Friday, October 17, 2008

Shifting Your Vibrational Output.

The doom and gloom prognosticators don't know what you know. They either don't know, or they don't care. What they know is that bad news sells. Disasters and chaos sells. Murders, kidnappings and wars, sell. We tune in to see what the stock market is doing and how the housing market will affect us and what the job situation is and down we go, down the dark rabbit hole of doom and gloom. That will insure us tuning in again later. What they don't know is energy attracts like energy. What they don't know is that when you are constantly talking about and thinking about what is wrong or what may go wrong, and looking for evidence that it's all going wrong, it will. It will all go wrong for those who are looking for it to go wrong.

If you don't want to go down into the dark rabbit hole of pessimism then start looking for the positive evidence this change is bringing about. Shift your vibration from fear and dread to hope and courage. Check out
New industries are being created. New discoveries and inventions are popping up all over the world. Necessity is the mother of invention! For every job lost, one is being created. For every flower that fades one is preparing to grow. It is the cycle of life. It is the cycle and patterns of energy.

Look, I'm an old woman. I've lived through many economic downturns. I've watching the markets go up and down for many years. What I know is that panic and fear will take it down further and hope and courage and willingness to change will bring it back up.

David Hawkins wrote a wonderful book, "Power vs. Force" sharing his findings from many years of studying the human energy field and the vibration of thoughts and beliefs and emotions. He created a Map of Consciousness when he calibrated levels of energy from the conscious awareness of thoughts, beliefs and emotional output. When we are vibrating with the low and slow tone of fear our egos try to force things to happen. We become controlling and constricted. We pull our energy in like an pill bug. When we constrict with fear, we raise our blood pressure, and create an energetic block wall around us so nothing can get in to hurt us. We go into survival mode, and become hyper vigilant, looking for the hidden danger in every shadow. It works to keep everything out but in keeping everything out for our protection we are keeping out peace of mind, radiant health, compassion, appreciation, and Love.

When we are vibrating with courage, self love, appreciation and compassion, we activate a shift in our vibrational output to be the attractors of positive experiences. When we vibrate with love, faith and trust we feel expanded and open. We become the blessed receivers of more love.

Your thoughts, emotions and experiences are a vibrational match.

That is why the worse you feel the worse things get. That's why, "When it rains, it pours"

The universe holds unlimited potential and possibilities. Instead of constricting with fear and dread, open up with courage, hope and love and allow the new ideas, opportunities and possibilities to manifest in your reality.

Here is a simple mantra. "Thank you! I love you!" Say it to yourself all day long. Say it to your inner child, your inner intuitive coach, your higher self, middle self and lower self. Breathe deeply to relax and repeat it in your mind until it activates in your cells.

David Hawkins noted that the higher vibrations of the minority will shift the vibration of the majority. For every person vibrating at willingness or courage, it will counter the negative vibration of hundreds of thousands of people lost in fear.

You do it, I do it, we all do it with our attention. What do you want to put your attention on today?

Thank you, I love you.