the deceased person's life that match the child's memory. He even matches birthmarks and birth defects to wounds and scars on the deceased, verified by medical records. His strict methods systematically rule out all possible "normal" explanations for the child’s memories.
Dr. Stevenson has devoted the last forty years to the scientific documentation of past life memories of children from all over the world. He has over 3000 cases in his files. Many people, including skeptics and scholars, agree that these cases offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation.
Dr. Stevenson's credentials are impeccable. He is a medical doctor and had many scholarly papers to his credit before he began paranormal research. He is the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, and now is Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Self

Taken from The Book of Runes
The starting point is the self. Its essence is water. Only clarity, willingness to change, is effective now. A correct relationship to your self is primary, for from it flow all possible correct relationships with others and with the Divine.
Remain modest--that is the Oracle's counsel. Regardless of how great may be your merit, be yielding, devoted and moderate, for then you have a true direction for your way of life.
Be in the world but not of it, that is implicit here. And yet do not be closed, narrow, or judging, but remain receptive to impulses flowing from Divine within and without. Strive to live the ordinary life in a non-ordinary way. Remember at all times what is coming to be and passing away, and focus on that which abides. Nothing less is called for from you now.
This is a time of major growth and rectification and, as a rule, rectification must come before progress. The field is tilled before the seed is planted, the garden is weeded before the flower blooms, and the self must know stillness before it can discover its true song.
This is not a time to seek credit for accomplishments or to focus on results. Rather, be content to do your task for the task's sake. This is more a problem for those whose eyes are always on the goal than for those who have not forgotten how to play and can more easily find themselves in doing the work for its own sake. Herein lies the secret of experiencing a true present.
If you take the Rune of the Self and cut it down the middle, you will see the Rune for Joy with its mirror image. There is a subtle caution here against carelessness. The dancing acrobatic energy of balancing is called for now--the Self is required to balance the self. Nothing in excess was the second phrase written over the gateway to the temple of Delphi. The first counsel was Know thyself.
REVERSED: If you feel blocked, do not turn to others, but look inside, in silence, for the enemy of your progress. No matter what area of your life seems to be impeded, stop and consider: You will recognize the outer "enemy" as but a reflection of what you have not, until now, been able or willing to recognize as coming from within.
Above all do not give yourself airs. Breaking the momentum of past habits is the challenge here: In the life of the Spirit you are always at the beginning.
The starting point is the self. Its essence is water. Only clarity, willingness to change, is effective now. A correct relationship to your self is primary, for from it flow all possible correct relationships with others and with the Divine.
Remain modest--that is the Oracle's counsel. Regardless of how great may be your merit, be yielding, devoted and moderate, for then you have a true direction for your way of life.
Be in the world but not of it, that is implicit here. And yet do not be closed, narrow, or judging, but remain receptive to impulses flowing from Divine within and without. Strive to live the ordinary life in a non-ordinary way. Remember at all times what is coming to be and passing away, and focus on that which abides. Nothing less is called for from you now.
This is a time of major growth and rectification and, as a rule, rectification must come before progress. The field is tilled before the seed is planted, the garden is weeded before the flower blooms, and the self must know stillness before it can discover its true song.
This is not a time to seek credit for accomplishments or to focus on results. Rather, be content to do your task for the task's sake. This is more a problem for those whose eyes are always on the goal than for those who have not forgotten how to play and can more easily find themselves in doing the work for its own sake. Herein lies the secret of experiencing a true present.
If you take the Rune of the Self and cut it down the middle, you will see the Rune for Joy with its mirror image. There is a subtle caution here against carelessness. The dancing acrobatic energy of balancing is called for now--the Self is required to balance the self. Nothing in excess was the second phrase written over the gateway to the temple of Delphi. The first counsel was Know thyself.
REVERSED: If you feel blocked, do not turn to others, but look inside, in silence, for the enemy of your progress. No matter what area of your life seems to be impeded, stop and consider: You will recognize the outer "enemy" as but a reflection of what you have not, until now, been able or willing to recognize as coming from within.
Above all do not give yourself airs. Breaking the momentum of past habits is the challenge here: In the life of the Spirit you are always at the beginning.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Where is the sun?
