Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Enough Blame 'For This Economic Storm To Go Around?

All parties are saying that there is enough blame for this economic storm to go around and that there will be time to point fingers later, after the election.

Here it is, the storm is roaring in the ears of the recent and soon-to-be homeless, the recently unemployed and now uninsured, the small business owners and large business owners, the retired and soon-to-be retired and nobody wants to take responsibility for this global chaos.

The religious right came out and said that hurricane Katrina was blamed on gays or the godless of America. Failing schools and education is blamed on the loss of religious prayers in public schools. Earthquakes are blamed on a vengeful God for communism but the economic failures are business practices? What? Not on God's anger at the blatant greed? Not God's vengeance for lying, cheating and stealing? What happened? The religious right is silent this time. Isn't greed one of the seven deadly sins? Isn't stealing mentioned in the Ten Commandments? Where are the religious leaders now? It's pretty quiet out there except for the sound of the global economic/political storm.

We could blame President Bill Clinton and his Republican Congress for encouraging Fannie and Freddie to offer more sub prime loans to low income families to give them a chance at the American Dream, or we could blame President George Bush and his many minions for deregulation of the mortgage and banking system. We could even go as far back as Ronald Reagan's 'trickle down economics'. Let's blame and blame and blame until we finally have ignored the storm long enough to allow it to blow over and then we'll go back to life as usual....hmmmm?

I have another idea. Let's all take responsibility for our actions that were not motivated by love or grace. Let's go deep inside of our conscious awareness and look for any and all of our arrogant sense of entitlement to plunder the Earth of her natural resources for our personal pleasure. Let's ask everyone to look inside for the actions we may have taken that were motivated by anything other than our highest good or the highest good for all of humanity. Let's pull out each and every old dark secret, when we were less than honest, less than authentic, less than loving, less than generous, less than compassionate and bring those energies into the Light to forgive ourselves, to heal our energies of greed and irresponsibility and personal guilt.

The world is a reflection of you. What you see on the large stage of American politics and economic systems is a reflection of the consciousness of the majority.

I think this storm is raging like a hurricane. It will clear the weak foundations we have built. It will offer us all an opportunity to re-evaluate our priorities. We have purchased blindly. We have greedily gathered our 'stuff'. We filled our homes with toxic toys and gadgets that we don't need but have somehow convinced ourselves we must have. We have charged up our credit cards and not saved for the rainy days...well it's raining now. The storm is here. The winds of change are blowing.
We cannot hide from ourselves any longer. We cannot waste another minute blaming others or God for any of this.

Here is what I told my class last night. Move to the eye of the storm. There is peace and calm and blue sky there. Surrender your fear to the winds. Surrender your false priorities and your desire for the things you think you can't live without. Prosperity consciousness does not come without a sense of responsibility and conscious awareness of the damage we do to the Earth. Prosperity consciousness is knowing that the universe is an abundant source of support and love for your well-being not for your personal greed for stuff that cannot be recycled, reused or renewed. We are being offered a fresh start here. Let this storm blow out the old ideas and ways of doing business. Let's all adopt the Triple bottom line in our personal lives and in our business practices. "People, Planet, Profit" in that order.

Move to the eye of the storm and re-evaluate your priorities. This is not the end of times. It is the beginning of new times.