I once thought I would like to retire to Oregon or Washington but now I know I can't do that. Los Angeles suffers during May and June from what we call a thick marine layer that spreads across the entire basin. Living at the beach, as I do, I get it all day long, day after day, the wet, grey, misty, fog. I don't do well during these months. I long for sunshine, warmth and blue skies. Here it is, only one month into our Gray May and weeks to go before we're out of June Gloom, and my mood is, shall we say, less than sunny? I'm taking Oregon and Washington off of my list for retirement locations. Perhaps I should take a closer look at Colorado? I hear they have more sunny days than California.
Care givers...
His father's diaper needed changing and it was time for his medication. He could hear his mother's slippered feet shuffling across the kitchen floor. He knows she is looking for him. Her dementia is frightening to her and she needs to have her son in her sights or she begins to panic, calling out his name, in a cry, like a small, frightened child. There's no place for him to hide. He whispers into the phone, "If they were dogs, they would have been put down two years ago."
I don't know how he manages his life like this. I'm not sure I would have the patience to be the primary care giver to the man who abused me, beat me, threatened and humiliated me my whole life, or to the woman who couldn't or wouldn't protect me. I asked him, "Why are you doing this?" He answered, "My Christian ethics demand it." Hmmm. I would like to say that taking care of your parents, in their old age, is also a Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan, Hindu and Jewish ethic. I dare say it's a human ethic. But, why go into that...
His father's heart attacks, strokes, cancer and more surgeries and medications are more than most people could tolerate, but his fear of death keeps his father breathing. His speech is unintelligible, his body weak and feeble. The same body that 30 years ago towered above his son screaming, "Are you a faggot? You better not be a faggot or I'll kill you." The same man who took his twelve year old son to a whore house in Tiajuana to prove his manhood. The same man who molested little girls and drank himself to sleep every night. The man who's rage raped a woman who said, "No."
His father is 82 years old now and sober for the past 20 years. He was never arrested for any of the crimes he committed, which is oddly confusing to me. How did he get away with it all ? Or did he?
After we hung up the phone, I wondered, do I have what it takes to be forgiving and loving to a human monster? Do I have the ability or willingness to love them in spite of who they are? Could I have powdered the tush of Hitler and kissed him good-night? Would I have been able to forgive Timothy McVey or Osama Bin Laden, or Jerry Falwell, give them a sponge bath, and sing them to sleep? I think not. There are special people for that job. I don't think I'm one of them.
I don't know how he manages his life like this. I'm not sure I would have the patience to be the primary care giver to the man who abused me, beat me, threatened and humiliated me my whole life, or to the woman who couldn't or wouldn't protect me. I asked him, "Why are you doing this?" He answered, "My Christian ethics demand it." Hmmm. I would like to say that taking care of your parents, in their old age, is also a Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan, Hindu and Jewish ethic. I dare say it's a human ethic. But, why go into that...
His father's heart attacks, strokes, cancer and more surgeries and medications are more than most people could tolerate, but his fear of death keeps his father breathing. His speech is unintelligible, his body weak and feeble. The same body that 30 years ago towered above his son screaming, "Are you a faggot? You better not be a faggot or I'll kill you." The same man who took his twelve year old son to a whore house in Tiajuana to prove his manhood. The same man who molested little girls and drank himself to sleep every night. The man who's rage raped a woman who said, "No."
His father is 82 years old now and sober for the past 20 years. He was never arrested for any of the crimes he committed, which is oddly confusing to me. How did he get away with it all ? Or did he?
After we hung up the phone, I wondered, do I have what it takes to be forgiving and loving to a human monster? Do I have the ability or willingness to love them in spite of who they are? Could I have powdered the tush of Hitler and kissed him good-night? Would I have been able to forgive Timothy McVey or Osama Bin Laden, or Jerry Falwell, give them a sponge bath, and sing them to sleep? I think not. There are special people for that job. I don't think I'm one of them.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I knew it!
Komfie Manalo - All Headline News Correspondent
New Delhi, India (AHN) - A 120-year-old woman claims that smoking cannabis every day is her secret to long life.
Fulla Nayak, from India, says she reached the age of 120 by smoking pot and drinking strong palm wine in her hut everyday.
She is living with her 92-year-old daughter and 72-year-old grandson.
Nayak told The Sun newspaper, "I don't know how I've survived so long. Many relatives much younger than me have died."
New Delhi, India (AHN) - A 120-year-old woman claims that smoking cannabis every day is her secret to long life.
Fulla Nayak, from India, says she reached the age of 120 by smoking pot and drinking strong palm wine in her hut everyday.
She is living with her 92-year-old daughter and 72-year-old grandson.
Nayak told The Sun newspaper, "I don't know how I've survived so long. Many relatives much younger than me have died."
Cosmetic Enhancements
Her first experience with cosmetic enhancement was way back in 1970. She saved her waitress money and bought herself a set of acrylic nails. LOVED THEM! She had them painted and reapplied every week.
Next, she used artificial tan goop and sun lamps to give her that 'natural', athletic, California, Girl-Next-Door look.
Someone told her her nose wasn't cute, it was 'aristocratic' and that sent her into a tailspin. She called a doctor and borrowed some money from her parents and went under the knife. Viola!
She had a Farrah Faucet nose in 24 easy payments.
Then she began to notice that her boobs weren't getting the attention they deserved. 36 B was hardly enough to satisfy her desire to appeal to the opposite sex. So, Visa gave her some credit and back to the doctor she went. 36 D's outta get some love coming her way....and they did. She was pregnant within the year.
After three children and a divorce she once again yearned for some man attention. She took her divorce settlement and bought herself a face lift, chin implant, eye lift, and tummy tuck. She had the doctor take fat from her knees (because they were bulky) and put it in her face, around her nose and in her lips. It didn't turn out as perfectly as she had imagined so she visited a tattoo parlor and had her lips tattooed and her eyeliner and eye brows permanently placed.
As she aged her eyes lost a little vision and she couldn't stand the idea of wearing glasses, so back to the operating room she went.
Her hair started greying so bleach was applied and her coochie was waxed cleaned of any strays.
Carbs are her enemy, celery her freind, Atkins is God and burgers are hell.
Her shoes are from Italy and her bras are from France. Her bunions will be fixed in the fall.
Her ears are pierced, her nipples are enhanced, her armpits are hairless, her wrinkles smoothed out and her butt is lifted. She drives a new car, wears 30 pounds of gold and gemstones, and her teeth are bleached to perfection. Her eyelashes are tinted, her toenails are studded, her belly button pierced.
Her children are grown, her lover just left her, and she feels all alone again. Her 65th birthday is soon and she wants to have a party, but not until she gets a little something done to make her look pretty.
Next, she used artificial tan goop and sun lamps to give her that 'natural', athletic, California, Girl-Next-Door look.
Someone told her her nose wasn't cute, it was 'aristocratic' and that sent her into a tailspin. She called a doctor and borrowed some money from her parents and went under the knife. Viola!
She had a Farrah Faucet nose in 24 easy payments.
Then she began to notice that her boobs weren't getting the attention they deserved. 36 B was hardly enough to satisfy her desire to appeal to the opposite sex. So, Visa gave her some credit and back to the doctor she went. 36 D's outta get some love coming her way....and they did. She was pregnant within the year.
After three children and a divorce she once again yearned for some man attention. She took her divorce settlement and bought herself a face lift, chin implant, eye lift, and tummy tuck. She had the doctor take fat from her knees (because they were bulky) and put it in her face, around her nose and in her lips. It didn't turn out as perfectly as she had imagined so she visited a tattoo parlor and had her lips tattooed and her eyeliner and eye brows permanently placed.
As she aged her eyes lost a little vision and she couldn't stand the idea of wearing glasses, so back to the operating room she went.
Her hair started greying so bleach was applied and her coochie was waxed cleaned of any strays.
Carbs are her enemy, celery her freind, Atkins is God and burgers are hell.
Her shoes are from Italy and her bras are from France. Her bunions will be fixed in the fall.
Her ears are pierced, her nipples are enhanced, her armpits are hairless, her wrinkles smoothed out and her butt is lifted. She drives a new car, wears 30 pounds of gold and gemstones, and her teeth are bleached to perfection. Her eyelashes are tinted, her toenails are studded, her belly button pierced.
Her children are grown, her lover just left her, and she feels all alone again. Her 65th birthday is soon and she wants to have a party, but not until she gets a little something done to make her look pretty.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The Athenian Secret Society
The U.S. Postal Service delivered a letter to me yesterday from THE ATHENIAN SECRET SOCIETY. It was addressed to me, Elizabeth, and claimed not to be a mass mailing. Throughout the six page letter I was referred to by name and was told that the first class mailing was not a solicitation for money, that, in fact, I was going to get something of immense value, absolutely free and with no strings attached. A secret society has analyzed my profile and I would be unbelievably flattered if I knew who these remarkable individuals were. Apparently they have discovered something special about me and of my special and rare talents and traits. The letter claimed that my hidden talents must be phenomenal for the members of this society to select me. It went on and on for six pages, stroking and prodding and flattering and dangling a carrot. The carrot is a 56 page document with the secret to financial freedom, love, romance, health and blah blah blah. Completely free of charge. It even claimed to swear on The Bible! All I have to do is mail or fax back to them, within five days a signed letter accepting the invitation to join the secret society. If not returned with five days the deal was off, never to be offered again.
My first thought was, if they really knew my profile they would know I'm not into secret societies. They'd also know I already have the secret. Six pages of compliments and promises of fortune, love, health, for FREE no less....that is until you get the 56 pages is my guess. I looked them up....the cost of the full manuscript or book is $150. I wonder how many people are falling for this scam. How much money are these people making by sending out these well crafted letters of invitation, sent by first class mail?
The letter was signed by Kirsten Hart. I hope these people get karma served up real soon. There are millions of lonely misguided people out there in need of the ego strokes this letter was spewing. Individuals with such a hunger for direction, for a secret to pull them up and out of their poverty, loneliness and ill health who would fall for this kind of crapola.
My first thought was, if they really knew my profile they would know I'm not into secret societies. They'd also know I already have the secret. Six pages of compliments and promises of fortune, love, health, for FREE no less....that is until you get the 56 pages is my guess. I looked them up....the cost of the full manuscript or book is $150. I wonder how many people are falling for this scam. How much money are these people making by sending out these well crafted letters of invitation, sent by first class mail?
The letter was signed by Kirsten Hart. I hope these people get karma served up real soon. There are millions of lonely misguided people out there in need of the ego strokes this letter was spewing. Individuals with such a hunger for direction, for a secret to pull them up and out of their poverty, loneliness and ill health who would fall for this kind of crapola.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Breathing, Nutrition, and Sleep
I was reminded, yesterday, that there is more to being radiantly healthy than simply believing you are. There are elements to creating health that go beyond the practice of creating through thought. Most of us live in a toxic, polluted environment. I understand one out of three of us suffer from sleep deprivation. Our food supply has been modified, processed and putrefied. The meat packing industry is appalling with its practices and the cattle and poultry industries have forever been injecting our supply with antibiotics, growth hormones, and feeding the animals tainted foods. I won't even go into how veal gets to be veal or how chickens are housed. If you want more information about it read, Diet For A New America. The rate of heart disease, cancer, obesity, mental disorders, learning disabilities, and mental disorders are rising at unimaginable rates.
One in six Americans is on a prescription drug. Chemicals compounds to adjust a mood, or to help you focus or to make you sleep or to do just about whatever you can imagine, has consequences on a cellular level that may be compromising other organs and systems. They are advertised as the answer to your problem, however, the problem could be caused by something you're eating or not eating.
Sleep disorders may not be as prevalent if we didn't have 24 hours of television programming. We lost our rhythm of being human because of electricity. It's light when it should be dark. Our minds are full of chatter from radio, television, video games and newspapers. Caffeine in soft drinks and the daily coffee consumption will interfere with your system more than you may realize.
Lack of sufficient oxygen intake will make you tired, moody, depressed and fat.
So, besides your daily sessions of belief management...that is....creating in your mind the vision of perfect health, and feeling, and creating that experience, it would be wise to assist your body in returning to the basics. Do you want to feel the best you've ever felt?
Eat organic vegetables whenever possible. Support local farmers who don't use genetically engineered seeds or chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It's good for your body and good for the planet. Learn to cook. Eating at home or home cook food is far superior to most restaurants. At least you can be assured nobody is coughing or spitting on your food.
Clean water is essential for your body to function properly. Eight glasses a day is a good beginning.
Breath deeply. Open up your lungs to full capacity and stretch yourself. If you live in a large city like Los Angeles, get an air purifier. Oxygenate yourself!
And sleep, sleep, sleep. Uninterrupted sleep for a minimum of 8 hours every day can make the biggest difference to your moods and thought processes.
I will be adding links to sites that disclose practices in our food industry you may not be aware of.
Americans seem to have a certain blind trust in our government to protect us, after all, we have federal agencies set up to do just that. Kind of like the federal agency that was doing such a heck of a job after Katrina. Labeling laws don't have to tell you if food has been genetically engineered. So, don't think for one second, that the FDA is checking your food for fecal matter, bugs, pesticides, poisons. They'll tell you a certain amount isn't bad....but who's checking?
So, avoid caffeine, soft drinks, (diet and otherwise) and processed foods. Breath deeply, eat organic and see a new America re birthing itself.
One in six Americans is on a prescription drug. Chemicals compounds to adjust a mood, or to help you focus or to make you sleep or to do just about whatever you can imagine, has consequences on a cellular level that may be compromising other organs and systems. They are advertised as the answer to your problem, however, the problem could be caused by something you're eating or not eating.
Sleep disorders may not be as prevalent if we didn't have 24 hours of television programming. We lost our rhythm of being human because of electricity. It's light when it should be dark. Our minds are full of chatter from radio, television, video games and newspapers. Caffeine in soft drinks and the daily coffee consumption will interfere with your system more than you may realize.
Lack of sufficient oxygen intake will make you tired, moody, depressed and fat.
So, besides your daily sessions of belief management...that is....creating in your mind the vision of perfect health, and feeling, and creating that experience, it would be wise to assist your body in returning to the basics. Do you want to feel the best you've ever felt?
Eat organic vegetables whenever possible. Support local farmers who don't use genetically engineered seeds or chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It's good for your body and good for the planet. Learn to cook. Eating at home or home cook food is far superior to most restaurants. At least you can be assured nobody is coughing or spitting on your food.
Clean water is essential for your body to function properly. Eight glasses a day is a good beginning.
Breath deeply. Open up your lungs to full capacity and stretch yourself. If you live in a large city like Los Angeles, get an air purifier. Oxygenate yourself!
And sleep, sleep, sleep. Uninterrupted sleep for a minimum of 8 hours every day can make the biggest difference to your moods and thought processes.
I will be adding links to sites that disclose practices in our food industry you may not be aware of.
Americans seem to have a certain blind trust in our government to protect us, after all, we have federal agencies set up to do just that. Kind of like the federal agency that was doing such a heck of a job after Katrina. Labeling laws don't have to tell you if food has been genetically engineered. So, don't think for one second, that the FDA is checking your food for fecal matter, bugs, pesticides, poisons. They'll tell you a certain amount isn't bad....but who's checking?
So, avoid caffeine, soft drinks, (diet and otherwise) and processed foods. Breath deeply, eat organic and see a new America re birthing itself.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Quote from Marianne Williamson
A Course In Miracles says that our greatest tool for changing the world is our capacity to "change our minds about the world." Because thought is the creative level of things, changing our minds is the ultimate personal empowerment.
Catalina, My Beautiful Island

Healing a baby
When a spirit arrives and attaches itself to a family and a particular set of circumstances, whether it is to teach something or to learn something or both, it is attracted to the energetic dynamics of the primary family, or the primary scenario. The energy of the spirit is attracted by it's own vibration to the family that is vibrating at the same frequency. Energy attracts like energy. Therefore, there are no accidents. As much as you would like to think you couldn't possibly have chosen your crazy mother or your immature father or your selfish sister or brother, you did indeed attract the perfect family for your journey here. You are not a victim of your birth order or your DNA or their parental ineptitude, and not even the apparent accidental circumstances.
Each spirit anchors at the moment of conception but is able to come and go throughout the first several years. Infants can still be very attached to the other side, the spiritual world, the dimension unseen by our adult eyes. Young ones see energies and spirits much more easily because they don't have the filters that develop in later years. An infant is often moving back and forth between Heaven and Earth. However, there is a certain amount of time that the spiritual energy or soul must integrate with the body so that the infant can bond and mature in this earthly dimension. Sometimes a spirit is reluctant to integrate, especially if the physical body has suffered a traumatic, painful experience.
You can see in the eyes of an infant that has yet to integrate, a film over the corneas. There's a disconnect as if the baby is blind. It won't hear the soothing voice of the mother or be able to track her movement. An infant who has suffered traumatic pain may disassociate from it's body so completely that it takes enormous effort to get the spirit to reconnect.
My granddaughter is such an infant. Her traumatic experience was heart surgery on her fifth day of this earthly experience. Her subsequent infection created an ongoing painful protocol that shifted her awareness right out of her body. Consequently she is developmentally delayed. She wasn't present when she was supposed to be learning things about her body. She was in a state of anxiety almost constantly. Her tiny fists were clinched, her body rigid with anticipation of pain, her diaphragm was tight which made digestion difficult.
I didn't know how to reach her. I did a reading in January and saw what I thought was her guardian angel, but it was actually her Higher Self Spirit that hadn't integrated with her body. It had split off. The day before Easter we found a healer who gave Marlie a 'do-over'. She had a re birthing session with Dr. Ray Castellino in Santa Barbara and since then she is recovering herself. Her hands are open, her eyes are focusing, she can hear her mother call her name and she's beginning to hold up her head. Physically she is five months old and thriving. She's in the 95th percentile for height and weight, but energetically she is five weeks old.
Each spirit anchors at the moment of conception but is able to come and go throughout the first several years. Infants can still be very attached to the other side, the spiritual world, the dimension unseen by our adult eyes. Young ones see energies and spirits much more easily because they don't have the filters that develop in later years. An infant is often moving back and forth between Heaven and Earth. However, there is a certain amount of time that the spiritual energy or soul must integrate with the body so that the infant can bond and mature in this earthly dimension. Sometimes a spirit is reluctant to integrate, especially if the physical body has suffered a traumatic, painful experience.
You can see in the eyes of an infant that has yet to integrate, a film over the corneas. There's a disconnect as if the baby is blind. It won't hear the soothing voice of the mother or be able to track her movement. An infant who has suffered traumatic pain may disassociate from it's body so completely that it takes enormous effort to get the spirit to reconnect.
My granddaughter is such an infant. Her traumatic experience was heart surgery on her fifth day of this earthly experience. Her subsequent infection created an ongoing painful protocol that shifted her awareness right out of her body. Consequently she is developmentally delayed. She wasn't present when she was supposed to be learning things about her body. She was in a state of anxiety almost constantly. Her tiny fists were clinched, her body rigid with anticipation of pain, her diaphragm was tight which made digestion difficult.
I didn't know how to reach her. I did a reading in January and saw what I thought was her guardian angel, but it was actually her Higher Self Spirit that hadn't integrated with her body. It had split off. The day before Easter we found a healer who gave Marlie a 'do-over'. She had a re birthing session with Dr. Ray Castellino in Santa Barbara and since then she is recovering herself. Her hands are open, her eyes are focusing, she can hear her mother call her name and she's beginning to hold up her head. Physically she is five months old and thriving. She's in the 95th percentile for height and weight, but energetically she is five weeks old.
I write this story again because it is so profoundly apparent to me that this is the message she has come here to teach me. That is this.....whatever your pain, whatever your trauma, whatever dish was served to you, you had a need for it, you had a lesson in it. Whatever your state of affairs are, in this moment, you have but one thing to do to lift yourself up, that is......come back to your experience of being right here, right now. Come back to your body. Come back to the balanced state of Mind, Body and Spirit to find your way to peace. If you are holding onto your traumas, your misfortunes, your mistakes, as a way of staying disconnected and protected, because, after all, that is the purpose of the disconnection, then you are missing out on the peace of the present moment. Fear is separating you from Love. The anticipation of more pain puts you in a state of anxiety and suffering. Putting your attention on what is painful, or what 'was' painful, will stunt your spiritual and emotional growth. Your mind will be limited in its vision of your entire truth, or your authentic self. Your mind will, instead of expand and embrace a more enlightened, broadened vision, it will contract and resist. In the state of resisitance lies the doubt, the pain and the suffering. Open your experience to, not only the programmed thoughts in your middle self mind, but enclude the experience of all of your body, higher self mind, and your soul. The trilogy of perfect balance. We are all made in the image and likeness of God. We all have the ability to heal each other, to love each other, to make miracles happen.
Remember, a healing is simply lifting your vibration to a higher frequency. If you are depressed or apathetic then lifting your vibration to anger is a healing. If you are stuck in anger then lifting your vibration to forgiveness is a healing. One step at a time. From Fear to Love. Keep on keeping on. Breathe it in....breathe it out. Come home.
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